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Pinky Promise

Page 17

by HJ Bellus

  Like last time, State and Ryder are two of the last men to leave the locker room. I fly into his arms, not even caring how damn sore he is. The smell of woodsy, manly body wash hits me hard and I want to eat him alive right damn here.

  He pulls back a bit. “What did you do to my girl?”

  His smile is so wide I can’t help but offer one right back at him.

  “She’s right here. Number seven taught me how to live and it feels damn good.”

  “Kiss me.”

  I follow his order sealing our lips together. He pulls back quickly.

  “What’s wrong, State?”

  “That.” He nods his head towards his mother and Tia.

  “Fuck them,” I say with joy.

  “Jesus, what has football done to you?”

  “Turned me into a tiger.” I giggle feeling high on life.

  “Simmer down, tiger.”

  He sets me down, never letting go of my hand, while we walk to his car. Shayne and Ryder pile in with us using an excuse of their cars being too far away. It seems her parents bought the story. They’re quite oblivious. An astronaut on Mars could detect their chemistry from there. Lip smacking soon fills the backseat.

  State cranks up his stereo booming out C’mon Let Me Ride by Skylar Grey. I’m not a college student like the rest of them, but in this moment I sure in the hell feel like one. The night breeze flows through the car with the catchy song. State squeezes my hand tight in his, leaning over to steal a kiss at every stoplight.

  I never miss a chance to return it or tell him just how much I love him. We pull up to the same fancy-ass restaurant we dined at the first night with his parents and coach. Again, we walk hand in hand and sit at the same booth, but with one new member, Tia. State doesn’t acknowledge her even when his bulldog mother is persistent as hell.

  Each time she tries to get State tangled in a conversation with Tia, Shayne stomps on my foot. Jesus, I’m going to have broken toes by the end of the night.

  “What do you want to eat?” State whisper to me.

  “You.” I send him a devilish smile.

  “Behave,” he growls.

  “I’m not too hungry. Can I just eat off your plate?”

  He nods. “I’ll order an extra garden salad and I’ll eat all the vegetables from it that you don’t like.”

  “Perfect.” I kiss his lips.

  State orders the biggest steak, mashed potatoes, a bake potato, and two dinner salads. Once the waitress leaves I feel the evil glare from his mother.

  “Not hungry for a sandwich, dear?” She asks me.

  “No, I ate at the stadium,” I reply with a tight smile.

  “Oh, that’s right we interrupted you pigging down on it.”

  “Mother.” State slaps his palm down on the table.

  I grip his flexed bicep. “No, she’s right, baby. I was eating like a hog, but it was so good.”

  He looks down at me with a question on his face.

  “That breakfast you had ordered to your dorm room was nasty. I appreciated the gesture after you left though.”

  Score: Baylor-one Cuntasaurus- zero

  He bites down on his bottom lip recognizing my game.

  “God, I wish you could stay again.”

  His voice is loud enough for the whole table to hear.

  “Nope, my place tonight!”

  If I can’t kill them with kindness then sluthood will do. As per usual, the conversation goes right into football like a pissing match over State did not just ensue. Ryder and State tangle into their endless topic of who is better than the other. I’ve soon realized there’s no way to compare their positions, but they seem to love arguing over that shit.

  Our salads arrive and I wait patiently for State to pluck the olives, cucumbers, and other vile shit from it. I’m left with a perfect bed of iceberg lettuce drenched in ranch dressing.

  “Wait.” State stops everyone. “I was going to wait until after dinner, but just can’t. My dad helped me with this.”

  I look over at his dad who is smiling with a huge grin on his face. State turns to me and just as my bitch code courage seems to evaporate. All eyes are on me. I’m about to step on his damn foot, hard.

  He pulls a black box from his pocket and I nearly faint. I begin to shake my head from side-to-side. I know I’ll marry this man someday, but a proposal like this? No. Really? No.

  Yep, he pops open the black box to a ring. A fucking ring with diamonds, yellow damn diamonds.

