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reputation Page 22

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  And that wasn’t happening again. No. Fucking. Way.

  “I could spend days on your beautiful breasts, Blaybaby. Days…” I rasped as I pushed her back onto the bed, admiring my handiwork on her red, swollen nipples. They were vibrant red tattoos of how delicious she tasted.

  “Zach, please,” she whimpered, writhing on the comforter like she was lying on a bed of flames.

  My fingers dug into her hips, pushing her into the mattress for a split second before I flicked open her jeans, hooked onto the waistband, and unpainted the denim from her skin, taking her underwear right along with them. Pink porcelain greeted me, still cool to the touch as I tossed the last of her clothes to my side.

  “Just one taste.” She was watching with wide eyes, propped up on her elbows. I rubbed my hand over my eyes, like I couldn’t believe what I was seeing—that I was seeing her, spread wide in front of me, her slick pussy begging to be filled. “So beautiful, Blay. So wet.”

  This was what my dreams were made of. My little runaway with her pink sex dripping and clenching for me.

  I sighed, running my hands up her thighs and then letting one finger drift along her wet slit. She shivered on the bed as I leaned in, inhaling the scent of her that was only for me. Holding her legs wide for me, I groaned pressing my tongue flat against the base of her pussy and letting it run slowly up to the velvet bud between her folds, taking every drop of her with me as I went.

  I knew she didn’t have long as I slipped one finger inside her passage, feeling the way her muscles flexed around my finger. A second slow lick was accompanied by a second finger inside of her. And then I went three for three.



  Forcing my tongue away from her drugged sweetness, I pulled back and stood to strip off the rest of my clothes, my eyes never leaving hers.

  Small hands covered mine. “Let me.” Hungry eyes looked up to mine as her tongue darted out over her lower lip which was even fuller because I’d been making her bite it.


  My body vibrating, I clenched my jaw as she undid the zipper on my jeans, stifling a groan at the pressure against my cock. I saw stars when she tugged the waist down over my massive erection and dragged my jeans to my ankles. My cock was red, angry, and throbbing as it bobbed heavily right in front of her face. I watched the subtle widening of her eyes and the lick of that damn lip. She wanted to taste me. To suck me. And fuck if I didn’t want to shove my dick down that pretty little throat of hers and watch those red lips leave streaks down my shaft.

  Christ. I tried to inhale. I didn’t think I’d ever been this hard.

  Never one to be subtle about what she wanted—especially when it came to me—I watched her slim fingers wrap around me and pull me towards her mouth. My hips jerked and I quickly unpeeled her hand from my length before she found herself with a face full of cum.

  “Next time, Blakebaby,” I growled and pushed her back onto the bed.

  If I survived this time.

  Climbing between her thighs felt like coming home—if home was a place I’d dreamt about but never been. My thick arousal lay wedged against her hot core. Throbbing. Demanding. Leaking with raging desire. I couldn’t stop myself from rubbing against her, craving the wet friction of her body.

  “Please tell me you’re on the pill.” Her throat bobbed as she swallowed, nodding as her knees rose on either side of my hips, landing me further encased by her slick folds. “I’ve never had sex… unprotected… before,” I ground out, my vision going white as her heat soaked me, “but I can’t stand the thought of not feeling you tonight.”

  She whimpered. “I know, Zach. I know…” Wrapping her legs around my waist, she moaned, “I need you inside me.”

  Hungry lips sought mine. I gave her the kiss she was searching for—the one that sealed this, and us—the one that made this for keeps.

  I positioned my tip at her entrance, letting her desire drench me.

  “Blakebaby…” I groaned as I pushed inside of her impossibly tight core.

  Hot velvet gripped my cock. Heaven. Hell. Hers. Inch by torturous inch, I slid inside her and her small gasps had the power to end me. I refused to release her gaze. Watching the way her lip quivered, the way her breath struggled, as I spread her muscles and stretched them wide to accommodate me was hypnotic. Sparks marched down my spine, demanding my surrender to the need to slam inside of her and take what I’d dreamt of for years.

