by Zoe Blake
"I am sorry I was not here to greet you when you arrived this afternoon, Jasper," she said through clenched teeth, her emphasis unmistakable. "I trust your rooms are to your liking."
"Of course, Madeline," responded Blackhurst amiably.
"Mine are as well. Thank you for asking," offered a highly amused Fairfax.
She ignored him.
"I noticed you spirited away that curiously little creature Herrington brought," she continued. "Thank god. I could care less about her social status, makes for a more lively party to have some new blood, but his reasons behind it were just unseemly. This party is about pleasure, not profit!"
"Well, she is in good hands now."
"Good hands? Don't be so modest, Blackhurst," she said with a wink. "I must go. Hostess duties call."
Fairfax watched her hips as she sauntered away. "Yes, I do believe you are correct, Blackhurst. Time to bring that little minx to heel," he said with a seductive smile.
"My lords and ladies, welcome to my naughty, little soiree," Lady Shackelton announced with a conspiratorial grin as tittering laughter rippled through the small crowd. "I have some delightfully unique games and sport planned for everyone's pleasure starting tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy the champagne and each other. And remember, if you require anything at all - and I do mean anything - my staff is here to please."
After Lady Shackelton's welcome, various couples around the room began to link arms and stroll out of the parlor into the main hallway, anxious to begin the more private entertainments of the evening.
Blackhurst and Fairfax noticed Lady Prunella beating a determined path in their direction. Blackhurst hurriedly drained the rest of his glass and handed it to a passing footman. "Time for me to retire," he announced and made a hasty retreat.
"You're an assho—" Fairfax started to yell after Blackhurst's retreating back, "--ello, Lady Prunella," he finished as he turned to the matron.
"Bourreau, Fairfax. Qui fait Blackhurst de chevre?" asked Lady Prunella in a high-pitched whine he was sure she thought made her sound younger. In addition to having the unfortunate moniker of Prunella, she was about twenty years past her prime and had been after Blackhurst for twice as long. She also thought she knew French and spoke what passed for her version of it frequently. Fairfax was fairly certain she had just referred to herself as an executioner instead of saying good evening, and had asked what Blackhurst was doing with a goat. He could not possibly imagine what French word she had intended instead of goats but thought he would have some fun with her all the same.
"Bonsoir, madam. Blackhurst ne pas baser les chevres," Fairfax quipped, waiting to see if Lady Prunella would react to him informing her Blackhurst does not fuck goats. But alas, she did not.
"Stop toying with me, Duncan. Where is he?" she demanded in a much deeper more acerbic tone.
"Tut, Tut, madam. You sound your age," he taunted.
She stomped off in a huff. Fairfax made his way to the billiard room. He had some time to kill before he sought out Madeline.
Chapter Four - Lady Shackelton Gets Shackled
Lord Fairfax stared into the dying embers of the billiard room fire as he swirled the contents of his brandy snifter. To the casual observer, he was a relaxed lord at his leisure. But a closer look would have revealed the tension across his shoulders, the tight set of his mouth and the hard, determined glint to his eye.
There was a soft knock on the door, followed by a tentative question. "My lord?"
"Enter," Fairfax ordered without taking his eyes off the fire. "Did you retrieve what I requested?"
"Yes, my lord," answered the nervous footman.
"No one saw you, correct?"
"No, my lord."
Fairfax extended his hand. In it was a large banknote. The footman took the note and handed Fairfax a key.
"You are very generous, my lord."
"This key is worth far more I assure you."
With a bow, the footman left the room. Fairfax returned to contemplate the fire, this time with a relaxed smile.
* * * * *
"Is that too tight?"
"No, it's perfect," said Lady Madeline Shackelton over her shoulder to her lady's maid tightening the laces on Madeline's new purple silk corset. She put on the sheer black lace dressing gown and tied the matching purple silk sash.
"You are all ready for your gentleman caller, my lady," said the maid with a secretive smile.
"Not quite," said Madeline as she moved to her vanity. Picking up a black riding crop, she gave it a few sweeping arches through the air. "Now, I am ready. Place the box of dildos on my bedside table and then you may go."
The lady's maid did as she was bid. Then with a bow, she left the room.
Madeline did not have long to wait before there was a soft knock.
"Well, I wasn't expecting this," she said with a grin after opening the door.
Lord George Boffin and Lord Arthur Gridley both stood before her. She had only been expecting Lord George this evening. She had planned on being entertained by Lord Arthur the following day. A lady did have to pace herself at these house parties, after all.
"A thousand apologies, my lady," groveled Lord George. "Lord Arthur was left without…ahem…companionship this eve and I thought perhaps we could…"
Lord George was of course submissive, but Madeline had no idea he was also curious about the sin of the Greeks, as they say. She watched as he sent covetous glances Lord Arthur's way. Lord Arthur, however, only had eyes for her corseted form. Perhaps tonight's entertainment would not be mundane after all.