  “I love you, Baylor. You’re my forever. Actually, the only person for me. It’s been like that since day one of meeting your snotty little ass. I forced you to play football with me and you cheated at UNO like no other. King’s brought us together and then tore us apart. Funny thing is, nothing can ever tear us apart now.

  This is a promise ring. My promise to you. I promise to love you every single day for the rest of my life. You are the most important person in my life. I’d hang up that number seven jersey just to play UNO with you for the rest of my life.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, not caring about our audience.

  “Thank you, State. God, thank you!”

  When I pull back he slides the ring on my finger. It’s quite the statement with the huge yellow diamonds on it. I pull my hand to my chest clutching it. The rest of the dinner is pretty much awkward beyond belief, but the high I’m currently riding is too good to be ruined by anything or anyone.

  “I have one for Rowe, too, my little princess.”

  I fork a piece of steak from his plate. “She’ll love it.”

  We say our goodbyes and jump in the car.

  “State, can I talk to you?” His mom asks before he folds his large frame into the car.

  Oh shit! She’s about to score.

  He’s a gentlemen and steps toward the back of the car, leaving the door open. Oh, how I wish like hell he would’ve shut that door. The most heartbreaking conversation takes place between a mother and son.

  “Are you serious about this?” Her voice is nasty.

  “Yes, mom. I’ve told you to accept it or move on.”

  “Are you fucking serious? We saved you and this is how you respect us.”

  I bury my head in my lap wishing like hell to not have to hear this.

  “What’s the God damn problem, Mom? Dad’s been on board from day one. You’re the only one acting like a bitch.”

  “She’s trash, State. Fucking trash. You deserve better.”

  “You need to shut the hell up and think about what you’re saying. I’ve never seen you be so nasty, mom.”

  “It’s because I actually love you and care about your future.”

  “So, you try run the one good thing out of my life by being cruel.”

  “She’s trash. You’re so much better.”

  “We’re cut from the same cloth,” he growls.

  “You were saved. She wasn’t. Her way of life will destroy you.”

  “What in the fuck?” he roars.

  “Oh God.” I turn back to Ryder.

  “Let me handle this, Baylor, stay in the car.” He gets out, but their voices keep going.

  “Son, you’re going to lose everything you’ve worked for.”

  “You’ve lost me, Mother. I’m done with this.”

  “Don’t, State. I’ll fight for your future.”

  “I don’t need you or need your shit in my life.”

  “She’s trash.”

  “So help me God, if you repeat that one more time, I’m going to blow.”

  “Well, blow and walk away while you still can.”

  “You’re worried about Baylor when you just fucking crushed my heart? My own mother being so cruel and heartless? I don’t even recognize the monster you’ve become.”

  Ryder must get between the two of them since silence settles around us. My head spins with confusion and mostly hurt for State.

  “Baylor, want to drive us back?” Ryder asks.

  I scramble from the passenger seat
and climb behind the wheel. I catch State slamming his fist into the metal pole before Ryder can get him into the passenger seat. The drive is quiet on the way back to the stadium. Another word isn’t spoken when we go to the dorm room to gather our clothes. State doesn’t refuse when I drive us back to our house.

  “I’m sorry, Baylor,” he finally says a few miles from my house.

  “Don’t be. I feel horrible that she hates me so much.”

  “I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.”

  “It’s okay, baby, I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “Me hurt?” He yells. “You think I’m fucking hurting to hear her call you that shit?”

  “State, you’re scaring me.” My hands tremble around the steering wheel.

  “Sorry, Queen, just know I’m not hurt. I’m fucking pissed. Dad said he’d talk to her.”

  I pull into the driveway and catch Rowe peeking out the front window with her damn-dangling tooth still in place. I turn to State and hold my ring up.

  “You promised me the world and I believe it. That means we share the joy, sorrow, and pain of the world together. I’m here. I’m not leaving.”

