Mistletoe Mischief

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Mistletoe Mischief Page 8

by Stacey Joy Netzel

  Mark grinned. “Guilty as charged.”

  “Don’t worry, it was all good.”

  “At her age, I’d hope so.” They shared a laugh, and then Mark shifted in his seat to get a better look at her face. Something about her appealed to him—even with the elf ears. “You have me at a disadvantage.”

  After another quick glance that gave him no chance to figure out if those were gold flecks in her eyes or his imagination, she said, “Sorry, I’m Janelle Walsh.”

  “Elf Extraordinaire?”

  She touched one of her pointy ears with a chuckle. “Something like that.”

  They’d reached the school parking lot and Mark caught sight of Santa Claus in the seat of a red sleigh-wagon harnessed to real reindeer near the buildings. Wow. He took a closer look around at the elaborate decorations on some of the floats.

  The parade committee had really gone to town this year. Then again, he hadn’t made it home for Christmas in almost eight years, so this could be normal compared to a couple of fire trucks, the high school marching band, a tractor, a police cruiser, and Santa waving from the back of a red convertible driven by the local auto dealer. He’d have to ask Eric. Or Reese—the bright little imp would remember better than his brother.

  Speak of the devil, Eric and a couple of soldiers from the area Reserves unit marched out of the high school gymnasium dressed in full BDUs, just like Mark.

  “Janelle—over here!”

  Mark followed her gaze toward a blond guy up in the sleigh with Santa, waving in their direction. Disappointment rose up, surprising him. “That your boyfriend?”

  She pulled back on the reins to halt the team of bay horses with a laugh. “Good God, no. Derek’s my cousin.”

  Good. He leapt down from the wagon and turned to face her. His gaze skimmed her gloved hands, and he silently cursed the cold. Then again, he could just ask outright. He wasn’t shy, and her boyfriend denial had been pretty definitive. “Thanks for the ride.”

  “No problem.” She lifted the reins.

  “Listen, are you—”

  A hand clamped on his shoulder. “Mark, where’ve you been? You’re late.”

  Mark turned toward his brother. “I know, sorry. I had a flat tire.”

  “That’s what spares are for.”

  “Unless the spare is already on the vehicle.”

  “I don’t know why you still drive that hunk of junk,” Eric said.

  “A flat tire has nothing to do with how my Jeep runs—which happens to be just fine.”

  “Sure—until you have four new tires, and a spare, then your alternator will conk out. And then, when you don’t keep your cell phone charged—”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Mark interrupted with a chuckle. His brother knew him too well. The horses shifted, and the bells made their music.

  Eric smiled up at the elf Mark had been about to ask out. “Hey, Janelle.”

  “Morning, Eric. You guys all ready to go?”

  Eric snapped to attention and saluted her. “Just waiting on your orders, General.”

  Janelle laughed. “At ease, Sergeant.”

  Mark frowned when she gave his brother a smile similar to the one she’d bestowed upon him just a few minutes earlier.

  Eric relaxed his stance and explained, “Janelle’s head of the parade committee—she’s in charge of all this.”

  Well, that covered the General remark, but not Eric’s flirting with her. Where was his new sister-in-law when Mark needed her to keep his little brother in line?

  “And I’m late, too, so I’d better get in place,” Janelle said. She turned that beguiling smile back on Mark as he fought to keep from glaring at Eric. “It was mostly nice to meet you, Major.”

  She clicked her tongue and the horses lurched forward before he could ask if she was available.

  “What was that?” Eric asked.

  Mark held back a sigh. “Nothing. Where’re Marissa and the girls?”

  Eric led the way to their place in line and pointed across the parking lot to a float at the front. “Reese and Heather are all set for their parade debut. It was crazy at the house getting them ready this morning.”

  “I’ll bet.” Mark remembered Eric saying they’d been asked to play miniature ice princesses on the Snow Queen’s float. “I don’t know how you handle all those females under one roof.”

  Eric pretended to take offense. “Hey, I love my girls…”


  “...and I’m also praying Marissa has a boy.”

  Mark clapped him on the shoulder. “Me, too. For your sake.”


  They took their place in front of Janelle’s parked wagon and when Mark turned to face Eric, he caught sight of Janelle’s slim figure making her way toward the front of the line. She’d removed her heavy winter cloak, but her red curls and ears peeking out from beneath her green elf hat were unmistakable. The dark green costume outlined her female curves to perfection, and the sway of her hips sparked all kinds of wicked thoughts that would surely land him on Santa’s naughty list.

  “Earth to Mark.” Eric waved a hand in front of his face before checking out what’d captured his attention.

  Mark snapped his gaze back to his brother. “What?”

  Eric gave him a knowing grin after Janelle moved out of sight. “I asked if you heard anything on that resort property?”

  “The family accepted my counter offer and I close on Monday.”

  “Congratulations.” Eric slapped him on the back and shook his hand. “I’m happy you’ll be hanging around—not to mention the jobs and tourist dollars will be great for the local economy.”

