Hunter and Hunted (The Shifter Chronicles 4)

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Hunter and Hunted (The Shifter Chronicles 4) Page 6

by M. D. Grimm

  Hunter saw his reflection, stared into his own eyes, and it was like the fast-forward button was pressed on his memories. It was different from his visions—they weren’t blurs, but distinct figures, moments, and conversations. They swept past his inner eye, from the moment he’d met Janice, to his first lesson on shifters, his training, the shifter screaming in agony, his rite of passage, meeting Glenn, to this moment. And he suddenly knew. He’d been clinging to something that never existed. He’d never had a family. He’d had a boot camp—a brainwashing facility.

  A cult.

  Hunter felt like he’d been walking through a mist all his life and only now was it lifting, spreading, allowing him to see what was in front of him all along.

  He looked at Glenn. “Do you trust me? Knowing I’m a knight—that I might be tricking you? Do you trust me?”

  Glenn swallowed, and it looked like it took some effort.

  “I want to,” Glenn whispered. “Please don’t be false.”

  Amazed at Glenn and anxious to prove himself, Hunter stepped closer and kissed him. Glenn jerked in surprise and Hunter held him tight, devouring his mouth.

  The Knights had lied to him from the start. He’d just been in denial. Disbelief. He’d wanted a family so much that he’d sacrificed the truth for the illusion. But right now, with Glenn, he embraced the truth and felt happier for it. He felt complete, his confusion gone. Glenn was the truth that had been waiting for him. He wasn’t going to wait any longer.

  They fell to the ground once more. But this time, Hunter didn’t stop. He tugged off Glenn’s pants and unzipped the jacket. Glenn moved underneath him, tugging at Hunter’s clothes, trying to undress him as well. Hunter lowered his mouth and nipped Glenn’s chin before descending farther to his chest, taking a deep breath of Glenn’s natural scent. He had the urge to show Glenn that he wasn’t false, that what was between them was real, and that he finally accepted the truth. All else was forgotten as Hunter ravished the exquisite deer shifter before him, showing with his kisses and touches that here was the truth for both of them.

  Chapter Six

  Glenn was overwhelmed by Hunter’s changing emotions. The man was constantly contradicting himself and questioning his actions. Imagine not knowing your own feelings and if they were really yours that you felt. It was mind-boggling.

  Glenn gasped as Hunter nipped one of his nipples, while those rough hands stroked his erection, causing his body to shudder. He tugged at Hunter’s clothing, desperate to get them off. He wanted to feel skin, to trace those muscles and to explore Hunter’s body the way Hunter was exploring his. The jacket and pants Glenn had borrowed were off and crumpled who-knew-where. Hunter lifted his head and stared down at Glenn, who smiled at the blatant appreciation he saw in those dark eyes.

  “Come on, your turn,” Glenn said, and Hunter peeled off his clothing. Soon, that entire dark body was bared to his gaze, and Glenn moaned in pleasure as he sat up and rubbed his hands over Hunter’s chest. He took a deep breath of Hunter’s scent and grew harder.

  Hunter grunted. “Glenn, I—”

  “No way you’re getting out now,” Glenn said right before he tackled Hunter to the ground and straddled him. He chuckled at Hunter’s surprised shout.

  “Hey, I wasn’t—I’m not trying to get out of it—”

  Glenn nipped Hunter’s neck and Hunter stopped talking. He gripped Glenn’s thighs and Glenn gripped Hunter’s shaft. Hard and heated, it slid over his palms like silk, and Glenn moaned in desire. While his deer wanted to turn ass up and be plowed, Glenn also wanted to play a bit. Besides, no lube, no plowing, period.

  “I’ve never done this before,” Hunter blurted out.

  Glenn paused, frowned, and lifted his head to meet Hunter’s gaze. “Excuse me?”

  “I—” Hunter blushed and Glenn found it charming. “We were always monitored, you know? And we never left headquarters and—”

  “No opportunities,” Glenn said, finishing for him.

  Hunter nodded, looking anywhere but at Glenn’s face.

  “Well, consider this your first lesson,” Glenn murmured and lowered his head, skimming his lips down Hunter’s body. Hunter’s rough hands gripped him, rubbing and stroking at whatever he could get ahold of. He kept groaning as Glenn stroked his erection, which was impressive in its size and length, and Glenn’s mouth ached to taste it.

