Dirty Little Quickies

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Dirty Little Quickies Page 22

by Shanora Williams

  Mom steps forward, pursing her lips together as she focuses on him. “Are you okay?” she asks Dom.

  “I’m good,” Dom answers, but I can tell he’s struggling to hold the pain.

  “Let him cool down and give him time to let it sink in. I’ll grab you some ice and a towel.” She walks to the kitchen and I step closer to Dom, rubbing his shoulder.

  “I’m so sorry,” I murmur.

  “Nah,” he says, working his jaw and wiping his mouth with the back of his arm. “I saw that one coming. I deserved that.”

  Mom returns with an ice pack and a white towel, handing it to Dom. “It is wrong,” she says upon her return, “but you are a good man, Dom, and I know you will take good care of my daughter, just as she has taken care of yours.”

  Dom nods. “I will never let anything happen to her, Cathy. That’s my promise to you.”

  She nods and then turns, reeling me and Hannah in for a tight hug. “You’re still going to finish college,” she titters over my shoulder, but I know she’s serious.

  A laugh bubbles out of me. “I know, Mom. I know.”

  “This is going to change a lot of things. Having a baby isn’t easy.”

  That, I definitely know.

  When she pulls away, she extends her arms for Hannah. “Come on, sweet girl! Come help me finish making lunch!”

  Hannah nearly jumps into her arms and they take off, leaving Dom and me alone.

  “Well . . . at least he didn’t give you a beat down from hell,” I joke, touching his jaw.

  He winces and then sighs, wiping his mouth with the towel. “I’m going to go talk to him alone. You go hang with your mother and Hannah. She seems okay with it, but she’ll have to get used to the idea of us together too. It’ll be tough.”

  I wrap my arms around him. “Are you sure you want to go alone? I don’t want him to hit you again.”

  “It’ll be fine. If he really wanted to beat my ass, he would have done it by now.”

  I stand on my toes, kissing his sore jaw. “Thank you for doing this, Dom. Stepping up and owning it.”

  He tips my chin and kisses me on the lips. “I’ll do anything for you, Naomi. Always.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I walk through the garage door with a beer in each hand, eyeing Barry as he paces in front of the square poker table. He looks at me through the corner of his eye, slowing his pace.

  “Brought you beer, man.” I lift a bottle. “It’s not capped — don’t wanna let too much of the air get out, right?”

  He stops pacing, hands on his hips. I sigh, walking to the table and placing the beers on top of them.

  “Look, Barry . . . I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry?” he spits. “Yeah, you should be fucking sorry. That’s my daughter, Dom! My daughter! You were never supposed to put your fucking hands on her that way!”

  “I know I wasn’t. I won’t make up any excuses about it. What happened, happened.”

  His nostrils flare up. “It’s taking everything in me not to flip this table and beat you into the ground.”

  “If that’s what you need to do to accept this, then do it.” His glare is hard, brows furrowed, lips pinched tight. Several seconds later, he drops his arms to grip the edge of the table.

  “Shit,” he curses.

  I take a small step forward. “I’m not going to stay away from her, B. I’m not going to let her feel like she’s in this alone. I know she’ll always be your little girl — always — but as long as she’s carrying that baby — my baby — she’s my responsibility. I’ll take care of her.”

  He sighs heavily, stepping closer to me. For a moment, I think he’s going to punch my ass again, especially when he lifts his hand, but instead he reaches around me, grabbing one of the beers. He stares me in the eyes before stepping back and taking a long sip.

  I pick mine up, taking a bigger swallow, even though it hurts like fuck to do.

  “I can tell she’s always liked you,” he admits after a brief silence. “Admired you. I just thought it was a phase and it would pass once she got to college and was surrounded by boys her . . . age.”

  I look him over. “You know I love her, right, Barry? It’s not just . . . physical. I care about Naomi.”

  “I know. That’s what makes it harder, I guess. I assumed you always saw her as your own child, like I see Hannah. Not as . . . this.”

  I nod, looking at my beer bottle. “I will never hurt her. I’ll be there. And even when she feels like giving up, I’ll make sure she never does. She’ll finish school. She’ll be taken care of. I won’t pull her away from you. I know that’s any father’s greatest fear, but I won’t let that happen.”

  He nods. “Good. I don’t want any awkward shit,” he chuckles, and I laugh with him.

  “There won’t be. It will take some adjusting and getting used to at first, but the awkwardness will pass eventually, I hope.”

  He lets out a long, weary sigh, and then holds his bottle up. “Eventually.” I clink my bottle with his. “I pray it does, man. But just know if you ever hurt her, Dom, I’ll come for you. Best friend or not.”

  I laugh. “Oh, I know you will, that’s why I’m promising you now that I won’t fuck up and I won’t do her wrong. I know what kind of hell you can cause. I’ve been a witness to that shit.”

  He raises a brow. “It might be a tough fight. I remember the fights you got into when we were in the navy, but let’s hope it never comes down to that.” He takes a swig of his beer. “Just promise me she’ll be okay.”

