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Tied Down

Page 43

by Vanessa Waltz

  He’s planning something.

  I’ve got my guys out on the streets, looking for Carlos to bring him in. I’m not fucking around anymore. The burning message I left at the fortress wasn’t enough. Things are too damn quiet.

  I run through the list of things in my head as I pull away from the curb and drive toward the meeting at St. Joseph’s Deli. We’ve got the keys to every door, we know the exact procedure to get in and out of there, we know all the guards by name, even that you have to shut the door before opening the safe, otherwise it trips a silent alarm. I have a guy who will dispose of the van at the junkyard after I transfer the money at the garage to another car. If this goes perfectly, we won’t have to fire a single shot.

  Common sense tells me to stay the fuck away, but I can’t shake that I need to be there. It’s the biggest robbery ever attempted. I’ve got to be there.

  You’re putting yourself at risk.


  Waiting’s the hardest part of my fucking job. For years I was a soldier, getting my hands dirty while my father sat on his ass, waiting for me to bring home a thick wad of cash. Dick.

  Now I’m the boss. I delegate things, which is hard when you like doing everything yourself. I sit in the back of the car. We’re parked near the cargo terminal of the airport.

  Distant screams of jets vibrate the ground and I clench my teeth as I check my watch. The fifty-minute window rapidly approaches, and there’s no sign of my men.

  Something’s wrong.


  Sal clenches his fist at my outburst. “Take it easy.”

  “We have a small window, Sal. I was very fucking clear about that. It only takes them ninety seconds to seal this whole place.”

  Dark shapes fly out of the cargo terminal, and Chris immediately starts the car.

  “What the fuck are they doing?”

  I see the duffel bags on their shoulders, and then I see them heading for bikes.


  A white, consuming rage shakes my hands as I grab the pistol strapped to my waist. Chris cuts off the motorcycles with the car and I see their rat fucking faces. One of them swings a shotgun at the window.


  The shotgun’s blast kills my hearing as it blows a hole the size of my fist in the window. I slam the door open and fling my body behind it, squeezing off shots that I can’t hear. The biker’s head whips back, the blood like a slingshot behind his head as several sparks burst on the door next to me.

  Carlos’ people are already fucking here.


  A heavy weight slams into my back, and my chin hits the cement. Then I hear a scream and Sal’s body rolls off me, blood bursting from his chest. I see movement and my arm jerks instinctually. I pull the trigger, but not before he squeezes off a shot. I dive to the right, and my jacket rips open as a bullet grazes my shoulder. Shit. It stings.

  Motorcycle engines roar all around me and I scream into the air as Sal clutches his chest. I know that look draining his face. He’s not going to fucking make it.

  A bike slows down and I jump back behind the car door. A deep voice laughs over the roar of the engine and I realize that I’m out of ammo. And I’m staring at the end of a double-barreled shotgun.

  Oh God. Maya—

  It’s him. Carlos. He laughs his fucking head off and anger bristles inside me. His fucking face is going to be the last thing I see.

  “Eat the road, fuckface. I’m bringing my little girl home, and I’ll kill you and any other motherfucker who gets in my way. Thanks for the cash.”

  Then he aims his gun at the tires in my car, blowing them out in a series of deafening blasts.

  My scream dies in the guttural roar of his engine as he throttles away.


  This has to be a nightmare. I’m just cracking up a little. There’s no fucking way Les Diables made off with my score, killed Sal and I don’t know how many others, and is en route to rip my wife and baby from my arms.

  I stand up, leaving Sal to die on the pavement because nothing matters to me more than getting to my wife as quickly as possible. Blood roars in my ears as I see several more bodies.


  He limps toward me as the rest of my crew sprints out of the airport terminal. François and the others grind to a halt, shock all over their faces.

  “Jesus. What happened to the money?”

  Who the fuck cares about the money?

  “He’s going after my wife! Where’s your fucking car?”

