Fated Mates: Book 1 of the True Mates Series

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Fated Mates: Book 1 of the True Mates Series Page 7

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Your starters, sir,” said their waiter as he approached. He put two plates of salad in front of them. At least, Alynna thought they were salad, as she did see a couple of piles of leaves on the plate, some raisins, unidentifiable grasses, and a squirt of dressing on the side.

  They ate in silence, occasionally making a comment about the weather or New York politics. Their salad plates were cleared away and the waiter came with their entrees.

  “Tripes à la mode de Caen for the lady,” the waiter said, laying the plate down in front of Alynna with a flourish. “And Les Escargots En Petites Tomatoes, for the gentleman. Enjoy your dinner.”

  Alynna stared at the dish in front of her. There was a small bowl with pieces of what looked like meat and a couple of potatoes. She looked up at Grant, who seemed to be just as puzzled as she was.

  “I think this is the dish I ordered…or at least it looks...digestible if not edible,” he said with a raised brow.

  She let out a laugh, which seemed to infect Grant as well as he struggled to keep from chuckling too loud. A couple of patrons glared at them and Alynna cleared her throat to try to suppress the giggles.

  “Hmmm…so, this is kind of going like a bad first date…what do you say we get out of here and get some real food?”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”


  “So, you’ve lived in New York all your life and never had a slice of Mama Jean’s?” Alynna asked before she put a mouthful of pizza in her mouth. She was starving and it took nearly an hour to get to Brooklyn from Manhattan.

  “No, never,” Grant admitted as he folded the gigantic slice in half and shoved a bit of it into his mouth. He closed his eyes and went quiet.

  “Good, huh?” Alynna asked.

  Grant nodded as he swallowed. “Definitely. I can’t believe this place exists in Brooklyn.”

  “Spoken like a true Manhattanite,” she joked, taking another slice.

  As soon as Grant agreed to leave the awful restaurant, they asked for their food to go (much to the horror of the waiter) and jumped into the waiting town car. Alynna gave Alex (who was driving) directions to Mama Jean’s in Brooklyn. It was a Friday night and the place was packed and so they got two large cheese pizzas to go and walked over to the park nearby. Grant and Alynna sat on a bench, while Alex and Nick stood a few feet away, holding one of the pizza boxes (she made Alex promise to make Nick try at least one bite).

  “Seriously, how did you know about this place?” Grant asked, as he finished his pizza in two more bites. He reached for another slice from the warm box between them.

  “Mom used to take me here all the time,” she said. “Our first apartment is nearby and I grew up oh…three blocks from here.” Alynna cleaned her hands with a napkin, lest she ended up accidentally wiping her greasy fingers on her dress. “The neighborhood’s much nicer now…gentrification and all that…but at least Mama Jean’s is still here.”

  They sat in silence, Alynna having one more piece and Grant finishing the rest of the pizza. “That was great, Alynna, thanks. And sorry about the dinner disaster, though that was Jared’s idea.”

  Alynna smiled. “I’m not much for fancy food you know. If you wanted dinner, I would have been happy with Chinese take out at your place.”

  “Well, The Enclave isn’t exactly welcoming to guests,” he stated.

  “What’s an Enclave?”

  “Yes, it’s a building on the Upper West Side where many of the New York clan live,” he explained. “It’s easier to protect everyone is they are in the same place and most work for Fenrir anyway.”

  “Ah, like employee housing?”

  “Something like that,” He cleared his throat. “Alynna, there was another reason why I wanted to have dinner with you.”

  “Uh-oh, here it comes,” she joked. When she saw his eyes darken, she put on a serious face. “Ok, sorry about that. Well, I always believe in the Band-Aid method, so just spit it out. What is it?”

  “Well, you know about ball, I suppose?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, my ‘debut’ apparently. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna embarrass you ok? I do know which fork to use, so your friends won’t think I’m a savage,” she snorted. “Just don’t make me curtsey in heels!”

