The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 47

by Violet Patterson

  “Gregoire really does not like Angeline, does he?” Sophia emerged from the shadows, her eyes trained on Storm and Watson.

  “I wonder who he does like. The vamp does not seem particularly fond of his own brother.” Lucian murmured in response. “Gregoire has a troubled past, Soph. I would feel better if you kept your distance.”

  “Because I am an oh-so-helpless female?” Sophia mocked Lucian as Ryder shifted uncomfortably between them.

  “I think I will help Storm direct the soldiers….” Ryder backed away leaving the lovers to glare at each other. He assumed they would be making their goodnights sooner than later to have a proper make up session.

  “Make your presence known but stand down unless the Emerald gives an order.” Watson spoke with an authority Ryder found surprising. “Master Ryder, will you be joining us?”

  “Of course. Is everybody prepared then?” Ryder slipped an arm around Storm’s waist and smiled down at her. His mate’s eyes flashed with excitement, gold-rimmed pupils gave away her heightened emotions.

  “Let’s go make some allies!” Storm exclaimed, a soft golden glow rippling about her form. The soldiers seemed uncertain but not afraid as they marched back down the drive toward the gate. As Ryder suspected, Lucian and Sophia were nowhere to be found. The closer they drew to the gate, the more the crawling sensation rippled along his skin. Not all of their visitors were friendly; a wave of malice had crept in somewhere. It was that malice that triggered their senses earlier and it now seemed closer than he would like.

  “We need to remain within the protections, my love.” Ryder bowed to Storm, whispering lightly in her ear. “They are not all here for the same purpose.”

  “I am aware, Ry. I feel it too.” Storm slid her arm around his waist and squeezed lightly. Ryder kissed the crown of her head softly. She must have forgiven him for earlier. He hoped she would let it go for a while. It was up to him to deal with his mentor – if Ryder could find him. “I can do this, Ry. I really can.”

  “I know, my love. You can do anything you put your mind to.” Ryder motioned for Watson to join them and gestured for the others to take their positions. “Watson, I would ask you to make note of any creatures Storm rejects and nudge me if you recognize anybody. Understood?”

  “Indeed, sir.” Watson withdrew a notepad from an inner pocket and flipped it open.

  “Alright then.” Ryder punched in the code and watched the gate open. He ignored the uncomfortable chills and peered into the dark night. “Those seeking audience with the Emerald Seer may come forth now.”

  Damarra – shortly before the closing of the portals, before recorded time

  “Will you reopen them at some point?” The thought of being trapped in this dimension for eternity made Damarra anxious. She did not like the sensation. Lately, her days had been filled with many sensations she did not care for. Of course, she argued internally, there were other feelings she found most pleasurable.

  “When the time is right we shall open the portals again.” Almha smiled knowingly, a comfort to Damarra in this time of unusual uncertainty. “You will be well, my friend. Your path is full of challenges but it cannot be changed. I will find you when we return to this realm, it has been foreseen. Until then, live with your Immortal, watch and study the new ones, and follow your instincts.” The small, plump goddess moved toward the fluttering ripple between the cliffs. The ocean crashed at the cliffs beneath them, throwing itself against the hard rock as if to break it down. Damarra squinted through the portal, a last glimpse of her world.

  “I will miss you, Almha.” Damarra’s chest felt heavy, as if something pressed her from both sides. As if the waves of the ocean were smothering her physical form.

  Almha turned back to face her, a strange expression on her face. “And I will miss you, my friend. One more thing, there will come a time when destiny will lead you to a dark soul. Remember that there can be no light without dark. Tell your Immortal that when he questions you, and he will.” With that, Almha plunged through the ripple and disappeared as it snapped shut behind her leaving Damarra alone on the cliffs with a hundred questions and only the breaking waves to respond. The goddess reached out to run her fingers over the jagged rocks still sizzling with the power of the portal. Sealed off from her home for the forseeable future, Damarra left for the only place she could go.


  Skidding to a halt along the far side of the property, Angeline’s ears pricked at the sound of Storm’s voice and another familiar one. No! What was she doing? Breaking into a hard sprint, Angeline made for the front gate where half a dozen fire sprites stood opposite Storm, Ryder and Watson. She recognized most of them but namely the apparent ringleader - Jaiden Sheen. Angeline hid in the shadows of the wall as she crept closer.

