The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 26

by Violet Patterson

  “Again, my apologies, Emerald. I cannot possibly explain everything now, but I will tell you that it is possible because of the Oraculum. I can explain more later. For now, we must keep moving for I am being tailed. Ignore the scenery if you must. My kin knows of our plan, well not the specifics, but they are close so you must hurry.” Sophia offered a lopsided grin, “Lucian will not like this so you must help me convince him. I will take on the Phoenix to fulfill Morgaine’s promise to Lucian but in doing so it will end my line. Alva and Elba nearly ruined everything for me, the careful plans I made with Trin. I know now that it was your father, one of his many contingencies for you. There are many, Emerald, but you will be informed in time, I promise you. If you succeed in my resurrection I will of course be indebted to you and we will have much and more time to deal with your other enemies.” Sophia paused, looked into the distance for a moment, and then continued. “The instructions are contained in the book; it will only open for you now that you have acquired your full power. It contains more knowledge than you could hope to retain so to summon the spells you seek, simply hold the book open and picture what you seek to accomplish. You will need to secure both Soul Mirrors, the one I am bound to and the one Trin is bound to. It will not be easy, Storm.”

  “Where is your mirror?” Storm felt delayed in processing all of the information she’d just been given, her mind somewhat cloudy as if she had too much to drink. She noticed that the scenery changed again, a mountain ledge overlooking a valley of pine trees.

  Sophia’s face darkened, “Alva has it. She has been using it to hunt me, to stop me. Please, Emerald, please hurry. I do not know how much longer I can hold them off, even with Trin’s aide. Every time she visits you it weakens her on this side and I must run until she regains her strength. It is odd to think of ghosts in those terms, I understand, but we have laws on this side as well.” Sophia looked over Storm’s shoulder, “you must go, Emerald, they are closing in and I can’t continue transporting us both.”

  “How do I –“ Storm blinked and found herself on the floor of the study, book clutched to her chest.

  “Storm?” Ryder and Lucian stood over her.

  “Why am I on the floor?” Storm struggled to sit up. “That’s fine guys, I’ve got it, don’t worry about helping me or anything.”

  “We would help you if we could touch you.” Ryder frowned, his gaze directed at the book in her hands.

  “What do you mean?” Storm pulled the book tighter as she sat up against the desk.

  “You shock us when we touch you. We both tried to pick you up and got thrown across the room.” Lucian eyed her curiously. “What is that book?”

  “The Emerald Oraculum.” Storm leaned over from where she sat and slid the book back into the secret vault. She closed the panel and heard it click. “I am the only person who can touch it and apparently the book takes that very seriously. Sorry guys, but that is not important now, we have a lot to do.”

  “Yeah, we know. That was what we were doing until you went comatose with that book.”

  She glared at Lucian. Dammit, her head hurt. Like somebody was driving nails in her temples. “Ryder, would you get me a cup of tea? And, maybe call everybody back? I could use Angeline’s mojo on my head and we are going to need their help with this.” He nodded silently and loped off toward their room without the slightest bit of argument. Hm, must have thought it was just a vision. Storm looked up at Lucian. “I met Sophia.”


  “Come again?” Lucian could not possibly have heard her correctly.

  “I. Met. Sophia.” Storm over-enunciated each word in her most condescending tone but then her expression softened. “She is lovely, Lucian, and she is in trouble.”

  “You were with her? That is where you went?” Lucian leaned back against the desk and looked down at Storm who was still massaging her temples on the floor. He nudged her gently with his knee, “Storm, you have to tell me.”

  “Help me up, I don’t think I can do it alone.” Lucian recalled his own experience with the dreamstate and figured she must have encountered something similar. He crouched beside her and Storm met his eye, her voice pleading “Please, Lucian, don’t tell Ryder. I don’t want to take any medicine because of the baby and I know he will try to push it.” Lucian silently agreed and lifted her gingerly. She laid her head on his shoulder. “I bet you never thought you’d see me so vulnerable.”

