The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 65

by Violet Patterson

  “So let me guess, my father’s destiny was only to father me and once he fulfilled that destiny, he could make whatever choices he wished. He is the one who failed me.” Storm’s heart sank. She looked at Ryder for strength to hold the tears at bay. Fathers were supposed to fawn over their daughters, supposed to love and protect their children at all costs. Real fathers were supposed to look at their children the way Ryder was now gazing at Autumn and Ember.

  “Yes. Your father turned out to be a disappointment.” Damarra’s words were laced with sorrow and regret.

  Aunt Trin snorted, “That’s the understatement of the millennium. Traitorous scum of the realm would be another way of saying it.”

  Damarra glared at Aunt Trin, “I am aware of your feelings on my son. He has paid mightily for his betrayals as you well know.” Damarra looked back to Storm, “As I was explaining, we have intervened at various junctures to ensure your survival and give you the best chance at victory. Our enemy is cunning and he manipulated your father who unfortunately was born with the vanity of a God. When he learned that his immortality had been compromised, Calibos did not take the news very well.” Damarra spit the last part as though it left a bad taste in her mouth. “He planned on having eternity to do as he pleased once his destiny was fulfilled. The enemy convinced your father that his immortality passed to you.”

  “Wait, are you telling me that I am going to live forever?” Storm wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the answer. The thought of forever with Ryder was more than appealing but what about the girls?

  “Not necessarily, dear. Please, do not get ahead of yourself.” Damarra’s frown deepened. “You have a long future but we cannot tell if it is infinite. We could not tell with your father either. In the end, that is how the enemy convinced him. Immortality is not passed on through blood like other traits, it is far more complicated than that.”

  “But isn’t that the reason Immortals cannot bear children?” Storm had always figured that was the case, a way to prevent Immortals from breeding armies of Immortal children.

  “No, though it makes complete sense that you would think that.” Roane interjected, “Immortals are unable to reproduce because our bodies essentially freeze at the time we become immortal. It is entirely possible to have a child prior to gaining Immortality but much like a vampire, we become static at the point we Become. Does that make sense?”

  Storm nodded. Who knew? She looked at Ryder and Lucian who seemed unphased by the revelation. Why hadn’t either of them ever told her that? Her head was starting to hurt from all of these disclosures. Something dawned on her. “So how did Ryder and I conceive?”

  “As you have the ability to end their immortality, so do you have the ability to awaken things within an Immortal that would otherwise remain static.” Damarra smiled knowingly, “This brings me to the final point I have to share. The Tuatha De gained as much as they could from your father before dispatching him. It turned out to be a small mercy and our chance to get ahead of our enemy.”

  “Why?” Storm wasn’t sure who asked but grateful that she didn’t have to.

  “Because he learned the power of your bond with Ryder and how strong it made you. The one thing that none of us saw was you mating with an Immortal, least of all Ryder Cohen.” Damarra smiled, the kind that reached her eyes.

  Aunt Trin coughed. “I saw it.”

  “Yes, yes. I know. You saw him and you did everything necessary to ensure he stayed his hand.” Damarra’s irritation showed through though Storm wasn’t sure if it was because she hadn’t seen Ryder coming or just in general with Aunt Trin. “It was the enemy who set him on the Sullivan line so many years ago in an effort to prevent Storm from being born. When that did not work, he sought out your father. You see, our enemy has many plans and when one fails, he always has an alternative.”

  Roane interjected again, his eyes fixed on Storm, “Granddaughter, I know you must have a million more questions because I know you well enough from watching you all these years, but right now you need to claim as many allies as you can because the enemy is coming for you and he is coming for your babes and you need to be ready.”

  Storm didn’t know what to say. For the first time she was utterly struck dumb, this was a lot of information to process and it’s not like she was being given any time to deal with it. Storm looked away from everyone and opted to focus on her daughter’s face. The soft skin, peaches and cream complexion and light rosy cheeks made the world disappear. “No harm will come to you, my Autumn. I will not let them touch you.” Storm whispered in her ear as she gently rubbed her nose over her daughter’s. “Eskimo kisses, my darling.”


