The Runaway Viper (Viper #2)

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The Runaway Viper (Viper #2) Page 7

by Kirsty-Anne Still

  “But you can’t guarantee it’ll stay that way, and that scares me,” I tell him honestly. “I can see it in your eyes just how much you want to give me a home and a future - how close we were - but we can’t secure it, Jace. Neither of us can.” I sigh, sitting up to place my hands firmly over my face to rub away the angst tightening the muscles. “And this is my fault.” I allow my hands to fall, and I can see Jace’s horrified look. It’s the same one he always gives me when I play the blame game. “If I’d had stayed there, we’d be nearly another year down.”

  “And you’d have been miserable,” he admonishes and stands back to full height. “Do you think it was easy to see you dread every day you had work? Do you think it was easy to keep my mouth shut when she treated you like some prop? Because it fucking wasn’t, Joely. Every single day I had you in my arms, I used to calculate the ways I could just steal you away. There were so many times I used to sit and watch you play the piano, and it’d be the only times I saw you so carefree. I used to wonder how I could allow you to stay there with her.” He’s pacing now, leaving heavily padded steps across the length of the room. “Then I had my opportunity, and I took it, and I will not let her take that from me easily.” He stops mid-step, his eyes hitting me hard. “Not now. Not ever.”

  My eyes are watering as I hear the conviction lace upon every note in his tone. How can a man love me so fiercely that he will fight with every fiber of his being to make sure I am never lost from his life? What did I do to deserve a love with such ferocity it burns in every piece of his being? And how do I ever prove that I love him so whole-heartedly back that I would walk to the ends of the earth to make sure he was never hurt or worse?

  “Don’t doubt that if I ever see that woman again, she will know exactly my stance on her business approach,” Jace threatens and the putrid hatred in his tone is hard hitting. I feel myself wince at the sound of it. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten the threat she placed against me. She’ll know what I’m capable of one day. I don’t know when, but if she has it her way, she’ll make it sooner rather than later.”

  “Stop it,” I whisper, not wanting to dream up confrontations between Jace and Clara. “I just want to get settled. I don’t want to think about Clara right now.”

  “Okay,” he settles back, his tone resuming its usually casualness. “I had a plan if this happened.”

  My head shoots back up to look at him again. I’m shocked; astounded he had actually planned for this. But my thudding heart tells me I’m not going to like what he has planned.

  “We’re going to Florida,” he shoots the comment at me point blank.

  “We can’t,” I counter almost immediately, shaking my head fiercely.

  “We have to,” he defies me, fighting back. “Delvine won’t look there. She would have before, but she knows the issue you have with going home. If you hadn’t gone back there in the start, why would you now?”

  “She’s found us, that’ll be the first place she’ll look now,” I state, trying to take the edge off my own voice.

  “Then we hide out in Florida until the heat dies a little.”

  I can see I’m going to lose this battle, so I need to find some resolution with his decision. I’m now abject to the idea, but I don’t want my viper life near my family life. I worry what I’ll be perceived as if my parents were to ever know how degraded I forced myself to become. I fear Clara digging her claws in my family to try to hit out at me, like she did with Jace. However, I know they aren’t the leverage she’s after, Clara wants to hurt me hard, and she knows Jace is the only way to make me weak.

  “Okay.” I exhale and raise my gaze to him. “Let’s go to Florida.”

  “Okay,” he agrees, giving me a small smile. “It’ll be fine, but try and sleep,” he gently commands me. “I’m going to arrange a flight to get us out of here as soon as possible.”

  I nod and listen. We’re going to Florida, and we’re still running from Clara. I should be excited, but the thought of bringing her closer to my family isn’t one that offers positivity.

  As I curl up and close my eyes, praying my theories are just irrational.


  I awake to Jace speaking to someone. My heart rate accelerates when I notice I’m in a new place, but calms when I see the pilot who brought us to Australia in the first place. I didn’t even wake when Jace brought me to the plane. I had no idea we were even leaving first thing in the morning, but it seems we’re going to be preparing to take off.

