Fighting Irish (Crime Kings Book 2)

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Fighting Irish (Crime Kings Book 2) Page 9

by May Gordon

  “It’s good to be back Betty,” I smile at her.

  “Miss Betty, we’re out of protein milkshakes,” one of the kids calls out.

  “Excuse me, Mr. O’Sullivan,” she smiles and goes over to help with the kids.

  I see Jack and Ryan walk toward me as they leave the group hounding Molly. “Impressed boss?”

  “Yeah, I can't believe how many kids are a part of this,” I muse. It's impressive to say the least.

  “Molly sets up quite a program before you went missing and the kids were rolling in. I maintained it to a T while she was gone,” Ryan tells me proudly.

  “And I kept all the paperwork up, you know the hard, important stuff,” Jack challenges.

  I roll my eyes at them. “Molly can't hear you, no point in sucking up to me.”

  We spend the next couple hours there and Molly showed me the most promising recruits as I watched them fight. She was correct, they do have promise. We eventually make it back to the house where Molly makes dinner for Jack, Ryan, and I. We laugh and chat like always, and it feels like we’re back to our regular routine.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. Ryan and I got you a welcome back gift,” Jack picks up a wrapped box and slides it over to her.

  “You guys shouldn’t have?” Molly smiles brightly.

  “Where’s mine?” I grunt out.

  “Sorry boss, no gifts for people who get themselves kidnapped,” Jack cracks, making everyone but me laugh.

  Molly rips it open and reveals a case of black Guinness. “You guys, thanks! And you even imported the good stuff.” She gets up and gives them both a hug. “I can't wait to have one in about six months,” she says with a smile at them.

  They stare in confusion for what seems like forever before it clicks and their faces change.

  “You're having an Irish baby?” Ryan gushes out.

  “Congratulations!” Jack wraps her into a firm hug then Ryan does the same.

  “Hey,” I snap. “Be careful, she’s pregnant.”

  “This is so exciting! We're going to be uncles.” The fools are like giddy women.

  “This baby will have a lot of uncles between you guys, Foster, Novak, and Lawson,” Molly says, sitting back down in her chair.

  “Okay, let's dive into names,” Jack starts with a smile and says, “I vote Jack.”

  “Ryan is better, way better,” Ryan supplies.

  Again, I roll my eyes, but I can't help but smile. We dive into an in-depth discussion about names. All of them ridiculous and hilarious. We talk about work, and the fight clubs, and how Ian has never shown his face since we ran him out. Molly also happened to fix my relationship with Chen as well. Everything is coming together and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in life, even if she doesn’t think she would make an excellent king in this underworld world she makes a fucking fantastic queen. Her gym, Fighting Irish, is a massive success for underprivileged kids and has even given some of them a chance to make money by competing. She gets along with everyone and Ryan, Jack, Novak, Lawson, and Foster are all like brothers to her. Hell, they all like her more than they do me. She’s a perfect fit for me and my life. Eventually, the night finally comes to an end and we show Ryan and Jack out.

  “Thank fuck,” I curse. “We’re finally, alone.” I fall to the couch dragging Molly to sit on my lap.

  She gives me a look. “Fuck. I swore, again didn’t I?” She giggles and lays her head on my chest.

  “It’s okay, Quinn. Our kid will probably already have red hair and an Irish accent, so what’s a few fucks every now and again.” She leans up and kisses my lips.

  “You’re right, our kids are going to be perfect.” I kiss her again making her giggle. We snuggle with each other and do some online baby shopping using Molly’s iPad. We talk more about the baby, and I can't seem to get over the excitement I have about our growing family. Molly makes everything better. She knocked me on my ass, literally, and ever since then each day with her has been better than the last, and it will be that way until the end of our days.

  Epilogue 1

  Molly~Six years later

  “Mommy, Mommy. Look at this,” Aengus, my six-year-old calls out.

  I pop my head out of my office and see him in boxing gloves pairing off with Ryan.

  “I’m gonna sock Uncle Ryan in the bloody face,” he says then puts his hands in the proper boxing position.

  “That’s great buddy, but next time don’t tell me beforehand,” Ryan laughs.

  “Doesn't matter Uncle Ryan. I’m fighting Irish,” he tells him with a smirk. He says it all the time and it always cracks me up.

  I watch them spar. Aengus loves fighting, and he’s good at it. He’s very technical and memorizes each move from every famous fighter out there. Good thing his mom owns a boxing gym. I watch his curly red hair bounce as he moves around the ring. I wince when I feel a hard kick inside my stomach and look down, no longer able to see my feet. I place a hand on my huge belly as I’m eight months pregnant with our second boy, and he’s even more active than Aengus was. Got to say, that scares me, Aengus is already a holy Irish terror.