  His deer urged him to hurry up. Want to mate. Mine. Mine.

  Hunter let out one long, low groan as Glenn slipped his cock slowly into his mouth. Closing his eyes, Glenn focused only on the texture and warmth of Hunter and his goal of pleasuring his lover. To show him that what they both felt was genuine. He used his tongue and lips to heighten Hunter’s pleasure, and while one hand gripped the base of Hunter’s shaft, the other massaged his balls. Hunter panted and tangled his fingers in Glenn’s hair. Glenn was enjoying himself too much to end now, so he continued to torment Hunter, nice and slow, until Hunter finally shoved his head away.

  “Enough, by God!” Hunter gasped and sat up, shaky and sweaty.

  Glenn laughed and wiped his mouth. “You want to try it?”

  Hunter nodded, still panting, his broad chest heaving. Glenn leaned over and gripped his shoulders, kissing him deeply. Hunter wrapped his arms around Glenn and pulled him close almost effortlessly. Glenn was no dainty flower, but Hunter made him feel like one. It was exhilarating and frightening at the same time.

  Hunter pushed Glenn down and proved to be a very good student. Glenn shoved his hands through his own hair and wondered if he should mention the slight throbbing in his healing leg. His skin stretched, pulling at the stitches, but it was mostly uncomfortable instead of painful. Thankfully, shifters had faster-acting immune systems so it wouldn’t be long before he was fully healed.

  Hunter was vigorous and eager, and he rubbed his hands all over Glenn’s groin, eliciting fires in Glenn’s stomach and making him weak. Glenn stared up at the sky but didn’t see it. Hunter suddenly reached up and pinched Glenn’s nipples, evoking a shout of surprise from him.

  “Guess the student becomes the teacher,” Glenn said with a gasp and pushed Hunter away. Then they came back together a second later, on their knees, now just rubbing against each other. Touching and feeling, they sighed into each other’s mouths and explored each other’s bodies, finding those places that elicited a groan or a grunt. Glenn felt like it was a celebration of life—a union both of them had avoided until now.

  It was as if they’d each been waiting for the other. Glenn certainly felt that way about Hunter. Even after so short an acquaintance, and not even a very happy one at that, he felt he knew Hunter, had always known him—had been waiting for him. That was ridiculous, of course, but the more he touched and was touched, the stronger the feeling grew.

  “You feel so good,” Hunter whispered, his voice heavy and slightly muffled. He was currently feasting on Glenn’s neck, and Glenn grinned, stroking Hunter’s ass.

  Instead of responding, he kissed Hunter again, sinking deeper into his warmth. Hunter ran his fingers through Glenn’s hair, and Glenn had the distinct impression that Hunter really liked his hair.

  “Let’s finish this,” Glenn said with a grunt and grabbed Hunter’s erection, then took Hunter’s hand and placed it around his own erection.

  Hunter understood and continued to kiss Glenn as they jerked each other off. Glenn came first, his stomach contracting and his breath hitching. He laid his head on Hunter’s shoulder and moved his own hand quickly, allowing Hunter to reach completion. Hunter moaned deeply and they both crumpled to the ground, panting.

  As they lay there, staring up at the sky, cool wind caressed Glenn’s skin. His head was lying on Hunter’s shoulder, and Hunter’s arm was wrapped around his shoulders. Hunter was silent and Glenn didn’t know if he should say anything or wait for Hunter to speak. Glenn enjoyed what they’d shared—immensely—and he wanted to do it again. And again. The few intimate relationships he’d had in his life had been brief, and interes
t in his partners had waned quickly. But Hunter touched something deeper inside him. He was complicated, fascinating—troubled.

  That made him dangerous. Glenn could actually see himself with Hunter, traipsing through the forest, exploring, and chasing each other. He could envision them playing and romping, and he didn’t know if that should make him uneasy or happy. His deer was ready to play now, wanting Hunter to pet and cuddle. To admire and love him.

  Glenn came to a sudden decision. “I want you to meet my family, Hunter.”

  Hunter tightened his grip on Glenn’s arm for a split second. Then he took a deep breath, and it didn’t sound at all steady.