  I don’t want to go to Florida for fear of rejection, but I know Jace is right. It’ll be a safe place for me just until he knows our next move. I curl up into my seat more, dragging the light blanket over my body and close my eyes. If I can waste as much of the flight sleeping, I’ll be a happy girl.

  When I awake to turbulence, I look out of the window to see where we are - we're still over vast amounts of ocean, so I can only hope Florida is still a stretch away. I look over to Jace and see him caught up in the view from his window. I study his features. He looks so burdened. He wears his every emotion unshielded for all to see, and it pains me to see such ferocity line his handsome face.

  Pushing myself up in my seat, I see I have his attention. I give him a small smile, showing my pleasure in seeing him. He takes the moment to lean forward, and I can see this is no time for playful behavior and moments of seduction to make it in the mile high club.

  "You know I'll do anything for you?" he asks, and immediately there's a mass growing in my throat, forcing a difficulty with my own words. "I'd take on anyone to keep you safe. I'd do whatever in my power to stop you ever being hurt."

  I nod, leaning forward to take his hands in my mine. "Same as I would for you."

  "I know," he murmurs to me. His voice is small, tortured. "I'm going to take you to your parents and then travel to New York." He’s barely finishing his sentence before I'm shaking my head at him. "I need to go and see how she found us. I need to go to the club. I need-"

  "You need to stay with me," I scold him, releasing his hands as panic sparks within me. "You need to stay as far away from her as possible."

  "I need to tell her how it's going to be. It's time I fought Delvine instead of taking it like some subordinate club member who knows no better."

  I have no other option but to gulp deeply against the lump forming in my throat. It’s been such a long time since I have felt this amount of tension surround us and I never wanted to familiarize myself with that feeling so soon after losing it.

  “Lee,” Jace’s tone breaks the tense air. “You need to just keep that positive thinking going. I know how hard it is, but staying back in Australia was dangerous.”

  “But look what we’ve had to leave behind,” I fret tensely. “Again.”

  “I know,” he speaks so solemnly. “I know and I hate it, but I promised to keep you safe. I’ve held my end of that bargain for months, I won’t break it now. They have to get through me to get to you now, Joely. That’s final.”

  “Since when did we turn into a masochistic couple?” I ask him, a small smile toying at the corner of my lips. “We’re both dangerous if we’re out to stake claim and protect one another.”

  “Not dangerous. Trouble maybe, but definitely not dangerous.” He gets up, approaching me from across the small space of the cabin. His hands come out to prop him up as he leans over him, a hand on either side of my chair. “I’d say we’re a power couple if we’re both in with the same idea.”

  I lift my arm up, allowing my hand to curl around the base of his head. “No, we are dangerous. We’re volatile and daring. We’re really dangerous.” He lowers slightly as I speak, our eyes still caught upon one another. “We’re waiting to explode. Two headstrong people, both fighting for the same thing cannot end well.”

  “Oh, trust me, it can end wonderfully,” Jace whispers to me. “I don’t care what happens, but when I’m done, we’re going to be laughing.”

  The thought has me grinning hard. “Don’t make me wait for

  “I won’t. I promise,” he vows and kisses me. “We’re nearing our stopover, but we’ll be well on our way to Florida soon after.” He tentatively pushes away a piece of my dishevelled hair. “Why don’t you sleep some more, Lee?”

  I nod and listen obediently again. If I sleep I’m less likely to work myself into a frenzy.


  It’s been a mad rush. I woke up expecting us to meet our stopover, but Jace told me he had just left me sleeping between flights. I don’t even remember it. For all I know, we could have continued flying. I think months of running are finally catching up to me, and my body is falling victim.

  When we landed, it was another hectic dash. Jace wanted nothing more than a shower, clean clothes, and a bed, and I had to agree. It sounded like blessed heaven. No more than an hour later we were holed up in a crummy motel keeping a low profile. I remember this place, it’s only a few minutes from my parents’ home, and it has been inducing new waves of nerves every single time I inhale. How can I be calm when my two lives are about to collide?

