President Carter

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by Stuart E. Eizenstat

  53.  Ibid.

  54.  Bob Edgar interview, April 18, 2013,; 1977 CQ Almanac, 113.

  55.  Butler Derrick interview, April 22, 2013.

  56.  David Rubenstein interviews with the author, December 11, 1992, and February 8, 2014.

  57.  The Daily Diary of the President, July 15, 1977, GPO 1977, O-228-197, 3,

  58.  Frank Moore interview, May 8, 2013.

  59.  Butler Derrick interview, April 22, 2013.

  60.  Frank Moore interview, May 8, 2013.

  61.  Jim Free interviews, May 9, 2013, and October 13, 2013.

  62.  Walter Pincus, “Panel Drops 9 Projects on Hit List,” The Washington Post, July 21, 1977.

  63.  Ibid.

  64.  Jim Free interview, May 9, 2013.

  65.  Bob Edgar, interviews with the author, January 13, 1992, and April 18, 2013.

  66.  Frank Moore interview, May 8, 2013.

  67.  Jim Free interview, October 18, 2013.

  68.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 199.

  69.  Butler Derrick interview, April 22, 2013.

  70.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 23.

  71.  Daniel McCool, Command of the Waters (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), 206.

  72.  Brent Blackwelder interview, September 2, 2015.

  73.  Carter Presidential Library, Office of Congressional Liaison, Box 45, Public Works Appropriations; and Gus Speth (chairman of the Council of Environmental Quality), interview with the author, November 21, 1991.

  74.  Jimmy Carter, Foreword to The Flint River.

  13. Alaska Forever Wild, Despite Its Senators

    1.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2010), 253.

    2.  Cecil Andrus memorandum to President Carter, November 28, 1978, in author’s possession with president’s notation, and Carter Presidential Library.

    3.  Stuart Eizenstat, Cecil Andrus, and Bob Bergland memorandum to President Carter, November 29, 1978, with president’s notation, in author’s possession.

    4.  Carter, Designation of National Monuments in Alaska, Statement by the President, December 1, 1978, Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, Book II, 1978, 2111–2.

    5.  Cecil Andrus interview, March 17, 1992.

    6.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 334.

    7.  Katherine Fletcher, conversation with author, May 2, 2016.

    8.  Oral History with Frank Moore, Jimmy Carter Library, July 30–31, 46.

    9.  Jimmy Carter, Remarks on Signing Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, Book III, 1980–1981, 2756–62.Sources for Alaska Land Act section:;; John Muir:

  10.  Cecil Andrus interview, March 17, 1992.

  11.  Erica Goode, “A Wrenching Choice for Alaska Towns in the Path of Climate Change,” The New York Times, November 29, 2016.

  12.  Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1980–1981, Vol. III, “Jimmy Carter’s Farewell Address to the Nation,” January 14, 1981, 2889–93.


  14. The Great Stagflation

    1.  Alan Blinder, interview with the author, June 20, 2015.

    2.  Alan Blinder interview, June 20, 2015.

    3.  Paul Samuelson, interview with the author, January 16, 1992; Alan Greenspan, interview with the author, February 27, 2014.

    4.  “Inflation United States 1975,” Worldwide Inflation Data,

    5.  Bureau of Labor Statistics data; Federal Reserve Economic Data, Total Nonfarm Employment.

    6.  Ray Marshall, Unheard Voices: Labor and Economic Policy in a Competitive World (New York: Basic Books, 1987), 51.

    7.  Robert Samuelson interview, May 16, 2015; Robert Samuelson, The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath (New York: Random House, 2008).

    8.  Jimmy Carter, Economic Position Paper, April 22, 1976; Businessweek interview, May 3, 1976; Jimmy Carter, Cities Speech April 1, 1976; Jimmy Carter, Democratic Platform Presentation, June 16, 1976; Jimmy Carter, Economic Press Briefing, New York City, July 28, 1976; Jimmy Carter on Economic Issues, Post-Convention No. 133, in “President Carter’s Campaign Promises,” Commerce Clearing House, Inc., Chicago, June 1977.

    9.  Joseph Pechman, interview with the author, August 3, 1989.

  10.  Pad 2, December 16, 1976.

  11.  Pad 7, January 31, 1977.

  12.  Pad 13, April 8, 1977.

  13.  Pad 33A, May 15, 1978; Juanita Kreps, interview with the author, December 10, 1979.

  14.  L. William Seidman, Full Faith and Credit (New York: Times Books, 1993), Chapter 2.

  15.  Barry Bosworth, interview with the author, August 17, 1990.

  16.  Charles Schultze, interview with the author, June 19, 1989.

  17.  Pad 1, December 1, 1976.

  18.  Lyle Gramley, interview with the author, July 25, 1989; Fred Bergsten, interview with the author, August 19, 1991.

  19.  Paul Samuelson interview, January 16, 1992.

  20.  Pad 1, December 8–9, 1976.

  21.  Alan Greenspan, interview with the author, February 27, 2014.

  22.  Pad 1, December 9, 1976.

  23.  Pad 4, January 7, 1977.

  24.  Pad 4, January 7, 1977.

  25.  Pad 7, February 3, 1977.

  26.  Jimmy Carter Economic Recovery Program—Message to the Congress, January 31, 1977, Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1977, Book I, 47–55. Also, The American Presidency Project,

  27.  Pad 8, February 20, 1977.

  28.  Pad 8, February 20, 1977.

  29.  McCracken quoted in Carl W. Bivens, Jimmy Carter’s Economy: Policy in an Age of Limits (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002), 85.