  But she was too perfect for that.

  Tonight was too important for that.

  “You ok?” I could barely focus on her as I pushed the last inch of my dick into her unbelievable pussy, dying little by little in the hot vise around me.

  “Yeah,” she exhaled and shifted underneath me, her muscles rippling around mine.

  “Fuck,” I swore at the mind-numbing sensation. Nine years. Nine fucking years. I felt like pleasure had been boiled down and cut like the finest drug before it was injected in almost-fatal amounts back into my veins. Groaning, I sunk my teeth into the side of her neck desperately trying to hold on as I began the torturous pull back out of her.

  “You can… go faster.” Her long legs wrapped around me. I froze, the head of my dick just inside her entrance.

  “Christ, Blay, I want to go more than faster, but I don’t want to hurt you.” My arms shook as I rested my weight on them, trying to keep myself from ramming into her.

  Her head turned towards mine and she said with a soft, throaty whisper, “I need you to go faster.” She arched against me, her legs giving me no retreat, and I sank swiftly back into her heaven.

  There she was, the girl who would smear mud all over her Sunday-best to get what she wanted.

  And fuck if I didn’t want to give it to her.

  She gasped at the barely-familiar invasion—the kind that said I filled her perfectly and that she was desperate for more.

  A growl tore from my chest as my mouth captured hers. Pushing my tongue roughly inside her lips, I drove my cock into her just like she wanted—faster and unforgivingly. Her hands ran frantically over my body, gripping and scratching, needing more.

  I couldn’t think. All I knew was that I needed more of the friction of her body around mine as I pounded into her. And my Blay was right there with me, meeting each grinding thrust, panting and moaning with each unyielding assault.

  Our hips slapping together sounded like a fucking slow clap leading up to the most incredible moment of my life. Faster and faster. Louder and louder. I heard each time I slid into her sopping wet pussy and more of her desire leaked between us

  I felt her orgasm build—a sensation that would have been lost with a fucking condom. Her muscles quivered, her legs opening wider, demanding that I drive deeper inside her, hitting that tender spot with each stroke.

  “Come for me, baby,” I grunted into her lips.

  Her whole body tensed and arched as she screamed my name. Her orgasm crashed through her, making her needy sex jerk and clench greedily around my cock. Her scream—like a fucking siren’s song—pulled me to my little death.

  “Blay…” Her name spilled from my lips as I exploded inside her. My release erupted long and hard as I filled her with my cum.


  Goodbye, Press.

  Goodbye, Fans.

  Goodbye, World.

  Blake Tyler was mine.

  I collapsed onto her, our bodies quaking together, aftershocks rushing over us in tandem. I kissed along her jaw, burying into her neck and breathing in deep. Cookies. And sex. Both sweet and delicious. Her fingers trailed up and brushed gently along my cheek, like she couldn’t believe it either.

  “Part of me wants to tell you that I never knew it could be like that,” I said, my voice barely even a whisper, afraid to let the force of my emotions show. “The other part tells me that I always knew it would be like that with you.”

  I felt her swallow, her heartbeat picking up pace underneath me. “Me, too.”

  Track 14: Beauti

  “Keep me safe. Keep me warm.

  Bring me back through the storm.

  Love is patient. Love is kind.

  Love is beautiful when it’s with you.”

  I DIDN’T WANT TO MOVE in case this was all a dream; I wasn’t ready to wake up. My body still hummed with release. Lying here, fading in and out of reality, my heart swelled with the love I could no longer deny.

  I blinked a few times, testing out whether or not everything would disappear with each one.

  Nope—still Zach. Still here.

  Still mine.

  A soft cry escaped when I felt him start to move, slowly pulling out of me and lifting off my chest.

  “I know, Blaybaby,” he said hoarsely, “but we should shower.”

  “I don’t want to move.” I turned into the covers.