  The gym door opens, and Jack walks in. “Uncle Jack look! I’m kicking Uncle Ryan’s arse,” he calls out. He doesn’t have an accent, but he’s picked up some of my Irish words.

  Jack laughs as he walks up to the ring. “Of course, you are A,” he says, giving him a fist bump. “Hey, those your new gloves from your Granddad?”

  Aengus smiles proudly. “Yeah. They have my name stitched into them.”

  About two months ago we all made the trip to Ireland to see my Granddad. We visit a lot, and he even comes here twice a year. He’s head over heels in love with his great-grandson and is excited to have another one.

  A few minutes later Quinn comes in. We lock eyes, and a radiant smile comes over his face like it does every time he sees me.

  “Daddy! I’m goanna kick both Uncle Jack and Ryan’s arses,” he tells Quinn when he sees him. “I’m going to give them the old one-two.” He does a punch combo and Quinn smiles and talks with the three of them at the ring. He rustles his hair and bumps his fists with his gloves, then stands and watches a few rounds. Ryan is being easy on him but still going through the fighting motions. Quinn stops and talks to Aengus again, giving him some more tips before joining me.

  He rests a hand on me and brings me in for a hard kiss. “How is my baby boy doing?” He kneels and kisses my belly. Our son gives a big kick and Quinn’s eyes shoot to mine. “He’s fucking strong,” he says with a grin.

  I roll my eyes at yet another curse word. He honestly hasn’t gotten any better with his mouth. He stands and gives me another kiss. “And how are you?”

  “Good, almost done,” I smile and he returns it, then we face the ring to watch Aengus.

  “He’s going to clean out all our fight clubs one day,” Quinn jokes.

  I give him a smack on the chest and say, “Take us home, I’m hungry,” then walk to my office and grab my coat and purse. I see Quinn unlacing Aengus's gloves when I return.

  “Ready boyos?” I ask them.

  “Yeah, Mommy. Can Uncles Jack and Ryan come over for dinner?” He practically begs. I turn and ask if they want to.

  “Sorry A, I got a date,” Ryan smirks.

  “And I’m going home to Aunt Ally.” Jack smiles down at him. “Tomorrow count us both in.”

  “Okay, shake on it.” He holds his hand out and they do.

  “Bye guys.” I wave to them as we exit the gym.

  On our way home, Aengus chats non-stop and Quinn answering each question and supplies comments to everything he says. He’s an amazing father, and I can't wait to raise more children with him. I rest my hands on my belly and close my eyes, just enjoying the sounds of their chatter, and it's like a dream come true.

  Epilogue 2

  Quinn~Twelve years later

  “And then Miss Amber told me how rainbows are made, and we painted them.” I listen to my beautiful four-year-old daught
er, Keeva, talk about her day at preschool. I’m attempting to braid her hair, though no matter how many times I do it, it's still not as perfect as when Molly does it. But my beautiful baby girl never complains, always giving me the biggest smile and kiss before saying thank you, even if it looks like shit.

  “I painted one for Mommy, Aunt Cleo, Aunt Willow, and Aunt Anabella.” She’s still chirping away. “And one for you Daddy because I love you.” Fuck this girl melts my heart.

  I finish, tying a yellow bow at the end, which goes perfect with her wild red hair. “All right love, I’m done.”

  She turns around with that heart-melting smile. “Thanks Daddy.” And she gives me a hug.

  “Dad, Dad, Dad!” Conan, my almost seven-year-old son comes up to me and Keeva in the living room. He’s holding his nose, blood pouring from it. “Aengus did the routine Granddad showed us and knocked me right in the bloody face.” He’s grinning and looks like a psychopath.

  Aengus comes running in next, almost twelve now. “Dad did you see Conan’s face? I punched him really good,” he grins. Now they both look like little psychopaths, covered in dirt and blood yet happy as clams.

  “Eww you’re all messy.” Keeva wrinkles her nose. “Don’t get me dirty, I’m pretty for our Aunties and Uncles coming over.” She takes a step back from them.

  “Okay O'Sullivans, this is what we are going to do. Keeva go help your mom in the kitchen since our guests should be here soon. Boys, out in the front yard where we’ll wash you up where your mom can't see,” they nod in agreement.

  We go outside and I grab some paper towels on the way. “Quickly before your mom sees you.” They stand side by side, practically twins, with a mop of curly red hair and green eyes, just like Keeva. “Head back Conan.” He does as I say, and I wipe the blood from his face. Next, I take Aengus’s hands and wipe them off.

  “Why am I not surprised?” I hear Foster’s voice and turn to see him, Lawson, and Novak standing behind me.

