The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 19

by Violet Patterson

  “Lucian, you are a good man. What happened between you and Angeline? Why couldn’t it work?” Everything about him screamed wild, unkempt and nomad, Storm understood that but she also wanted happiness for him, for the tenderness he showed her, for the years of friendship he’d given Ryder. Lucian fought every day to contain the Phoenix, Storm could only guess at the strength it took, and to do so for more than five centuries. He deserved some measure of happiness and relief. She respected Lucian more every day and had been researching ways to ease the burden, absorbing every bit of information she could find on Phoenix. As it turned out, they arrived with the Tuatha De, or near that time, and once lived in peace among them. That was the real reason for Damarra’s absence and why Storm refused to summon her. Her grandmother would return when she was good and ready, not a moment sooner or later.

  “Do not let the Scots hear you say that. I would never hear the end of it.” He winked and took her arm. “Angeline is not my true mate. She served a purpose, we made an attempt, but we did not have much spark. It was mutual, I assure you, precious Emerald.” Lucian chuckled at his pet name for her, one of many, and Storm found herself charmed once more. She almost missed the dark look that crossed her friend’s face – almost.

  “Lucian, be honest with me. It’s getting worse, isn’t it?” It seemed silly to ask with the answer evident in his eyes but she misread so much lately, since the pregnancy really. Besides, it would be good if Lucian just opened up to her for once.

  Instead, Lucian turned her to face him, hands at her shoulders, and met her gaze evenly “Storm, do not worry about me, I have handled this for over five hundred years, I can handle it for five hundred more without batting an eye.” Storm swore the fire flickered furiously for a second but when she blinked it was gone. The sounds of Kell and Pollux arguing interrupted the moment and Lucian rolled his eyes. “Hell, I better go check on the Scots to make sure your furniture turns out right. Trust me, Storm, it will all work out and I am in complete control.”

  Storm made her way to the study as Lucian bounded up the stairs. Pushing the heavy doors open, she inhaled the familiar scents of books and jasmine. Things grew more complicated by the day. Storm thought back to when she still lived in the little downtown apartment with Pac Man, working as a waitress at the small corner diner and moonlighting as a fortune teller. Then Aunt Trin was murdered and everything changed. She moved out of the apartment and into Willow Wood, the massive, plantation style home that housed the Sullivan family for generations. Storm sighed.

  “What are you doing, luv?”

  Storm whirled to face the disembodied spirit of her aunt. Dammit. “Sorry, Aunt Trin. I was thinking about you, I must have summoned you somehow.” Falling into her favorite worn sofa, Storm hung her head. “Will I ever figure this out? I mean, I think I am getting it but then I do something like this and accidentally summon you.” A ghostly chill trickled down her spine and Storm realized Aunt Trin was absentmindedly stroking her hair as she had so many times in life. Storm reached out and touched her aunt’s form to solidify her. She knew the visit wouldn’t last as long this way, but Storm needed her aunt to be whole right then, even if just for a few moments. Collapsing into Aunt Trin’s arms, Storm let go of the tears.

  “Let it out, luv. You have been through much these past several months. I am so sorry, Storm. I should have seen. I am not quite sure why I didn’t see. Must have been your father’s work.” Aunt Trin lifted Storm’s chin with a finger, her rings clicking together in that familiar way. “Luv, you have to shake this off. What’s done is done and you must accept it and move on. Give yourself a break. Besides, you are pregnant, your hormones and emotions and powers are going to be somewhat unpredictable for a while.”

  “Aunt Trin, is it always like this? Am I going to end up a frazzled mess like mother was?” Storm wiped at her eyes, her great fear, that she would end up a like Sophie Sullivan, a coward who gave up in the end.

  “Luv, you have more strength in your pinkie finger than your mother had in her whole being. I loved her as she was and so did you, but this life was too hard for her and your father took much from her. Go easy on her memory, Storm. Sophie had much more to her than you ever knew but I think that is a story for another time. I am fading already so you should ask me what you really want to know.” Aunt Trin held up her left arm and waved it so Storm could see the spreading translucence.