  Zach chuckled as he grabbed my ankle and tugged. “Trust me, I don’t want you to move from my bed either, but we need to shower and get some sleep. You’ll need to get back to your room early in the morning,” adding with a heavier tone, “We can’t risk Ash finding out this way. I need to be the one to tell him. He deserves that much at least.”

  Icy hot fear. It climbed like poison ivy through my veins, sucking the life from a love that had just begun to bloom.

  I shivered at the mention of my brother’s name, a strained ball of anxiety forming inside my belly. Of course, we’d have to tell him. I tried to find the rational part of me that should have known this was coming. The blissful bubble that I’d been living in the past few hours now dissolved, leaving the repercussions of what we’d done in its wake. We’d just started down a slope that was treacherous. My wildest dream, dangerous.

  I tugged the comforter up to my chest, an uneasy feeling creeping over me. It was too easy. This. Us. And it was too tenuous. What Zach said earlier in the ocean tried to latch onto my heart, but it was too scarred for it to take hold. Instead, fear gripped me that one word from my brother would have Zach walking away from me again. Alone. Broken. Just like the last time.

  Swallowing over the lump, I wondered how to convince Zach to hold off on telling my brother so I could hold onto this perfect for a little while longer.

  My body stirred as I watched Zach’s really nice ass walk into the bathroom, but not before I’d gotten one last look at his massive erection that had just destroyed my body in ways that I didn’t think I wanted to survive. The shower turned on and a second later, his sex-tousled waves appeared in the doorframe, raising an eyebrow at me. ‘You coming?’ it said.

  With a grumble, I slid from the bed, enjoying the embers in his eyes as I walked by him with what I hoped was a saunter, stepping into the large open rain shower and underneath the warm stream.

  “Hey!” A large hand had swiped the shampoo just as I went to reach for it.

  “I’ll do it,” he replied with a sexy grin.

  My nipples tightened as he squirted shampoo into his hands before unceremoniously slopping it onto my head with a chuckle.

  “You are terrible at this.” I laughed.

  But then his magic fingers began to rub and that laugh quickly disappeared, replaced by unstoppable tiny mewls as he massaged my scalp.

  “You were saying?” he rasped and my body turned to mush all over again.

  I didn’t even care to respond, it felt so good. I swayed against him, hearing the soft hiss as my stomach brushed against the tip of his cock that hadn’t completely softened.

  “Can I ask you something?” I whispered.

  “Sure,” he answered, but then turned me underneath the water to wash the suds from my head.

  Rubbing the water away from my face, I stepped out and let him take his turn.

  “When did you know it was me?” I wondered out of nowhere.

  No. Not nowhere. The question came out of the girl who’d never stopped loving him.

  He didn’t open his eyes, asking through tight lips, “What do you mean?”

  “In the treehouse.”

  Every nerve in my body was like a livewire—hot and ready to ignite; this was the first time that night was ever mentioned between us.

  His gaze caught my eyes and my breath. Unsteadily, my lungs tried to fight through to hear his answer.

  “As soon as I heard your footsteps in the woods.”

  My mouth fell. What?

  “What… You mean you knew the whole time?” I asked incredulously.

  My mind played back through every piece of that night.

  “Blay,” he chuckled, pulling me flush against him, the warm water raining down in between us. “How could I not?” My stomach flipped. “How could I not recognize the footsteps that I’d heard so many times crunching along the same path? Do you know how many times Alexa would have been cursing me trying to navigate through those woods? I would never have heard the end of it—and probably for good reason.”

  He did have a point.

  “I knew you were up to something. You were quiet and distant. Pretending to do homework while you listened to your brother and me talk.”

  Wow, the teenage mind really does have a distorted sense of reality.

  His fingers brushed under my chin, tipping my face up to his. “And I could be stuck in a windowless room on the darkest night, but you, I will always know. I will always see… I will always find you.”

  My eyes fluttered shut as his lips touched mine. I sighed and swayed into him, wanting more. Needing more.

