The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 71

by Violet Patterson

  “What have you done?”

  “Oh, a little of this, a little of that.” Storm laid the book on a table and allowed the pages to flip open of their own accord. She held her hand over the pages and allowed her nails to elongate again, releasing the droplets of blood she’d taken from Nuada’s vessel.

  “What have you done!” Nuada screamed at her even as the droplets of blood dribbled down the page and absorbed into the book.

  Three figures emerged from the shadows. Storm did not have to look to know who they were – Damarra, Roane, and Morgaine. Once the droplets of blood were fully absorbed into the book, a brilliant green script appeared in their place. The two females stepped beside her and began reading the words with Storm. A chill breeze billowed around them apparently out of nowhere. Nuada began scratching at the walls, crying like a scared child in his attempts to flee the enormous round room. When Storm, Damarra, and Morgaine finished reading the spell, Nuada’s body went stiff and began convulsing as it fell to the floor. Storm sucked in her breath and watched in horror, frozen by the anticipation, wondering if it worked. The minutes rolled by and then the body fell still.

  “Did it work?” The words were out before Storm could stop them.

  Damarra put a hand on her arm and shook her head. “Hush, dear.” She stepped toward the limp body. “Nuada? My brother?”

  The body stirred but fell still again. Damarra sighed loudly. “Oh, do stop being a child, Nuada. Storm has defeated you. Do not make it worse by being a coward.”

  One eye opened and then the other and the body on the floor turned its head in the most unnatural position to face Damarra. It cackled. “Make it worse? No, dear sister. I will make it better, much better.” Nuada’s new body stood, brushed itself off and adjusted its head. The eyes were now full black reminding Storm of a bad B movie’s depiction of demon possession. Really? She rolled her eyes.

  “That’s a parlor trick at best, Uncle. I trapped you in this room. That body will grow old and die but you will still be bound to this room with no chance at grabbing yourself another one.” Storm folded her arms across her chest.

  “Not possible.” Nuada raised his hands at her but nothing happened. He tried again but still nothing. “What have you done?”

  “She has done what I failed to do, brother.” Damarra walked toward her brother, “She has trapped you. You have no power here.”

  “Not possible.” Nuada practically screamed at them. “If I am trapped in this body and the body dies then I can cross over and return to my true form. It is the way this works. It is the loop hole in the curse.”

  “No, Nuada. You will live out eternity here.” Damarra’s voice sounded harsher than Storm had ever heard it.

  Nuada’s face changed and he stood to glare at his sister. “I will find a way out.”

  “No, brother, you will not.” Damarra cast a bolt of lightning at her brother’s new body. A look of shock registered on his face and then he crumpled.

  “She comes.” Morgaine’s voice broke through the tension as brother and sister turned to look at her.

  “Who?” Nuada’s eyes narrowed with suspicion.

  “The White Lady.” Morgaine’s answer came out in a chilling whisper. Ryder gasped and Storm was fairly certain she did as well.


  “What did I say?”

  Lucian could not speak. They all stood staring at their new arrival. The figure spoke to them again but Lucian wasn’t hearing correctly or something. He must be brutally wounded and hallucinating. He had heard that happened to Immortals who were mortally wounded, with the inability to die and all.


  Dan broke the silence. “Let the flame down.” His words came out choked and halting but the beast let the wall of white flame collapse and as soon as it was down, Dan sprinted across the room. He stopped right before the figure. Who the hell could make the Angel react that way? Lucian nudged Sophia who responded with a half shrug. They turned in unison to Shane who just smiled secretively.

  “Hello, Dan.”

  “Angeline?” Dan reached out and touched the figure’s shimmering sapphire wings. Lucian squeezed his wife’s elbow and stepped forward but Sophia pulled him back with a stern glare and shake of her head.

  “Apparently I did something right.” Angeline’s voice reached them and Lucian inhaled sharply. It couldn’t be. “I guess-“

  Before she could finish the thought, Dan’s lips were on hers and Lucian had to look away. Talk about pent up longing. When Lucian met Sophia’s eye, his mate was grinning ear to ear and blushing. She mouthed to him, “Angeline’s back?!”

