The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Boxed Set (Books 1-4)

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The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Boxed Set (Books 1-4) Page 50

by Purington, Sky

By the time they were finished dancing both were laughing and far too close, his body against hers as he tried to protect her from the crowd. Like she imagined, Conall was exceptionally handsome when he smiled. When he found joy in life. Or—so it seemed—joy in her as he pulled her even closer and wrapped an arm around her lower back.

  Though she had brought herself to this very place by not listening to Grant, she wondered if she should stop it. If she was risking too much. Yet as their eyes held and the music faded away, she realized she would risk everything for Conall. Everything to have him look at her like he was now. With a fondness born of friendship and the admiration and desire of a man that adored her above all else.

  It was that, his raw vulnerability, the real him, that made her come undone and pull his head down until their lips touched. While they had certainly kissed before and done far more, somehow this felt like the first time. Brand new.

  The kiss was soft at first, teasing, before he walked her back against the wall and deepened the exchange. Their tongues twirled and searched, eager. The way he clenched her ass and lifted her to better suit their height differences drove her wild.

  Impatient, she squirmed against him and ran her hands over his broad shoulders. No doubt following her every thought, he swung her into his arms and headed upstairs. She chuckled as not just Bryce, Graham, William, and Simon toasted them farewell but the entire room.

  Several candles cast dim lighting as Conall brought her into a room, shut the door and didn’t lay her on the bed gently but tossed her down before coming over her. The look in his eyes was predatory and intense.

  She sensed his every thought as he lowered himself until their lips were inches apart. He relished her flowery, aroused scent. Her beauty. He was done holding back. Done keeping his distance.

  “Do ye want to enchant me, lass?” he whispered as he slowly loosened the ties of her dress, his eyes trailing after his fingers as she struggled to catch her breath. “Do ye want to control my actions now?”

  The seductive way he said it as he lowered his body until she felt his heat made her quiver and set her skin on fire.

  “’Tis amazing how quickly a chilly night can turn warm, aye?” he murmured, his brogue so thick she could barely understand him as he pulled her dress off her right shoulder then her left.

  He lowered his head and ran the tip of his tongue over her cleavage as he very slowly worked her dress down. As she did downstairs, she began squirming, eager, but he would not go any faster. Rather, he took his sweet time, kissing and swirling his tongue over her receptive skin before he finally slid his hand up beneath her dress.

  She loved the feel of his weapon-roughened touch against her soft flesh. The way he ran his fingers painstakingly slowly up her calf. Then how he dusted the hypersensitive area beneath her knee at the same time he ever-so-slightly did the same to the back of her forearm.

  She shivered and arched, enthralled by how masterfully he seemed to figure out all the spots that drove her crazy. Not just the locations but how light or hard he should touch them. His lips met hers again as his hand began its journey up her inner thigh. Just the inch-by-inch pace he kept caused such a spike of anticipation that she climaxed right then and there.

  He pulled back so he could watch her, his breathing as labored as hers as blazing heat filled her veins and she shuddered.

  “Och, lass,” he whispered moments before he brushed the pad of his thumb over her clit, and elongated the orgasm. “I love watching ye find yer pleasure.”

  She liked him watching her as well. The lust in his eyes as his lips fell open just enough that she knew he wanted to taste her as much as see and hear her.

  Though she meant to respond, nothing came out but a throaty moan as he slid two fingers deep inside her. She gripped his forearm and whimpered in pleasure as he curled his fingers and began stroking in and out.

  A budding point began between her legs and spread liquid heat up her stomach and down her thighs as he nibbled her neck then along her collarbone. Just as the sensation washing over her hit her chest, he yanked her dress down further and pulled a nipple into his mouth.

  “Ohhh,” she cried at the sharp, delicious feeling in combination with a climax that zipped the rest of the way through her and made everything explode.

  It seemed that was the final straw as he pulled her dress off and began yanking at his own clothes. She was in such a state of euphoria she only half heard his boots thump to the floor or see their clothing go flying before he was over her.

  Then he was kissing her again. This time so passionately she knew they had already gone way too far. There would be no turning back from everything blossoming between them. Not just the sex but how strongly they felt. While that thought certainly frightened her, she didn’t run. Instead, she spread her legs, cupped his cheeks and kissed him back with just as much emotion.

  She had tried to play similar parts to this on the big screen hoping to feel any emotion, but she had never come close. The way she became lost in the feel of him was beyond the scope of anything she had ever imagined let alone experienced.

  When he, at long last, thrust and began filling her, it was remarkably intense. All of it. The look in his eyes as they held hers. The way he felt deep inside her. The pure chemistry flaring between them.

  He didn’t move right away but kissed her again, wrapped his fingers with hers beside her head then pulled his lips away just enough to whisper, “Lindsay,” before he pressed even deeper.

  She clenched his hand tighter as he began thrusting, his moves well-measured as he drew out their pleasure. She imagined the expression on her face mirrored his. Bliss and desire mixed with desperation.

  He never found release the last time they were together. It was clear in the struggle she saw in his eyes now. The need to let go but unwilling to do so until she found her pleasure yet again.

