Pinky Promise

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Pinky Promise Page 16

by HJ Bellus

  “And why would you make a deal like that?” I ask biting my bottom lip.

  “Because I want to sleep with you.”

  “State, you need to be with your team.”

  “I’m with those stinky fuckers enough. I need you in my bed tonight.”

  “I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

  “I’ll go fucking mad if I’m not with you tonight and then I’ll be in trouble.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  The dorm tower is unusually quiet as we make our way to the elevator. I never think like a college student, but since it’s a Friday night then I assume they’re all out doing keg stands or playing beer pong. I welcome the silence. No prying eyes on us or obnoxious twats.

  The book nerds huddled on the couches and over-stuffed chairs couldn’t care less about us. I tug on State’s arm as we wait for the elevator.

  “That would be me.”

  He grunts. “Yes, it would be.”

  Then he shocks me with a question. “Do you think you’d ever live in the dorms?”


  It comes out fast, requiring no thought at all.

  “Do you ever imagine yourself here as a student?”

  “Nope. But I’ve imagined other stuff here.”


  I blush a bit, but then spill covering my eyes. “You know late at night when I’m missing you. I picture you sprawled out in your bed, thinking of me.”

  “Then?” He urges me to go on. The ding of the elevator sounds off in the far distance.

  “I touch myself.”

  The door glides open. I breathe out relief when no one is on it. He tugs me into the elevator and I nearly lose my footing as my back is pressed up against the wall. State’s palms slap down on either side of my head. He presses his want into my center. I feel every single inch of him.

  He bites down on my bottom lip until it hurts, then sweeps his tongue over it making the pain fade away. His hands slide down the elevator wall until he’s clutching my ass.

  “I’m going to take you in so many different ways tonight.”

  “You have to rest before the game. I will not be held responsible for you being slow tomorrow.”

  “I won’t blame you. I’ll blame your magical vagina.”

  “State,” I squeal and burry my head in his neck.

  “What? Just being honest.”

  “Stop, it’s embarrassing.”

  “Okay, Queen.”

  He chuckles the rest of the way to his room with me in his arms.


  I’m straddling him, moving up and down finding the perfect pace. It’s all so overwhelming. State insisted I be on top this time. I finally relented, but only in the pitch dark.

  “Don’t quit touching me,” I whimper out.

  State rolls my clit around with his thumb while keeping a tight grip on my hip. He helps guide me up and down him. It’s all too much. My nerves are tattered and ready to explode any minute.

  State sits up until we are face to face. He continues to coax my hips to move. It’s a new angle, deeper, and even more delicious. My lips brush his and then I lick my own.

  “State, I can’t hold it off any longer.”

  He thrusts up into me. “Go, God, Go. Queeeeeen.”

  We both fall into our cyclone of pleasure. State shivers, pulling me closer to him until nothing is between us.

  “I made a wish,” he says.


  “I made a wish and then found you.”

  I cup his face. “Ahhh, baby, I love you so damn much.”

  State falls back into the bed with me on his chest. We don’t bother to clean up before sleep takes over. It’s the best night’s sleep ever. My body is completely relaxed, my thoughts light, and my heart full for the very first damn time in my life.

  When a sliver of sunlight drips into the room I feel light kisses up my arm.


  I open one eye, refusing to fully wake up from the best night of my life.

  “I’m heading to the field. I have coffee on for you.”

  I make a show of sniffing the air with one eye open. “Ahhh, you’re a keeper, number seven.”

  “Shayne will pick you up in two hours. I’m also having breakfast delivered here for you.”

  I groan and finally roll over on my back. “Ahhh, a double keeper. How did I get so lucky?”

  “God made me for you.”

  I slap his bicep. “Aren’t you supposed to be in tear em’ up destroy them mode, and not sappy man mode?”

  He lets out a hearty chuckle and kisses my lips.

  “Eeeeewww. I probably have morning breath.”