  I contemplate heading into the bathroom to join Jace in the shower. The idea of the showery heat makes my muscles yearn for relaxation almost immediately, but when I hear the water shut off I know I’ve stuck around in my own head too long. The trauma of the home invasion had stolen my body of all emotion and strength. I need revival, and I missed my one shot of it. I should have taken the bait when Jace offered it.

  I had declined his offer and remained seated on the end of the bed in just my panties and a top. Ever since I’ve just been so secluded to the thoughts going on in my brain, I have neglected the reality of my life.

  As my hand brushes across the bed covers, I cringe at how starchy and stiff they feel. It thrusts the reality upon me. I've been adorned in silk sheets, Egyptian cotton, a multitude of riches and comforts. The life Clara and, subsequently Jace, gave me had spoiled me. I never thought I'd be the girl who wore designer brands for a living or knew designers like the back of my hand, but I had to. I had to know the expense of being a Viper Girl. I had to know how much money it took to maintain that lifestyle. Likewise, I had to learn the lifestyle Jace was used to. I went from rags to riches, and it has all been handed to me. I took it for granted and found a comfort zone in it.

  Now I feel spoilt and too aware of how I’ve changed in the four and a half years since Dylan’s death.

  “What’s got you looking distant?” Jace comes out from the bathroom, covered only by a towel.

  I look up and smile guiltily. “When did I become such a snob?” I ask him, keeping my tone light. I’m arguing with my inner self, appalled at my own mental path. “The bedding in this place is going to have us itching all night.” I train my eyes upon him and sigh. “When did that become one of my biggest problems?”

  Jace laughs at my problem, and my faces pulls into a frown.

  “If cheap sheets are your biggest problem right now, Lee, I am going to sleep a happy, happy man tonight.” He watches me, seeing my shoulders slump slightly under his teasing tone. “Maybe you could inspect the quality of towels too,” he queries, waltzing over to me. He pulls the front off from his body, holding out to me. “They’re rather stiff.”

  I bite my lip and allow my eyes to trail down his partially glistening body and find the towel parted a delicious amount. I can already see he is hard, and I release my lip. My mouth dries as I reach out for the material and I feel lust filter through my system, stealing my woes and casting them aside.

  I smirk at the sight, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Definitely stiff.” I nod and agree and release the towel. Jace does too and it drops entirely, leaving my husband bare and turned on before me. “Really stiff,” I exhale, my breathing drawing thin. His penis is directly within my eye level, and I can’t help but lick my lips.

  Jace doesn’t even utter a word as he reaches out for me. He takes my hand, mock disgust smothers his face as he gazes upon what little I have on. “You’re a little too overdressed for my liking,” he speaks with minor revulsion as he pulls me up to my feet.

  I look down at myself, frowning at how little I have on. As if to read my mind, Jace toys with the bottom of my top and pulls it up my body. Apparently the panties and top I had on were two pieces too much. The moment my arms are freed from my body, he pulls my close to his body. I’m flush against him, his infatuation suddenly heightened. His lips trail along my shoulder, kissing and suckling at my skin. My head tilts back and my lips part as my breathing becomes heavier.

  He grazes his fingertips along my waist, upon my hip until they’re wrapping around the sides of my thong. I feel him give it a tug before he gives a firmer tug and the material rips. My body follows the motion of his sexual aggression, and I falter slightly as my thong tears becomes free from my body.

  Jace catches me, and when I look, there’s a fever pitch ignited in his eyes that’s truly mouth-watering. I feel the butterflies flock together in a mass frenzy, and I feel myself moisten. I shouldn’t be looking for this sort of intimacy, but I’m suddenly craving it. My addiction to him has gone unfed for too long in amongst the craziness of Clara hunting us again, but now that he’s before me, I feel myself forgetting all inhibitions and worries.

  “Do you want this?” he asks me, and I see the worry ink his eyes as he realizes our current predicament.

  “Stupid question,” I reply seductively and reach up to kiss him.