  Lucian chuckled, “The almighty Emerald at my mercy. I will absolutely commit this to memory.” Storm pinched him in the arm. “Alright, alright, kidding. Just tell me you and the babe are alright and this stays between us.” He settled Storm on the couch and knelt on the floor beside her.

  “Lucian, I am just fine. I will have Damarra check the baby when she comes back. Agreed?” Storm adjusted herself, crossed her legs, and exhaled loudly. “Okay, cliff’s notes version, we can resurrect Sophia but we have to hurry because her cousins have other spirits after her. Alva has Sophia’s Soul Mirror and we need to get it back so we can complete the ritual. Alva and Elba are going to do everything possible to prevent that because if we succeed they will lose everything. Got it?”

  Hell. Lucian could not think of enough foul words to describe the predicament. “We really need to get moving then. Where is her mirror?”

  Storm looked sheepish, “Er, I am not exactly sure. I told you everything she told me. She seemed a bit pressed for time, Luc. I think we need to figure this out on our own. Honestly, we have about the best arsenal of supernaturals at our disposal including a deity. I know this will work, Lucian.” Storm paused and took another deep breath, her eyes taking on a faint golden tint. She believed in this. Lucian opened his mouth but Storm cut him off and continued, building resolve as she went. Lucian could see Ryder’s attraction; he always appreciated the headstrong women. “Think about it, you can have Sophia back and be rid of some of the burden you bear. Besides, what is the point of having all of this power if I can’t help those I care for? Frankly –“

  “Storm, calm down. You are starting to glow again and I do not relish the idea of being blown up today.” Lucian needed to relax her before Ryder returned; his friend was concerned enough as it stood. “I get it, believe me, I know something is coming and that there is an outside chance I could actually see Sophia again if things work out. That is enough for me to be on board.”

  Storm’s breathing slowed and the glow receded. Crisis averted, again. As much as everyone worried after Lucian and the Phoenix, Storm seemed just as volatile, if not more so now with the pregnancy. Most of the time, the Emerald looked more innocent than her age would suggest, governed so by her emotions. In many ways she was the opposite of Sophia who rarely let herself go. Lucian wondered if it was some grand cosmic scheme bringing them all together. He nearly laughed out loud but Storm was studying him closely and that would mean explaining the whole silly train of thought. He had enough embarrassing admissions for the day.

  “So, what do we do now, oh glorious Emerald?” Lucian wagged his eyebrows at her, Storm swatted at him and giggled in her warm childlike manner. Not his type, but Storm could be beguiling.

  “What did I miss?” Ryder walked in, cup of tea in hand, “Everybody is on their way back. Damarra was not pleased but I briefed them on what happened and they managed to tear her away. Apparently the department store is more fascinating than our kitchen.”

  “Well, that’s something. Maybe she will stop playing with the refrigerator. She’s already burned out a bulb.” Storm smirked, “Gods love my grandmother but she needs to spend more time here and get used to modern technology.”


  Angeline could not return fast enough. Laughing with Ryder and Lucian, maintaining her chipper exterior only succeeded in wearing her down faster. Perhaps the pregnancy exacerbated the after effects or maybe all such interactions would leave her so fatigued. She made a mental note to ask Aunt Trin what it felt like when she crossed back and forth. Ryder kept his eyes on her, she felt him st
udying every tic, every tilt of her head, and again Storm felt grateful that he couldn’t touch her mind without her release.

  The front door opened with an influx of excited chatter. Something happened on their outing. Storm exchanged looks with Ryder and Lucian took that as the cue to visit the wet bar. Naturally. “Drink one for me, will you, Luc?”

  “Sure thing, anything for our precious Emerald.”

  Storm frowned, “Really? That’s the best you’ve got left in your arsenal? Lame.”

  Lucian returned with drinks in both hands and settled across from her. “Maybe so. I will work on it, but do you think you could use your immense power to change the prophecy somehow so you could be the Ruby or Opal? I mean, why do you have to be the Emerald? I have so much more material for other gems.”

  Storm tossed a throw pillow at him and smacked him right in the face since both hands were occupied with glasses. “Ha!”

  Lucian opened his mouth to answer but Damarra and Angeline entered the study chattering loudly. The Scots followed with several bags in their arms and Roane brought up the rear, clearly aggravated. Dammit.