  “Uncles! Aengus popped me with Granddad’s Irish secret move, it was great,” Conan grins at them. “He almost knocked out my loose tooth!”

  “Little Irish monster just like your Mom, huh?” Foster smiles down at him.

  “Yep,” Aengus puffs his chest out.

  “Where is the rest of the clan?” I ask.

  “They took the back gate with the kids,” Lawson replies.

  “Go change your clothes then see your Aunts and cousins in the backyard.” I send the Irish monsters off.

  I stand and give them a hug. We see each other often, but it's still nice to see each time. We’ve been through so much together, and it cemented our lifelong friendship.

  “Come on back, Molly has a feast for all of you.” I motion them inside. We enter the house and it’s like we crossed the threshold to chaos, and ten kids and four wives make a whole lot of it. We walk into the kitchen, and I see Molly, Cleo, Anabelle, and Willow talking and laughing as they look out the window watching the kids play.

  “Ladies,” I greet.

  “Quinn,” they all smile, and I get kisses on the cheek and hugs from them.

  “Daddy!” I hear Keeva as she runs into my arms, her hair undone and wild. “My bow fell out,” she holds up her yellow ribbon with a pout.

  “That’s okay, love, I'll redo it good as new,” I smile at her.

  “Keeva, don’t you want Uncle Foster to braid your hair? I’m way better than your less Irish Dad.” Foster kneels to her height.

  “Hate to break it to you both, but I’m the best hair braider around. Trust me, my sweet Keeva, you want Uncle Lawson to do it,” Lawson tries to convince her.

  “Are they seriously fighting over who gets to braid hair?” Anabelle asks the rest of the girls.

  “Apparently,” Cleo giggles.

  “I think its super cute,” Willow smiles.

  “Fuck am I glad I only have boys,” Novak grunts.

  “No thank you, Uncles. Daddy’s my man.” And again my baby girl melts my heart.

  “That’s right love let Daddy fix your hair.” I take her to the living room and re-braid it.

  “How’s it going?” Molly joins us.

  “Just finished,” I say as I tighten her bow.

  “Thanks, Daddy.” She kisses me then goes off to the backyard.

  Molly sits on the couch next to me and I wrap my arm around her bringing her in tightly. “Do you want to explain why Conan has a bruised nose and Aengus a busted hand?” She asks me.

  I let out a breath, giving up on even trying to hide it from her. “They're your sons,” is the only answer I can provide.

  She laughs and taps my knee. “That explains it then.” She gets up and offers me her hand. I take it and stand with her.

  “Come join the party, they’re all waiting for you.” She goes to leave, but I grip her arm pulling her into me and giving her a deep passionate kiss. My hands roam over her body, she’s fuller now, and I fucking love every inch of it.

  “I love you,” I tell her, and I do. More and more every day.

  “I love you too,” she smiles. “Now come on, so you boyos can oversee the BBQ. And if you burn my steak I'm going to kick all your bloody arses,” she says playfully and I can't help but chuckle .

  As we join our friends and I see Molly with our three kids, all having wild red hair, green eyes and freckles I can’t help but feel fucking grateful for all I have, and it’s all because of her. She came into my life like the Irish force she is and made it like a fucking dream come true. We fought battles together, others and our own, but it never got us down, or tore us apart. We stuck together, through it all, and that’s the real meaning of fighting Irish.

  The End

  Thank You

  I hope you enjoyed my newest novella from the Crime King series! Please leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads! A review as simple as one sentence can help any author and is much appreciated!

  This is my 5th book! And with each release I am learning more. I want to thank my readers for being so loyal and helpful when i want to share my ideas, and i would like to thank my amazing editor who always goes above and beyond for me!

  I am blow away with the amount of support and encouragement I have been given, it motivates me to keep going! I love writing and I don’t plan to stop any time soon.


  More Crime Kings

  Book 1~ Dark Souls

  Book 2~ Fighting Irish

  Book 3~ Red Willow (November)

  Book 4~ Deep Devotion (December)

  With more books planned in 2019!

  Coming Soon


  Road to Redemption (Second Chances Book 2)

  Haunted Desires


  Red Willow (Crime Kings Book 3)


  Deep Devotion (Crime Kings Book 4)

  Christmas Kingdom

  Other Books by MG

  Mended Hearts (Lost Memories Book 1)

  Amazon: Mended Hearts

  Prisoners of Love (Second Chances Book 1)

  Amazon: Prisoners of Love

  Dark Souls (Crime Kings Book 1)

  Amazon: Dark Souls

  Their Salvation (Bosses in Love Book 1)

  Amazon: Their Salvation




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