  30.  Lane Kirkland, interview with the author, December 12, 1989.

  31.  Alan Greenspan Interview, October 18, 2013.

  32.  Pad 7, February 7, 1977.

  33.  Alan Ehrenhalt, CQ Almanac, September 10, 1977.

  34.  Pad 13, April 5, 1977.

  35.  Pad 13, April 6, 1977.

  36.  Pad 13, April 11–12, 1977.

  37.  Pad 14, April 13, 1977.

  38.  Ibid.

  39.  Charles Schultze interview, June 19, 1989.

  40.  Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1977, Vol. I, “Economic Stimulus Package Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on the Tax Rebate and Business Tax Credit Proposals,” April 14, 1977, 618–22, and “Questions and Answers with Publishers, Editors and Broadcasters,” April 15, 1977, 643–51.

  41.  Pad 18, June 16, 1977.

  42.  Pad 10, March 10, 1977; Pad 11, March 21, 1977; Pad 12, March 28, 1977; Pad 12, March 31, 1977; Pad 13, March 5, 1977.

  43.  Pad 12, March 28, 1977.

  44.  Pad 12, March 31, 1977.

  45.  Pad 13, April 4, 1977.

  46.  Pad 13, April 6, 1977.

  47.  Ibid.

  48.  Ibid.

  49.  Pad 13, April 6, 1977.

  50.  Bill Johnston, discussion and email with the author, July 9, 2017.

  51.  Pad 12, March 31, 1977.

  52.  Lawrence Malkin, “A Practical Politician at the Fed,” Fortune, May 1971, 260. Pad 12, March 31, 1977.

  53.  Pad 13, April 8, 1977.

�� Jimmy Carter, “Anti-Inflation Program Statement Outlining Administration Actions,” April 15, 1977, The American Presidency Project, UCSB; Anti-Inflation Program. Statement Outlining Administration Actions, Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, Book I, 1977, 622–9.

  55.  Edward Cowan, “A Cautious Administration and the Price-Wage Spiral,” The New York Times, July 12, 1977.

  56.  Pad 26, October 14, 1977.

  57.  Pad 19, June 20, 1977.

  58.  Pad 20, June 29, 1977.

  59.  Pad 22, July 23, 25, 1977.

  60.  Pad 26, October 13, 1977.

  61.  Pad 24, September 23, 1977.

  62.  Pad 26, October 19, 1977.

  63.  Pad 26, October 20, 1977.

  64.  Pad 26, October 27, 1977.

  65.  Pad 28, December 15, 1977.

  66.  Pad 32A, March 21, April 21, May 2, 1978.

  67.  Pad 33A, May 11, 1978.

  68.  Pad 23, August 9, 1977.

  69.  Pad 28, December 17, 1977.

  70.  Pad 27, December 9, 1977.

  71.  “State of the Union Address,” History, Art & Archives, United States House of Representatives,

  72.  Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1978, Vol. 1, January 19, 1978, 90–98, with detailed written message, 98–123.

  73.  Pad 32A, April 11, 1978; Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1978, Vol. 1, April 11, 1978, 721–7.

  74.  Robert Strauss, interview with the author, October 27, 1989.

  75.  Pad 33A, May 10, 1978.

  76.  Robert Strauss interview, October 27, 1989.

  77.  Charles Schultze interview, June 19, 1989.

  78.  Pad 33A, May 16, 1978.

  79.  Pad 33A, May 8, 10, 16, 1978; Pad 34, June 21, 1978; Pad 35, June 22, 1978.

  80.  Pad 35, July 10, 1978.

  81.  Pad 36, July 23, 1978.

  82.  Pad 37, August 1, 1978.

  83.  Pad 38, August 10, 1978.

  84.  Pad 27, EPG Meeting, November 10, 1977.

  85.  Pad 24, September 23, 1977.

  86.  Pad 23, August 4, 1977.

  87.  Pad 17, June 4, 1977.

  88.  Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1978, Vol. I, January 20, 1978, 158, 160, 184; Edward R. Kantowicz, “The Limits of Incrementalism: Carter’s Efforts at Tax Reform,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 4, no. 2, 1985, 217–23,

  89.  Pad 41, October 14, 1978.

  90.  Charles Schultze interview, June 19, 1989.

  91.  Pad 34, June 21, 1978.

  92.  Russell Long, interview with the author, January 1, 1991.

  93.  Robert Kuttner, “Final Passage of the Revenue Act of 1978,” Congressional Record, 95th Congress, 2nd Session, October 14, 1978, 38638, cited in Edward R. Kantowicz, “The Limits of Incrementalism: Carter’s Efforts at Tax Reform,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 4, no. 2, 1985, 228,; 1978 CQ Almanac, “Carter’s Reform,” 245.