  “I don’t doubt that, Alynna…believe me this is a complicated matter.” He hesitated for a moment. “I’m no good at this, so let me try to explain as best as I can. As children of the former Regal of a Lycan clan, we have certain responsibilities.”

  “Like the way you take care of everyone?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Yes, that’s one of them. As the ruling family, we care for everyone in the clan, especially because there are so very few of us left. One of the responsibilities of a Regal’s children is to, how should I put it? Produce heirs. Strong Lycan children who will be part of the clan and add to our numbers.”

  “Well, you better start getting busy then, eh?” she laughed, poking him with her elbow.

  Grant stared back at her with a serious face. She stopped laughing after a couple of seconds when she saw his expression. “Oh wait…you mean…no…you can’t be serious?!” she shouted, bolting up from the bench.

  “Alynna, calm down--”

  “No, YOU calm down!” she exclaimed. “How can I stay calm when apparently, I’m nothing more than a breeding mare?!”

  “I didn’t say that,” Grant massaged his brow with his fingers, a headache suddenly coming on. “Look, I’m just preparing you ok? I’m not mated either and right now, there’s just nothing on the horizon for me. There’s just too much damn work to be done, securing our borders, playing politics and running a multi-billion dollar corporation. Besides, even if I do find a mate, there’s no guarantee of children strong enough to take over, if at all,” he stood up next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “If I don’t have any children, Alynna, your child may one day be Regal of the most powerful Lycan clan in the world. That is why it is important to choose the right mate.”

  “Mate?” she said incredulously. “It all sounds so…clinical.”

  “Not at all,” he stated. “I’m not going to force you to get married to the highest bidder like in the dark ages, not if you don’t want to. All I’m saying is that your choice of husband will be crucial and you can’t just run away to Vegas with any man who comes along, ok?”

  “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with you…or anyone for that matter!”

  “Look, the thing is, once the truth of your existence comes out, every unmated Lycan will come knocking on your door,” he rubbed his temples with his fingers and let out a breath. “You’ll be one of the most eligible female Lycans on the planet. All I’m asking is that you come to me before you start entertaining or dating any of them or you at least let me know your choices and perhaps allow me to give you advice and such. As long as you do that, I’ll do my best to stay out of your love life.”

  “And what if it was a non-Lycan?” she asked, a challenging tone in her voice. “Will I be allowed to marry a human?”

  “Your mother was human and she was a True Mate to the most powerful Lycan in the world,” he countered. She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. “Many Lycans marry humans, sometimes even those in powerful positions which could be for the good of the clan,” he explained. “Though such pairings produce non-Lycan babies, who are not eligible to be heirs. But that is something we can talk about later.”

  “Believe me, I’m not even interested in dating right now,” she confessed. “So you’re not going to force me into marriage?”

  “I won’t force you to marry anyone you don’t want to,” he assured her. “But, you can’t go making rash decisions about things like this. You will be wooed, flattered, showered with gifts and praises. It will be overwhelming, plus you’ll have to suppress certain instincts. Lycan sex is different. You’ll have urges--”

  “Oh God please!” she held her hand up towards him. “Stop right there! I’ll do whatev
er you want, but I don’t want to hear the birds and bees talk from my brother!”

  Grant burst out laughing and Alynna could laugh along as well. They looked at each other, and Alynna felt this weird, yet comforting feeling as that last word hung between them. A pleasant, ocean-spray scent filled her nose as Grant stepped closer to her and wrapped his hands around her upper arms.

  “Alynna,” he said in a low voice. “You’re not something to be raffled off to the highest bidder. I won’t treat you that way. However, you need to understand, need to take all this seriously. Your life is different now, and I’m sorry it has to be that way. But I’m not sorry you’re here and that I’ve found you. I’m glad I have a sister.”

  Alynna’s throat burned as she tried to suppress the tears in her eyes. She took a deep breath. “I’m…glad too,” she said softly. “I’m doing my best, ok? It’s not easy.”

