Tell Me I'm Dreamin'

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Tell Me I'm Dreamin' Page 7

by Eboni Snoe

  The musicians had set up their ensemble near the donkey carts. Not far away, three men stepped in unison from side to side, dipping, swaying, then leaping. Nadine snapped her fingers along with the dancers as their steps became faster and more elaborate.

  Suddenly, the sounds of gaiety trickled into silence. One of the workers pointed in the direction of the hill. A small band of people approaching the still could be seen in the distance. All eyes fixed upon them. As they came closer, Nadine realized all of the men were wearing their kerchiefs like headbands, while the women wore no head wraps at all. Instead they too wore headbands made of tiny stone tablets strung together like beads. As a matter of fact, all of their jewelry was made from the same beautiful material, carved with intricate patterns. The strangers wore it on their ears and necks, wrists and ankles. The sunshine amplified the polished earthen colors which ranged from orange to a slate-gray.

  The strangers were somewhat darker, more muscular, and shorter than the workers. Somehow Nadine knew they were different in more than looks. Their clothing reminded her of the traditional clothing worn by some Native Americans. They used the same linen material worn by the workers, but the strangers decorated the cloth with stones and patterns of woven reed. The men’s tops were long, accompanied by calf-length trousers, whereas the women wore skirts fringed and decorated with a combination of frayed reeds and stones. Their waist-length tops were finished in the same manner.

  Even Catherine, who had become quite animated under the influence of the rum, was observing them with a watchful eye.

  “Who are they?” Nadine asked, curious about the effect the group was having on the workers.

  “They are cliff dwellers. It is unusual to see them in such a large group. I have seen them often enough, but usually it is down at the wharf selling things like jewelry, baskets, or wild game. They do not usually associate with the other islanders.” Catherine leaned closer to Nadine. “As long as I have lived on Eros the only cliff dweller I got to know personally was a woman name Kohela. She used to work for Madame Evelyn Sharpe when she was still alive. And I can tell you that did nothing but worsen the relationship between the islanders and the cliff dwellers.”

  They watched as one of the men who appeared to be the leader advanced, leaving the other cliff dwellers behind at a comfortable distance. The oldest male among the workers met him.

  “That is Elmo. He is always in charge of the still at Sovereign,” Catherine informed Nadine.

  A quiet, short exchange ensued, then three of the male cliff dwellers were motioned forward. Elmo headed back to the still. His announcement to the group was brief. The only word Nadine recognized was Ulysses’ name.

  “He says Ulysses has given the cliff dwellers permission to help here at the still,” Catherine explained. “I guess with the roads being blocked they can’t get down to the main wharf to sell their goods. Ulysses has always had a good relationship with those people. It is probably because as a child he spent a lot of time playing with their little ones on their side of the island. Some of the islanders resent it when he gives them work. They say the cliff dwellers feel they are superior because they rarely speak to anyone outside of their group. If the stories that have been passed down are true, for years it was the other way around, and as a result of that the cliff dwellers kept to themselves because of how they were being mistreated.”

  It took an additional wave from Elmo’s hand for the musicians to start playing again. When they did the uneasy feelings amongst the workers slowly began to dissipate.

  Nadine watched as the three cliff dwellers scrubbed down in the stream and joined the other workers in the still. The remaining cliff dwellers kept their distance.

  Soon the workers were joined by another party of islanders who Catherine explained came from the Sharpe estate. “The lady in the bright embroidered dress is Melanie Sharpe. You met her brother this morning during breakfast.”

  Nadine noticed the petite woman’s natural grace. Unlike the others, her head wrap was white, trimmed with the same flower motif on her dress. Her serene smile poured out to everyone. Still, there was an aloofness about her as she circulated among the workers.

  Eventually, the music reached its previous heights and the dancers increased in number. Now there were men and women from both estates sliding, dipping, and swaying. One exceptionally sensuous female had removed her head wrap and was causing quite a stir. Her flashing ebony eyes teased the men as she shook her equally dark tresses. She called out to her girlfriend who danced on the opposite side of the circle. Intentionally, they exchanged provocative words, enticing the men even further.