  “Do you know who exposed us?”

  “No, luv, I do not. There is talk among those on the other side that the Emerald has risen and the Sullivan line will continue but any medium could pick that up. Be cautious, Storm, they are all coming.” And she was gone, her last words like a brand on Storm’s mind. Lost in her thoughts, Storm didn’t even hear Ryder enter the study.

  “My love?” Concern covered his gorgeous face as he cautiously approached, “What is wrong?”

  “Nothing. I am fine. I mean, a lot is wrong obviously but I am alright. Aunt Trin just left.” Storm waved her hand lazily while considering what her aunt revealed before being reclaimed by the Soul Mirror. They still hadn’t figured out a way to release her but it wasn’t like Aunt Trin had anywhere important to be.

  Storm looked to her lover, her husband, considering how fast their relationship progressed. She leaned in and kissed his cheek lightly. “I love you.”

  “And I you. Does this mean you are no longer angry with me?” Ryder took her hands in his and pulled them to his lips. Electricity shot through her, the same excited current that struck her every time they touched.

  “Oh, I am not quite so angry as I am concerned. We just don’t know how it will affect you. You said you took on some of the attributes of your other wives, what if you can’t handle what you get from me? How would I live with that?” Storm played over a hundred scenarios in her head, the unpredictability of magic, especially ancient, Immortal magic, seemed dangerous in every capacity.

  “Storm, I keep trying to tell you, the attributes I took on were harmless. With Jasmine I was able to dance and speak as one of her kind. With Ariana I gained a lovely singing voice, something Lucian has never let me live down. Trivial things, I assure you. The ritual and marking has always been a way to incorporate our spouse’s culture into ourselves more quickly and efficiently. You know my kind falls in love instantly and intensely. Not every era was as accepting of diversity as this one.” He seemed so certain. Storm longed to be so sure. To have just one concern put to rest would be a wonderful reprieve.

  “I will drop it, Ry, I just don’t want to lose you. Lucian told me about the brethren so it seems we may have some visitors sooner than later and that silly mark is supposed to protect us all or some crap like that.” Storm smiled, well, forced a smile to assure him of the confidence she didn’t really feel. Where were Dan and Shane? Lucian said they sent another seraph to question Angeline. Why would they do that? How did Lucian know? Why hadn’t either of them contacted her directly? Add another stack of questions to her pile of unknowns. Dammit.

  “Don’t lie to me, Storm. I know you too well now. This is serious and you are worried, scared even. It is alright. It does not make you weak, my love. It makes you wise.” He brushed a stray hair from her face and Storm met his gaze. Dammit. How did he know her so well already?

  “You are worried too. And Lucian. Roane won’t leave the premises and I don’t think he has slept in a week. I thought he was pining for Damarra but now I know better. He says he doesn’t need sleep but I know that isn’t true, he looks awful.” Ryder put two fingers gently across her lips to silence her.

  “I will see to Roane, but will you please do me a small favor and stop worrying so much about everyone. You need to relax and work on controlling your powers. If we are attacked and somebody manages to break through the barriers, you need to be in control. I promise, I do not doubt your powers, my love, not one bit, but you clearly doubt yourself and that is far worse.” Ryder took on a more playful expression and leaned over to kiss her cheek, tracing down her jawline and
then her neck. Her body rolled into high alert.

  “Now?” Her question came out more breathlessly than she intended but Ryder had managed to slip his hands up her sides to her breasts.

  Pulling back, his eyes shimmering silver, he answered just as breathlessly, “Yes, now.”

  And before she could say anything else, Storm found herself sprawled on the floor before the fireplace, lounge pants discarded, tank top torn away, and Ryder above her smiling mischievously. He kissed his way from her earlobe to her neck, down to her breast. Shredding the thin band that held her bra together in the front, Ryder groaned and took her right nipple in his mouth. Peppering her abdomen with feathery kisses, he worked his own pants off.