  “We come to join your cause, Emerald.” Jaiden bowed respectfully but Angeline knew better. He’d used the same false respect to ensnare her friend years before. He’d tried to use it on Angeline. How could he possibly be so foolish as to attempt it on Storm? Even without Ryder at her side and Storm’s own natural instincts, Willow Wood Manor was surrounded by layers upon layers of protective enchantments.

  “If you can cross the threshold you –“ Storm smiled genuinely, Angeline recognized the expression well. Her friend didn’t know!

  Angeline rushed from her hiding place, not caring if Jaiden recognized her. “NO! Storm, you have to send them away!” Landing lightly before Storm so that she faced Jaiden, Angeline glared at him. “You have some nerve coming here, spriteling.”

  Jaiden’s eyes narrowed into dark slits, “Nice to see you again, fairy girl. I believe I owe you one for my father.”

  “Nah, it was my pleasure.” Angeline smirked. “Unless you’d like to join him I suggest you move along to your master. Your kind is not welcome here.”

  “Only the Emerald may turn us away, fairy.” Jaiden’s eyes flared, his pupils fire-rimmed and cheeks flushing.

  Angeline felt Storm’s arm loop about her waist. “Fire sprites? I thought you named yourselves wood sprites.” Storm’s welcoming voice cooled substantially. “You are foolish creatures, aren’t you? Your cloak is good but not good enough.” Storm lifted her free hand before her, palm up so the sprites could see her golden glow. She snapped her fingers and the energy turned a brilliant green.

  Jaiden faltered for a moment, a strange expression crossing his face as the confidence he’d had was shaken. “How did you know?”

  “It is a brilliant cloak to be sure, but whoever it is forgot about your eyes.” Storm scoffed. “Apparently your cloaker didn’t expect you to run into an old friend.” Angeline felt a light squeeze and knew Storm was smiling without even looking. She was not about to take her eyes off of Jaiden.

  “Who is cloaking you?” Ryder stepped forward, utilizing the deep, rumbling voice he preferred for such occasions.

  “I am.” Rosalee stepped into a beam of light from one of the security lights. “Hello, boss, bitch, fairy.” The witch nodded at each in turn to assure each of them whom she was addressing.

  “Looking a little worse for the wear aren’t you, Rose?” Angeline sized the former housekeeper up and down, marveling at the drastic change in her appearance. Once easily mistaken for a high end call girl with a proclivity for lycra and spandex, Rosalee’s voluptuous figure was now wrapped in a long black sheath dress and oversized fur coat giving her the appearance of Cruella DeVille aside from her closely cropped hair. Her formerly round cheeks were now hollow and covered in tight, grayish skin.

  “I was about to say the same for you, fairy.” Rosalee’s voice had taken on a raspy quality.

  As Angeline looked closer, she noted a black rim around the witch’s honey brown eyes. Not good. “Where are your children, Rose? Did you condemn them as well?”

  “Do not speak of my children!” Rosalee hissed and the fire sprites moved to surround her. Angeline sensed other creatures milling about, some behind her and some hiding in the shadows on the other side of
the wall.

  “They are innocent, Rosalee, we would not have them cursed.” Ryder spoke evenly, his voice softening to a near plea.

  The witch’s head whipped around, turning her gaze to Ryder and curling her lip into a snarl. “You released me, Ryder, all because of your stupid whore. You could have had me and kept your manhood!”

  “ENOUGH!” Storm’s thundering yell rang out above them all. Two of the fire sprites cringed and attempted to slip away but their comrades grabbed them quickly and anchored them in place. “Leave with your lives while I still pity you and do not return unless you seek death.”