  I half expect Jace to take me on the bed, but when I find myself spun around and thrust against a wall, I can feel the anticipation prickle across my own skin. He has me pinned again and has that greedy look in his eyes. I know he has his own tension to work out, but with mine combined, I can see he’s ready to give me absolute heaven in a place far from paradise.

  He releases me and I begin to slump. Jace reaches for me again, placing his hands firmly on my ass. He’s calculated this moment - I know that when he lifts me, my feet no longer on the ground and I’m pinned between his aching body and the cool wall of this motel room.

  “Tonight it’s just you and me,” he whispers against my skin, and my hands fall to the base of his head, my fingers delicately joined waiting for the moment of lust to enrapture us.

  I arch stiffly against the wall as he thrusts into me, my body taking on the fullness with utter delight. I gasp in heavenly appreciation and just relish the feeling of him pumping his full length into me. I feel the breath pushed from my body as he races my body to a climax and with it my mind clears for the first time in days. It really is just him and me.

  It’s with my moment of peace that I find myself beginning to unravel, and I don’t withhold. As one hand claws into his back, the other gripping fiercely at his hair, I fall into bliss and allow my body to be overcome with the sensual orgasm Jace has allowed me. I struggle in his arms and suddenly, Jace’s thrusting stills, his hands gripping upon my hips in a pleasurably painful way as his comes within me.

  He leans against my body; I can feel the heat on his body radiate around mine, the feel of his perspiration mingling with mine as he recovers for a moment.

  The orgasmic end to what has been the longest couple of days finally takes over, and our bodies succumb to the exhaustion. Jace carries me to the bed, settles me down, and climbs beside me. I shift my body slightly to get comfortable and then don’t move. I remain laying across him, my arms rested upon his bare chest, my head lying upon them comfortably. I can feel Jace’s hand trail up my naked back only to cover the same track back down my spine.

  I lift a little, turning and twisting myself to look at him. I settle against him, trying to find a comfortable position once more. When I settle he just grins at me, not speaking.

  "We're like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, you and I," I muse staring up into his blue eyes. I hear him chuckle, and his hand comes to stop on my lower back. "Except without all the constant gunfire and certain death."

  “And the robberies and murders,” Jace counters quickly, pointing out the obvious to my th

  “And that,” I agree and just giggle with embarrassment. “Okay, maybe we’re not like Bonnie and Clyde at all. But we are like fugitives,” I comment, moving my arms so I can kiss down Jace’s chest with ease. “Think how dangerously we’re living,” I point out as I drag my lips over his body.

  Jace acts quickly, flipping me onto my back and pinning me down. Apparently a few moments of rest was all he needed! “I think it adds to the excitement of it all, Mrs. Mason.” He then kisses me, deepening the lust that was already intoxicating us both. “The thrill of the chase, the thrill of the catch, the thrill of it all. It all adds to the excitement, doesn’t it? Think of the memories we’ll have. They’ll be like no others.”

  And it suddenly hits me – I agree with him. For the first time since running from The Viper Rooms and having Clara hot on our trail I have found myself enjoying my time with Jace instead of looking over my shoulder. I feel like I did when we married. I’m excited, weirdly optimistic, and full of absolution. He’s given me copious memories to indulge in and use to envisage our future.

  “And tomorrow you will see your family and you’ll realize why we were destined to meet,” he muses, leaning back into the kiss again.

  “Why were we?” I ask, delaying him from kissing me. My curiosity has me smirking at him, eager to bite the truth and let it sink in.

  “Simple,” he breathes against my lips. “To prove to you that everything has to fall apart to fall back together again.”

  Chapter Eight

  “How do I look?” I ask as I step out of the bathroom.

  I see Jace lift his gaze from his iPad and his face ignites. I’m only dressed in jeans and a white top, covered with a gray cardigan and deep pink scarf, but the look on Jace’s face makes me feel like I’m dressed like a million dollars. I blush and bashfully look down at myself. I haven’t made much of an effort. I didn’t want to overdo it.

  “You look beautiful,” he tells me. Placing his iPad down, he stands and covers the distance to me. “You ready to go?”


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