The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 68

by Violet Patterson

  “So what convinced you more, Damarra or the Phoenix?” Storm cocked her head to the side.

  “Both.” Sophia stared into Storm’s eyes. “You must do this Storm. I see now, how it all fits together so perfectly. This is the way, the only way.”

  “We agree, Storm.” Dan stepped forward, followed closely by Shane and three others. Two females and a male approached and knelt before her. “Please welcome Raia, Samuel, and Isabelle. They are Seraphs who have been watching you since birth. They are here to help guard Ember and Autumn.”

  “Welcome, thank you so much, please, have a seat, get a drink and make yourselves at home.” Storm felt uncomfortable with the formality yet she continued to be met with it. Most of the supernats who arrived earlier that day had thrown themselves at her feet which was embarrassing to say the least and even worse it was a constant source of amusement for Dan and Shane.

  “We are pleased to serve you in this. May we meet the babes?” Samuel bowed his head as she and Sophia presented the girls. “They are most beautiful. I believe they will have your hair.”

  “They have Damarra’s eyes, how interesting.” One of the females commented but Storm was unclear as to who was who.

  “Yes, though my grandmother assures us that only other supernaturals will be able to see their true appearance.” Storm did not mind, she thought them beautiful as they were and often wished she had eyes like her grandmother’s.

  “It is true.” Samuel responded. “You can only be seen if you choose to be seen. They will learn the same.”

  “If the world does not change before they are grown.” One of the females chimed in. Storm felt uneasy at the tone in her voice.

  “What do you mean by that?” Sophia picked up on it too, a sudden alertness in her eyes.

  “She refers to the coming battle.” Samuel continued to watch the girls as he spoke, “Should you prevail against the Unseen we may find that supernaturals need not hide who they are quite so much.”

  But, is that all she meant. Storm exchanged an uneasy glance with Sophia.

  “Yes, what else would she mean? We are here to protect you and yours, Storm Sullivan. We have watched you for many years, seen your bravery, your impulsivity, and your strength. Should you complete this task and come out standing on the other side, it is possible that we could become more known, that we could walk among humans as equals rather than hide in the shadows. Do you not want such things?” Samuel responded again.

  Storm glossed over his question, not prepared to address it. “You will guard the girls then? You will keep them here in the study?” Storm felt a strange panic. Something unsettled her about the new arrivals.

  “Of course, Emerald.” Samuel responded yet again.

  Somehow she wasn’t so sure. Was all the deception making her crazy? Was she heading the wrong way again? Sophia seemed to agree with her but she wished the Phoenix would weigh in instead of laying on the floor doing nothing. Wouldn’t the Phoenix have noticed if something were awry?

  We notice Emerald ours, we notice it all. Trust only your brothers in arms with your babies. We shall stay behind as well. Sophia ours cannot go with you, we cannot follow you on this so let us protect your wee ones. The Phoenix swished her tail and shifted her head to Storm’s knee. We do not trust these three, Emerald ours. We do not trust them at all.

  “Could Sophia and I have some time with the girls? I would like to try nursing them.” Storm offered a weak smile, attempting to appear nervous and uncomfortable. Not that the uncomfortable part was difficult.

  “Of course, Storm Sullivan.” The three new arrivals stood and bowed again, slipping out of the room as awkwardly as they arrived.

  “Dan, I have a quick question for you. Shane, could you get our guests some food and drink?” Storm waited until the doors closed behind Shane before she spoke to Dan. “I do not want them watching the girls. I cannot explain it but I do not want to them in here again. I want more wards placed and only you, Dan and Sophia are to be in here with the girls. I don’t care what you say or do but please, do this for me Dan.”

  Though he appeared shocked by the request, Dan conceded and swore to follow her wishes. He slipped out leaving Storm alone with Sophia and the Phoenix. “I worry about leaving, Soph.” She swept Autumn’s baby fine hair to the side and kissed her daughter’s forehead. “I worry that I will not see them again. I worry that I am taking our friends to their deaths.”