  “I know. And as soon as I deal with some animal rights nutcase the aunt had living with her, I can get started on the renovations. You going to be ready to do some work with me after the New Year, little brother?”

  “Of course, but why didn’t you let the owners deal with this person before closing?”

  “I didn’t want to risk them getting a better offer. Besides, the estate lawyer assures me it’s not that complicated. He plans to hand deliver the old bat an eviction notice on Tuesday, and fourteen days later, I’ll be free to move in.”

  “Old bat?” Eric frowned. “That seems a little callus. It’ll be Christmas Eve.”

  Mark steeled himself against the guilt that attempted to flare up. “Yeah, that was uncalled for, but she knew this was coming, so it’s not my fault she didn’t take the time to relocate her little menagerie. The family has been more than patient in the six months since the aunt died and the property was tied up in probate, but they say she refuses to listen to reason.”

  “Did you even meet her when you went out to look at the place last month?”

  “I met some of the animals—that was more than enough.”

  Enough to put him right back in the hospital after his unit had been hit by the last roadside bomb in Iraq this past summer. He hadn’t been injured, but the haunted eyes of his men still woke him up at night. One or two of the animals in the barn had regarded him with that same look in their eyes, and the two Husky dogs roaming the yard had viewed him with particular suspicion, giving him the willies with their clear, light blue eyes.

  The woman definitely had to go.

  “I think you should meet her,” Eric stated.

  “Mind your own business,” Mark shot back with a flash of annoyance.

  His brother’s brows rose in surprise, but before he could say anything, his name rang out above the noise.


  Marissa Riley, his brother’s new wife as of October, hurried over from the direction of the Snow Queen float. Thank, God. The last thing he wanted to do was explain to Eric why he couldn’t have those soul-wounded animals hanging around on his property.

  “Jim and Jill Newel are stuck home with the flu,” Marissa said, her tone bordering on panic. “We need someone to take Jim’s place.”

  Eric held up his hands and shook his head with a frown. “No

  “Come on, hon, you know the girls would get a kick out of having you up there with them. And you’re close enough to Jim’s size that you’ll fit in his costume.”

  Eric hesitated.

  “Please?” Marissa gave a smile that Mark suspected made his brother do just about anything for her.

  Sure enough, Eric’s stern expression softened, and he sighed with resignation. Sucker. Mark didn’t bother to hide his amusement.

  “Are you filling in for Jill?” Eric asked.

  Marissa scoffed. “Right—like I could fit into her dress with this baby stomach.” She patted her still-slim figure hidden under her winter coat. “Not to mention, she’s six inches shorter than me.”

  “Hey, I know, how about Mark?” Eric suggested with a sudden grin.

  Mark opened his mouth to protest, but Marissa had already started back to the float. She called over her shoulder, “I don’t care who does it, but please hurry. Janelle’s changing into the Queen’s dress right now, and Derek is going to drive her wagon.”

  Eric lifted an eyebrow in silent question toward Mark.

  Saying no wasn’t so automatic after the mention of Janelle’s name. Mark shrugged with feigned nonchalance. Riding on the float with the little elf would give him a chance to talk to her again.

  “Yeah, sure, why not? I don’t mind helping out.”

  “Good man.” Eric’s deep chuckle made Mark cast a suspicious glance over his shoulder, but Eric had already turned his back. Mark couldn’t tell if his brother laughed at him, or something one of the guys said. He shook off the thought and continued to the float.

  Janelle faced away from him on the decorated wagon, wearing a white form-fitting dress that nipped in at her hips before billowing around her like a fluffy, glitter-encrusted cloud. Long, fitted sleeves with fur trim belled just above the wrist to cover her white gloves, and a jeweled, silver tiara sat atop her wild red curls.

  Mark decided to cash in on Eric’s earlier joke. He clicked his heels together and snapped his hand up in a smart salute. “Major Riley, reporting for duty.”

  Janelle spun around, and his smile died on his lips. As an elf with pointy ears, she was cute. As a Snow Queen in that shimmery creation, she was breathtakingly beautiful. While the top of the dress covered her throat, emphasizing her long, slender neck, the bodice outlined her curves to perfection. He forced his gaze upward.

  Framed by those burgundy-red curls, her cheeks glowed from the chill of the winter air. Her mouth caught his attention and held it. White glitter lipstick made a stark contrast against her flushed face, accentuating a full bottom lip that beckoned him to jump aboard the float to press his mouth to hers. Sheer willpower raised his attention.

  Their gazes locked for a timeless moment, and he swore the color in her face deepened.

  “Uncle Mark!” Reese exclaimed.

  Mark blinked and dropped his salute. His gaze took in his niece and her step-sister, Heather. “Hey, girls, wow...don’t you both look beautiful.”