  “It’s worse than anything I could imagine.”

  “Asshole.” I throw a pillow at him and then push him away.

  He dips lower and kisses me harder. “But I love it.”

  “State, I can’t wait to see you play again.”

  “You have no idea how much adrenaline it gives me when I know your ass is in those stands wearing my number.”

  “Go!” I push his chest. “Before I drag you back into bed.”

  “Okay, only answer the door for breakfast and Shayne.”

  “Yes, daddy.” I bat my eyelashes at him.

  “I’ll give you daddy tonight.”

  “God, you’re gross, but I love you.”

  State sends me a wink before he shuts the door. I hear the lock turn on the outside and then his heavy footsteps trail down the hall. I sigh loudly and melt back into the bed. I inhale his scent and then cover my face with his pillow. It doesn’t take long before I’m fast asleep in the comfort of forever.

  Shayne may as well be a damn NASCAR driver. You’d never know she was a champion gymnast with her lead foot. I’ve lost count of the number of yellow lights she’s blown through. My knuckles are white, gripped around my seatbelt.

  “You can slow down. We have plenty of time,” I offer.


  “Slow the hell down,” I finally scream when she blows through another yellow light.

  “Nobody can stand riding with me.”

  “I can see why.”

  “Did you know that all the stop signs with a white border around them are optional to stop at?”

  I give her a sideways look and let it process. “So, you just chose whether you want to stop or not?”

  “Yeah, but only the ones with a white border around them.”

  Four blocks later, and I call her out on her bullshit. “They all have white borders, jerk.”

  “Did you really believe me?” She laughs until she’s gasping for air.

  I raise my eyebrows. “Yes, like a dumbass, I did.”

  She laughs the rest of the way to her parking spot. Just like State’s it’s a lot closer than where others have to park. I’m all turned around and couldn’t even tell you where State’s parking spot is. I’m curious to see if it’s open or filled.

  I don’t recognize anything on our way through security.

  “I don’t remember any of this?”

  “Yeah, you probably came in the wrong entrance last time. This side is used less often and is about the same distance to our seats from the recommended entrance.”

  “I’m not sure I’m going to believe anything that comes from your mouth again.”

  She sends me a grin while continuing to wind us through the crowds. We stop in front of the food stands.

  “I’m starving. You hungry?” She asks.

  My stomach takes the invitation, growling loudly. State’s breakfast didn’t settle well with me and I gave up after the second bite of the egg sandwich.

  “What do you want?” She asks.

  “I don’t care.” I shrug. “I’ll get what you get.”

  She rushes over to a pita booth. It’s a long line, but flows quickly. I just slip Shayne my money and have her order me what she’s ordering. I pray that there’s no fish or pineapple in it. Anything else I can pick thr

ough easy enough.

  “Don’t tell State I did that.” She turns and hands me a huge wrapped pita.

  “What?” I ask.

  “That I ordered for you.” She takes a huge bite out of her chicken pita and begins speaking around it. “He said to make you decide and order.”

  “Really?” I quirk a smile.

  “Yeah, call it bitch code.”

  “Bitch code,” I repeat. “I like it.”

  “It’s not to be taken lightly. It’s like fight club, but with bitches and codes.”

  “Got it.” I laugh and follow her.

  I’m jealous how she so easily scarfs down her pita while walking to our seats. It’s definitely not her first rodeo. Me, I wait until we are at our seats with napkins spread across my lap.

  Shayne lets me eat in peace while she attacks her phone. Whoever she’s texting is really getting a piece of her mind. I love hanging out with her. She’s plain like me. Not like the other college girls I’ve run into who have layers of make-up plastered on and slutty clothes hanging from them.

  Today she’s not wearing Ryder’s jersey, but rather a gymnastic school colored t-shirt. I admire her dedication and deep down I’m a bit jealous of it. I could totally see myself on the college dance team kicking ass, or at least trying to. It just wasn’t in the stars for me and in a sick and twisted way I wouldn’t change a thing. God, I’m confusing my damn self.