  Grant drew her in for a hug and Alynna had to bite her lip to keep from bawling. It was stiff and awkward at first, but Alynna reciprocated, wrapping her arms around his waist and giving a slight squeeze. Grant relaxed and eased into the hug. “I know, I know. Just please give it a chance,” he released her and looked into her eyes.

  She was startled for a moment as she looked at him, seeing the similarities in their features. The green eyes. The straight nose. Other little things. She knew these were things they shared and had gotten from a father she never knew. She nodded.

  “Thank you, Alynna,” he said.

  “Yeah yeah…now let’s get outta here before your boys see us being all mushy, ok? Wouldn’t want them to think you’re some kind of sentimental guy.”

  He smiled and said nothing, but put his arm around her shoulders when she shivered as they walked back to the car.


  Another boring Saturday night, Alynna thought as she poured herself a glass of wine from the just-opened bottle and then turned the TV on. She flipped through the channels until she found a movie she had watched about a dozen times before, one of those mob dramas that always seemed to be on TV every weekend. Taking a sip of her wine, she leaned back and tried to watch the movie.

  After the movie (and consuming half the bottle), she turned off the TV and got ready for bed, turning all the lights off in her apartment. She brushed her teeth and then settled into bed, the wine making her sleepy. She was soon drifting off to sleep.


  “Everything ok?” Heath Pearson asked as he entered the apartment across the street from Alynna’s building.

  “Yup, I think she’s asleep,” Alex answered, as he put the binoculars down. “Lights off.” He handed his partner the binoculars.

  Heath waved them away. “S’okay, I know you got it,” he put the package he was holding on the table. “I got dinner. Chinese ok?”

  The younger man nodded. “Smells great. Better than that slop you call pizza,” he quipped.

  “Oh, haha Westbrooke. Are we going to have this Chicago Vs. New York pizza argument again?” Heath said good-naturedly.

  “Well, since you’re taking second watch, I’ll spare you this time,” Alex joked.

  “C’mon, dig in,” Heath pointed a fork at the table filled with food.

  “Yeah, give me a minute,” Alex turned back to darkened window. He checked the monitor they had set up to check on the rear entrance of her building. All clear. Nick wanted to have a camera placed in her apartment, but the Regal drew the line at invading her privacy like that. Alex gritted his teeth. He was glad that his Alpha had some sense. Plus, he wasn’t comfortable with the idea of anyone on the security team ogling her while she lounged around at home.

  “You gonna stare at the window all night? Your shift ends in 20 minutes and she’s fast asleep. And it’s not like we’ll miss anything,” Heath said through a mouthful of chow mein.

  “If I’m on the clock for another 20 minutes, then I’ll wait it out,” Alex said. “Besides, she’s the Regal’s sister,” he reminded his partner. The Beta had finally told the rest of the team who Alynna was a few days ago. “Anything happens to her, he’ll have our heads.” And I wouldn’t forgive myself, he added silently.

  “Alright, don’t be such a boy scout,” Heath admonished. “You try so hard you know?”

  Alex didn’t answer. Heath was a good guy overall and one of the best senior members of Fenrir’s security team. But he was also part of the New York clan his whole life, so he didn’t know what it was like for an outsider. Alex had much more to prove and so much more to lose if he didn’t do things right. He adjusted the settings again and turned his head when he felt a presences beside him.

  “Here, just get started, ok?” the older man said, pushing a plate of fried rice towards him.

  “Thanks,” he said, accepting the food.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Heath sat back down on the table. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke up. “How’s New York treatin’ you kid? Ready to run back home to Chitown?”

  “Ha,” Alex grinned. “It’s all good. The work is challenging, the life fast. But I like it,” he took a spoonful of fried rice and raised it to his lips. “And don’t call it Chitown. Only tourists say that. And we all know how you New Yorkers hate tourists.”

  Heath burst out laughing. “You got some guts kids, bustin’ all my balls about New York,” he said. “I can’t say I understand why you’d want to leave your pack, but I kind of admire you for it.”