  “I want you Storm. I will always want you.” Wrapping his arms about her, Ryder pulled her up to face him, arranging her legs about his waist. Storm knew she was glowing, the soft golden hue reflecting on everything around them. Ryder smiled the sexy lopsided smile that always got her going. Storm planted her mouth on his and adjusted herself so he could push into her easily. Ryder moaned as he entered her. Storm gasped but held his gaze. Her body rippled with excitement, and the golden glow spread outward as Ryder maintained a gentle rhythm without breaking eye contact. Storm never imagined anything could feel as good as being with Ryder. She watched him, lost in their moment until the very end set her screaming his name. Collapsing into each other, Ryder found her mouth and delivered a long, deep kiss flashing images into her mind of how he saw her at that moment. Storm pulled back, refusing to believe she could ever be so lovely. She searched his face.

  “What are you looking for, my love? I am an open book to you.” The sexy, lopsided smile. Dammit. He would be her undoing.

  “I just can’t believe you see me that way, feel that way for me. It seems so impossible to feel so strongly in such a short time.” Storm still didn’t understand. She met him six months ago and already they were more connected than a couple married for ten years. Ryder swore all Immortals were the same but she had her doubts.

  “I have already explained it, love is just that way with us, Storm. Besides, I am not the only one who sees you that way. You are beguiling to many.” Ryder planted a soft kiss on the tip of her nose and separated from her, standing to search out their clothes. “I owe you another shirt, my love. You can wear mine for now.” He tossed the navy tee at her and she caught it effortlessly, reeling it in and slipping it on in a few fluid motions. Being the Emerald had some perks like the gracefulness and speed of her Immortal grandfather. Picking up the pieces of her tank top and bra, Storm shook her head. Again?

  “That’s more than a dozen shirts and as many bras, Ryder. Yet I haven’t seen one replaced. I am running low on clothes. I think you owe me a shopping trip, Immortal.”

  “Indeed I do, indeed I do. Hop online and order some clothes.” Ryder answered absentmindedly as he pulled his jeans on and made for the study door.

  “Nuh-uh. No way. You are taking me out to some real stores and watching me try things on. I want the whole experience. And I don’t want to hear a word about secrecy. The word is out about us already so there is no point in trying to hide anymore. No supernat would pick a fight with us in public, it would be suicide.” Storm folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. Ryder played dozens of possible scenarios through his head so she could see each one. “Nope. Not working, you are not getting out of this. I need to get out of here. Besides, I have decided I am not going to hide like a coward in my home. I am the Emerald, dammit, and I want to go shopping.” So what if she sounded like a spoiled brat, it’s not like she stomped her foot. Storm just had to get out, the feeling of claustrophobia came on rather suddenly but so intensely.

  “Storm – please –“

  “Ry, I need this. Pretty please?” She stuck her lip out just a bit. Okay, childish, sure. Not fair, nope, but necessary, absolutely. Storm watched her brave Immortal cave in. He wasn’t completely convinced but he didn’t need to be. Storm pecked Ryder on the cheek and smiled broadly at him, “I’ll be ready in ten minutes!”


  His woman made him crazy in every possible way. His woman. Storm Sullivan, the Emerald, his wife. As the tips of her auburn hair disappeared out the study door, Ryder was struck with the surreal situation he landed in. It happened, every once in a while, reality smacked him in the face. Ryder Cohen married to the Emerald, the last of the Sullivan line, the same line he spent ages hunting down and slaughtering because of a prophecy that turned out to be incomplete. Now he could not imagine life without her.

  Ryder touched Lucian’s thoughts briefly, slightly concerned over the brief flicker of fire. Frowning, he headed toward the nursery. Yet another strange twist of fate, hundreds of years believing he could not have children but now, well now that had changed too. He paused just outside the door. Kell and Pollux were arguing again and Lucian seemed to be egging them on more than anything.

  “Maybe you all should take a break?” The Scots stood when they realized Ryder entered the room. He smiled at them and nodded toward Lucian who did not budge from the glider in the corner, instruction booklets littering his lap.

