Mistletoe Kiss

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by Niki Contreras

  Mistletoe Kiss

  By Niki Contreras

  Mistletoe Kiss

  Niki Contreras

  Copyright Niki Contreras 2012























  1.Change of Plans

  “Hello?” I asked groggily into my cell phone. I was instantly in a sour mood for being woken up. Who the hell was calling me at five in the morning anyway?

  “Baylee, it's your sister Amber. What day were you going to come for Christmas?”

  I groaned and glanced over to my boyfriend's sleeping form next to me on the bed. I lowered my voice so that I wouldn't wake him up. “Amber, I don't think that we'll be able to make it this year. Sorry, sis.”

  “Nu-uh. You said that last year, Baylee-Bug. We still haven't met your new beau and it's been, what, a year and a half?”

  I closed my eyes and flopped back into my pillow. My stupid sister wasn't going to shut up until she got her way. Maybe that's one of the perks she got from being the baby of the family. “We can't. I've already told you that I have to go to a fashion show on New Year's Day.”

  “Perfect,” she exclaimed in her high, chipper voice. “You and your boy can come on the twentieth and stay until a few days after Christmas. If you don't agree then I'll have Mama and Daddy buy a ticket and then you'll have to come.”

  I wanted to pull her dirty blonde hair right out of her head. I could picture her smirking with her baby blue eyes twinkling in mischief at making me miserable. “Fine, we'll be there.” I shut the phone before she could coerce me into something else that I didn't want to do. I snuggled into my big pillow and instantly fell asleep. There was no reason to bother anyone with this problem until the daylight hours.

  “Baylee, I thought that we already had Christmas plans,” my boyfriend of one year complained when I told him the news. Jared's dark eyes narrowed slightly at me in the mirror but he continued to brush his teeth while he glared. His wavy hair flopped into his mesmerizing eyes.

  I turned on all the charm. My full pink lips jutted out into a pout and I batted my long eyelashes. I twisted my light brown hair around my finger and locked my chocolate eyes onto his in the mirror. I rested my chin on his shoulder and threw my arm around his neck, resting my hand on his sculpted chest. “I know, but I haven't seen my family in a few years. Besides, you still haven't met them. Please?”

  He was putty in my well-manicured fingers. When Jared ran a hand through his dark, wavy locks I had to remind myself not to melt and to hold my resolve to win this argument. Jared Marcos was a traditional kind of gorgeous: tall, dark, and handsome. He was a photographer and I was a runway coordinator. We'd worked together at a fashion show and just hit it off. “One week, Baylee. We'll spend Christmas with your family but we'll be back in L.A. by New Year’s Eve at the absolute latest.”

  “Thank you,” I squealed. I squeezed Jared's neck in a hug and kissed his cheek. He shifted me so that I was in front of him and captured my lips. If we didn't both have work then things would have gotten hot and heavy right in the bathroom.

  The first class flight from Los Angeles, California to Newcastle, Wyoming wasn’t too terrible. But then everything started going downhill the minute that the plan landed. Newcastle was a tiny town with only a little over three thousand people. I instantly missed the craziness of the city and our penthouse apartment. “God, I never thought that I would wind up back here,” I muttered under my breath.

  Jared draped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my lips gently. “Remind me again how I got tricked into coming.”

  I smiled gently and kissed him back. When I pulled away, I readjusted the strap of my Louis Vuitton carry-on bag and nudged him with my elbow. “You’re here because you love me,” I reminded him.

  Jared pulled me close. “Yeah, and you’re lucky that I do.”

  I spun in the circle of his arms and pulled his face closer to mine. I didn’t care if anyone saw me making out with my boyfriend in the airport parking lot. His tongue fought mine for dominance and I was so wrapped up in him that I didn’t notice the truck pull up to the curb until it honked. I jumped and pulled away. I glared at the beat-up red Chevy pick-up that had interrupted our make out session. A muscular man with dark blue eyes, high cheekbones, straight nose, and short, dark hair under his black cowboy hat was laughing in the driver’s seat. I groaned and rolled my eyes at him. Oblivious to my annoyance, he stuck out his head and grinned widely. “Hey little girl. What the hell do you think that you’re doing smoochin’ some guy where everyone can see you?”

  I crossed my arms tightly over my chest. “That’s actually none of your business, Bobby,” I snapped.

  He got out of the truck and pulled me into a tight hug. “Sorry but I can’t have my little sister acting like a floozy out in the open.”

  I pushed against my brother and thrust my shoulder bag into his chest. “I’m 25, Bobby. Besides, you’re only older by like three minutes. Now why don’t you make yourself useful and get my bags.”

  I knew that he had something up his sleeve when his lips pulled up into a smirk. “I’m not a packhorse, Baylee. Do it yourself.” With that he dropped my $1200 bag onto the ground.

  “That canvas costs more than your damned truck,” I snarled.

  He laughed and threw his hands up in surrender. “My bad. Who’s your friend, anyway?”