  “I don’t know if that’s wise,” Hunter said gruffly.

  Determined, Glenn propped himself up on his elbow and leaned over, staring into Hunter’s face. Hunter stared back, uncertainty and not a little fear in his eyes.

  “Hunter, you need to know what a real family is. I want that for you.”

  Hunter frowned, and Glenn felt slightly embarrassed.

  “Why?” Hunter asked. “I already know that my family was—is—wrong. Completely in the wrong. There is no reason for me to meet yours.”

  Glenn bit his lower lip. There was a reason. A very important and intimate reason for Hunter to meet his family. He had to be slightly insane to consider it—and his family wouldn’t appreciate it, but—he trusted Hunter. He trusted this former knight with his family. That had to mean something.

  He just hoped to Phoenix he wasn’t wrong.

  “I want you to meet them,” Glenn said steadily, though inside he was jittery. “Because I want them to know you. Not just for you to know them.”

  “Why?” Hunter asked again, his eyes locked with Glenn’s.

  “Because I—like you,” Glenn said softly, breaking eye contact.

  “Oh,” Hunter whispered. Then he sighed again. “I like you, too.”

  The setting sun shone off Hunter’s dark skin, making Glenn want to run his hands over it. He resisted for now.

  “We can’t do this, Glenn.” Hunter sat up, rubbing his head with his hand. “We shouldn’t have—but we did, so that’s done. I should leave.”

  Hunter stood and grabbed his clothes. Glenn followed his movements, alternating between frustration, hurt, and arousal. He stood and grabbed Hunter’s arm.


  “I have to,” Hunter said, struggling with his pants. Glenn ripped them from his hands and grasped his face before kissing him. Hunter only fought for about a second before crushing Glenn against him and moaning into his mouth. The passion so recently satisfied reared up again, and Glenn was swept away by it. He wrapped his arms around Hunter’s shoulders, fingers digging into his taut skin, rubbing his needy body against Hunter’s muscled one. Hunter wrapped one hand around Glenn’s back while the other gripped his butt, his fingers slipping between his cheeks.

  Glenn shuddered and deepened the kiss, using his tongue, nipping Hunter’s lips. Hunter grunted and his grip on Glenn’s ass tightened. But before Hunter took them both to the ground, Glenn pulled back just enough to speak. He was enveloped by Hunter’s warmth and strength, and Hunter’s acceptance and long-fought-for understanding made Glenn feel powerful and victorious.

  “Don’t leave me,” Glenn whispered, his voice rough. He cupped Hunter’s face and gave him a soft kiss. “Stay. You have to stay.”

  Hunter panted and laid his forehead against Glenn’s before answering.

  “All right, I’ll stay. God help me, I’ll stay.”

  Hunter and Glenn both got dressed. Hunter brushed a lock of tawny hair from Glenn’s eye and Glenn smiled at him.

  “I’ll be back soon. Just stay here, okay? We’re about a mile from my herd’s cabin.”

  “You live in the park?” Hunter asked.

  “No, but we live on the edge. My dad’s a park ranger. We’re all rangers, actually. Family tradition.”

  Hunter smiled. “Clever. Best way to keep his herd safe.”

  Glenn nodded, pride in his eyes. Pride in his family. It made Hunter’s heart ache—all he felt was shame for his family.

  Glenn grabbed his hand. “It’s going to be okay, Hunter. I just need to talk to my dad. He’ll probably want to meet you before exposing you to the herd.”

  “Exposing me?” Hunter said, his eyebrow raised.

  “That’s how he’ll see it,” Glenn said with an apologetic smile. Then he leaned forward and kissed Hunter softly. Hunter wanted to sink deeper into that kiss—it made him forget everything.

  “I have your back, Hunter.” Glenn was trying to reassure him. He clasped both of his hands around Hunter’s hand and kissed the back of it. Hunter’s stomach tightened painfully the same time it warmed.

  “Are you sure you want to have my back?” Hunter asked. “I don’t want to be the reason your herd—what I mean is, I don’t want to cause any estrangement between you and your family.”

  Glenn’s enchanting eyes softened and his smile was gentle.

  “You’re sweet, Hunter. But my herd isn’t like that. You are no danger to them and I will show them that.”

