The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Boxed Set (Books 1-4)

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The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Boxed Set (Books 1-4) Page 96

by Purington, Sky

  First, he started at the tender lobe of her ear then worked his way down the side of her neck. The way he flicked his tongue then blew lightly on the indentation where her collarbone met in the center, made tiny flutters spread down her arms and torso. Then he worked his way over her shoulders down to her fingertips, all the while building the ache between her legs.

  By the time he lowered her dress to her waist, she was so immersed in how he made her feel that her head had fallen back and her eyes were closed. Where some might be bashful at this point, she was the furthest thing from it as he began fondling her breasts. He was remarkably gentle, almost worshiping. So much so that she was utterly relaxed in a deep state of arousal.

  Or at least she was until his tongue swirled around a nipple then pulled it into his mouth.

  Her eyes shot open, and she groaned as a whole new type of pleasure shot straight to her center. She dug her hands into his hair, breathing heavily as he did the same to the other nipple. Thankfully, they were close enough to the ledge of the mossy area that when her legs grew rubbery, she could lean back.

  But not before he had the dress completely down.

  Before she knew it, he lifted her until she was sitting then urged her to lie back. Initially, she shook her head, feeling far too exposed. But then he focused on her nipples again, and all inhibitions drifted away as she gave in. Lost in sensual sensations she never knew were possible, she began to feel enticing and desirable. As such, she felt emboldened and unafraid when he kissed and nibbled his way down her stomach, then over her pelvic bone.

  She shivered in anticipation as he bypassed her center and worked his way down first one leg then the other. Though she could barely crack her eyes open, when she did it was to find so much more than she anticipated. Not just desire in his eyes but wonder and pleasure as he appreciated every last bit of her. It was as though each centimeter of flesh from her thighs to her kneecaps to her toes offered him a new delight. If one were to guess, she would say he found her utterly flawless.

  Seeing him so taken only made her feel more confident so by the time he made his way back up her legs, spread her thighs and put his mouth where the ache was, she relaxed into it. At least for the first second or two. When sharp pleasure suddenly speared her, she gripped his shoulders.

  “Bryce,” she groaned, almost afraid of how good it felt.

  “Just relax, lass,” he murmured into her mind. “Dinnae fight it but embrace it. Let go.”

  She swallowed hard then clamped her upper teeth down on her lower lip as the pleasure only increased. It was one thing to imagine how something like this might feel and another altogether to experience it. Her lifelong fantasies were way off. A fact that became more and more evident as she twisted her hands in the material at his shoulders and hung on tight.

  The building pressure inside her just kept growing and growing as though eager to encompass her whole body. As if determined to take away control entirely. Though fearful at first of the overwhelming pleasure, his soft words stayed with her.

  “Embrace it. Let go.”

  So she let the sensations have her and didn’t fight them as the pressure only grew. Then, just like she imagined, she hovered on the edge before she fell right over. She cried out and arched as she locked up then trembled as her body let go. Fresh waves of pleasure rolled through her again and again as she kept quivering.

  She was only vaguely aware of him pulling off his shirt and plaid, perhaps intending to go bathe. But she didn’t want that. Not yet.

  “Now,” she whispered, needing him close. She wanted more of this feeling though she was still immersed in it. Based on his rigid erection, he wanted it too. “ here.”

  If he was at all undecided if this was the right time, it didn’t last long as he swung her fully onto the moss then came over her. Then he kissed her again. Hard and passionately and with everything she knew he felt. As he did it combined the residual pleasure of her previous climax with fresh, desperate arousal.

  She felt half human half animal in her instinctual need to be taken. In her relentless desire to have him closer be filled. She was so entrenched in desire and arousal that she barely felt the stretching below then the pinch of pain when he finally took her. The look on his face was almost rapturous as he began to work his way in. Not quickly but slowly, giving her time to adjust.