  She didn’t know who called her name, but Storm raised her head and faced the room. “I think we have learned more than we needed to know for now. I do not think we will ever unweave the complex histories and connections that have brought us all together, but in the end, none of that matters because we are all here for one purpose.”

  “Well said, dear.” Damarra nodded approvingly. “Are you taking the babes to meet the others?”

  “No, I am not ready for that.” Storm looked at Ryder, “What do you think?”

  “I agree with you, of course, my love.” Ryder’s eyebrows knitted together as he contemplated their company for a moment. “I think Sophia, Lucian and the Phoenix should guard the girls in the nursery.”

  “Olivia should go with them.” Angeline chimed in from out of nowhere causing the entire room to shift their focus to her. “I think she may be a bit unsettling for new people. No offense, Liv, but not many people have seen a White Priestess hanging around for the fun of it.” Storm had hardly noticed the girl’s presence in the midst of so many revelations but there she stood beside Angeline, an odd white glow surrounding here. When did that happen? She looked at Sophia questioningly but her friend just mouthed “later.”

  “She has a point.” The Mystic added, “I do not think it wise to reveal our alliance with the White Lady at this juncture. While we know Olivia to be a good omen, many will not see her as such.”

  “I will gladly go with the babes.” Olivia floated forward. “I understand my presence could be ill received.”

  “Very well, slip out after we have occupied the new arrivals.” Storm reluctantly handed Autumn to Olivia. “Thank you, Olivia.”

  “Any time.” Olivia snuggled Autumn closer and began humming to her.

  “I wish to stay with the babes as well.” The Mystic inclined his head, “Too many thoughts can cause me pain and there seem to be many more guests than I anticipated.”

  “Very well, I do not wish you any further discomfort.” Storm stood and stretched. She was really sore and quite tired all of sudden even though she’d apparently been sleeping for the better part of the last twenty-four hours. Stifling a yawn, Storm headed for the doors and opened them slowly. “Let’s do this.”


  “That was a lot of information.” Sophia watched their friends walk out of the study, rocking Ember gently. “I wonder how Storm really feels about it.”

  “She seems to be taking it well enough. But, knowing her as I do, she probably has a hundred more questions like the rest of us.” Lucian eyed the Mystic skeptically. He’d never been a fan of the guy and now he was even less excited about him. Lucian harbored no positive feelings for the Tuatha De or any of their machinations and now he was stuck babysitting with one of them. Even if he was only half an ancient, the Mystic made Lucian’s skin crawl and there were few things capable of that.

  “Does it matter? The Emerald strikes me as somebody who will do what she must no matter how she feels about it.” Olivia did not look at them as she spoke, intent on the babe in her arms. Lucian eyed the young priestess warily. In so many ways she still seemed the young, innocent girl who sat wide-eyed in the kitchen trying to understand what was happening around her. But, bubbling under the surface was a deadly shadow that she could unleash at any time. He knew something about that,
knew something about holding a monster at bay. He’d seen White Priestesses in action and figured it had to be much like him harboring the Phoenix.

  “I think we should head up to the nursery. The girls should be getting hungry again soon.” Sophia headed for the door, the beast at her feet.

  As they slipped down the hall single file, Lucian heard somebody cleaning up in the kitchen but little more. Thinking they must have taken the party outside, Lucian slid around the others to corral them into the shadows of the dimly lit hall, just in case. Passing the front, Lucian caught a glimpse of a fairly large crowd in the front yard and fought the urge to slip out to survey the new arrivals. The upstairs seemed still – more so than he was accustomed to. Something was not right. Lucian whispered to his companions, “We need to go back to the study.”

  “Why?” Sophia hissed in his ear.