  Sirens cut through my voice, and François gestures to the car. I sprint toward it, but François and the other men hesitate. “We can’t just leave them.”


  My family—my real family—comes fucking first. He doesn’t try to argue with me a second time. I sprint toward his car, the footfalls of my guys behind me. We pile into the car and a pang hits me as we roll beside Sal’s body.

  I’ve got to end it. He should’ve been dead weeks ago, and now I’m paying the price.

  The tires screech as we drive the fuck out of there. I try to think of where Maya might be. Home? There’s no way he’d make it to my apartment.

  “Where is she?”

  “Try the hair salon.”

  It keeps playing over and over in my head as hot blood slides down my arm. He cut us down like dogs, and then he took my fucking money. Now he wants to take my wife, too.

  What if he does the same to her?

  A horrifying image of Maya surrounded by a pool of blood makes me pound the dashboard until my knuckles bleed. My mind goes red when François drives on the street where my wife’s hair salon is. Chrome glints in front of the place. Three, four bikers. They raise their weapons.


  The windshield splinters like a spiderweb.


  He slams it and the car screeches as metal folds underneath, their bodies flying over the cracked windshield. There’s a huge bang, and he loses control of the van, crashing into a parked car. My body slams into the dashboard as he hits the brakes, but immediately I open the door and get out, the world swimming in front of me.

  I have to save her.

  Gunshots crack at me, exploding next to me as bits of brick fly. My shoulder smashes into the salon’s door, and a female scream hits my ears.

  “I’m not going—LEAVE ME ALONE!”

  “You’re coming with me if I have to fucking drag you back. We’ll get you some doctors—we’ll fix the—”


  My wife screams my name as I draw my gun. He has her hair fisted in his hand, and I can’t see anything but my father. My vicious, backstabbing father.

  I took the black bag from his face—

  I sneak up behind Carlos and with the hand holding the pistol, I crack it across his skull.

  He sneered at me, his hands cuffed behind his back.

  He lets out a deep moan as I do it again, and again. There are screams all around me, like a chorus of demons. I make the bastard kneel on the hard floor.

  Dad kneeled on the shitty floor as I held my Beretta against his head.

  He looks at me with hatred.

  “What the fuck is so wrong with me?”

  I screamed the question to him. It was raining. Big fat drops all over my skin, as if I were crying. It felt like it.

  I see my old man, staring up at me. “WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DO THIS?”

  I waited, but he said nothing.

  Then I raise my gun to his head, and I pull the trigger. I kill him all over again. Dark blood vomits out of the back of his head, and his eyes immediately roll up into his head, but this time a woman screams. His body crashes to the floor, blood spilling over the brand-new tiles.

  “You’re going to die alone, surrounded by your riches.”

  I loved him.

  Now he’s dead. He’s fucking gone and I killed him. My feet give way and I sink to the ground, clutching my head as the
pool of red touches my feet.


  Maya’s shaking arms pull me into a hug, and I’m ripped to the present. I’m kneeling in her father’s blood. Technically, my father, too. She’s my wife.

  She’s all that matters now.

  Chapter Twelve


  Time heals all wounds.

  Whoever invented that phrase was full of shit. It absolutely does not heal all wounds. The unopened invitation to my son’s birthday party is fucking proof of that. Mom wants nothing to do with me. I haven’t healed from that. The pain doesn’t go away, it just gets easier to deal with.

  Live and let live, Johnny says.

  Time won’t heal the fact that he killed my mother’s husband, the president of the Devils MC. It also won’t make the MC forget the bloodbath that followed the botched robbery at the airport.

  Yeah, I know all about it. The whole world does.


  Matteo runs on two uncertain, wobbly feet as the door opens, signaling the arrival of his father. The rambunctious toddler attaches himself to Johnny’s leg, and his deep laughter echoes into the kitchen as he stoops down and picks up his son, hoisting him in his arms.

  Even after all this shit, I still melt when I see him holding our son.