  Sophia reached out and squeezed her hand. “I do not envy your position, Storm. But I think you are doing the right thing. I think you know by now that I would tell you if I didn’t agree with you.”

  “Thank you, Soph.” Storm looked into her friend’s violet eyes, half for reassurance and half making certain there was no sign of the enemy in them. Though she was certain the Phoenix would know the difference, Storm needed to see for herself and all she saw was Sophia’s kindness staring back at her. She was so glad she saved her friend from the mirror, so grateful to have Sophia in her life. Storm smiled. “When we get through this we are going on vacation, a real vacation on a beach with those drinks with tiny umbrellas. We will get massages and any spa treatment you can imagine.”

  “That sounds amazing.” Sophia squeezed her hand again, “I am going to hold you to that, Storm.”

  “I know you will.” Storm’s spirits soared. She felt hope again. She would win and have a life ahead of her, a life that included her friends and her children.


  “Come on boys, you have to be ready to fight. You’ve seen those hybrids, you know how they fight. And who’s to say there won’t be other delightful surprises.” Lucian held both shifters by their collars, ice cold water dripping down his arms, sending chills through him that only intensified his exhilaration. Ryder did not seem to be enjoying his work on the Scots quite as much. His loss. He’d really lost his sense of humor over the years. Early on Ryder would have been egging the Scots on in much the same fashion. This was more than Storm or the coming battle. Ryder’s brooding nature seemed to be flaring again. He remembered what it was like to travel with Ryder in such a mood. “Brother, if you don’t liven up and enjoy this a wee bit then I will throw you in the pool as well.”

  Ryder glared at him. “This is not fun. The pool has not been cleaned in gods knows how long. The water reeks and it is making them reek as well.”

  “When we are done with this I am going to put an APB out on your sense of humor.” Lucian snapped back. “You are no fun anymore.”

  “Would you be fun under these circumstances? If it was Sophia?” Ryder dunked the Scots again.

  “I think you know the answer to that, brother.” Lucian smirked and doused the shifters again. Frederick had stopped sputtering but Lucian wanted to be sure they were both fully sober, “Of course I would be. What is the point if you don’t have some fun with it? If you lose that piece of yourself you cannot hope to win.”

  “It is not that easy, Luc.” Ryder dropped the Scots on the patio.

  “But it is, brother. It is.” Lucian dragged the shifters from the edge of the pool and deposited them beside the soaked Scots. He took Ryder by the elbow and led him away from the pool. “Can you really expect to keep Storm tied up in Willow Wood for the rest of her days? Raise Autumn and Ember within these walls without ever knowing why they cannot leave? How would you manage that?” Lucian paused and hollered back to the wet Scots and shifters, “There are towels in the pool house. Get dried off and head back into the house for some coffee.”

  “Luc, I know what you would say but this is Storm.”

  “Exactly. Storm Sullivan, the Emerald Seer, the woman who sent you through a second story window, defeated her own half God, half Immortal father, annihilated an amped up witch and fought her way back from a mystical coma after giving birth to twin girls with no chemical aid whatsoever. Are you really going to try to keep her captive for the rest of her days?” Lucian arched an eyebrow at his friend.

  “When you put it that way I sound ridicu
lous.” Ryder folded his arms over his chest, “But I still say it is not that simple. Yes she has done all of those things but this is different. This is somebody who took out armies of gods and goddesses and seriously damaged the Tuatha De.”

  “Indeed, but the enemy was nearly destroyed by that tiny goddess who is terribly intrigued with kitchen appliances.” Lucian stopped and stared Ryder down. “You are not going to stop her, Ryder. You might as well go with her and assure her safety.”

  “I hate it when you are right, Luc.”

  “I know, brother, I know.” Lucian patted him on the shoulder.


  Shaking off the unsettling meeting with the new Seraphs, Storm try to relax into the couch beside Sophia and cherish her babes. Sophia was cooing at Ember who seemed to be waking. “Did you want to try nursing, Storm? Aren’t you sore?”

