The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Boxed Set (Books 1-4)

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The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Boxed Set (Books 1-4) Page 13

by Purington, Sky

  “What’s obvious is that you just stripped down in front of me,” she called over her shoulder.

  “Aye.” He issued a low whistle. “And ‘tis bloody cold!”

  “I know.” She sure as hell did. “So back to what you said before...”

  “And what was that?” came a low, dark tone she almost did not recognize as Adlin until he appeared through the woods with a thunderous look on his face. One solely focused on William.

  Milly’s mouth dropped as he yanked off his shirt but didn’t bother with anything else except his boots before he strode into the water with rage in his eyes. “My kin and I treated ye bloody good, lad, yet here ye are strippin’ down in front of my lass! What are ye hoping for being so brazen because ‘tis bloody disrespectful to both Milly and me!”

  She was so focused on Adlin’s upper body and how cut he was that she didn’t realize he had a sword and seemed set to kill William. An important man with one hell of an army nearby. One that would come to his defense in no time. For that matter, based on the whistles then roars, she would guess they were seconds away.

  “Och, nay, ye’ve got this all wrong, Adlin.” William shook his head and ducked beneath the first swing of Adlin’s sword. “I wasnae wooin’ her.”

  “Nay?” When Adlin thrust, William leapt to the side. “Yet ye’ve yer cock swingin’ for her to admire, aye then?”

  “I wasn’t admiring anything,” she called out. Her voice trailed off as plain old female appreciation took over. She tilted her head and started admiring a whole lot as Adlin’s tartan started to slip.

  “Oh, look at that,” she whispered, her eyes wide on his tight ass as he thrust his blade at William so quickly that Wallace stumbled back into the water. But not before someone tossed him a sword, and he blocked Adlin’s blade as it came down hard.

  It was that, the harsh sound of metal clanging against metal, that finally snapped her out of her reverie and she screeched, “Stop, you’ve got it all wrong, Adlin!”

  That did not slow him in the least. He was roaring mad and going at William with fury.

  “Oh no, oh no, no,” she kept muttering as she raced into the water after them. By that time they were going at each other viciously as William mostly defended and tried to explain that Milly wanted Adlin and no one else. Though she might argue that to some degree it did not stop her from splashing downstream after them.

  “Adlin, stop!” she cried, but with all their clinking and clanging she wasn’t sure anyone heard a word.

  Adlin was out for blood, and at this point, it seemed William was too. Adlin slashed, William ducked. William thrust, Adlin leapt to the side. They were well matched and moving fast. How could this end well? It would not if she were the judge of it. Especially seeing how she was the only one willing to stop the battle in a river now lined with warriors.

  “No,” she cried again and stumbled forward, determined to see an end to this. Unfortunately, she was so caught up in stopping it that she didn’t realize how foolish she was until she leapt in between them and William’s sword came down on her.

  Luckily, a scant few inches from her face, Adlin’s blade intercepted.

  The men froze as they realized what had nearly happened. How dangerous a position she had put herself in. Yet, despite her near death experience, she could not help but focus on something else altogether.

  Had her ring’s gem just flickered light blue? The color of Adlin’s eyes?

  She blinked a few times only to see it return to the brown of William’s eyes.

  “No,” she whispered, her gaze still on the ring as their blades pulled away.

  “No is right,” came Moray’s low but amused voice. “Ye men have had yer battle now I suggest ye ready yerself for one far more important.”

  Adlin and William nodded and stepped back, both muttering about how they had nearly bested the other. Soon after, realizing the show was over, some men whistled their approval and clapped where others murmured softly to each other. At first, she thought it was because the men had decided to stand down but soon realized it might be for another reason altogether.

  Sopping wet, her dress clung to her and revealed a little bit more than she wanted to show anyone, especially a bunch of strange men.

  “Come, lass.” Blair stood on the edge of the stream and held out her hand. “Let’s go get you dried off, aye?”

  “Aye,” Adlin agreed, a mad scowl on his face as he narrowed his eyes at William, tossed his blade to Graham, then swung her up into his arms.