  94.  Pad 41, October 27, 1978; Larry O’Brien, interview with the author, May 14, 1992.

  95.  Pad 41, October 18, 1978.

  96.  Pad 41, October 19, 1978.

  97.  Pad 41, October 19, 1978.

  98.  Pad 40, October 6, 1978.

  99.  Pad 35, June 28, 1978.

  100.  Pad 36, July 22, 1978.

  101.  Pad 39, September 7, 8, 1978.

  102.  Pad 41, October 16, 1978; Robert Strauss interview, October 27, 1989.

  103.  Pad 41, October 19, 1978; Alfred Kahn interviews, August 26, 1989, and October 24, 1989.

  104.  Pad 41, October 23, 1978.

  105.  Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1978, Vol. II, “Anti-Inflation Program” with “White House Fact Sheet on Details of the Program,” October 24, 1978, 1839–48.

  106.  Pad 42, November 16, 1978.

  107.  Pad 42, November 20, 1978.

  108.  Alfred Kahn, interview with the author, October 24, 1989; Simon Lazarus, interview with the author, January 25, 2016.

  109.  Joshua Gotbaum, interview with the author, January 29, 2016.

  110.  Barry Bosworth interview, August 17, 1990.

  111.  Pad 45, February 22, 1978.

  112.  Larry Greenberg, “35th Anniversary of Jimmy Carter’s Anti-Inflation Speech to the American People,” October 24, 2013, American-people/.

  113.  Paul Volcker, Changing Fortunes (New York: Three Rivers Press, 1993), 149–50.

  114.  Pad 22, July 25, 1977.

  115.  Samuel Rosenberg, American Economic Development Since 1945: Growth, Decline, and Rejuvenation (New York: Palgrave, 2003), 202; Hobart Rowen, “Dollar Rescue: Too Successful?” The Washington Post, May 20, 1979.

  116.  Paul Volcker, Changing Fortunes, 149.

  117.  Pad 27, December 4, 1977.

  118.  Pad 28, December 28, 1977.

  119.  Pad 28, January 4, 1978.

  120.  Pad 38, August 15, 1978.

  121.  Ibid.

  122.  Pad 41, October 26, 1978.

  123.  Pad 41, October 26, 1978; see Pad 41, October 25, 1978, for call from Blumenthal.

  124.  Pad 41, October 27, 1978.

  125.  Charles Schultze, University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs interview, January 8, 1992.

  126.  Pad 41, October 28, 1978, for discussion of package; Fred Bergsten interview, August 19, 1991; Bill Miller, interview with the author, July 28, 1989.

  127.  Bill Neikirk, “Save Dollar Program Charted in Secrecy at White House,” Chicago Tribune, November 5, 1978.

  128.  Paul Volcker, Changing Fortunes, 158.

  129.  Robert D. Putnam and Henning C. Randall, The Bonn Summit, 82.

  130.  Pad 41, November 1, 1978, Blumenthal call; Pad 41, November 3, 1978, Warner call, “and our Ambassador to Switzerland, Marvin Warner, told me the president’s dollar rescue program had been ‘met with ecstasy’ throughout Europe.”

  131.  Paul Volcker, Changing Fortunes, 151.

  132.  Pad 41, November 2, 1978.

  133.  Pad 54, May 9, 1979.

  134.  Pad 45, January 2, 1979.

  135.  Pad 44, December 19, 1978.

  136.  Pad 48, February 20, 22, 1979.

  137.  Pad 54, May 10, 1979.

  138.  W. Michael Blumenthal, From Exile to Washington (New York: Overlook Press, 2015), 314–5.

  139.  William L. Silber, “How Volcker Launched his Attack on Inflation,” Bloomberg News, August 20, 2012.

  140.  Lawrence Lindsay, interview with the author, May 24, 1993.

  141.  Charles Schultze interview, June 19, 1989.

  142.  Bill Miller interview, July 28, 1989.

  143.  Richard Moe interviews, February 14, 2014, and June 18, 2017.

  144.  Paul Volcker interviews, July 31, 1989, and November 11, 2013.

  145.  Ibid.

  146.  Bill Miller interview, July 28, 1989.

  147.  Paul Volcker interview, July 31, 1989.

  148.  William L. Silber, “How Volcker Launched His Attack on Inflation,” Bloomberg News, August 20, 2012; William L. Silber, Volcker: The Triumph of Persistence (New York: Bloomsbury, 2012).

  149.  Jimmy Carter interviews, October 25, 1991, and September 27, 2013.

  150.  Jimmy Carter Miller Center interview, July 31, 1989.


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