  “It’s time,” she whispered hoarsely as she wrapped her legs around him. “Let go, Conall.”

  Either because of her words or the way she dug her heels into his ass, he began thrusting harder. That’s when all his pent up anger began to truly melt away. As he braced his arms and lost himself in the feel of her.

  She bit her lower lip as he thrust so hard she could barely hold on. It felt as good rough as it did when he took his time. So good that another climax gripped her and she locked up. Thankfully, at the same moment, he thrust deep, released a choppy growl as his body shuddered and finally let go.

  He held himself inside her for several minutes as their harsh breathing lessened. Then he kissed her again, just as passionately, before he pulled away. Utterly relaxed, she watched through drowsy lids as he lit a small fire on the meager hearth. By the sounds of it, the weather was worsening, and it was sleeting out.

  “Are you hungry, lass?” His eyes met hers. “We’ve been left a small tray of bannock and some cheese.”

  “No,” she whispered and lay on her side. “Come back, Conall. Lie with me.”

  “Aye,” he murmured. His eyes never left hers as lay beside her, pulled her close then covered them with a blanket. Neither said a word for several minutes as they stared into each other’s eyes. She knew that like her, he was coming to terms with what was happening between them.

  “I’m sorry about what I said before, lass,” he said softly. “About lying together until we ignited our powers.” He ran a finger along her jawline. “’Twas just my foolish way of telling you I wanted to be together.”

  Her heart fluttered a little. What did he mean by together? Sex? More than that? She swallowed hard, unsure why she was having such a strong reaction.

  “I’m not afraid anymore,” she whispered, answering her own question with that one statement. She was ready to let him in. She was willing to take that chance...even if it meant she might lose another person she loved.

  She waited with baited breath for his response. When it came, she was surprised how much lighter she felt.

  “I’m not afraid either.” He cupped th
e back of her neck beneath her hair. “Whilst I know we’re supposed to come together to ignite the magic of the ring, that isnae why I want you.”

  “I know,” she whispered, and she did. “It’s because of what we shared as children.”

  “Aye,” he murmured. “And what I suspect we can share now.” His eyes never left hers as his brogue thickened. “I dinnae want ye to go back to the twenty-first century, lass.” Pain flickered in his gaze. “I want a chance to pick up where we left off so long ago and see through what I always swore would happen.” He cupped her cheek. “I want to marry ye, Lindsay.”

  Well, he certainly went from nothing to everything in a heartbeat, didn’t he?

  While she was ready to let him in, she had given very little thought to the life she might be leaving behind. He was a chieftain so it could only go one way. She lived here and not the other way around.

  “I...” she began, not sure in the least what to say next.

  How had she not given this more consideration when she knew very well that Milly would be staying? That the main purpose of these rings, above all else, was to bring true love together? Sure, things had been non-stop since she arrived and everything was overwhelming, but had she fooled herself so completely into thinking this might not happen with Conall? Now he was proposing, and though it made her heart somersault, she wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good thing or not.

  All she could manage was a weak, “This is all happening rather fast,” before she frowned and mumbled, “I’m an actress...I’ve worked hard to get where I am.”

  “Aye,” Conall agreed, his steadfast eyes on hers. “And I know ‘tis a lot to ask of you to give up your career, but you can do as much here.” A smile lit his eyes. “’Twould give my clan great enjoyment during these difficult times.”

  “You would want me to act here?” She frowned, knowing full well what he thought of her profession. “Isn’t what I do one step up from prostitution in your eyes?” She twisted her lips. “In fact, I heard that actors are sort of at the bottom of the barrel in this era.”

  Which made his offer that much sweeter.

  “If ‘tis what you truly want to do, Lindsay,” he continued, making no comment about how actors were viewed in this day and age. “Then do so with my blessing.”

  “That’s nice of you to say,” she murmured, her thoughts all over the place. Acting had always been part of her strength. It had helped pull her out of the dark place she had been in.

  Just like he had.

  So though she meant to say, “No, I’m sorry, I just can’t give it up,” she instead said, “Let me think about it, okay?”

  She could barely believe she said the words, but when she saw his smile only blossom wider before he kissed her again, she realized she did need time to think. She wasn’t ready to say no quite yet.

  Caught up in his excitement, desire that had barely waned flared once again, and she straddled him. This time she kissed him and began putting him through the same sensual rollercoaster ride he had just put her through.

  She started with his chest and worked her way down his glorious body, kissing and tasting every last bit of him. Every last chiseled muscle was sampled until she got to the muscle she had been most eager for.

  His eyes rolled back in his head as she brought him into her mouth. She had never had a problem with her gag-reflex, so he got far more than he likely bargained for. So did she for that matter. Using her tongue, lips, and throat, she had him groaning and twisting his hand into her hair in no time.

  “Och, lass,” he moaned, thrusting into her mouth as readily as she was taking him. It wasn’t long before he thrust one last time and let go. She stayed until he was finished, enjoying every last bit of him. Then she gradually worked her way back up the v above his cock, to his abs then his chest, loving the way his muscles rippled and clenched as he came down from his release.