  “Trust me.” Lucian didn’t have to say anymore. His mate understood the look on his face and backed slowly down the stairs. Olivia held Autumn closer and started to glow softly, her hair and gown billowing out slightly as she descended the stairs ahead of them. The Mystic froze as they hit the landing. Lucian tried to push him forward but he shook his head firmly.

  “We are trapped.”

  Before Lucian could ask for more information, Olivia shrieked in an unearthly manner. Lucian shoved past the Mystic, taking the steps two at a time landing in the foyer with enough force to shake the floor. Olivia was surrounded by at least a dozen of Dorian’s mercenaries, all staring at her with glowing red eyes and guns aimed at her and the babe she held. Watson was crumpled at their feet, bleeding from multiple places.

  “It would be unwise to attack me now.” Olivia spoke evenly, her voice taking on an eerie quality as her white glow brightened. “You know not what you would unleash and I will never surrender this child.”

  A cackle filled the air, a strange grating laugh that set Lucian’s teeth on edge. Sophia appeared behind him and he could feel her pressing Ember between them. Instinctively, Lucian reached his arm behind him to protect his mate. He heard the beast’s tail flick and knew it was close. A creak on the stairs above alerted Lucian to the presence of more soldiers. How did nobody outside hear them? Olivia’s scream was more than loud enough.

  “So the Emerald has recruited a White Priestess and a half extinguished Phoenix? Is this all she has in her arsenal?” The voice emanated from the mouths of all the soldiers, as if they were unified under one mind.

  “How did you get in here?” Sophia’s voice rang crystal clear through the entire hall and foyer. She was trying to alert the others as well.

  “Human minds are so easy to manipulate, especially when their master slumbers. You will find that I am quite persuasive when I need to be.” The voice paused and two of the soldiers lowered their weapons. “Hand over the babes and we will be on our way. You cannot possibly defend them against all of us.”

  “You really are a coward, aren’t you?” Lucian felt a new fury rearing up inside him. Now he understood why their enemy was called the Unseen and he didn’t like it one bit.

  “Do not speak so boldly, Immortal, your woman may not survive it.” The soldiers smiled maliciously as they spoke.

  “Are you threatening me, coward?” Lucian was quickly losing his patience and wishing the others would hear them.

  “It is a promise, Immortal. I will break her into pieces while you watch and then I will break you and watch you wile away all of the ages of the world with only the memory of her shattered body to keep you company.” The soldiers sneered and advanced a few more steps, tightening their circle so that the small group was backed against the wall near the foot of the stairs.

  “Big words for someone who cannot speak them to my face.” Lucian folded his arms over his chest flexing his muscles. He ignored the elbow that nudged his spine knowing Sophia did not approve of his methods.

  “I do not fear you. You are nothing more than a flicker on the cosmic scale and I am bored. Give up the babes.” The soldiers advanced in unison.

  “Never.” Olivia turned back to Lucian and passed off Autumn. “Close your eyes and shield the girls.”

  Lucian did not know what she had planned but he turned to Sophia and passed on the word. They shielded the babes between them. The beast wrapped itself around their legs and the Mystic moved in, wrapping his arms about their waists to shield the babes as well. Lucian’s skin crawled at his touch but he didn’t have much time to process the discomfort. A chill filled the room and Lucian fought the urge to open his eyes and look. He couldn’t be sure how long they stood in that manner but Lucian refused to relinquish his hold on his wife or the babes until Storm’s voice penetrated everything.

  “Lucian? Sophia?”

  Lucian cracked open an eye and saw both the Mystic and Sophia with their eyes squeezed shut. He looked down at the babes to find them miraculously still asleep. “Storm, if that is truly you, then tell me something only you and I would know.”

  “Lucian Nightstalker if you do not give me my children this instant then I am going to not only steal your immortality but rip off your genitals and shove them down your throat. Sorry, Sophia.” It had to be Storm.