  “Storm, we bought the most amazing bedding for the nursery! Wait until you see all of the little onesies and blankets we picked out too! They are so soft and cuddly!” Angeline slid onto the sofa next to her and began massaging her temples as she continued listing their purchases. “Kell, pull out the bedding will you? I think it is in the mint green bag.”

  “That won’t be necessary, I am sure it is spectacular, Ang. Remember, you promised to surprise me with all of those decisions?” Storm relaxed as Angeline’s magic flowed through her and numbing the pain as it spread. She really didn’t care to go through all of the bags, not now. Kell seemed relieved as he deposited the bags on the desk. Pollux followed suit and then took one of Lucian’s glasses, downed it in one gulp, and set it back in his hand.

  “Pour me another you thieving Scot.” Lucian glared up at him. “You should know better than to touch a man’s scotch. What is your problem?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, perhaps it was the banshee attack in the parking lot on the way in or the troll confrontation on the way back. Maybe it was because Call of Duty was sold out. Or, most likely, it was the agonizing two hours we spent looking at baby clothes that all look exactly the same. Take your pick. I needed a drink, you had two.” Pollux shrugged, upon seeing Lucian’s reddening face quickly added, “I’ll get you two fresh pours if you down that one.”

  “You do that.” Lucian emptied his other glass and deposited them in Pollux’s outstretched hands. “Pour my way too, do not be stingy.”

  Storm refocused on Angeline and her magic fingers. Her new friend seemed to be working very hard to stifle laughter. “Absurd, isn’t it? We have been attacked three times in two days and the boys are about to fight over a glass of booze while we prattle on about your baby. It is okay to smile, Storm. You have much to be grateful for, even under the circumstances.”

  “I know. I smiled right before you came in. You just missed it, Ang.” Storm leaned back and sipped at her tea in an attempt to ignore the skeptical look Angeline gave her. She didn’t need to be judged right now. “Ang, really, I am fine, just have a lot going on. We have a lot to discuss, starting with what happened to you.”

  Angeline perked up and let out a shrill whistle. The room fell silent, all eyes on her. “Everybody get your drinks, snacks, and bathroom breaks and meet back here in five minutes.” She winked at Storm and leapt off the couch. “I need a glass of wine and some chocolate before we dive into all the drama again.”

  “Oh! Chocolate, I could go for some chocolate. Ang, will you bring me some?” Kell had sprawled in the executive chair behind the desk, his head barely visible behind the mountain of bags.

  “Got it. Anybody else?” With no further requests, Angeline slipped out of the study.

  Damarra slid into the space Angeline just vacated. She leaned in close and laid a hand on Storm’s knee. “You have a lovely glow about you, dear. How are you feeling?”

  Though she looked no older than Storm, Damarra’s words could not be more motherly. Like a warm blanket in the middle of a winter storm, her grandmother filled an emptiness in Storm’s life. “I feel well now that the morning sickness has passed. I am a bit concerned that I have not felt her move yet.”

  “Ah, you have nothing to worry about, dear. If it would ease your mind I can do a reading for you.”

  “Please, would you? I would feel much better.” Storm set the tea cup down on the table beside her and adjusted herself to give Damarra a better angle for the reading.

  Damarra placed her hands on Storm’s barely rounding belly and closed her eyes. Storm could feel the power pulsing from her grandmother but focused on keeping her breathing steady and remaining as still as possible. Out of the corner of her eye, Storm noticed Angeline walk in and open her mouth to speak. She quickly realized what Damarra was doing and clamped her mouth shut. Storm followed Angeline as she silently crossed the room and tossed a chocolate bar to Kell before curling up in the wingback chair opposite Pollux. Storm realized that everybody was watching Damarra, both Roane and Ryder obviously feeling anxious. When Damarra finally withdrew her hands she beamed at Storm, her eyes dancing with delight.

  “Well, is everything alright?” Ryder’s voice broke the silence. Damarra winked at Storm before turning to face him.

  “I would say everything is more than alright. You have two very healthy heartbeats, both female, both quite vibrant.”