  “Hey, little man.”

  “Johnny, it’s time for his nap.”


  A wide grin splits Johnny’s face as Matteo protests. “I’ll put him to bed.”


  I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy as when he first held his son in his arms. Tears of joy swam in his eyes. There’s a bounce in his step that wasn’t there before, and I wonder if it’s because his void is filled.

  I walk to the living room and settle on the couch, grateful for a minute of peace and quiet after spending the whole day with Matteo. I lean against the cushions, almost nodding off, and then I feel his presence behind me. Hands suddenly caress my shoulders, and then he walks around to join me.

  He pins me against the cushions with his body as his hands light a trail of desire on my skin. They find my neck, and I turn my head, tasting his breath. He kisses me and a rush of heat hits my groin as he slides his tongue across my mouth, and then he pulls back.

  “I want another one.”

  Another baby?

  “Are you crazy?”

  “He should have a brother. Or sister.” He leans in and nips my ear. “It’s time to get you knocked up again.”

  Why don’t you get knocked up?

  At the same time, I can’t deny it doesn’t appeal to me, especially when his lips kiss the vein throbbing on my neck. Even though I’m exhausted, a thrill hits me right between my legs.

  “I want another kid, Maya.” He palms my womb again and slides his hand between my panties and jeans, forcing it all the way down. “And you’re going to give it to me.”

  Then his finger dips, stroking my wetness.

  Fucking hell.

  It doesn’t take me long to shed every stitch of clothing, his mouth greedily sucking every available inch of flesh. I cry out, my gasp hitting the air. Then he flips me over the couch and grabs my hips. I feel the heat of his thighs against my ass. Then it slides in, the head pushing my walls apart. He fucks me until I’m gasping for breath, until I think I’m going to collapse from the sheer ecstasy of his cock’s relentless pounding. Then he empties his seed inside me with a huge groan and I come with him, both of us climaxing together.

  I want to pass out.

  He kisses my back, his chest pulsing, and even when he pulls out he keeps his hand inside me. The thought of actually trying for a baby gives me a thrill I’ve never felt in my life.

  “You’re an amazing father—better than I even could’ve hoped for.”

  He glows when I say that, unable to contain the wide, ear-to-ear smile. He’s the love of my life—father of my kid.

  “Then you’d better get ready. I’m not stopping until that stick turns pink.” He kisses me. “I love you.”

  Everything falls into place when he holds me. I know that I’m supposed to be with him. We have each other. And that’s all that matters when you’re in love.

  # # #

  Want to know what happens next? Click HERE for a FREE extended epilogue

  Keep reading for the first book in the series, Married to the Bad Boy. A preview of the following book, Property of the Bad Boy is also included!

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  Married to the Bad Boy

  Cravotta Crime Family #1

  Chapter One


  “C’moooooon, Tony.”

  Blondie sighs into my ear, her vermouth and gin breath gusting over my nose as she tries to shimmy over my legs, a feat that sends a lot of raised eyebrows my way, considering this chick’s dress is practically hiked up to her panties.

  It makes my cock stand to attention when her little ass rubs my lap. She’s wearing the same panties as yesterday. Dirty. Sexy.

  But if I thought for a second that I had a good chance of running into yesterday’s one-night stand, I would’ve never come to this bar. I fucked her last night, and the needy bitch wants seconds.

  Of course she does.

  She grips my waist with surprising strength and lands a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I sweep a hand over her bare shoulders and a row of goose bumps sprouts over her skin.

  “Sweetheart, listen to me.” I smile, painfully.


  She pouts her small lips for a moment and then erupts into giggles.

  “No? What the fuck do you mean, no?”

  “I don’t wanna listen. I wanna fuck.”

  My cock wants to fuck her, too. It swells in my slacks despite how much I want it to calm down. I don’t fuck girls twice. Ever. Whatsherface is making it extremely hard for me to turn her away.