  “Yeah thanks it’s-” Alex suddenly stopped and stood up. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. “Shit!”

  “What’s wrong, did you see someone?” Heath put his plate down and reached for his weapon. Before he could say anything, Alex held up a hand indicating silence.

  “I think there’s someone in there,” he said, closing his eyes trying to focus his enhanced hearing. He could have sworn he heard her cry out, which was almost impossible. Lycans did have superior hearing but not at this distance.

  “Did you see anyone go in or out?” Heath asked.

  “No, I mean, just the usual. Neighbors, maybe some of the tenants’ guests,” he recalled. The dread in the pit of his stomach grew. “Fuck this! I’m going in there!”

  “Alex, you might be overreacting…”

  He knew something was wrong. There was a strange feeling in his gut. He didn’t even wait for Heath to stop him as he raced out of the apartment and took the steps two at a time.

  Alex ran through the empty street and went around the building. The lock on the rear entrance of the building was old and focusing his strength, he tore it apart to let himself in. He ran up the steps, slowing down as he approached her floor. He sniffed the air. Damn. Burnt rubber and cement. There was definitely someone here. A Lycan for sure, but no one he recognized. He crossed the hallway to Alynna’s door and when he realized it was open, his heart stopped. No.

  He wanted to call out to her but he bit his lip until it almost bled to keep silent. He had the element of surprise on his side. Alex walked into the living room, the smell lingering in the air. He took a deep breath and looked into her bedroom door – open as well. She cried out.

  “Alynna!” he shouted and bolted for her room. “What’s going--”

  He couldn’t smell the other Lycan’s scent in here, so whoever it was, must have left quickly before he could get to her. There was no one in the room except Alynna. Her body was twisted in the sheets and the room was dark except for the moonlight that streamed in through her windows. He felt desire rise in him as her sweet scent – something deeply feminine – seemed to call out to him.

  Alynna stirred and moaned, then her eyes flew open. Before she could scream, he used his lightning speed to reach her bed and wrap his hand around her mouth.

  “Shhh…Alynna, it’s me. Alex. Don’t scream, ok?”

  She nodded, her eyes wide with fright. “What the heck are you doing here?”

  “There was someone here,” he said. “I heard you and then I came here. I scented him.”

  “You came here…” she said d
isbelievingly. “Do you have a bug set up in here?”

  He shook his head. “No, of course not! I just…I don’t know, I heard something, I think?” He wasn’t sure himself.

  “Jesus Christ!” she cursed, sitting up in bed. “You’re sure someone was in here?” He nodded. “I locked my door!”

  “Picked, likely,” he said.

  “Fuck!” she said, running her fingers through her dark locks.

  She looked terrified, something he’d never seen before. Alynna was always laughing. Or smiling. Or sometimes mad. But never afraid. Something deep inside him reached out and wanted to take it all away, to make sure she was always safe. Alex could hardly stop himself and soon, he was gathering her into his arms and pressing his lips against hers.

  Alynna stayed still for a few seconds before responding to his kiss. He thought he heard himself let out a deep growl and then realized it was coming her. She pulled him on top of her, bringing his head down on hers as she deepened the kiss. Her lovely wet tongue snaked out to tease him and he opened his lips to let her in. She shifted her hips and he eagerly climbed on top of her, settling himself between her soft thighs.

  His hands roamed down her thin tank top, cupping her breast through the fabric. She moaned as his warm hand kneaded the soft flesh. He felt the temperature spike up as her scent filled his nostrils and he struggled for control internally. He dampened down the beast inside him, but his desire grew as he felt his cock harden as it rubbed against her hot core. He let out a moan, which only made her rock her hips up against his erection. He remembered the feel of the slickness of her pussy that night at Blood Moon, how she clenched around his fingers and how she mewled when he touched her clit. The memory was stamped in his mind and everyday he saw her was a struggle to maintain control, especially when he scented her sweet smell. And now here she was, willing and soft and so lovely under him. He wanted her bad and he could only control himself for so long.


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