  Milly looked at William over Adlin's shoulder and mouthed, “I’m sorry,” but he did not seem all that concerned. If anything, there was a speculative look on his face as Adlin carried her off. When she glanced at the forest, she realized Andrew still watched, that this might have all been a set-up. But to what end? Because a woman knew when she was desired and William had wanted her. Yet she suspected he wanted something far more. Something that made him infamous.


  “Adlin,” she implored, trying to get him to look at her but he would not. “It wasn’t what it looked like.”

  He said nothing but strode nearly nude back through an encampment that was almost packed up before he ducked into their tent, plunked her down on her feet then proceeded to kiss the life right out of her. Though she intended to push him away and tell him what a presumptuous ass he had just been, the second his tongue wrapped with hers she was done.


  Somewhere only he could take her.

  It didn’t matter to either of them that they should keep their hands off each other, that she could get sick again.

  “Milly,” he whispered against her lips as he grabbed her ass and lifted her until she wrapped her legs around him and her arms over his shoulders. “Please.”

  She knew what he wanted. What was pressed against her butt and a few centimeters of wet material away from springing free. “I...we...” she started to say, breathing heavily between kisses she was so turned on, so ready to take what he was offering. “Yes,” she finally croaked, be damned with all the reasons she shouldn’t. “Yes.”

  “Adlin? Milly?” Conall didn’t wait for a response but barged right in, a heavy frown on his face as Adlin swore under his breath, brought Milly to the ground and glared at him. “What the bloody hell is it?”

  “’Tis time to go, Laird MacLomain,” Conall said between clenched teeth, clearly not impressed with any of this. “’Tis time to ensure that Scotland’s history knows we stand behind it and that we arenae heretics, aye?” His nostrils flared he was so upset. “Because right now, rumors are about. ‘The ring glowed so Milly must be a witch!’”

  “Who is saying this?” Adlin said.

  When Conall ignored him and started to stride out, Adlin grabbed him by the back of his collar, yanked him inside and came nose to nose with him. “Ye best tell me and tell me quick, or ye willnae like the outcome, Laird Hamilton.”

  Conall narrowed his eyes. “I’m not sure I like the outcome already.”

  Though Adlin scowled at Conall, he soon let him go and sighed. “What do you mean they’re calling Milly a witch?”

  “They arenae but soon will,” Conall spat as he adjusted his shirt. “A few saw something, and now a handful are thinking it. You know how that goes.” He purposefully kept his eyes off of her, and she knew it was because of her wet, revealing state. “Something happened in that stream.” His voice thickened with unexpected emotion. “Something that will get ye killed if ye dinnae head it off soon, Laird MacLomain.”

  Adlin started to respond, but it was too late. Conall was already gone.

  It seemed Laird Hamilton might have a heart after all. And it appeared he cared more for Adlin than he let on.

  “I’m sorry, lass.” Adlin rubbed a hand over his face and eyed her. “All that out at the stream might have seemed foolish but like last night, ‘twas necessary. I had to defend your honor and squash rumors of a romance betwixt you and Wallace.”

hit.” She snorted. “Maybe a small portion of that display was what you claim it to be, but I’d say most of it was genuine jealousy.”

  “Och, nay.” Yet he looked a little guilty. “Well, mayhap just a wee bit.” His eyes rounded. “The man had the nerve to strip down in front of you knowing full well that you’re mine.”

  “I meant what I said to Andrew,” she bit back. “I belong to no man. Not even you, Adlin.”

  “I didnae mean it quite that way. Those are just words men around here would better ken.” His heart was in his eyes as they met hers. “And though I’m sorry enough for the necessary display out there, I’m even sorrier that I kissed you when I knew better. When it could have made you ill again.”

  “But it didn’t,” she said softly. “I feel fine. Besides, I knew the risks.” Not that she was thinking of them in the least. She shook her head and rubbed her hands in front of a dwindling fire, more aware of her soaked clothing by the moment. “Did you see it too? The gem glowing?”