  Blondie slides her manicured hand over my thigh and grabs the bulge between my legs. It twitches in response and I groan out loud, embarrassed for my cock. Blood roars through my veins, pounding through my head: Shut up and fuck the girl.

  It’s hard to ignore that fucking voice when it’s hissing in your ear, over and over.

  Goddamn her. I grab a fistful of her hair and bend my mouth to her ear. “Fucking listen to me or I’ll spank you in front of this whole bar.”

  That captures her attention. Finally.

  She shuts up and her doe-like eyes find mine, but they drop away almost immediately, focusing on my chest and arms. She places her hands on me and feels me up. I don’t want her, but it’s hard for my cock not to get excited when I’ve a half-naked chick bouncing on my lap.

  It’s hard to keep her eyes locked on mine. She has the attention span of a goldfish and is just about as bright. I tap her cheek lightly and she turns her head toward mine again.

  “We had fun last night, but it’s over. I don’t go out with girls more than once.”

  I’m distracted by her nipple, which slips out of that thing she calls a dress, and my cock jumps in my slacks.

  “It feels like you want me again.”

  Then her hand tightens around my stiffening cock and I am less and less aware of the fact that there are people gawking at us.


  Blonde hair tickles my neck as she leans in, smiling drunkenly. “I’ll leave you alone if you fuck me one more time.”

  One more time?

  I blow air out from my cheeks and consider it. She’s a lusty broad, and willing—and I could easily bring her to the back and fuck her in one of the VIP booths. Or the storeroom. I can just imagine her slick, pink pussy wrapping around me like a glove, just like it did last night. I could fuck her cunt nice and fast, and as long as she didn’t spread out word that Tony Vidal could be persuaded into a second fuck, I’d be all right.

e the best I ever had, baby.”

  You’re not the best I ever had.

  Still, she was a good, hot fuck and she came real nice for me. Sometimes they come in the bar looking for me because they know who I’m connected with, and they think that if they flash their tits at me I’ll loan them money or beat the shit out of their boyfriends—no. Other times they’re danger whores looking for a hot piece of action. They know I’m a bad boy, and they’ll fuck me if I pretend to tell them some secrets about the mob. It gets me off to see them hot for my cock. I stick my fingers in their cunts and make them scream for me. They twist and writhe, and I make them come before I get my dick wet. I’ve got a real reputation for scoring pussy. Tony—the great fuck. Hey, it’s not a bad one.

  Her fingers splay over my chest and they coil around my cock. It thickens in her hand and she gives me this coy little smile, because she knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

  “You just want me balls deep inside your cunt, don’t you?”

  She doesn’t bat an eye. “Yes.”

  All right. Fuck it.

  “I’ll bang the shit out of you—again. But that’s it. No more. You know the rules.”

  She nods drunkenly. “Yeah, I know the—the rules.”

  We slide off the stool and her tits practically pop out as she stumbles next to me. The guys in the bar wheel their heads around like sharks smelling blood, but she’s my meal for tonight. Actually, only a snack, really, because I’m interested in the piece of ass I briefly spotted. If I see anyone else talking to her when I get back, I’ll tell him to fuck off right before smashing his fucking face into the wall.

  I drag her bony ass behind the bar, looking for Tommy before I open the door to his storeroom. It’s a small, dusty room with boxes of liquor. There’s nothing really important, but he’d bust a nut if he knew I was fucking in here.


  I turn around after closing the door, and the crazy bitch stands there, already naked. Her pink dress pools at her feet. My eyes follow her bare, slim legs to her trim waist—not an ounce of fat—and then her small, firm tits. Seeing them now reminds me how I nailed her tight little cunt, how her tits almost seemed to fit in my mouth, and how she squealed when I sucked on her perfect skin. She opens her mouth, but all I want from her lips is to have them wrapped around my cock. Her shaved pussy gleams as I approach her, slapping her inner thigh. She spreads her legs apart and I run my fingers over her swollen clit.


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