  Yet he was right. When he eventually seated himself fully, she was ready for him. More than ready for that matter. As was he based on his low moan and the way he trembled ever-so-slightly. Their eyes met one another’s through a red haze of mutual understanding.

  Their dragon magic was connecting.

  Everything felt sharper than before. Every sensation ten times stronger. From the spicy heated smell of his skin to the sound of his racing heart. When he began moving, and his brows drew together in blissful concentration, she knew he was barely holding on. That the way she was making him feel was unique, new and intensely arousing.

  He, in turn, was doing the same to her. Every part of her flesh and soul was responding to the glorious friction below. The acute pleasure of being close to a person that made you feel so incredibly good.

  So astoundingly alive.

  As he thrust and ground, she began to do the same, meeting him in a dance that felt as old as time. Anxious and racing toward a pinnacle both were desperate to reach, she wrapped her legs around him. In response, he didn’t just groan but released a low growl as he thrust harder, his strokes longer and deeper.

  Something about his near-ferocious response drove her over another kind of edge altogether. This time she might have even screamed her orgasm was so intense. One thrust later, he roared and locked up inside her. The feel of his heavy throb and release only seemed to intensify what she was already feeling.

  Pure ecstasy.

  She couldn’t find better words to describe it. For that matter, she could barely form a coherent thought as the mica chips far above seemed to burst into a million different colors. She had never felt more alive and full of pleasure than she did at this moment. As her climax wrapped around her, it seemed to bring her closer to him than she ever thought possible. In some ways, it was almost as if they became one. As if the pleasure they had found was equally matched and so much more than they realized it could be.

  Seconds later, however, her blood ran cold when someone else’s words whispered into her mind, “Soon it will be even better.”

  Bryce’s inner dragon roared in defiance and rage, silencing the warlock’s damning words.

  But not before he got his twisted point across.

  “Soon I will give you what you’ve always wanted.”

  Chapter Twelve

  BRYCE COVERED JESSIE more securely, instinctually protecting her when he was ripped from pure bliss by his inner dragon’s roar. Rare was the day his dragon was on such high alert. Someone, or something, had just made it into her mind and he was braced to defend her. His eyes swung around the cave seeking out anything that might be hiding in the shadows.

  “He’s gone,” she whispered, her eyes wide as she trembled.

  Bryce knew some of her physical response was because of the passion they had just experienced and some because of fear.

  “I don’t think he’ll be back anytime soon.” She shook her head. “Not like that. Not within my mind.”

  Of course, she was talking about the last warlock.

  “The bloody bastard,” he cursed as he cupped her cheek. “Are ye all right, lass?”

  She nodded, the movement a little jerk-like. “Yes, just...feeling a lot at the moment.”

  He wiped the pad of his thumb across one cheek then the other, well aware of the numerous tears that had fallen during their lovemaking. Actually, from the moment he began undressing and kissing her.

  “Oh, I didn’t know,” she whispered, surprised as she touched her cheek and caught his thoughts. “You must think I’m an emotional basket case.”

  “Nay,” he murmured
as he pulled back, lifted her and headed into the pool. “I think you’ve been denied emotions your whole life and now you’re allowed to feel them.” He lowered her into the warm water, his brogue thickening even more with his own emotions. “And I couldnae be happier that I’m with ye as ye do, lass.” He shook his head. “Dinnae hold back. Feel everything and cry as often as ye like.”

  “I’m not sure that’s really the front I should present to everyone as we move forward.” A soft smile came to her lovely lips. “I mean what sort of arch-wizard with an ancient, powerful dragon lineage cries all the time?” Her brows rose. “That’s not very intimidating now is it?”

  He met her small smile. “’Twould disarm yer opponent if nothing else, aye?”

  She chuckled softly before she grew more serious. “I’m so sorry the warlock took those last moments from us.” Sadness warred with anger in her eyes. “He had no right.”

  “He’s evil,” Bryce reminded as he began bathing her. “And he didnae take anything from us.” He cupped her cheek again and met her eyes. “That was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, lass and ‘twas ours alone, do ye ken?”