  Rosalee roared with laughter, tossing her head back and dropping the fur coat to the ground revealing a glowing gem about her neck. “You cannot kill me, Emerald. I bear the power of the Unseen. I am his right hand, his eyes in this world as he prepares to ascend. It is you who will die, you who will beg for mercy in the end, you who –“

  Everything happened fast, almost too fast for Angeline to see. Storm clapped her hands above her head, the Phoenix appeared out of nowhere with an acrobatic leap over Angeline’s head and a small contingent of Dorian’s troops surrounded the witch and sprites on both sides of the barrier. The Phoenix let loose a stream of fire at Rosalee and her guards. Two of the fire sprites fell clutching their stomachs and writing in pain. Lucian and Sophia stepped up to Angeline’s left and she noted the flapping of wings overhead as Dan and Shane made their presence known. The brothers loosed bolts of lightning to silence the fallen sprites who were no match for the Phoenix’s flames. Storm clapped her hands again and again shooting streams of golden flames at Rosalee as the Phoenix sprayed her own white flames at the witch’s feet. Angeline saw clear enough that Storm’s attempts were not even singeing Rosalee but the Seraph’s lightning bolts were successfully picking off the fire sprites one by one. Jaiden began inching away giving Angeline all the opportunity she needed. Sliding behind Lucian, Angeline sprinted silently around the edge of the gate and leapt on Jaiden’s back as he turned to run. She wrapped one arm around his neck and squeezed while driving the elongated nails of her other hand repeatedly into his chest forcing him to focus all energy on healing instead of flaming up. As Jaiden’s pulse slowed he fell to his knees. Angeline squeezed harder, putting all her strength into squeezing his windpipe with the crook of her arm. She whispered in his ear, “This is for Val you sorry sack of shit.” Angeline leapt off the sprite as he fell to the ground, blood seeping from the wounds in his chest. Standing over him, fury pulsing through her veins, oblivious to the fight behind her, Angeline slashed her fingers cross Jaiden’s neck to sever both jugulars in one smooth motion. She watched for his body to emit the red ether marking the expiration of the fire sprite.

  Satisfied, Angeline spun to check on the fray. The witch seemed to be laughing and completely oblivious to the decimation of her contingent. Meanwhile, the rest of Dorian’s soldiers were closing in on her. Angeline felt a few lesser witchlings, some true wood sprites, and a shifter milling about as well, hanging away from the action. Interesting. Sidling up to the nearest black-garbed soldier, Angeline tapped him on the shoulder and put a finger to her lips. She motioned to the blade on his back. He pulled it out and handed it over without hesitation. Angeline crept forward, sword at her side and slid along the wall toward the gate. Rosalee didn’t even notice her as she slid in behind Lucian and Sophia. Storm looked over briefly and caught her eye, a triumphant smile on her face. Angeline could almost see what came next before it happened. Storm stepped forward, stayed Ryder with a flick of her wrist and continued to walk toward Rosalee at a slow pace. The Phoenix stopped breathing fire, swished her tail and fell into stride with Storm who seemed to ripple with energy.

  Rosalee stared at her, one hand to her pendant and the other straight in front of her, palm out. “What are you doing?” The witch’s smile faltered as Storm deflected a stunning spell.

  “I warned you.” Storm spoke evenly but with an otherworldy tone to her voice. Throwing her hands out, the Emerald created two white-flaming swords of pure energy. Angeline heard Sophia’s sharp intake of air but could not manage to look away from Storm’s display.

  Fear flashed across the witch’s face for a brief moment but was quickly replaced with confidence. “You cannot kill me, Emerald. Even if you were strong enough the Unseen would protect me.”

  Storm did not reply but ran full speed at Rosalee and drove both blades deep into her gut. The witch did not react, did not move at all until her head lolled to the side and blood trickled out of the corner of her mouth. Storm withdrew and allowed the body to fall. She turned to face her entourage, a broad smile breaking across her face. Angeline never saw anything like it in all her life, the power emanating from Storm Sullivan reverberated through the air around her. In that moment she looked peaceful, walking toward them almost in a daze. “Get that bitch’s body out of my drive, burn it if you must, but get rid of it.” Storm looked over her shoulder, into the darkness beyond the gate and spoke clearly, “Those capable of passing through my gates are welcome to join us and take shelter in Willow Wood Manor.”

  The soldiers stepped forward to Storm and whispered something to her to which she nodded in response. A few jogged off toward the house while the rest began collecting the withered remnants of the fire sprites. Angeline continued to watch the gate for more supernaturals but none came. Storm stepped closer and lowered her voice. “I am ready for bed guys. Can we catch up on everything tomorrow?”