  “She will,” I tell him, and I mean it. “You have my word.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Three months later, Dom and I are at the clinic to find out the sex of our baby. I don’t know which one of us is more nervous. He’s nervous because if it’s another girl, he’ll be surrounded by them. I don’t care what the sex is. I just hope the baby is healthy.

  “I’m not sure I can handle another one,” he teased last week while we lay in his bed and he rubbed my belly.

  We’re called back in no time and Dom sits to my right while the nurse tells me to lay down and lift my blouse. She dims the lights, squirts the blue gel on my stomach, pulls out the ultrasound wand, and then presses it on my belly.

  We look at the black and white screen as she lowers the wand, and when she stops, that’s when I see it.

  Two little legs and a little nub in between it.

  “Oh, my gosh!” I laugh, looking over at Dom and squeezing his hand.

  “Can you tell what it is?” the nurse asks with a grin.

  “A boy,” I sigh.


  “Holy shit.” Dom huffs a laugh. “I guess if you wish hard enough for something, it comes true!”

  I laugh when he kisses my forehead.

  When we’re in the car, I ask him, “I know we’ve talked about it before, but did you give more thought to a name for him?”

  He reaches over to rub my stomach. “Dominic Jr.”

  “A junior, huh?” I scrunch my nose up, teasing. “So old school.”

  He laughs. “Old school or not, he’ll be just like his dad.”

  We make our way to my parent’s house, walking to the door hand-in-hand.

  When we’re inside, Hannah is sitting on a blanket on the floor with Mom. Dad is in his recliner watching the news.

  As soon as Mom sees us, she stops playing with Hannah and picks her up. “So?” she asks, eyes wide, begging for details. “What is it?”

  Dom and me look at each other. “It’s a boy.”

  “Oh my goodness! That’s great! Isn’t that great, Barry?” Mom asks, spinning around to look at Dad.

  He stands up, nodding with a sigh. “Finally a little rascal we can get into sports.” I smile at Dad. I know he’s still warming up to the idea of me having a kid, but the light in his eyes isn’t easy to miss. He’s excited too. He’s always wanted a boy. Mom told me he’d bought blue paint for my nursery
before he found out my gender because he just knew I was going to be a boy. To say he was disappointed would be an understatement. What made it worse was swapping the blue paint for pink. He steps up to me, kissing my forehead. “You’ll make a good mother, Omi.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “You hear that, Hannah? You’re going to have a baby brother!” Mom chimes, holding her in the air as she giggles, kicking her feet as Mom lifts her up and down.

  I’m so glad they are beginning to accept this.

  Chapter Sixteen


  We get home close to 7:30 and Naomi takes Hannah up to her nursery, gets her changed to pajamas, and rocks her to sleep.

  She comes to the bedroom, exhausted, flopping down on the bed. “God, I’ve never felt so tired,” she groans.

  “Rest, babe.” I lay beside her. “You have to save your energy.”

  “What are we gonna do when I go back to school?”

  “You’ll study, like you’re supposed to. I’ll come up to see you a few times a week, have Cathy watch Hannah for me.”

  She smiles. “I like how that sounds.”

  I press my thumb to her chin. “Like I said, you won’t go through this alone.”

  “I’m glad.” She holds my face. “I love you, Dom. I’m happy to give you a boy.”

  “I’m just happy to know you’re healthy, babe.” I kiss my way down, over her chest, down to her belly.

  “Dom,” she calls when I pull her skirt down. “What are you doing?”

  “Shh. Just relax,” I murmur, pulling her panties to the side.

  “Dom,” she calls, giggling when I pull her skirt down.

  It’s already too late. I push her legs apart and gently roll my tongue over her clit. I don’t know how, but she tastes even sweeter than before.

  “Oh, Dom,” she moans as I run my tongue up and down. She squeezes a fistful of my hair, guiding me where she wants me to go. My tongue swirls up and down and she bucks gently, holding me tight. Her hips tilt up and I finish her off, making her cry out just enough for me to hear.

  I push up on my elbows, looking up at her as she looks down at me. “What if told you I want to marry you one day?” I ask, stretching my arm up to cup her face.

  She smiles. “I’d tell you I’d love that.”

  “Good. Because it’s going to happen as soon as the divorce is finalized.”

  She laughs out loud and then pulls me up. I lay beside her, bringing her over so she can lay on my chest.

  “I love you, Naomi,” I tell her, and I mean every word of it.

  “I love you too, Dom,” she says, and before I know it she’s fallen asleep.

  My sweet, sexy, beautiful Naomi.



  Two Years Later

  Being twenty-three never felt so good. Four months ago, Dom and I got married. Fortunately, Annie made the divorce process easy. It took a few months and despite all the ups and downs, I remained patient.

  Two months after I returned to school, Dominic moved closer to my campus, which is three hours away from my hometown in Siesta Keys, claiming he didn’t want to stay too far away from me. He hired a new manager for his gym, and goes twice a week to make sure it’s still running well.

  Instead of staying in my dorm, I moved in with him, all while carrying his son.