  He had never meant anything so much. Every part of her was exceptionally beautiful both inside and out. While he had found her body alluring on the ship and knew it would be no hardship seducing her, he had no idea how much pleasure and even joy he would find in it. Every inch of her flesh enthralled him. Every sound she made thrilled him. Her every movement and facial expression drove him to distraction.

  No lass had ever enjoyed his attentions so avidly and he sure as hell had never enjoyed a lass half as much as her. If true love could be found in the mere act of lying with a lass, then he had found it with her. Their connection had been powerful.

  It had been, without question, life changing.

  Where that might daunt some, he very much liked it as did his dragon. His inner beast felt like it had possessed its mate and the man just fell head over heels into something he suspected was indeed very much love.

  “It was ours alone,” she agreed softly in response to his words. Her eyes were on his as she broke into his thoughts. Musings he knew she followed and evidently liked based on her dewy smile. “Thank you, Bryce. Thank you for being so...” She shook her head and blinked away fresh moisture as she searched for the right words. “For making my first time so memorable.”

  “You made it verra easy, lass,” he murmured as he ran his fingers through her silky hair beneath the water. “’Twas truly a privilege and a pleasure.”

  A becoming blush stained her cheeks as her eyes dropped to his chest then began to slowly roam over him. She had little time to look at his body let alone touch him but seemed inclined to do that now as she ran her fingers along the path of her eyes.

  “You’re amazing,” she murmured, fire flaring in her eyes in appreciation. “I didn’t think with our notable size differences that we would fit together so well...” Her eyes rose to his as her fingers drifted down his abdomen. “But you were so gentle...”

  “Not toward the end,” he reminded, unable to stop himself. Eager to see what she’d make of the truth. “I was rougher than intended, lass. My dragon got the better of me, and for that I’m sorry.” He shook his head. Because of her delicate frame, he tried his best to take it easy but knew he had failed miserably. “’Tis the way of my kind to grow somewhat rambunctious when overly aroused.”

  “You were rough?” Her brows shot up in surprise. “Rambunctious?” Amusement suddenly lit her eyes. “Really?” She cocked her head, truly curious. “When?”

  He couldn’t help a chuckle. Was she serious? “Toward the end, lass. ‘Twas actually rougher than I’ve ever been with a...” He realized talking about another woman probably wasn’t appropriate at the moment. “Let’s just say there was a lot of my inner beast taking part.”

  “Well, then I guess I like your inner beast.” She grinned. “Because I didn’t think it was rough at all.” She shrugged, another blush warming her cheeks. “Actually, I wouldn’t have changed a thing and...” Her hand drifted even lower. “I look forward to experiencing your inner beast again.”

  “Och,” he whispered as she found what she was looking for.

  “Oh,” she whispered in return as she wrapped her small hand around him. Well, as much around him as she could manage. It might have been mere minutes since they came together, but he was more than ready for her again.

  Though he immensely enjoyed how brazen she was becoming, he also knew she was going to need time to heal and told her as much.

  “I don’t think so,” she murmured as she continued fondling him. She might have been a virgin, but she had the benefit of reading his mind and knowing precisely how he liked to be touched. “I don’t feel any pain at all or even tenderness.”

  “Nay?” He looked at her curiously, his voice thickening with arousal. “’Tis odd that.” He kept considering her, struggling to keep his thoughts in order as she stroked him. “’Twas also somewhat odd you didnae feel a wee bit more side effects from your whisky last night...or that you wernae more exhausted after the battle on the ship, then yer near death experience.”

  “Honestly, I think it all might have to do with my gift,” she replied, her touch growing more fervent, her pleasure in his pleasure obvious. “I’ve always healed faster than usual and never caught any illnesses after being around sick people.” She shrugged. “I’ve never been sick at all for that matter.”

  “Interesting,” he said hoarsely, so aroused now he envisioned turning her, bending her over the side and taking her in a way unbefitting a lass so new to sex. “So you’re truly not feeling any pain?”