  “I was thinking about it, Soph, but shouldn’t I feel some sort of pressure or something? I mean, I don’t feel any different. Do you think something is wrong?” Storm hadn’t thought about it until now but she’d heard it could become painful.

  “I’m not sure, Storm. I only know what I learned in school and that was ages ago. Ang –“ Sophia broke off in an odd choking sound and Storm understood. Her friend started sobbing.

  “I know, Soph, I know. But we can’t fall apart now. Not even for Angeline. She would be reprimanding us for being so mushy.” Storm half smiled imagining their friend tapping her toe with her hands on her hips.

  “And she would be frustrated with you for not knowing what to do.” Sophia started to giggle.

  “Oh, and don’t forget the lecture I would be getting for not using the birthing room she slaved over.” Storm joined in, the giggles bubbling up through her grief.

  That is how Ryder and Lucian found them, giggling and tossing out memories of Angeline. The men took one look at them and walked right back out the door sending them into greater fits of laughter resulting in the girls’ waking up with wails. Through snickers, Sophia managed to articulate that the girls would need to be changed and fed. No sooner than she spoke it, Lucian and Ryder returned with diapers and bottles.

  “How did you know?” Storm managed to sputter.

  “The way you two are carrying on? It was only a matter of time until the babes woke.” Lucian thrust the diapers at them. “Really, I would expect more of you both.”

  “Says the man who was just lecturing me for not enjoying the sobering of the Scots.” Ryder smirked at his friend as he handed over the bottles they’d brought in.

  This was how it should be. Friends laughing and caring for the girls. Storm did not want to think about what she’d lost or what she could lose in the coming days. She wanted this, right here, right now. No, that wasn’t precisely right either. She wanted normal. Storm wanted this to all be over so they could sit on the beach, come and go as they pleased, and raise the girls without fear of a big, bad evil. Dammit. Storm wasn’t looking for easy or perfect, just not so hard. Didn’t she deserve that much?

  “Storm?” Sophia’s concern washed over her.

  “Yes, Soph?” Storm shook her head and focused on her friend.

  “What are you thinking about? Where did you go?”

  “Nowhere,” Storm whispered. She sighed and stared at Ryder, “I need to know you are with me, Ry.”

  Her mate’s shoulders slumped and the pain in his eyes almost hurt her. “I will go with you, my love. I will follow you to the ends of this world and every other.”

  “I love you, Ry, I am doing this for us, for our girls, for our friends.” Storm kissed Autumn lightly on her forehead and handed her to Ryder. She leaned over and brushed her lips over Ember’s forehead before sliding off the couch. “I have to research a few things but I want to leave by midnight.”

  Nobody said a word. They didn’t have to. Storm knew what they were thinking. She squared her shoulders and made for the desk, specifically one very special book. It had been bothering her for a long time but now she knew why. Now she’d connected all the dots.

  Picking up the emerald green tome that she’d been given so many months ago when most of the madness began, Storm opened it to the middle and then flipped a few pages toward the back. She whispered at the blank pages “Vanquish.” At first nothing happened but Storm knew it would come. The book began to cool rapidly in her hands but she held the open edges firmly. Storm was prepared when the book began to heat and even though it seemed to singe her fingertips, she held on. A thin layer of dust appeared on the pages, building up and up into small piles of black soot. Storm nodded to herself. Just as she’d thought. Careful not to spill anything, Storm traversed the study, making for the massive hearth. Standing before the dwindling flames, Storm crouched down and dumped the sooty masses from the page. A good portion stuck to the page, clinging to it as if with tiny claws but Storm blew across the pages, forcing the residue into the flames. A shrill hiss filled the air around them as flames crackled and rolled sending thick, black smoke up the chimney.

  “Storm! What are you doing?” Lucian shouted from the middle of the room where the babes were wailing and the three adults were trying to cover their ears. She’d been oblivious to the wails until Lucian called her attention to them.