  I heard the small whimpers for a few seconds before I realized that they were coming from me as he gently toyed with my lips. “You’re like the North Star, Baby Blake; no matter where I steer, I somehow always get led straight back to you.”

  “Zach…” I whispered in a daze. He wrapped one arm around my waist to steady me—a good thing since I wasn’t sure my legs could hold me after that.

  This time when he kissed me, he meant business. He barely pressed his tongue against my lips before they gave way. The shower got hotter.

  “Fuck, I want you again,” he growled.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and rolled my hips against his very hard length that was trapped between us.

  “You can have me again.” I bit onto his lower lip and sucked it into my mouth, releasing it with a loud pop. “You can have me any time you want.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” His hoarse whisper tore at me, the raw desire fighting against the man who did his damnedest to always do the right thing.

  “It only hurts when I know you want me and you still pull away,” I said softly, peering up at him underneath my eyelids. “I’ve waited a long time for this night; the least you could do is make it up to me.” The tease came out a little too breathlessly—a desperate attempt to distract from the rational little devil standing on my heart, reminding me of the past.

  His forehead dropped to mine, a soft laugh rushing from his lips.

  “Anything for you, Blakebaby.”

  I smiled along with my heart as he kissed me, feeling his grin spread against my lips. “Just remember though, tomorrow when it’s uncomfortable to walk out onto that stage, you were the one that asked for it. Just remember, when you see me walking towards you and you sit down on the stool for our little duet and it pushes against your sore and swollen pussy—you asked for it. And when you sing…” He broke off with a chuckle. “When you sing, just remember all the notes my dick made that beautifully famous voice of yours hit tonight as I stretched you and filled you with my cum.”

  So bad. So good. Funny how his words did unspeakable things to my body.

  Heat tingled through every molecule of every cell. I could hardly breathe I needed him so badly. My core throbbed, begging to be used in the way that he promised. I felt his arousal lengthen between us, thick and throbbing. I let out a soft moan as my heart picked up its pace, knowing that he was going to be inside me again.

  Insatiable. Needy. Unashamed.

  He flipped me around with a grunt as my ass pressed against his erection. My hands reached
out to steady myself on the tile, gasping as the cold seeped into my fingertips. I felt his breath on my neck as both hands reached around to cup my breasts, tugging my nipples between his fingers.

  One hand dipped down over my stomach between my thighs, my legs instinctively spreading to give him better access to my aching sex. The first brush of his fingers over my tender clit sent sharp sparks through my body. A brief pain quickly turned to exquisite pleasure as the pad of his thumb flicked back and forth over me, driving me insane.


  He didn’t have to tell me twice.

  Cupping my sex, he dipped a finger inside of me, a brief warning of what was coming. Angling my hips back against him, I felt the head of his cock brush my clenching hole. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t for his fingers to stay teasing me as he slammed into me from behind, forcing a small yelp from me.

  “Still so damn tight.” I loved hearing him without any control. “You feel perfect, you know that?” He stayed completely still, shoved so far inside of me I knew he was pushing against something that he probably shouldn’t. But I loved the feel of it—the feel of him buried deep, so deep he could become a part of me.

  I bit my cheek, tasting blood. Everything that he did and said made me want to come. My body raged for another release.

  “You know how badly I wanted this that night?”

  I tried to keep breathing even though it felt like my insides were ripping themselves apart.

  Still, he continued to speak, knowing that the words were doing just as much, if not more for my arousal than his dick was pressing gently against the spot inside of me that would give me my orgasm.

  “I regretted going out to the treehouse because I wasn’t feeling it. I almost left. And then I heard your footsteps. Fuck. Your untouched tits. The way you rubbed your sweet virgin pussy against my leg, leaking your desire through your underwear. I wanted to do this.” He pulled out and slammed back into me. My arms shook, bracing against the wall as I cried out. “I wanted to claim you then. I wanted to feel you squeeze my cock like you are right now.” His fingers flicked over my clit again and my muscles responded, trying to clench around his massive length.


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