  “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Storm knew she heard wrong somehow. Twins would be tempting fate too much for her tastes. Ryder’s expression caused her heart to plummet; he looked giddy as a teenage boy after his first sexual encounter.

  “Twins! Twice the shopping!” Of course Angeline would jump right over practicalities to more shopping opportunities.

  Pollux groaned, “No, that means more furniture to put together. I need another drink.”

  Ryder still sat there with a silly smile on his face, or perhaps it was more a look of wonder. She touched his mind and found a veritable parade of images of their family as he saw it. Her fear melted with each new image, anxiety subsiding and morphing into some semblance of excitement. Ryder’s thrilled pride spread through their bond and she felt it, a soft rap within her abdomen. Storm’s eyes flared wide with recognition. “I felt them!”

  Damarra nodded, “Of course you did, dear. I urged them just a touch.”


  “Congratulations are in order it seems. I am pleased for you both.” Relief flooded him, knowing Storm and the child, well, children, were unharmed thus far. Still, he would have preferred the good news wait until they dealt with the covens and Sophia’s resurrection. Sophia. Lucian allowed himself to wonder for a moment what she could look like carrying his child. Now that Storm could have not one but two children with Ryder, perhaps all would not be lost for him and Sophia. Hell, he needed to stop getting ahead of things. He needed to get her back first and it seemed that would not be a short order.

  “Yes, it is wonderful news and I am grateful. But we have much to accomplish before I cannot fight.” Storm looked tired all of a sudden, well more tired. “I am all for celebrating this news but could we please focus?”

  “I concur with my granddaughter. While I am thrilled I find myself more concerned with eliminating the threats against her, especially since we are dealing with some powerful adversaries.” Roane had been pacing before the fireplace and now stood behind Storm, a hand resting light on her shoulder. It still seemed strange to see him this way but Lucian was learning to appreciate him in the new role of grandfather.

  “Very well, but when this is over I am throwing the grandest baby shower this town has ever seen.” Angeline seemed perturbed but concealed it well enough. Lucian appreciated how much she loosened up since spending time with the Scots, as if Angeline finally accepted herself, no longer trying to pass as full human. Ryder made a sound choice in hiring Angel
ine, just one of many. The beast had not hated her either, always a good sign. Though, lately, Lucian noted the beast reacted favorably to all of the women in his life, even Damarra who he could do without.

  “Well I am certain we eliminated two more threats today. I expected more from the trolls, truth be told. Oh well, someday there will be more of a challenge.” Pollux polished off his drink and headed for a refill.

  “Again? Didn’t the banshees learn after the first one?” Storm frowned and looked to Angeline, “I thought you marked the one in the fitting room? Shouldn’t that have scared the rest off?”

  “Yes, of course it should have, but I believe this to be a different coven. They were a bit smarter and approached us as a collective.” Angeline sipped at her wine, “of course, when they realized you were not with us they tried to run. Very silly of them actually. Damarra was quite excited to experience the department store and did not appreciate their interruption.”

  Storm eyed her grandmother, Damarra simply looked put out. “Well, I find them to be deplorable creatures, even if they were not seeking you, dear. Anything that takes a child’s soul does not deserve to exist. There were many children about and it unsettled me to think of those things taking any one of them. I seized the opportunity to rid the world of a small measure of evil.”

  “It was amazing, Storm. You should have seen her! She whispered a few words and pointed at them one at a time and they just disappeared in puffs of smoke. I wish I could do that.” Angeline nibbled at her chocolate bar, her eyes starry. Clearly she had fallen into Damarra’s trap as well now. Hell, could he be the only one who did not fall under the deity’s spell?

  “And the trolls? How do they figure into this?” Storm’s frown deepened, if that could be possible. She seemed more troubled than necessary by the attacks. A few banshees and trolls against a deity, a fairy, and three Immortals? Lucian wondered what she was thinking, perhaps about her encounter with Sophia? He understood Ryder’s frustration at not being able to touch the Emerald’s mind; it would have to be interesting to hear the thoughts that matched her over-animated facial expressions.


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