  “Get a room already.” Olivia floated in through the shattered remnants of the windows, more amused than annoyed. When the pair did not separate, the young White Priestess flitted over to them and tapped Dan on the shoulder. “Seriously, there are more important things to be done right now. You can do all that mushy stuff later.” She turned to Lucian, Sophia, and Shane and rolled her eyes. “Honestly, you’d think she’d come back from the dead or something.”

  “Is she – are you – well – what are you?” Dan detached his lips from Angeline’s but still held her close.

  “She’s Angeline.” Olivia shrugged and made for the middle of the room. She sidled up to Shane and withdrew the bundle from his arms, the one nobody had noticed was wailing. “Really, leave you all alone for a few hours and all hell breaks loose - literally. There are demon parts all over the lawn.”

  “Liv, that’s not fair.” Angeline slipped around Dan and made her way to Lucian. He couldn’t stop staring at her now, scrutinizing every inch of her. She looked different. “Hi-ya, Luc.”

  “Ang? Is it really you? Not a trick?” Lucian felt like it was her but she was different somehow. Sophia’s beast had taken to rubbing against her legs like a pet cat, but then again, after everything they’d seen lately…

  “More or less.” Angeline studied him, her eyes as piercing as ever but with something more in them, or something less perhaps, something lighter. He couldn’t figure it out. She rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air. “Alright, Lucian. Ask me something only Angeline would know.”

  “What did we do the first time we met?” Lucian ignored Sofia’s elbow in his gut. He knew what she thought, what everyone thought. Only Angeline knew different.

  “That’s easy. I kicked your butt outside Ryder’s club, with heels on.” Angeline grinned, an expression he’d not seen much on her face over the last several months and knew it was truly her.

  “I think we remember that fight very differently.” Lucian could not get over this new version of his friend, more carefree and relaxed. That’s what it was. She was completely at ease. Well, that and she was alive after taking the full heat of a wicked blast less than a day ago.

  “No, I’m pretty sure I won.” Angeline’s eyes twinkled. “Of course, we can always give it a go again, if you want?”

  Lucian still could not make sense of it. He’d seen the explosion. Olivia confirmed her death. How could Angeline be standing here exchanging challenges with him as if none of it had happened?

  “Oh, Lucian, let it go. We don’t have a lot of time.” Angeline retracted her wings and settled on a chair. They all followed suit except for Dan who perched on the arm of her chair.

  “But how? I mean, you aren’t an Angel, right?” Lucian blurted the question and received another elbow in the ribs from his wife. He was going to be sore later.

  Angeline sighed. “I’m not getting out of this, am I? Fine, here’s the short version. I’ve told you that my mother is fae and my father is Nephilim, well, such parentage makes things complicated when it comes to death. Factoring in my contributions to Storm’s cause, it was determined that I earned a second chance and with the way things were going here,” she waved her hand outward in demonstration, “it seems I made it back just in time. What exactly were you planning to do about that demon?”

  “We were perfectly safe, Ang. You know, the white
flame and all.” Sophia chimed in, her soft voice full of emotion. She wiped at her eyes. “But I am so happy to see you. I – I –“ she broke down, her shoulders shaking as she slid off the couch and over to Angeline. The women embraced and Angeline stroked Sophia’s hair.

  “You didn’t think I was going to miss all the fun, did you? Or the babies? I worked too hard for too long. I pled my case with the White Lady and, well, I had a pretty good in with her.” Angeline pulled away from Sophia, staring into her friend’s eyes. “Soph, I’m here and I’m alright. Please stop crying.”

  Sophia backed up on her heels and wiped the tears from her eyes, exhaling slowly. “I see that and I am so glad. It’s been awful here, all the noises and not knowing what is happening.”

  “It hasn’t been so wonderful on the other side either. Everything is coming apart at the seams.” Olivia frowned as she looked up from the baby in her arms, now pacified and apparently asleep again. “When did they eat last?”