  I smiled up at my Jared. “This is my boyfriend, Jared Marcos. Jared, this is my twin Bobby.” Jared stuck his hand out but Bobby just stared at it like he’d never seen one before. Jared awkwardly dropped his hand after a second and I wanted to slap my brother for being so rude. “Anyway, why don’t you help us load up so we can get going? I'm tired and I don't really like waiting out here anymore.”

  Bobby, being a smart ass, bowed before me. “As you wish, your majesty.” He straightened up and laugh before getting right back into the truck's cab without even glancing at my luggage. I swear my brother just loved annoying the hell out of me. He even made Jared sit in the bed with our bags.

  “So how have you been?” Bobby tried to exchange pleasantries.

  I glared up at him. “Why are you being such an asshole?”

  “I'm just trying to figure you out. You know, Baylee, I used to be able to read you like a book. You're different now.”

  “Thank you.”

  “That wasn't a compliment,” he snapped.

  “I know, Bobby, but I like the new me.”

  “Well my old sister had better re-inhabit your body soon, Bay. I don't think the new you can handle a week with your family. Welcome back, sis.”

  I glanced up from him and the scene in front of me made my stomach drop. The house in front of us was a quaint one-story building. The peeling paint was light blue with white trim, a white-washed deck with a swing swaying back and forth. A small flower garden trimmed the path up from the driveway to the steps. Off in the distance a large red stable took up most of the scenery. The rest of the ranch was littered with horse corals. All of it was decorated with blinking Christmas lights that stood out brightly against the snow on the ground.

  Jared hopped from the back and stood next to me with a grimace written across his features. “Are you ready?” I asked doubtfully.

  “One week,” he reminded me. “We're only
here for one week and then it's back to our world.”

  The screen door flew open. “Is that my baby?” my mom yelled running from the house. She pulled me tight against her chest before she pulled me at arms' length to look me over. “Oh, it is! Paul, Amber, she's here! Look how gorgeous you are. My word, though, you're thin. Haven't you been eating?”

  “Yes, Mama,” I answered obediently. My mother was a plump woman with wild strawberry-blonde hair and twinkling blue eyes. She wore an apron over all of her clothes and was in the kitchen most of the time.

  My dad came out next to hug me. He was tall with dark hair and eyes like mine. He was starting to get gray hair and going slightly bald. He ran the operations that had to do with the ranch. My dad was a good old fashioned cowboy. “It's good to see you again, Baylee. And you must be Mr. Marcos.”

  “Call me Jared, sir,” my boyfriend said politely shaking my dad's hand. I beamed up at them, glad that they were acting like gentlemen. “Baylee's told me quite a bit about you. It's a pleasure to finally get to meet her lovely family.”

  “Oh, Jared, you flatter us. Come, come. Let's get you two cleaned up so that we can start supper. Amber, can you and Bobby get the bags?”

  My sister rolled her eyes and reached into the bed to grab out suitcases while I snagged my shoulder bag from the front. She let out a low whistle. “Dang, these are some pretty classy bags. What, did you think that you were staying at Days Inn or something?”

  I groaned. My family was so embarrassing, thinking the Days Inn was “fancy”. I smiled up apologetically at Jared. He mouthed the words “one week” and I was already starting to countdown the days until we could be back in first class flying home.

  “Supper will be a little while longer. Why don't you go settle in? Baylee, you can take your room in the loft. Jared, you can take the guest bedroom. Bobby, do you mind showing him the way?”

  I saw Jared's eyes widen while he followed my brother away. I was just as stunned as he was. “Mama, don't you think that I could just share my room with Jared? He is my boyfriend after all.”

  “No,” my dad answered gruffly. “I don't want to know what you two do back in Hollywood but it ain't gonna be happening under my roof. Your boyfriend can sleep in the guest room down the hall.”

  I was in a pouting mood when I went out to the back patio that looked out into the empty expanse of our property. I sat there with my arms crossed stubbornly over my chest. I was still sitting on one of my mother's cushioned chairs when my siblings decided to join me. Jared followed them and sat on the arm of my chair. “I'm sorry. I didn't think that they would actually pull something like that.”

  Jared shrugged. He started to say something when a snapping sound and then a thump interrupted the quiet. We both jumped and Amber started laughing when she saw. My brother was holding a compact bow and he smirked over at us, apparently pleased with startling us.

  “Not bad, Bobby,” a deep voice complimented. “A little more practice and you might actually hit something one day.”

  My eyes widened at the sound of the voice and I glanced over at the man standing against the house with his arms crossed coolly. He was tall and lean and had a strong jaw with slight stubble. He wore a brown cowboy hat and dark sunglasses but I knew that he had short blonde hair and dark green eyes.

  Amber giggled. “Christian, why are you always picking on Bobby?”

  Christian shrugged. “Payback from when we were younger. It's a bitch, huh?” I felt when his gaze hit me through the sunglasses. “And who might you be?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Give it a rest, Christy.”