  He drops his forehead to my shoulder. “Jesus, I was so afraid you were going to tell me it’s over. That’s why I didn’t say a word on the way over.”

  “It’s never over; until my last breath.”

  “I love you,” he whispers.

  “We better get inside. Rowe practically has the blinds off the wall. I’m betting she conned Miss Tami into letting her stay awake until we got home.”

  He doesn’t miss a beat and morphs back into the strong, solid State I love, before hopping from the car. And just like all the other times when around Rowe, I become an observer to their crazy antics. He has her scooped up in his arms before the door fully opens.

  “Shrek! I just knew you were coming home tonight.”

  I replay her words over and over in my mind. Home. Home. Yes, State is home.

  “Hey, princess. I missed you.”

  “Nice tackles.”

  He chuckles at her compliment before settling down in my chair. I excuse myself to go wash up. I feel filthy from living it up in the stadium. I rush to the shower and quickly wash off. I hop into some spandex shorts and oversized Cinderella t-shirt. It falls off the shoulder since I have a habit of cutting the collar out of all my t-shirts.

  The sparkle of the yellow diamonds on my finger catch my attention. It’s simple and beautiful. I lightly kiss it before heading out into the living room. Miss Tami stares at it as I cozy in next to her.

  “You like it?” She whispers.

  “You knew?”

  “Of course, I knew. State and I talk a lot.”

  That statement warms my heart.

  “I’m in love.”

  She squeezes the top of my kneecap, kisses my temple, and says, “Watch this.”

  We both study Rowe and State who are deep in conversation about the princess play he was supposed to execute on the field tonight.

  “The dragons were just too vicious. Maybe next game.”

  “You gotta get to the castle, State.” She wipes her brow exasperated.

  “Hey.” He sets her in the over-stuffed recliner. “I may not have defeated all the dragons, but I do have this.”

  He gets down on his knee. “It’s for the fairest princess of the land and my best football play advisor. Rowe, with Pop Tarts on top, I want to tell you something.”

  She claps her hands in front of her chest with a gleam of hope twinkling in her eye.

  “I promise to be here with you forever.” He flips open the black box to a miniature version of my ring.

  “Damn,” she whispers before plucking the ring from the box. She slides it on her middle finger and prances around the living room singing to the top of her lungs. She freezes in the middle of a hip pop.

  “Wait.” She clutches her chest. “Sissy, are you okay with this? I mean he gave me a ring.”

  I giggle and then lift my hand up to her.

  “We’re twins.” She hops into my lap.

  “Yes we are, always.” I hug her tightly.

  She whispers in my ear, or whispers as much as Rowe can, “Thank you for bringing him to us.”

  I look over her shoulder to see State wipe at his eyes before resting his palms on his hips.

  “He’s ours forever.” I don’t break eye contact when I tell her this.


  “It’s just not fair.” Rowe stomps her foot in frustration.

  No shit, I think to myself as I stuff the skimpy Dalmatian Halloween costume in my bag.

  “We’ll be back on Saturday to spend the whole day with you and take you trick or treating.” I tap the tip of her nose.


  “I promise. Keep State’s Shrek outfit safe.”


  A knock at the door interrupts us. Shayne is smiling brightly on the other side with two large cups of coffee in her hands. She’s been over a few times for girl’s night and won over Rowe just like State has.

  “Shayne.” Rowe bolts to her, wrapping her arms around her waist.

  “Hey, sweetie.”

  She manages to pass my coffee off to me and sit on the couch, before Rowe is all up in her face. She’s assaults her with one-hundred questions.

  “Let me grab my bag and let Miss Tami know we’re heading out.”

  Shayne nods to me, but keeps her attention focused on Rowe and her wild story. She’s explaining her costume to perfection, State’s, and mine.

  I hear Shayne giggle when I leave the room. “Baylor will make the perfect Donkey.”

  I creak open Miss Tami’s door and peek my head in. “I’m getting ready to leave.”

  “Okay, sweetie.” She groans sitting up out of bed.