  Sophia looked deep in thought. “They are probably hungry, but we were a bit preoccupied.” Lucian knew they had to be starving; they’d been in here for hours without eating. No wonder the babe had been wailing. Sophia nodded in his direction, “Lucian, why don’t you and Shane go get some bottles and diapers and whatever else you think the girls need. It should be safe now, right?”

  Angeline tilted her head to the side as if listening. “Yes, I am quite certain it is safe. Everything is very still now. It must be happening.” She stole a sidelong glance at her sister, “You are going to be busy for the next month after this night.”

  Olivia didn’t look at her sister, she just studied the babe in her arms, “I am not thinking about that now. I am here with this lovely little girl and I am going to enjoy it while I can. The calm before the storm, isn’t that what they say?”

  “Very funny, Liv.” Angeline smirked and Dan chuckled at her side. Lucian laughed in spite of himself as he walked out of the study with Shane.

  “Did you know, Angel?” Lucian glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.

  “No, not until she arrived.” Shane pushed into the kitchen. Half of the cabinets were open with their contents spilled out on the floor. “We’re going to be cleaning for days, huh?”

  Lucian ignored the small talk as he began heating water for the formula and digging through the wreckage toward the refrigerator. “What is she exactly?”

  Shane shrugged. “I do not know. She is Angeline but different. The wings are Seraph-like but with distinctly fae features as you saw. But, if I had to guess, I would say that dormant parts of Angeline were awakened and enhanced. It has happened before. You of all people should know that.”

  “What do you mean?” Lucian whipped around and glowered at the Angel.

  “Sophia?” Shane held up a pair of diapers and the box of wipes. “Found the diapers and wipes!”

  Lucian did not think the Angel was telling him everything. It galled him.

  “Lucian, let it go, man. We are on the same side. Angeline is who she says she is. Can we just be grateful she is alive and well?” Shane reached past him and withdrew one of the bottles. “I think they are done.”

  He conceded the point – for the moment – but Lucian would have his answers eventually. He knew there was more to it. When they returned to the study, the first rays of morning were touching the sky outside. Angeline and Dan were whispering to each other with their foreheads nearly touching. Lucian shook his head and slipped past them.

  “It’s time.” Olivia exhaled the words before Lucian could hand her the bottle.

  “Time for what?” Lucian didn’t like Olivia’s far-away look.

  Angeline answered sadly, “Time for us to go.”

  Olivia stood and handed the babe to Lucian, once again looking older than her years, the light hearted girl gone. “We must help the Emerald finish her last task.”

  “Once we are gone seal everything behind us. There may be others.” Angeline kissed Dan lightly on the cheek and whispered something that made the Angel blush deeply. “Come on PacMan, come on boy, time to help Storm.” PacMan got up and lumbered over to Angeline. “Hopefully we’ll be back soon.”

  “And if you’re not?” Dan frowned.

  “We will be.” Angeline leaned in and kissed him again. She smiled at Lucian and nodded, as if acknowledging that she still had to answer all of his questions about her return. Olivia, Angeline and PacMan slipped out the wreckage and disappeared in a flare of white light. Wordlessly, Dan and Shane began laying protection spells around the room, reinforcing the ravaged spells that had failed just before Angeline’s return.

  “Does this mean Storm has defeated the Unseen?” Sophia asked the question to nobody in particular. “I mean, it does, doesn’t it?”

  “I don’t know, Soph.” Lucian settled next to his mate, each of them feeding a babe as they watched the Angels work. The beast climbed up the couch to lie between them. It seemed sad somehow. “What do you know?” Lucian asked it, not unkindly but not respectfully as he knew the beast would prefer.

  The beast raised its head and studied Lucian with those flaming eyes he knew so well. We know nothing. We are blind to what our Emerald is doing.

  “What do you mean?” Lucian glared at the beast. “Is there something we can do to help?”

  No. You are where you should be, Immortal. The beast paused, its eyes flicking about the room as if seeking something. Then the shaking began again. The entire house quaked as if it were being torn from its foundation.