  A disapproving Catherine clicked her tongue. ‘Those two are always trouble if you ask me. Especially Cassandra. She always offers more than she intends to deliver. At least to the men in this group,” she added meaningfully.

  Nadine heard Catherine’s innuendo, but by now her glass of rum was empty, and she was feeling its full, effects. She had decided Catherine was nice enough, but she was also one of those people who always had to focus on the dark side of life. At the moment, Nadine felt she had absolutely no space for negativity. The world was hers to explore, freely. She had accomplished one of her lifelong dreams, to travel to the islands, and her journey as a woman of the world had begun. She wouldn’t have it dampened by judgmental talk.

  Standing to the side, Nadine followed the steps of the dancers with uncertain movements, snapping her fingers with the music. She never danced at home. It was forbidden. So it felt good when her high-pitched laughter mingled with the laughter of the others. Somehow, she managed to keep up with the vigorous performers.

  She was enjoying herself immensely, but the sound of Ulysses’ voice behind her brought a jolt of surprise. She did not see him join the group, and she wondered how long he had been there. Her first thought was to stop her solitary performance, but that would be too obvious. Nadine knew the way she was acting now did not gel with the demeanor of the woman she had pretended to be earlier that morning, but the effect of the rum was strong. It had roused the free spirit in her, and she liked it.

  “My aunt is in need of your services, Catherine.” His deep voice carried to her ears.

  “Is she really? I guess I have been here longer than I intended. Miss Nadine seems to be enjoying herself so.” She laid the burden of her indiscretion on Nadine’s shoulders.

  “Catherine, if she was not putting up such a fuss I would not bother to tell you. But she thinks she needs you back at the house. I will stay here with Nadine.”

  “I guess I better hurry.” Catherine’s tone was less than enthusiastic.

  Ripples of excitement fluttered in Nadine’s stomach as she listened to the exchange. Sheer reflex drew her hand to her abdomen to quiet the growing sensations. This is not going to work, she thought. The man has not said one word to you and you feel as if he is nibbling on your neck and speaking loving words in your ears. She smothered a rising giggle. Slow down, Nadine, she warned herself, the afternoon has just begun.

  Nadine felt a touch on her elbow, and she turned to look up into Ulysses’ probing gaze.

  “Come. I have been watching you,” he told her. “You were not too bad for a beginner. Now,” he reached out his hand, “let us try it together.” Ulysses nodded toward the circle of dancers.

  Nadine didn’t know if it was the rum, but without the slightest hesitation she allowed herself to be led forward. They entered the circle, met by surprised looks; Cassandra alone looked displeased. Nadine was caught up in the magic of the moment. Hastily, the musicians brought the current number to an end.

  “‘Come to My Web,’” one of them shouted as the others waved their instruments high in a salute to Ulysses.

  He stretched out his arms to acknowledge the announcement that they were about to play his favorite. A rousing cheer rose up as the guitarist struck the first slow, sensuous chords of the melody. Awestruck, Nadine watched as Ulysses’ body responded to each note.

  His chest bega
n to rise, very slowly, as his chin sloped down to meet it in the most sensuous display of male sexuality she had ever witnessed. At that moment Ulysses turned his magnetic gaze toward her. Pure, contained fire was in the depths of his eyes as he focused his power upon her, his firm lips forming the word “Now,” commanding her to dance.

  Every nerve in Nadine’s body tingled as she watched him and tried to emulate his steps. First, his foot formed a slow, exacting circle on the ground, followed by a smooth, gliding move to his right. Nadine forced her eyes to remain upon his feet, but as the dance progressed it was not easy. Whenever she focused her attention on his polished, short black boots the movement of his hips and pelvis in fitted black pants was the first thing that met her. His hips rose and rotated outward as his feet made their moves, and Nadine’s body responded as if it had been shocked by an electrical current. She felt a nearly overpowering need to have him hold her, and she nearly swayed with the weight of it.