  Glenn’s trust nearly undid the calm Hunter had clung to ever since Glenn mentioned meeting the herd.

  “You trust me that much?”

  “Yes.” Glenn tilted his head in a very animal-like manner. “Is there any reason I shouldn’t?”

  “No,” Hunter said instantly. “I swore to you I would never harm anyone you love. I meant it.”

  “Okay then.” Glenn gave a nod. “We shouldn’t have a problem then. Wait here. I’ll be back.”

  “Are you sure you can make it all right?” Hunter asked, glancing down at Glenn’s leg. He’d checked the stitches before giving Glenn the pants and they looked fine, but it was still rough terrain. Especially for someone on two legs instead of four.

  “Positive,” Glenn said. He kissed Hunter once more before turning away and striding past the stream, between a clump of trees. Hunter watched him go apprehensively, continuing to stare after him even when Glenn disappeared from sight.

  What if he never returned? What if he did come back with a pissed off alpha deer shifter? Hunter didn’t fancy getting skewered by those deadly antlers. Hunter put his hand in his coat pocket and pulled out a small, ordinary compass. Maybe he should just leave, now. He should end this before anything else happened.

  But he didn’t move. He just stared at the compass, remembering the peace and joy when Glenn was in his arms. Glenn’s sighs and moans had been music and his touch had been heaven. The freedom Hunter felt was so new and even scary, but he wanted more of it. But—Glenn was a shifter. Could anything actually happen between them? What would Glenn’s herd say? Would they change Glenn’s mind about him? About them? Would Glenn realize, after seeing them again, that his herd was where his heart truly lay?

  And was that a bad thing? Loyalty was something to be revered. Hunter told himself to leave, to free Glenn, to free himself from hearing those words. But when he looked up and turned in the direction that would lead him back to the park’s entrance, his legs turned to lead and his hands trembled. If he left… he no longer had the Knights. He wouldn’t have Glenn. He would be completely on his own. Where would he go? What would he do?

  Fear made him stop. Desire for the deer shifter made him turn. Resignation made him sit and stuff the compass back inside his pocket. He would wait and see what Glenn decided. Maybe it would turn out all right. Maybe Glenn would choose him. Hunter had already chosen Glenn—shifter or not, Glenn was closer to him than Janice, than any of the Knights, than anyone in his entire life. He didn’t want to lose him.

  Hunter looked at the stream, the sky darkening. The air became cooler, crisper, and nocturnal animals started to stir. The trees turned slightly ominous, and Hunter built a small fire before wrapping his arms around his drawn-up knees. As he stared into the flames, he came to a decision. When Glenn returned—because he would, the shifter was nothing if not considerate—Hunter would see if Glenn sti
ll felt the same way. And if he didn’t, well, Hunter would change his mind again. He’d already defied the people he’d considered his family; why couldn’t he fight for the one he loved? Because he did love Glenn. There was no reason to deny it. And his love for Glenn was drastically different from his love for his family. There was no fear in that love—the only fear he felt was of losing Glenn. Hunter had always feared the Knights—fearing he’d make one misstep, then they’d punish him or reject him. His mother had told him about their punishments.

  Hunter shuddered. All the hoops he’d been forced to jump through, all the constant proving of his loyalty, the lectures, the… indoctrination. If they found him, they would punish him. Perhaps kill him. Hunter glared into the fire. They wouldn’t control him anymore. He was done fearing them, defending them. They were monsters.

  A stiff wind from the north slapped Hunter’s face and he realized he was crying. The wind froze the warm tears on his face, and he wiped them away brutally.

  Chapter Seven

  Glenn reached the cabin in good time. Of course, when he called it a cabin, he meant it modestly. His home was actually two stories and sprawling, with a balcony and porch. There was a large woodshed right next to it. The porch boasted a swing, and the flowers his mother lovingly cared for were in full bloom along the bottom, surrounding the house like a colorful border. The home had been in Glenn’s family for generations, and his own bedroom used to belong to one of his great-uncles and then his own father. The house was passed down to the eldest son, which meant he would get it after his father died.

  Glenn just hoped it would be a long time before that happened. He was willing to assume his responsibilities as the herd’s leader—but not quite yet. He was already a park ranger, and he’d studied his father since he was a teen, as soon as he realized what his future held.


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