  The chill that preceded The White Lady’s entrance was not uncomfortable in the slightest but out of the corner of her eye she saw Nuada shudder with apparent revulsion. Ryder squeezed her hand softly as the tall, spindly woman floated into the light. Her long, heavy white gown shimmered in the low light of the room. Her nearly iridescent silver hair flowed behind her as if blown by a breeze. But it was the White Lady’s eyes that had the greatest effect on Storm. Penetrating orbs of the clearest blue roved over the room with interest until stopping on Storm.

  “Hello Storm Sullivan.”

  The words hung in the air for what seemed an eternity before Storm could manage an answer. “Greetings, my Goddess.” She inclined her head respectfully.

  “You have done well, child.” The White Lady stepped closer to her. “Your tasks have not been easy and your losses many.” She tilted her head as if listening for something. “I believe some of your pain is about to be eased.” The White Lady turned slightly to reveal more new arrivals.

  “So much for this room being secret,” Storm muttered under her breath to Ryder. “I thought –“

  “Hello, Storm.”

  Her head whipped around at the sound of the familiar voice and sure enough, Angeline stood smiling back at her, a beacon of silvery blue light. “You didn’t think I was going to miss this, did you?” Massive sapphire wings unfurled behind her with a snap and Storm gasped.

  “Ang, you have wings?” Storm could not think of anything better to say. They really were marvelous wings, more dainty and iridescent than Dan and Shane’s but weightier than fairy wings. Something in between. Just like Angeline.

  Angeline shrugged. “It’s good to see you too.” She stepped to the side revealing her companion, Olivia. “Liv and I brought you something.”

  Olivia glided forward with PacMan at her heels. Storm fell to her knees to stroke her dog’s velvety ears. She was rewarded with lazy slobbery kisses. Something was wrong with him. “What happened, boy?”

  “He was attacked by demons. Dan and Shane found him. Sophia and the Phoenix did their best to heal him.” Olivia spoke softly, kneeling beside her. “He is the key.”

  “But how can PacMan be a key?” Storm’s head ached again. She wondered if this was real. Was PacMan real? She stole a glance at Nuada who seemed to be staring at the White Lady with an odd fascination. He wasn’t moving and it appeared that Roane, Damarra, and Morgaine had him well contained. Something about the look on his fac
e made Storm pause but she brushed it aside and re-focused on Olivia.

  “Angeline and I must go.” Olivia stood, inclined her head respectfully to the White Lady and took her sister’s hand. “Good luck, Storm Sullivan.”

  “You can do it, Storm.” Angeline grinned as the sisters disappeared in a beam of bright white light.

  Storm looked to Ryder but he was staring at the spot Angeline recently vacated with the strangest expression on his face. “Angeline is alive.” Ryder’s statement struck Storm at her core, warm relief settling over her.

  “Yes, Immortal. The fairy lives, altered slightly but she will carry on for many years.” The White Lady answered dismissively but not unkindly. She reached down and touched PacMan lightly on the forehead. “It is time, my friend.”

  PacMan licked Storm’s hand once more and trotted over to Nuada before Storm could stop him. He lay down before her enemy and the air around her dog began to shimmer. What the hell? Storm took a step forward but cool pressure on her wrist stopped her. “You must not interfere, with this part, Storm Sullivan.” The White Lady whispered. “He is the key.”

  “To what? I thought I was done.” Storm stared at the changing figure of her dog completely entranced.

  “To everything.” The White Lady held her wrist firmly. “And no you are not, there is more.”

  They all stared, silently watching PacMan transform. Everyone except Nuada who could not tear his eyes from the White Lady. Storm’s spine tingled. Understanding of something larger continued to evade her. The air around PacMan returned to normal and Storm screamed for him. PacMan lay bleeding and broken beside a second figure, a man. Storm’s scream snapped Nuada from his trance and the enemy’s eyes flew wide. He broke into a terrifying grin and began to laugh.

  “Fools! You have given me everything!” Nuada kicked the limp body of PacMan toward Storm with so much force that the dog’s head bounced off the ground as he landed at her feet. Storm fell to her knees beside her dog and the White Lady knelt beside her.


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