  “Not the kind you’re talking about,” she said softly, her voice not quite right either as she turned, stepped up on a small stair-like incline beneath the water, bent forward and glanced at him over her shoulder. “And I don’t think what you want to do to me is unbefitting at all.”

  “Bloody hell,” he managed, well aware her dragon magic was at work here. Or at least it certainly felt that way. It was as if she did, in fact, have a dragon lingering inside of her.

  A lusty little dragon at that.

  “Well?” she murmured, fire flaring in her eyes. “Do I have to tell you twice that I’m not in any pain?”

  He probably should have questioned her more or flat out denied her just in case, but he was thoroughly incapable. Not just of denying her but of even taking it slow. His inner dragon was wide awake and eager, as were other parts of him.

  His vision hazed red as he spread her legs, gripped her shoulder and hip then thrust deep. At first, when she cried out, he thought he had hurt her but soon realized it was a cry of pleasure. Bless the gods because he wasn’t sure he could stop. She felt far too good, her tight heat welcoming as he began to move.

  She dug her nails into the moss, arched her back and began making all sorts of sounds that revved him up even more. Sometimes she moaned and grunted where other times she mewled and even whimpered. Yet it was all in unabashed enjoyment as new feelings swept over her.

  It was impossible to hold back as he thrust, his dragon eager to dominate in direct response to her ‘dragon’ wanting to be dominated. It was an intoxicating ride far beyond anything he had ever experienced. She was receptive and eager and so damn enticing he knew he was going to find his pleasure far too soon again.

  Moving closer, he braced his arms on either side of her, covering her body with his, and all but wrapped around her when he knew there was no more time. Self-control was clearly a lost cause when it came to her. She just felt too bloody good. Thankfully, like before, they synchronized because no sooner did he press deep, roar and let go, than she did the same.

  Her roar turned into a long, low groan as her inner muscles clenched tight, and she quivered then melted onto the ground. Meanwhile, he hung his head, his heart racing and his breathing ragged. She brought out an incredible amount of energy in him. Potent enthusiasm he had never felt before.

��You still didn’t strike me as rough,” she murmured into his mind, the smile in her voice obvious.

  He smiled in return, scooped her up and brought her back into the water to finish bathing. She was far drowsier now and not all that coherent by the time he lay her down on the plaid, pulled her into his arms and covered them. He whispered a chant to ensure the fire remained lit, checked in with his cousin to make sure all was well then found himself yet again watching her sleep.

  Her ring still didn’t glow, but he couldn’t care less. While yes, it would certainly be helpful, it was by no means necessary to help define how he already felt about her. His dragon fiercely wanted to keep her, and he was in complete agreement. While he had been somewhat disbelieving as he had watched his cousins fall far too quickly in love with their lasses, now he understood.

  It really did happen that fast, didn’t it?

  The next morning, when Jessie’s eyes drifted open, and she smiled at him, he suspected she felt it too. How close they were becoming. How it truly seemed that love was igniting between them.

  He had slept some but not much. Though she had assured him the warlock was nowhere nearby, he felt better remaining alert.

  “Good morning,” she murmured as she stretched and kept smiling. “I hope you slept.”

  “Aye, enough so.” He brushed his lips across hers then dropped a few more kisses before he forced himself to stop. “We should join the others soon and get back to Angus.”

  “How soon?” she whispered, the devil in her eyes.

  He chuckled and stood before she got the better of him. “While I more than appreciate your insatiable nature and fully intend to satisfy it as time goes on, I’ll feel better once I have you safely back with the others.”

  The truth of it was he would much prefer to stay here for an indeterminate amount of time and continue enjoying her body. He knew he would never tire of her. Not for a moment.

  Though tempted to dress her himself he had no doubt that would only lead them back to bed, so he handed her fresh clothing and got dressed. As he did, he felt her thoughts shift back to things she had set aside last night. Not just her newfound sister but the warlock.


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