  He let out a chuckle. “My, my. If it isn't Baylee Cooper? What's the occasion that makes you come down from on high to visit us common folk?”

  My eyes narrowed at him. “My family wanted us to come for Christmas.” I grabbed Jared’s hand and leaned against his shoulder. Christian smirked at the two of us.

  “So this must be the infamous beau that's keeping little Baylee-Bug's attention from the homestead. Christian Matthews, an old friend of the family. I live down the road and I grew up with the twins.”

  “Jared Marcos.”

  Christian grabbed the bow and an arrow from my brother and thrust it at Jared. “How about giving it a shot?”

  Jared held up his hands and shook his head. “No, I don't think that's such a good idea.”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders and pulled the bow back. “It's probably for the best. Not many people around have the skill to actually hit a target.” As if to demonstrate his point, Christian took aim and hit the bull’s-eye on one of the hay barrels scattered in the yard. “But what about you, Baylee? You in?”

  “I'll pass, thanks.”

  “What's the matter? Lost your touch? Hm, and to think that you used to be a decent shot.”

  I arched my perfectly waxed eyebrows. “A decent shot? I was the best. Give me the bow.”

  “All right,” Bobby cheered. Amber clapped and let out a “woo-hoo!” Christian smirked again and handed me the heavy bow and an arrow.

  It had been a long time since I'd held a bow but it was just like riding a bicycle. I raised it to eye-level, and took aim. I stretched the string tight then let go thump as I hit the center of the target was music to my ears. “Purple stack,” I called right before I shot and hit the two feet-by –two feet square. I hit five in a row.

  “Try the pink barrel in the bush,” Christian challenged.

  I started. “It's still there?” He nodded and I raised the bow again. I could see the one foot-by-one foot hay barrel hiding behind branches and let go. The only sound that followed was the rustling of leaves and then my arrow dissappeared. I stood there staring for a second in shock. “I missed.”

  “Ha!” Christian laughed. “So you have lost your touch.”

  That set off my short temper and I rounded on him. “It's not like anyone else has ever hit that one. Don't try to get stuck up if you can't even nail it either. Besides, it’s not like I have a bunch of free time to practice this crap like you obviously do. I actually have a life.”

  “Baylee, stop bitching,” Christian interrupted. “What is wrong with you? You used to be cool.”

  “And you used to swear that you would make something of yourself. I am very successful and you're still living with your parents in Newcastle. I think that I get the right to bitch all I want.”

  “Baylee,” my twin snapped. He grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the others. He hissed at me, “What the hell is the matter with you? Christian is one of our oldest and best friends. What do you think gives you the right to treat him like crap?”

  I yanked my arm from my brother’s grasp. “Oh so Christian can come and run off his mouth but I can’t? That’s bull. Now, let go of me, Bobby. I have a boyfriend to get back to.”

  Jared folded me against his strong chest and kissed my forehead. “Are you all right?” he muttered into my hair.

  I smiled up at him and gently pecked his lips. “I’m fine. I’m just annoyed with my brother.”

  My mother chose that moment to stick her head out of the back door and call, “Dinner’s ready. Come in and eat. Oh, Christian, how great to see you. Come in and stay for dinner.”

  My mom loved Christy. He shot her one of his million-dollar grins. “That’d be great. Thanks, Mama C.”

  I rolled my eyes and sat at the table next to Jared. Christian ended up across from me. He smirked at me as my mom finished setting out the dishes. “Dig in,” she ordered. I glanced around the table and grimaced. Everything in sight was greasy and fattening and definitely not a part of my diet. Jared and I exchanged looks and I only took a leg of chicken. I peeled away the skin before I even took a bite.

  Amber snorted. “What are you doing Baylee? You usually love the skin. That used to be the only thing you’d eat.”

  I glanced up at my sister and then my mom’s disappointed look. “Is there something wrong with my cooking?”

  “Not at all, Mom,” I quickly rea
ssured her. “I’m just trying to eat healthier. Your cooking is still the best though.” To appease her, I took a big bite from the chicken. It was greasy from being fried in a ton of Crisco and it took a lot of willpower not to grimace.

  I got stuck on dish duty after dinner. I have no clue how that happened but I think it was Dad’s idea so that he could interrogate Jared. What the hell happened to guests getting out of chores? I was honestly in a grouchy mood as I washed up after everyone.

  “Need any help?”

  I glanced to my left and my eyes narrowed. “Not from you, Christian,” I hissed. “Why are you even still here? Don’t you have your own family to go bug?”

  Christian ignored me and bumped me to the side. He started rinsing while I washed. “Just like old times, right, Baylee?”

  I smiled a little. “Yeah, you’re still getting the easy job and making me do most of the work.”

  Christy laughed. “Just be glad that I’m helping, Baylee-Bug. Does your boyfriend help do the chores when you’re at home? The thing you used to love about me most was that I didn’t sit on my ass while you cooked or cleaned. Can you say the same for him?”

  I didn’t answer. Christian was right; I couldn’t say the same for Jared.


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