  “So ‘tis true?”

  His voice was so soft and hopeful that her chest tightened as she looked at him. “It’s true. I saw it glow the color of your eyes for a moment. Didn’t you?”

  “Nay,” he whispered, disappointment in his eyes as he somewhat owned up to his impetuous behavior. “But mayhap I didnae deserve to...not yet.”

  Milly frowned as their eyes held. As she suddenly saw an ancient and wise man caught in a new body...a new life. How happy he was, but at the same time embarrassed that he could not measure up to who he had once been. In his mind, all the greatness he once possessed seemed to have dwindled down to nothing more than a foolhardy, lovesick man.

  “Hey,” she murmured, saddened by what she saw. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. We all do silly things on occasion.”

  “Aye, mayhap. But ‘tis not wise in these changing times. ‘Tis not wise at all,” he murmured as he wrapped a fur around her shoulders. “Truth be told ‘twas no easy thing seeing you admiring Wallace’s arse.”

  If she didn’t see the twinkle of amusement in his eyes, she might have kept defending herself. Instead, she ended up teasing right along with him. “Risky business, playing with swords when nude. You might have cut off his you know what.”

  “Aye.” A grin was on his lips and the devil in his eyes. “’Twas half my goal to be honest.”

  She had to give Adlin credit. His dark moods did not stick around for long.

  “Is that so?” Milly bit back her own grin. “How would cutting off William Wallace’s dick help anything?” She rounded her eyes and shook her head. “I’m no historian, but my bet is that would’ve been a deal changer.”

  “Well, ‘twould have changed something to be sure,” he huffed, his brogue thickening with emotion. “Yer eyes on his arse for starters.”

  “You mean my eyes on your ass,” she shot back before she could stop herself, well aware of the sudden heat in his gaze and the promising huskiness of his voice.

  “So ye’ve an eye for my arse then, lassie?”

  Her breath caught at the look he gave her. A look that reminded her how close they had come to going well beyond simply admiring asses.

  “Adlin? Milly?” Blair stuck her head in. “’Tis time to leave. I have a change of clothing for ye both. Dinnae take too long. ‘Twould be best if ye were seen out in the open with Wallace and Moray.”

  Adlin nodded his thanks as he handed some of the clothing to Milly. Though she urged him to turn around and keep his eyes elsewhere, she caught him peeking as she changed.

  “Adlin!” she said.

  “Aye?” he asked innocently as he pulled on trousers, his eyes lingering on her backside.

  “I asked you not to look.”

  “Yet you’re looking,” he pointed out. “But then you did mention you’ve a thing for my arse.”

  Very true. This time, however, she had been hoping for a glimpse of something else. Because based on what she had felt between his legs, she knew it would be well worth it.

  As if he read her mind, he murmured, “But I suspect you’re hoping to see something else, aye lass?” His voice dropped a few octaves. “That day cannae come soon enough.”

  Milly could not agree more. She might not have known him long, but that wasn’t slowing down the blazing chemistry between them. It didn’t help any when his hands were suddenly on her back and his husky words in her ear. “Let me help you tie this.”

  Unlike the dress she wore before, this one had a few string ties in the back. Ones she could not get to if she tried. So she nodded and worked to keep her breathing even as he began tying.

  “So no side effects at all after we kissed?” he said softly, his words close, his body even closer. Though most might think he was talking about her getting ill from magic, she knew better.

  “Do you really have to ask?” she replied, her voice breathy and her skin hotter by the moment.

  “I think ‘tis better to be safe than sorry,” he murmured, pressing his luck when he brushed her hair aside and dropped small kisses down the side of her neck.

  “I don’t think there’s anything safe about what you’re doing,” she whispered as her eyes slid shut. Her stomach might be flipping, but it had nothing to do with sickness.

  His arm wrapped around her waist as he kept kissing her neck before he pulled her back against him. A sharp ache formed between her thighs at the feel of his thick erection. What she wouldn’t do to pick up where they left off.