  “I’m sorry, it had to be done. Just a few more minutes.” Storm watched the flames devour the black particles, rolling over the piles with a vehemence that echoed her own. She whispered into the flames, glaring at the remnants of darkness and hoping her enemy could feel her rage through His minions. “Be gone, you have no hold here. Tell Him I’m coming for him. Tell Him it’s time.” The shrill hiss faded, dwindling to nothingness and once it ended, the girls fell silent again. Storm closed the book and spun on her heel to face her loved ones. “He was in the book.”

  Lucian sat back on the chair frowning. “That makes sense, but how?”

  “I didn’t understand how such a thing could be possible because only the line of the Emerald could touch the book without physical harm,” she nodded to Lucian and Ryder, “as you can both attest to. But things changed when I learned that I share blood with the Unseen. He could have touched it at any time. He could have planted His minions centuries ago and all they had to do was wait.”

  “I never liked that book; it always made me feel uneasy.” Lucian eyed it skeptically, “and not because it zapped me across the room for touching it.”

  Ryder nodded along, “Me too. I thought it was because of my history with the Sullivan line.”

  “No, I think it will still repel you but it would have recognized His blood. The book is not innately light or dark.” Storm opened it again. “I think I can get more answers from it now that His minions cannot tamper with it any longer.” She whispered at the open pages, “Show me what’s real.” As before, the scrolling green letters appeared on the pages but much brighter and in a slightly different fashion.

  Hail! Mighty Emerald of our line, ask your question and we will answer true.

  Storm inhaled sharply. This was new. “Who are you?” She whispered, just loud enough that her companions could hear.

  We are all and we are none, bound to your cause by the blood we share.

  She held the book so her friends could read the responses as well. “Am I on the right track?”

  We believe so, yes. There are many futures but all begin and end with your meeting Nuada.

  “Will I win?”

  We cannot tell, it is not within our power, too many choices remain.

  “Can I win?”

  Most assuredly you can. Choose wisely and you may fulfill your destiny.

  “Thank you. Be at peace.”

  Blessed be, Emerald Seer.

  Storm gingerly closed the book and pulled it to her chest. It warmed and glowed slightly before returning to normal. Storm sighed, feeling a peace she had not known in far too long. With her eyes closed she stood there, reveling in the moment because she knew it would not last. She knew the hard part lay ahead. Opening her eyes, she blinked back te
ars and grinned at her mate whose face had softened substantially. Her weariness evaporated into quiet resolve. Ryder nodded almost imperceptibly and she knew he was at last on board. It was all she wanted, to know that he had her back.

  “Well, I’m sold. Let’s get moving.” Lucian stood and folded his arms across his chest, his muscle rippling and eyes dancing with excitement.

  “You are not going with us, Lucian.” Storm stared directly into his eyes as she spoke, knowing what his reaction would be.

  “The hell I’m not!” Lucian roared, his fury flaring with his nostrils as he looked from Storm to Ryder and back again.

  “We need you here, Lucian. I do not trust anybody else with the babes now.” Storm spoke quietly, working hard to keep her voice even and low. She could not lose control of her powers now. Feeling Sophia’s gaze on her, Storm looked down to her friend and tried to explain, “Those Seraphs, the new ones who came this afternoon to see the girls. They are not right, I believe they want to take the girls and that they will try the minute we leave them an opportunity. Dan and Shane cannot turn on their kin and I cannot ask them to. And, if we don’t succeed,” Storm choked back tears as she tried to complete her thought, “if we don’t make it back, you two need to take the girls and run. I know you will do right by them.” Ryder reached up and squeezed her hand. Tears overflowed Sophia’s eyes and she turned away from Storm.

  “Not happening.” Lucian frowned at her. “I will stay to protect the girls from the traitorous Angels but I will not raise your girls. You will be back here by sunrise or we will come after you and tear apart every realm we cross until we find you. I swear it.”

  Storm walked around the couch and flew into Lucian’s arms burying her face in his chest. “There is nobody I would rather have at my back than you, but that is why I want you here. I do not trust anybody with our girls more than you and Sophia. Not now, not ever.”


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