  “Seriously? You are going to put on a show like that and go to bed?” Everyone turned to Sophia. “Come on, you were all thinking the same thing.”

  Storm chuckled, “Yes, that is exactly what I am going to do.”

  Angeline wiped a few stray hairs out of her face and offered Storm a crooked grin. “I could go for a shower. Think there’s any pizza left?”

  The Emerald took Ryder by the hand and linked arms with Angeline pulling them both toward the house. “I am sure we can rustle up some food if the pizza is all gone. Now that you mention it, I am kinda hungry. Perhaps a bite to eat and then bed.”

  Shane landed with a soft thud just in front of Angeline causing her to falter a moment to avoid colliding with him. “Well done, Storm.”

  “That was reckless, Storm.” Dan landed just beside Shane, his eyes flicking over Angeline briefly before resuming his scolding of the Emerald. “You stepped off Willow Wood grounds without protection! What were you thinking? What if the Unseen were present and waiting for you to emerge?”

  “Then I would have taken him on too. But, we know he is not since he doesn’t have a body. Good grief, Dan. I am fine. I just took out the witch who has been tracking us and that’s all you have to say?” Storm glowered at the Seraph and squeezed Angeline’s arm tighter.

  “My love, relax. Dan is not wrong. It was reckless.” Ryder leaned in to Storm, forcing her to maintain eye contact with him. Her grip on Angeline’s arm lessened slightly. “You are getting stronger every day but you cannot be reckless in this, none of us can.”

  “Screw you all. C’mon Angeline, let’s go eat some pizza.” Storm reaffirmed her grip on Angeline’s arm and pulled her off toward the house with a surprising amount of strength after that display. Angeline looked back to the Seraphs and Ryder offering an apologetic look. Storm led her back into the study and rustled through the pizza boxes looking for some remnants. Sure enough, at the very bottom there were two pieces of plain cheese. Storm selected one and handed the box to Angeline. It was still warm, a charming spell the Mystics used for a small extra fee. Angeline watched Storm warily as the Emerald paced the room chewing in a manner that could only be described as angrily.

  Testing the waters, Angeline swallowed her bite and broke the silent tension. “Storm?”

  “Angeline?” Storm did not break stride.

  “Do you think perhaps you overreacted a touch? They are just worried about you.” Angeline braced for the blow, focused on the last few bites of her pizza. As last meals went she coul
d have done worse.

  “Yes. I know I did. But I am not a child and I am tired of being treated as one.” Storm finally stopped and sat on the couch, downing her last bite of pizza and watching Angeline intently.

  “No, you are not a child but to them you are young. I am young. Sophia is young. We are surrounded by men who have lived for centuries, seen many gruesome wars and even more betrayals. And they love you.” Adding the last part quietly, Angeline held Storm’s gaze, watching for a break in her calm exterior. “It does not excuse their reactions but doesn’t it make them a little more reasonable?”

  “I hate it when you are right, Ang. I really, truly do.” Storm frowned. “But, you are right and they are right and so am I. You saw me out there. I barely broke a sweat and I don’t feel drained like I used to after exerting so much power. I don’t know how to explain it. I saw the way and I reacted. It was almost like déjà vu or something, like I saw myself doing it and therefore had the strength and wherewithal to carry it out.”

  “You probably have had a vision about this at some point, Storm. It would make sense. Besides, a mother acting to protect her children may be the most dangerous of all predators and –“

  Storm snickered, “Ang, you have to stop watching animal planet. I did what I had to do to eliminate an enemy, no more, no less. Now, I am ready for a hot shower and a good night of sleep.” She yawned and stretched. “On second thought, maybe just sleep for now.”

  “I will send Ryder up and handle the Seraphs. I want to fill Dorian and Gregoire in before sunrise.” Angeline moved for the door and nearly collided with Dorian.

  “Is the Emerald well?” Dorian’s eyes flicked over Angeline. “I heard there was quite the confrontation.”

  “I am well enough, Dorian. Thank you for checking on me.” Storm met them at the door and gave Angeline a meaningful look. “I am off to bed but Ang has promised to fill you in. I’ll get Ryder, Ang.”


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