  I hear my name right when I take an un-lady-like bite of the pita. Way too much food goes into my mouth. When I look up, I’m face to face with State’s parents. I mentally curse damn end seats in this moment. His mom seems just as happy to see me.

  I wave and fight to choke down the food in my mouth. Shayne hands me her Coke and I’m thankful, taking long swallows of the fizzy liquid. My body is thrown into a coughing spell before I can stand to talk.

  “Hungry much?” His mom asks. “And look it’s not little kiddy food.”

  I ignore her bitch-asshole-jerk comment and hug State’s dad. “Hey.”

  “Hey, just making our way up to our box. State wanted me to make sure you made it to your seat okay.”

  “Oh, I’m here and stuffing my face.” I run my sweaty palms down the front of my torn, denim capris.

  “Good deal. Stadium food is the damn best.”

  “You’ll have a heart attack and get fat,” his mom sneers.

  Jesus Christ, this woman needs the corncob that is shoved up her ass surgically removed.

  I go to open my mouth and just lay everything out between us, but she beats me to the goddamn punch.

  “Baylor, I want you to meet Tia.” A gorgeous woman near my age steps out from behind her.

  She has long dark hair that waves perfectly down her back, olive skin, and delicate features. Tia is also wearing a number seven-football jersey.

  “Hi.” I send her a warm wave, praying like a damn fool that’s she’s just a cousin.

  “Tia and State use to date back in high school. They were homecoming king and queen two years in a row.”

  “Nice.” I go on autopilot and reach out my hand to shake hers. “Nice to meet you. I’m Baylor. State’s girlfriend.”

  I roar the last two words like a powerful lioness and I’m damn proud of it.

  “Funny, he’s never mentioned it,” she purrs right back.

  Shayne is up on her feet, and I can feel her hot breath on my neck. “Funny? How long have you known State, Tia?”

  “Since middle school.”

  “Then you’re full of shit. He’s had Baylor’s name inked on his back for years now. So, I’m calling your bluff, bitch.”

  I stifle back a giggle when both of the women’s jaws drop. State’s dad clears his throat.

  Just call me a predator who has found her new fangs. “I’m his forever, but it was so nice to meet you.”


  I hear someone bark my name and swing around to see State leaning over the guardrail separating the field from the stands. I rush down to him not worrying to excuse myself.


  “Number seven.”

  He peers over my shoulder for a brief second and I know exactly who he is looking at.

  “Seems your mother is upping her game.”

  His lips crash on mine. His gloved hand twines in my hair pulling me closer to him. I feel my feet lift from the concrete and fly into the air. I giggle into his mouth, not stopping his tongue from claiming me. He pulls back for a second and places another quick peck to my lips.

  “Fuck them,” he growls. “I love you.”

  He adjusts the bracelet on his wrist that hasn’t left since the day he put it on and backs away while, not so discreetly, adjusting his jock strap. There couldn’t have been a more perfect response to meeting one of his exes.

  I prance, yes prance, right back up those stairs and square back up to Tia and his mother while I brush away the lose curls framing my face.

  “Where were we?” I ask, smiling.

  “We are just off to our seats. Had to make sure you made it here okay.”

  “Thanks.” I wrap his dad up in a hug again before they leave.

  Shayne grabs me by the shoulders. “Jesus, Baylor, I’m afraid of you in the bitch code. That was badass.”

  “Holy shit, Shayne.” I let out a long breath of air. “I have no idea where that came from.”

  “Your inner bitch and I like it. I like it a lot.” She nods.

  I focus back at the field and sigh in disappointment. I wanted to see State take it for warm-ups. I make up for missing and watch his every move. Out there he looks tiny and the way he moves is so stealthy and natural. Oh, and very damn sexy.