  She looked up at his face with smoldering hazel eyes, hoping he was not aware of what was happening to her. To Nadine’s relief, they were met by a face wearing a mask of control. The only hint of what he felt was the fiery glow within his own dark, thickly fringed eyes.

  Nadine could feel when Ulysses’ unwavering gaze focused on her face, but she was afraid to return it, knowing her feelings would be transparent. Even the rum did not give her the gumption she needed. She knew returning his look would seal an intimate agreement between them. No words would be necessary, the sexual energy that flowed was so strong. Potent desire ripped through her, thwarting her ability to continue the act she had started that morning. Her sexuality broke loose after years of repression, and Nadine finally experienced how much a woman’s nature it is to have a man.

  The slow deliberate tempo of the song began to pick up speed like a train pulling off from a station. Through her peripheral vision she watched Ulysses’ emotional response to the tune. It was as if the music had entered his soul, and he was consumed by the pulse of it. Nadine felt herself being swept away on a similar current of exhilaration.

  Back and forth, around and around they pranced. Feeling an earth-shattering wave of need overtake her, Nadine turned her revealing gaze toward the man beside her. She felt no shame in what she knew was blatantly written in her eyes. Like the response of her body to the melody, what she yearned for was only natural. Seductively, her eyes locked with those of the dark, magnetic stranger; the music helped to free her of any residual fears. She gave in to its attuning powers.

  Nadine threw back her head and closed her eyes. Her body jerked rhythmically to the beat of the music, paying tribute to the vibrations. Ulysses watched the woman’s transformation from a timid, unwilling creature to a vision of captivating beauty. The white ruffles about her neck fluttered back and forth, revealing a small, cinnamon cleavage. Her thick mane danced, bathing in the rays of the sun as she shook it in time with the beat. The American had taken to the dance as if she were born to it, and the elated expression on her exotic features showed the music had entered her heart. Ulysses could feel the power of her feminine nature, and he wondered why she struggled so hard to keep it confined.

  “Ulysses,” a persuasive voice called to him.

  Cassandra sauntered into the center of the circle, her arms outstretched to the side. In high-stepping fashion she thrust her ample bosom forward. Her red painted lips opened temptingly, and her face mirrored the look of a woman in the throes of deep passion. Cassandra’s hot sable eyes raced intimately over Ulysses’ body as she danced for him. She was sure of herself and her body language was clear.

  Ulysses said nothing. His expression remained unreadable as he watched her dance in front of him. Everyone stopped their dancing and watched, for Cassandra knew how to create a spectacle.

  All of a sudden, like a hot-air balloon falling from the sky, Nadine’s feeling of exhilaration plummeted as she recognized the exchange that was going on between Ulysses and the carnal female that paraded before him. There could be no doubt in her mind or anyone else’s that they were much more than friends.

  Nadine was grateful when the music finally stopped. She could not have stood it much longer. The shame of her abandonment washed over her, and before she could remove her arm that had been entwined with Ulysses’ for the traditional dance, a coarse hand removed it for her. Nadine allowed it, even though a part of her wanted to lash out. But she had to consider maybe Ulysses was this woman’s man.

  Ulysses stood still as he watched Cassandra’s blatant display of ownership, although the heat of their sexual escapades had begun to cool some time ago. It was evident she could not tolerate his showing interest in another woman. Ulysses allowed himself to be led away by a triumphant Cassandra. He would not disrespect her in front of her peers. But he intended to make sure she understood how he really felt, and that it was to never happen again.

  Nadine could feel the workers’ eyes on her as she left the circle. Her eyes burned with an immediate need to cry, but she would not dare let anyone know how deeply the incident had affected her, so she walked away with her head held high. Nadine no longer felt like joining the women she had befriended through Catherine, instead she stood a safe distance away from their furtive glances.