  “Are you okay?” I ask her.

  “Just the lovely effects of old age creeping in.”

  “Let me help you.”

  “Get away.” She bats me away from her.

  “Hush it, old lady.”

  I help her up and straighten out her night dress, and smooth down her hair. I really don’t want to leave her right now. I know she’s been feeling under the weather, but will never ask for help. It’s funny how the woman gives everything, but refuses any help.

  “Get out of here, you sexy Dalmatian.”

  “I’ll be paying you back for that one,” I reply.

  Her and her friends made my costume for the college Halloween party. I’m pretty sure they had a ball making the skimpy damn outfit. They created a costume for the ages with sparkles, dots, and all.

  “Get on the road, girls,” she announces when entering the living room. “I don’t need State blowing up my phone.”

  “Oh you know you love being adored by a hot college guy.” Shayne waggles her eyebrows.

  “Hey, he’s mine.” Rowe clutches her chest.

  I give them lots of loves and kisses before heading outside with Shayne. The autumn sun is high in the sky. The perfect amount of heat and cool breeze mingle together in the air. The trees have long changed colors. The combination of orange and yellow leaves tumbling to the ground. It’s simply a beautiful afternoon. I watch the trees blow by as we drive and feel a connection with them. I’ve changed just as they have, except I’m never going back to the shell I use to call life.

  “Did you and Ryder decide on a costume for the party?”

  “He’s going as a football player and I have a kitten outfit.”

  “I was going to backhand you if you said you were going as a gymnast.”

  “Nice idea!”

  “Shut your damn mouth when you’re talking to me, girl.”

  We both share a light giggle, but I sense a lingering topic bothering her.

  “Are you okay, Shayne?”

  She shrugs and pops a few Tic-Tac’s in her mouth. “Just a bit stressed about the upcoming trials.”

  “You’ll be fine. What else is bothering you?” I hol
d up my hand and flash some weird-ass sign to be funny. “Bitch code.”

  “Ryder,” she sighs.

  “And?” I push her.

  “He’s scared of my dad.”

  “Rightfully so.”

  “Don’t you even dare take his side,” she spats.

  “I’m not. Open up to me. You never talk about this. We all know it’s going on. Hell, I’d bet your dad even knows.”

  “It’s pretty basic. He loves football and doesn’t want to piss off my dad.”

  “Do you want more with him?”

  “Yes, I want it all.” She glances over at me. “He won’t even hold my hand in public. It has to be this big top secret relationship. He knows I want more, but it all comes back to fucking football.”

  It’s the first time, I realize how incredibly blessed I am. State has, from day one, let me know that I’m his number one priority, even over football. At times the fact has gutted me, even made me feel guilty, but now I’m thankful. It’s like Shayne is the mistress to Ryder and the stepchild to her father when it comes to football.

  “Maybe when the season is over you two can talk about it, and also sit down with your parents.”

  “Not likely. It’s all about football and I’m done.”

  “Your mom seems to understand you.”

  “She does, but she’s more of the peace keeper.” She slams the steering wheel making me jump. “Do you realize he doesn’t even come to any of my competitions, not even Nationals last year?”

  “I’m sorry, Shayne.” I grab her hand and squeeze it because I am really sorry.

  It’s seems like slow torture to have the picture perfect parents right in front you, but not have a connection with them. The stark opposite of what I experienced. I’m not envious of her situation at all.

  “Hey, I have an idea.” I offer after thirty minutes of silence.

  “I’m not going to sing love songs to you.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Funny, loser. Let’s get ready at your dorm.”

  “Really? Figured you’d want to make hot puppy love to your firefighter before the party.”

  “No, let’s get ready at your dorm!”

  It’s the first smile I sport since Shayne left Rowe. She lives in the tower opposite of State. The Halloween spirit fills the campus with décor and rowdy college students. I notice her dorm tower is much less populated. More of the nerdy crowds, my people, fill the open spaces.


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