  “Ry, man, can you tell my brother here that this piece is a changing table and therefore the more important of the two pieces?” Kell glared at Pollux. The pair exchanged death looks for a few more moments of sheer amusement but Ryder knew Storm would be ready shortly and he wanted back up.

  “Like I said, how about a break? We have plenty of time to get all of the pieces constructed before the baby comes. Right now, Storm wants to go shopping at my expense.” Lucian chuckled and the Scots looked at him questioningly. Ryder cleared his throat. “Er, apparently I owe her some clothes.”

  Lucian roared with laughter and the Scots expressions changed as they joined in. Of course. This would be the other part he hated about being mated again. The incessant ribbing. He could not wait for them to settle down in this lifetime. Ryder smiled to himself, fortunately, Storm had made it her mission to find mates for each of them soon enough. Far be it from him to interfere with his Emerald’s plans.

  “Yeah, yeah, have your fun but at least one of you needs to go with us. We do not know exactly who is gunning for her at this point and I would feel better with some back up.” Ryder eyed each of his guests knowing full well who would accompany him in the end.

  “Brother, you know I am in.” Snapping his phone shut, Lucian jumped out of the chair and flung the instruction booklets at the Scots. Pollux managed to catch them before they could scatter. “You two, get this stuff put together while we’re gone. Ry, I just texted Angeline and she is on her way over. Storm could probably use some female companionship for this.”

  Ryder nodded, “Angeline’s heightened senses could be useful as well. Thanks, Luc.”

  “Angeline’s coming?” Storm popped her head into the nursery, eyes wide and sparkling. Gods, the pregnancy enhanced her beauty. Ryder walked to the doorway, grabbed Storm by her slender wrist and pulled her in for a kiss. He barely noticed the cat calls coming from the Scots and there was no telling how many times Lucian cleared his throat before Storm withdrew. “Ry, no matter how good or how long you kiss me you are not getting out of taking me shopping.”

  “I have no intention of backing out, but Lucian is going with us and I would like to wait for Angeline. Deal?” Ryder watched the emotions flicker across her face, knowing she contemplated defiance and perhaps a little rage but eventually settled on her most stunning smile, the one that reached her eyes. Storm finally seemed to be mastering her newfound emotions. Impressive given the added complication of pregnancy hormones.

  “Deal. Luc, would you like to drive us in the Hummer?”

  Ryder did not have to see Lucian’s face to know his friend returned Storm’s smile. Lucian loved the Hummer so much that Storm contemplated giving it to him. Instead, she ordered a custom one for him, set to arrive sometime next week. The woman loved to spend money. Ryder did not care, he simply felt relief that Storm had taken
such a shine to Lucian, most people found him intimidating in spite of his genial personality. Apparently no amount of good will or humor could cover the demon within, his brusque personality probably did not help much either. The front doorbell interrupted Ryder’s reverie and Storm’s eyes flew wide. The door creaked open followed by heels clicking on the foyer.

  “Storm? Lucian? Hello? Are we going shopping?” Angeline’s voice carried up the stairs.

  Ryder and Lucian followed Storm down to the foyer where the women embraced warmly. Angeline’s face seemed to light up whenever she saw Storm. Ryder noted how his former assistant toned down her look significantly; black trouser pants and a simple crimson sweater, hair falling loosely down her back. She refused to give up her heels pleading the confidence boost she gained from the added height and Ryder had to acknowledge that even with them she barely stood eye to eye with Storm who did not pass his shoulder.

  “That was fast!” Storm clasped Angeline’s hand, grabbed her own purse from the table and headed toward the door with their new arrival in tow.

  “Well, actually, I was halfway here when Lucian texted me. I wanted to see how the nursery furniture turned out but I guess they are still working on it.” Angeline smiled as the sound of Kell and Pollux arguing wafted down to the foyer. The ladies laughed and Ryder found himself caught up in the utter normalcy of the moment. They were all anything but normal. Even Angeline, more than a simple assistant, her half fae side had developed even further since keeping time with Storm. Ryder exchanged a look with Lucian as the ladies giggled all the way to the garage.


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