  “If I had not seen you learn that dance, I would have sworn you had been doing it all of your life,” a comforting voice called from behind her. “I am Melanie Sharpe.” The woman came up and stood beside her. “You must be the young lady my brother, Rodney, came back to the house raving about.”

  Relief flooded inside Nadine as she looked into the smiling face of the attractive woman. “Thanks. Once I got started it was easy. I didn’t even have to think about the steps.” She stretched out her hand in greeting. “I’m Nadine Clayton. And yes, I did meet your brother this morning. He was quite flattering.”

  “Rodney is the charmer of the family. Sometimes I am afraid he is too forward and is going to get himself in trouble again. Once his aggressive admiration for one of the islander’s daughters rewarded him with a black eye.” Melodic laughter accompanied the confession.

  Nadine gladly took to the light mood with a modest smile. “Looks like Rodney is not the only one who can be aggressive around here.” She looked at the receding backs of Ulysses and Cassandra.

  “Cassandra has always had an eye for Ulysses. Even when we were little children. At first he paid her little attention, but as the years went by and he began to change he started doing many things he had always promised himself he would never do.”

  “You seem to know him very well.” Nadine tried to keep the tremor out of her voice, but she knew it was still apparent.

  “I guess you could say that. I’ve known Ulysses for practically my entire life. His aunt had a birthday party for him when he was nine. My brother Basil and I attended it. Basil was thirteen and I was seven. That was when our friendship began. That was twenty-three years ago.” She looked at the rum still, then looked down. “He has always been bursting with life. Half the young girls on the island were secretly in love with him. Including me.” A forlorn look blanketed her poised features.

  Nadine sensed a quiet uneasiness about Melanie Sharpe, but she was grateful Melanie had reached out to her at a moment when she needed it so badly. Yet despite her outward calm, Nadine could tell Melanie was haunted by her own ghosts. She decided to bring an end to the awkward moment. “It’s time for me to get back to the house.” She glanced self-consciously over her shoulder. “I think that should be pretty easy if I follow the path leading over that hill.”

  “Yes, that is the best way. It will lead you straight to the entrance. I would walk with you if I had not already promised my brother Basil that I would stay with our workers until our vats were beneath the shoots.” Melanie turned, pointing to some black and yellow containers that stood beside the wall. “You see, we do not have a still. Sugar is our main business.”

  “Oh, I see.” Nadine nodded with interest. “Look. I don’t know how long I’m going to b
e here, it depends on how long it takes to get the roads cleared. But I hope we get to see each other again before I go,” she said earnestly.

  “So do I,” Melanie replied.

  The two women smiled at each other before going their separate ways. The conversation had given Nadine a chance to regain her composure before heading through the watchful gazes that were still upon her. She could see the cliff dwellers sitting in a group not far from the base of the hill. They had remained quiet and detached the entire afternoon. None of them had joined in the festivities, and they displayed no obvious signs of even hearing the music. Now, with concentrated curiosity, they watched Nadine’s approach. Numerous pairs of sable eyes consumed her every move. As she walked along the outskirts of the cliff dwellers’ cluster, Nadine saw the leader signal to one of the women in the rear. With the agility of an acrobat she rose to her feet, and crossed to stand directly in front of Nadine.

  Even though her movements were not hostile, Nadine was completely caught off guard. She found herself staring directly into the face of the unusual female. The woman’s demeanor was calm, but her eyes were filled with a curious excitement as she made an evaluation of Nadine’s facial features. With a quiet look of approval, she bent her head and removed one of several necklaces from her own neck. Without a word she held the object suspended in the space between them.

  Nadine’s first instinct was to question the woman. Confusion mixed with a strange feeling of wonder as she studied the hands that held the article out to her. She could see a tattoo in the palm of the female’s right hand. It appeared to be a double circle with an eight-sided star within it. Nadine took note of the ancient cross, and she wondered what significance the symbol held for the woman.


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