  Shayne and I are up on our feet shaking our shit when the team rushes out of the smoking tunnel. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing State lead his team out. Just like last home game the stadium is wild with excitement. It’s a contagious feeling.

  “Oh hey.” I slap Shayne’s shoulder.

  “What? Don’t tell me you’re pregnant that will just kill bitch code.”

  “No.” My eyeballs pop wide open. “Hell no. Listen to this.”

  I turn to her, place my palms on my hips and begin. “This team has a solid offensive line which will make State’s job harder breaking through. He’s going to have to watch for lots of screens and rush like hell. Ryder needs to throw the ball in the air because their ground defense is tough on the other side.”

  “Damn, someone has been doing their homework.”

  “It’s easy when the number one player is yours.” I shoot her a wink.

  “I might argue on the number one player. I think I have him.”

  I want to ask her more questions, but the ball is up in the air and the crowd goes wild. State’s on point during the first set of downs, not allowing the other team to get a first down. He has two sacks back to back. I almost feel for the quarterback as he gets up slowly from the ground during the first quarter.

  My voice is nearly non-existent by the fourth quarter. The score is tied and Ryder’s game is off. He’s thrown three interceptions and can’t get anything going on offense. Our defense has been out there most of the game and by the way they move they’re exhausted. Their bodies have been through hell and back.

  There’s only thirty seconds left in the game and the other team is only ten yards out from scoring. We can’t stop their running game. Shayne and I are standing in our seats, screaming at the top of our lungs, when State raises his arms to get his fans to scream louder.

  I can’t even hear my own voice or know if any sound is coming out. The center hikes the ball; quarterback goes back for a pass. I catch Coach Pete jumping up and down screaming something, but everything happens so damn fast.

  I spot number seven, my man, jumping up into the air. He extends his fingers as far as they’ll go, and comes back down with the ball. Everyone on the field is stunned. State is sprinting down the field towards his team’s end zone before anyone kn
ows what’s happening.

  His long legs stride effortlessly. There are three opponents threatening to catch up, but he never slows down. He’s at the ten yard, then the five-yard line, when a player from the other team snags his shoulder. State doesn’t let it stop him, and drags the guy right along with him into the end zone.

  I leap into the air, screaming even louder with the rest of the joyous fans. Shayne tugs on my arm and points to the time clock. Game over. We just won. I turn back toward State who is standing in the end zone swarmed by his teammates, but when he steps out of the circle. He looks in my direction and points right at me.

  I know he can’t see me, but the gesture makes me giddy with excitement. He’s pulled me into his life effortlessly and now makes me a part of it every chance he gets.

  Shayne and I hug each other like idiots. I blame it on the adrenaline coursing through me and a bit of team spirit. When I pull back I lift my index finger and waggle it.

  “He’s number one and mine,” I shout over the roar of the crowd.

  “Look.” She hits my shoulder and points.

  State’s back at the guardrail waving me down. I sprint like a fucking track star down to him. And this time he pulls me over the rail and holds me to his chest. I wrap my legs around his sweaty and sexy body hooking my ankles right above his ass.

  “It was the night with you.” His lips are on mine before I can respond.

  I bite down on his bottom lip, dart my tongue into his mouth, and kiss him like hell. His hands are in my hair tugging and pulling on it. We kiss like no one is watching us, even though the whole world is.


  “Baylor, ESPN was zoomed in right on you,” Shayne repeats for the tenth time while we wait outside the locker room.

  I answer with a shrug like I did all the other times.

  “That was some intense mouth fucking.”

  “Shush it.” I give a slight a head nod towards his evil mother and Tia glaring at us.

  “It was. That shit was like straight from the Titanic.”

  I can’t help, but laugh at her analogy because it was spot on. I’ve never felt like Rose on the front of that ship with her arms wide open ready to take on the world, but I do now. State and I have our whole future ahead of us, and nobody or nothing will stop us.


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