  They giggled and preened, showing off their dresses that were miniature copies of the one Janelle wore, with slight variations. Reese wore a gold crown of starred garland to compliment her black curls, and Heather’s garland was a shiny black, to offset her straight blond locks. Both girls wore thick, white faux-fur stoles around their shoulders to keep them warm. Standing next to Janelle, the three of them were picture-perfect, and Mark made the appropriate sounds of appreciation.

  “Aren’t you marching with Daddy?” Reese asked.

  “No, Princess, I’m all yours.” He gave her a wink before letting his gaze settle on Janelle once more. Anticipation sped up his pulse. “So, Your Majesty, am I your Prince, or what?”

  At that moment, Marissa came around the back corner of the float. “Oh, good, you’re here. You can change in the van back there, but hurry—we start in five minutes.”

  She thrust a bundle of multi-colored material into his arms and pointed behind the float. Mark resisted when she pushed him toward the van.

  “What is this?” he asked with a frown.

  “Your costume.”

  He was a guy who had no interest in decorating and crap like that, but even he knew ‘rainbow’ didn’t match the Snow Queen and Ice Princesses in front of him. He located a hanger amidst the tangle of material and shook out the garment. A jangling noise started alarms ringing in his ears. Something plopped at his feet. Dread crept up his spine when a distant part of his brain recognized the tri-colored hat with fricken’ little bells on the end of each extended point.

  He ran his gaze up a pair of multi-colored tights that looked like they might—might—fit Janelle, not a man who stood a full foot taller than her and weighed at least a hundred pounds more. Next came a short, rainbow-colored tattered skirt-looking layer, a long-sleeved black shirt and a neck collar thing that matched the skirt.

  A fricken’ skirt.

  His gaze continued to rise until he stared at Janelle in disbelief. She lifted one gloved hand to cover a wide grin, even though her green eyes brimmed with laughter. “Or what, Major.”


  Thank you for reading!

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  Copyright © 2012 Stacey Joy Netzel

  Mistletoe Mischief, 2nd edition

  ISBN: 978-1-939143-03-7

  Copyright © 2012 Stacey Joy Netzel

  Mistletoe Magic, Chapter 1

  (previous publication: The Wild Rose Press 2009)

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Website and Blog: http://www.StaceyJoyNetzel.com

  Facebook: Facebook.com/StaceyJoyNetzel

  Twitter: http://twitter.com/StaceyJoyNetzel

  Cover art: Laura Morrigan www.lauramorrigan.com

  About Stacey Joy Netzel

  I fell in love with books at a young age, so for me the graduation to writing them was natural. An avid reader and fan of movies with a happily ever after, I am happy to call myself a full-time writer after 20 years as a travel agent. I write romantic suspense, contemporary romance, and the occasional paranormal short story just for fun.

  I live in my native Wisconsin with my husband and three children, a couple horses and some barn cats. In my limited free time I enjoy gardening, canning, and visiting my parents in Northeastern Wisconsin (Up North) at the family cabin on the lake.


  Follow online:

  Website and Blog: http://www.StaceyJoyNetzel.com

  Facebook: Facebook.com/StaceyJoyNetzel

  Twitter: http://twitter.com/StaceyJoyNetzel

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p; ~~~

  Stacey Joy Netzel's Other Titles:

  Welcome to Redemption Series

  A Fair to Remember, book 2

  Grounds for Change, book 4

  The Heart of the Matter, book 6

  Hold On To Me, book 8 (Fall 2012)


  Romancing Wisconsin Series

  Mistletoe Mischief *

  Mistletoe Magic *

  Mistletoe Match-up *

  *originally published as Mistletoe Rules anthology.

  2010 WINNER WisRWA's Write Touch Readers' Award


  More Than A Kiss


  Stacey Joy Netzel Novella Collection

  (available as one book or individually)

  Dragonfly Dreams

  If Tombstones Could Talk

  Ditched Again


  Romantic Suspense titles

  Lost In Italy

  2012 WINNER WisRWA’s Write Touch Readers’ Award


  Colorado Trust Series

  Trust In The Lawe

  Shattered Trust

  Shadowed Trust

  For more small town romance, check out the WELCOME TO REDEMPTION SERIES by Stacey Joy Netzel and Donna Marie Rogers

  Welcome to Redemption...

  ...a small town in Northeast Wisconsin where second chances don’t always come easy, but if you’re willing to try, anything is possible.

  Book 1: A Fair Of The Heart, by Donna Marie Rogers

  Single mother, and work-at-home beautician, Lauren Frazier can barely keep a roof over her head, let alone stop it from falling down around her. When handyman Caleb Hunter shows up at her door for a haircut, he’s the answer to her prayers—and the attraction is instantaneous. Too bad her troublesome ten-year-old son isn’t quite as thrilled to have Caleb hanging around.

  Old wounds have kept Caleb from returning to Redemption permanently. When he receives word of his mother’s unexpected death, guilt and regret bring him home again, but will the love of a good woman keep him there? Beautiful, witty, and strong, Lauren excites Caleb like no woman ever has, but she’s a package deal, and he’s not sure he’s prepared to take on a ready-made family.


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