  “Cousin,” Graham called out from just beyond the tent entrance. “Everyone is leaving, and Moray requests your presence.”

  Adlin sighed, brushed his lips against her neck one more time then pulled away. After he doused the flames and shouldered the satchel with their meager belongings, his eyes went to hers, and his voice remained soft. “Because of the gem, everyone will be watching you far too closely. Say nothing unless spoken to and stay close to me at all times, aye? I swear on my life I willnae let anything happen to you, lass.”

  “I know,” she said as their eyes held. Though she knew she should be frightened, knowing he would be close kept fear at bay.

  “Cousin, we must go,” Graham said, breaking the reverie they were caught in, the feelings she realized already existed without truly remembering anything from their past. Somehow, though she had only known him a few days, he meant something to her. Probably more than he should.

  “Aye,” Adlin responded to his cousin before he caught her off guard yet again by tossing her over his shoulder. She yelped when he slapped her ass and declared as he exited, “’Tis time all know that ye truly belong to me, lassie.”

  Chapter Ten

  “THEY’VE PROVIDED SOME horses for us,” Graham said after they had packed up their tent. He handed Adlin the reigns to a horse at least sixteen hands high. “War horses all.”

  Not surprisingly, Aðísla was without one. Though everyone seemed amiable enough, it was clear she was not one of them. Though she had somewhat altered her accent, her clothing still bespoke Viking blood and as a whole, the Norse were not entirely trusted. His bet was that she would be riding with someone Moray appointed and they would keep a close eye on her.

  “Aye, ‘twas kind of Wallace indeed to provide such beasties.” Adlin nodded as he plunked Mildred on the horse then swung up behind her. “’Tis more than I expected.”

  “Aye,” Blair said, trotting up alongside them. “If I were ye, I’d get my arse up to wherever Wallace is and make amends seeing how he sent these our way.”

  “Bloody good of him all things considered,” Graham declared, putting on a show for anyone listening. “He’s a kind and forgiving lad.”

  The goal was to act as normal as possible and squash rumors before they gained too much traction. So he wrapped Mildred’s hands, most specifically her ring finger, beneath her fur cloak and started through the woods in William’s direction.

  For the most part, Mildred had been right when she accused him of attacking William out of jealousy. He was still som
ewhat shocked by how out of control he had felt. How close he came to cutting down someone so important not only to him but their country. Yet he had and all over a lass. If he did not take care and embrace a more reserved attitude bloody fast, he could very well ruin everything he and Grant were trying so hard to accomplish.

  He knew better than to have acted that way. He had seen Mildred turn away from Wallace yet still, he saw red, felt fury and wanted blood. His reaction had been grossly out of character, and he couldn’t help but wonder if it didn’t have something to do with the gem’s dark magic. If somehow, because he had taken part in creating the ring, the magic was able to possess him as it did her, but in a different way.

  Though he had been tempted to explain all of that to Mildred, something about her reaction in the tent gave him pause. If he didn’t know better, a small part of her had liked it. So naturally, he exploited that to get her back into his arms. Which, again, made him wonder about the gem’s influence over him because the last thing they should have been doing was kissing. It could have harmed her. Yet he could not seem to keep his hands off her regardless of how unwise.

  “Laird MacLomain.” William nodded at them as they joined him. “Milly.”

  When Mildred offered Wallace a warm smile, Adlin wanted to rip the man off his horse and get back to battling. He scowled inwardly. This had to stop. He could not afford these petty emotions, yet they only seemed to be worsening.

  It had to be because of the gem.

  As far as Moray knew, however, Adlin was just doing what was asked of him.

  “I will admit ye seem to have more of a changeable nature than I anticipated, Adlin.” Andrew’s eyes slid his way as he fell in beside him. “But then I cannae be that surprised I suppose all things considered.”

  Adlin narrowed his eyes as he continued playing the part they had agreed to earlier after William and Mildred left Andrew’s tent. “Aye, I’m glad ye ken my bold actions. ‘Tis not every day a wee bonnie lass the likes of Milly comes along.”


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