  She continued to worship him as thoroughly as he had her until she was straddling him again. Though it had not been that long, he was ready for her when she sank onto him. Her eyelids fluttered as she worked her way down, rolling her hips all the while.

  “Bloody hell,” he whispered, lust and admiration in his eyes as he watched her.

  There was no stopping her groans as she fully seated herself then, too eager to sit still, started riding him. Hands braced against his chest, she lifted then sank, rolling and rocking her hips the whole time.

  It wasn’t long before he gripped her hips and began meeting her thrusts. Then it was wild and sweaty and non-stop as they moved against each other. Neither held out long before letting go at the same time. She came so hard she was nothing but trembling dead weight on him. Weight he didn’t seem to mind in the least as he squeezed her butt tightly as he let go then simply wrapped his arms around her.

  She must have dozed off because the next thing she remembered was being cuddled back against him beneath the blankets. The fire had dwindled to ashes and based on his breathing, Conall was sound asleep.

  Drowsy, she blinked several times and was about to nod off again when something caught her eye. A tall, shadowy man in the corner of the room.

  The warlock.

  Though frightened, she couldn’t move or call out. All she could do was watch as he shifted closer, a nasty grin on his face as his eyes held hers.

  Suddenly, she felt the oddest sense of compulsion. Like she needed to go to with him. She watched in horror as it occurred to her what he was doing. He had learned her magic at the Skirmish at Earnside, and now he was turning it around on her.

  He was enchanting her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  CONALL KNEW SOMETHING was wrong before Lindsay even opened her eyes. He felt it in the deepest part of his soul. Something was coming for his lass.

  What happened next, though, was truly bizarre.

  She sat up, her every movement sensual as she watched something he could not see. Something he strongly suspected was the warlock.

  “Bryce, Graham, Rona,” he said into their minds. “Get in here now.”

  He didn’t care if they saw her nude. Something was wrong, and he might need their help. Unfortunately, nobody answered. When he stemmed out his mind, it was only to find them gone. Vanished.

  That’s when he saw her gem.

  It was the color of his eyes.

  Though that should make him happy he suspected it was happening because she was protecting him now. Though she seemed to have been lured away, some part of her stayed with him. It might also explain why he could not connect with his kin.

  When Lindsay stood, her eyes intent on something in the corner, he went to grab her hand, but a sharp voice stopped him.

  “Nay, Son, dinnae touch her or ye will be greatly harmed.”

  His eyes widened as his father appeared near the hearth. Though transparent, he was easy enough to see. Their eyes held for a long, tortuous moment before Darach murmured, “Look at her gem, Son, and remember well what ye two had together so long ago. Remember why she should always come back to ye. That is how ye might get her back now.”

  Though it was difficult to tear his eyes away from his da, he did, trusting him without question. He stared at the ring and worked to remember every little moment they had ever shared.

  One memory, in particular, took precedence.

  “I’m not afraid of the dark,” she had murmured as dusk fell. “Are you?”

  As he often did, he sat against the tree and stared up, hoping for a glimpse of her. “Nay, of course not.”

  “Good,” she murmured. “Because it’s always made me feel safe.”

  He frowned. “Safe how?”

  “Safe from what I see sometimes,” she said softly. “It’s better to see nothing than too much.”

  She sounded so sad.

  “Are ye sure?” he asked. “Because I was always taught ‘tis best for a warrior to confront whatever might stand in his or her way.”

  “I’m not a warrior,” she reminded, but curiosity
remained in her voice. “Besides, what makes you think something stands in my way?”

  “Well, ye are afraid to look at what frightens ye,” he explained. “And by nature, does something not stand in our way if it frightens us? Does fear not hold us back and mayhap cause us to prefer the dark where ‘tis safer?”

  “You’re quite wise for a kid,” she remarked softly.

  “Aye, I know,” he said proudly, still worried about her as he stared up. “So mayhap ‘tis okay to prefer the dark but why not look at what stands in yer way? Why not recognize it so ye can fight it?”

  That was it.

  That was how he got through to her.

  He needed to remind her of that conversation. So he stood, remained close to her and thought about that memory over and over again. If his theory held true, and she was protecting him from within his own mind, she should hear it.

  She should begin thinking it.

  He stayed close, ready to pull her into his arms if need be, as she took a few more steps then stopped. A slight tremble rippled through her as he continued thinking the same thing again and again. That she should recognize and fight what she feared. That she had the power to do that.

  Suddenly, a sizzling sound echoed through the room, and she fell back. Conall caught her and swept her into his arms then sat on the edge of the bed as she blinked several times and looked at him.

  “I just saw it,” she whispered, her eyes wide. “The warlock was here.”

  “Aye.” He kissed her forehead, trying to offer comfort as he explained what had happened. “You did it though, lass. Just like Da seemed to know you could...” His words trailed off when he realized his father had vanished.

  “I remember...sort of,” she murmured, looking at her ring. “This helped.” Her eyes went to his. “You helped Conall. You were there for me like you always were.”

  “’Twas mostly you, lass. Your strength.” He frowned. “Tell me what you saw. Tell me about the warlock.”

  “He looked just like he did at the Skirmish at Earnside.” She shook her head. “Just our roles were reversed this time.”


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