  Shaking out of the Mystic’s hold, Lucian turned to present Storm with her child and nearly dropped the babe when he saw what Olivia had done to the soldiers. Aside from poor Watson, every human body in the area had been withered as though completely drained. Watson, the exception, still lay unconscious in the middle of the floor with Angeline fawning over him. Storm’s eyes blazed golden and her hands still glowed indicating she’d just used her powers again. Lucian gently handed her the babe and scanned the room for Olivia. The girl sat on the bottom step at the far side of the staircase with her head in her hands. Lucian tapped Sophia on the shoulder and kissed her forehead. “Open your eyes, Soph. It’s alright now. Why don’t you help Storm with the girls and I can help clean up.” Sophia nodded almost imperceptibly and turned to Storm whose expression softened some at the look on her friend’s face.

  “Come on, Soph. Let’s go feed my girls and you can tell me what happened in here, okay?” Storm nodded toward the study and Lucian was grateful when Sophia followed without argument.

  “She packs a punch, doesn’t she?” Pollux stepped up beside him. Lucian still could not believe how thin the Scots were.

  “Yeah, she does.” Lucian eyed the girl, still sitting with her head down.

  “My kind of woman.” Pollux wagged his eyebrows at Lucian.

  “Somehow, I don’t think you can handle that one, brother.” Lucian doubted there was a man alive who could weather that storm.

  “I think I’ll give it a go anyway.” Pollux shrugged and moved toward the girl but Lucian grabbed his arm.

  “I don’t think now is the right time. Leave her be. Think of how you felt the first time you took a life and multiply that by the number you see here.” Lucian stared Pollux down, watching him relive that first kill, one that Lucian had been present for. Not that it had been unwarranted – far from it – but Pollux had taken it hard nonetheless. The expression on his face changed and Pollux’s shoulders fell.

  “You suck, Lucian.” Pollux hopped off the steps and jumped into the clean-up already under way. In Pollux’s stead, the Mystic slipped onto the stair beside Olivia and began whispering to her. Lucian could not tell what he said but the girl’s shoulders relaxed and she lifted her head to look at the Mystic. Her cheeks were stained with glistening tears. To save her embarrassment, Lucian averted his eyes and joined his brethren in the clean-up.

  “Lucian?” Angeline tugged at his arm in earnest. “Could you help me move Watson to his quarters. I think he is going to be fine but I would rather get him out of the way so he doesn’t wake up to this.”

  “Of course.” Lucian read between the lines. Angeline wanted to know what happened and she did not want to ask her sister. He nearly groaned. If he didn’t still owe Angeline for her part in repressing the beast and bringing Sophia back then he would c
ertainly not be so willing. Sure enough, as they descended the stairs to the lower quarters where the vampires slept, Angeline looked at him sidelong and sparked a new line of questioning.

  “Was it the enemy?”

  “Yes. He took over their minds somehow. We should have stayed in the study. I was too distracted to pick up on them until it was too late.” Lucian shifted Watson’s weight.

  “And Olivia did all of that?” Finally, Angeline posed her real question.


  “She sucked their souls out.” Angeline stated it simply. No emotion for the lost soldiers, no awe at her sister’s macabre ability, just a fact.

  “It appears that way.” Lucian paused. “She did them a service. Because of your sister they crossed over instead of falling to the Unseen. Which fate would you prefer?”

  Angeline fell into a contemplative silence as they navigated the corridor. Watson’s room could not be much farther down the hall and Lucian was growing annoyed by his smell to say nothing for the blood seeping into his shirt. Finally she stopped outside a door and turned the knob to push it inward. Lucian barely had time to respond. He leapt backward with Watson as the blast hit Angeline full on. Lucian screamed for her but the hallway was engulfed in flames and he had to fight to escape the inferno with Watson in tow. Lucian sprinted for the stairs, leaping up them and flying into the hallway.



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