  When Dominic Junior – our little D.J. – was born, it was the greatest day of my life. I was filled to the brim with joy, and wasn’t sure where to pour it out. I dedicated the rest of my school year to him, ready for my graduation day to finally come so I could spend more time with him, Dom, and Hannah.

  Today is my graduation party and everyone I love is here, in our home. Mom, Dad, Julia — even some of my aunts and uncles — and of course, my kids. Yes, my kids.

  Annie abandoned Hannah again. The Saturday after we found out the sex of the baby, and when she noticed my tummy growing, she didn’t show up. Or the Saturday after that. Or after that.

  She didn’t call. Didn’t text. She’d changed her number and didn’t even let us know. She just disappeared. But it was okay, because I became Hannah’s mother. I had no problem being that. She needed a mother who was good to her. A mother who cared. I could give her that. I wanted to give her that.

  Maybe she realized Hannah is better off without her, or maybe she was trying to win Dom back, but knew me being pregnant was the deal-breaker. I don’t know how she can stay away from a beautiful soul like Hannah’s. She’s the sweetest little girl and has the softest heart. Annie is a fool to leave her behind.

  I peel the wrapper off a cupcake, and just as I bite into it, Dom comes into the kitchen, carrying D.J. in his arms.

  “Hey,” I sing. “What are you two up to?”

  “He wants to go swimming,” Dom chuckles. “Your mom agreed to take him and Hannah out to the pool.”

  “Okay. I’ll grab their swimming clothes.” I place my cupcake on the counter and walk to the laundry room, glancing back when D.J. who looks just like his father with his big brown eyes and sandy hair, rushes out of the kitchen, calling for his Papa Barry.

  I open the door to the laundry room and take their swimming clothes off the hangers. Heat smothers my backside and a strong arm wraps around me. He reels me back, pressing his warm lips on my ear, while using his other hand to slide the door shut.

  “Dom,” I laugh. “The party. They’re gonna know we’re missing.”

  He spins me around, taking the swimwear from my hands and then picking me up to plant my ass on the dryer. He steps between my legs, and I tear at his jeans while he pushes my dress up. I can never resist a good quickie.

  “I love it when you aren’t wearing panties, baby,” he murmurs in my ear, sliding me to edge of the dryer. His warm, thick cock presses on my thigh, and I grab it, adjusting him so the head is pressing on my entrance. “We’re celebrating your graduation. I want to show you how proud I am of you.”

  He holds my hips, his lips pressing on mine as he slowly sinks into me. My lips part and he drops his head, holding me close, sucking on the hollow of my neck and groaning like he can’t get enough.

  “I’m so damn proud of you, Naomi,” he says, dragging his lips back up and kissing me whole. I hold his face in my hands as he hauls me closer, stroking in and out, his tongue slipping through my lips. He tastes just like the sugar cookies Mom set up on the table.

  We both pant heavily, our hands all over each other.

  I can hear people in the kitchen, and he starts to pull away, ready to stop, but I pull him back in. “Keep going,” I beg. “I’m so close.”

  My words are his ammo. He fills me back up, cupping the back of my neck. I kiss him even harder, so close, my pussy clenching around him. I feel the heat tunneling down — the fire brewing inside me — and I can’t help myself. I shatter, coming around his beautiful cock.

  He comes right after me, squeezing me tight and stilling inside me, his body hard and tense.

  “You are so fucking sexy when you come,” he whispers to me, grabbing my chin and placing a soft kiss on my lips. “Come on. Let’s get the kids out to the pool and get you cleaned up.”

  I smile as he helps me off the dryer. He buttons his jeans while I fix my dress. He walks out first, and I step out when a minute has passed and the kitchen has cleared.

  “We were just looking for you, Omi!” Mom sings holding Hannah’s hand.

  “Mommy!” Hannah sings.

  Hannah runs to me, wrapping her arms around my leg. D.J. starts to pout and wants out of Dad’s arms, holding his out for me.

  “Oh, what? You’re just gonna abandon Papa like that?” Dad teases him, placing him on his feet.

  I pick Dom up, laughing. “I’ll get them dressed.”

  “I’ll help you, sweetie,” Mom insists, grabbing Hannah and swooping her up in her arms.

  I turn and catch Dom standing beside Dad. Like he feels someone watching him, he looks up, meeting my eyes. When they connect, I smile, and he doe
s the same. A full, beautiful smile that makes my insides melt.

  I’m married to the man of my dreams. My parents have accepted us, and they adore the kids and love them unconditionally. And me and Dom? We aren’t perfect, but we are happy, and in the end, that’s all that matters.

  I’m living in bliss. Who could ask for a better life?

  Next Up:

  CARESS, a sexy forbidden romance about a bodyguard who can’t keep his hands off his supermodel client.

  Copyright © 2017 Shanora Williams

  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Published October 2017

  Cover Art and Design by RBA Designs

  Editing by Tamsyn Bester of Brazen Ink

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The author acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.



  This was never supposed to happen.

  I shouldn’t have been around her so much anyway, but she was a feisty little piece of ass with chocolate brown hair, full hips, and a nice rack. She had curves in all the right places, slim where she needed to be, and her gray eyes were exotic, almost silvery like steel.


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