When Madeline had first started hosting these house parties, it was a way of getting a little of her own back. Her husband had been a cold, cruel man. Truth be told, the only kind thing he did was die and leave her in peace to enjoy his fortune. She had gotten a sexual thrill out of ordering men about in her bedroom, out of being the one in control. But the novelty had long worn off. The last few times she had met with Lord George, she had not even gotten aroused. Well, new blood always makes for a livelier party, the thought.
"Welcome, Arthur," she said with a seductive smile as she closed and locked the door behind them. "I'm sure we can make room for you in our little games."
Sometime later, a naked Lord George was standing with his hands tied to the top of either bedpost, arms stretched wide, his own cravat stuffed in his mouth as a gag. Lord Arthur, also naked, was kneeling at Madeline's feet. She was tapping him under the chin with her riding crop.
"You have been a very naughty boy, Arthur," she taunted. "How shall I punish you? Shall I take this crop to your balls?" Madeline watched his puppy dog eyes glaze over in arousal. "Or…" she paused, "shall I make you amuse me by forcing you to suck George's cock?"
She laughed as Arthur paled at the prospect and George groaned in anticipation.
"I can think of a third option," an amused voice said from the doorway.
Madeline swung around sharply, her whip hand raised. "How the hell did you get into my private rooms? The door was locked!" she raged.
Lord Fairfax dangled a key from his middle finger. "Tell your little lap dogs to leave. You and I need to…talk."
"You do not give the orders in my house, Lord Fairfax. Now get out before I have you thrown out!" Madeline yelled, gesturing with her riding crop towards the door.
Fairfax grabbed the end of the riding crop and yanked her to him. Madeline fell against the solid heat of his chest as he twisted her whip arm behind her back.
"Drop the riding crop, Madeline."
"No," she stubbornly refused. Her breath was coming fast and hard. Being a tall woman, she had always used her height to intimidate the men around her. Now she was the one who was intimidated. Her head barely reached the top of the broad Fairfax's shoulder.
Fairfax pushed her arm up further, and she cried out, releasing the riding crop.
"Good girl," he taunted. Looking up from her stormy gaze, he finally spared a glance for the two naked men in the room. "Gentle
Lord George and Lord Arthur who had been staring frozen in shock did not need to be asked twice. After some initial fumbling and apologies, they finally stumbled out of the bedroom, leaving Madeline alone with the boorish lord.
"You will pay for this, Fairfax. I will make sure you are never received in polite society again. Do you hear me? You will have to slink off to that hovel you call an estate in Scotland!" she screeched.
"If you do not shut that pretty mouth of yours, I will gag you. And that would be a shame, for I have such plans for that mouth," Fairfax said as he traced her full red lips with his thumb. Madeline pulled her face away and tried to bite his thumb.
Madeline had removed her dressing gown, but she still had on her new silk purple corset and black silk pantalets and black stockings. Still holding her immobile with her arm behind her back, Fairfax tossed the contents of her vanity. Finally he straightened with a large pair of silver sheers in his hand.
"What…what are you going to do with those?" she asked breathlessly.
"Keep very still." Fairfax placed the sharp point of the sheers between her breasts. Madeline held her breath both from shock and fear as he made one long cut a few inches down the center of her new corset.
"No! You are destroying it!" she cried.
He dropped the sheers and grabbed her under the chin. "Those men may have been puffs, but they are still men and they saw you in this corset. No scrap of clothing another man has seen will be this close to your skin ever again." With that, he dropped her arm, grasped both sides of the corset and rent the stiff fabric in two, till it fell away from her body.
Madeline covered her naked breasts and started to back away.
"You are mad."
Fairfax slowly nodded his head yes as he stalked her. "You have made me so."
"What are you going to do to me?" Madeline asked in trepidation. Her eyes bright with dread and what he knew was reluctant arousal.
"Everything I have fantasized about these long years," he replied, "starting with a well-deserved punishment."
"How dare you!"
"My love, by the end of this eve, you will find I dare quite a bit," he countered as he retrieved her riding crop from the floor. "If you bend over the bed, lower your pantalets and ask for your punishment like a good little girl, I will only swat your bum till it is nice and rosy. If you don't, the punishment will be much more severe," he warned, his voice dropping to an ominous level.
"Rot in hell," she swore through clenched teeth.
Fairfax smiled.
Moments later, Madeline found her head partially dangling from the foot of the bed with her hands bound to ankles secured high up on the posts. With her legs spread wide, the position left her feeling extremely exposed and vulnerable.
Fairfax took up the sheers again and cut off her pantaloons, leaving Madeline in just her silk stockings.
"My god, Madeline, you are beautiful." Fairfax smoothed his palm over her flat stomach, relishing in the warm, silky feel of her skin. Madeline could not hide the quiver of awareness his touch aroused in her. She groaned when Fairfax slowly slid his hand between her legs to cup her cunny.
Although he was not surprised to learn she shaved her cunny, he did find himself irrationally jealous over the thought of the man who was honored with the task.
"Who shaves your cunny?" his voice thick with insinuation.
Madeline did not answer at first. Her mind swirled with a riot of emotions - anger, fear, confusion, desire, and defiance.
Fairfax clasped her clit between the pad of his thumb and the first knuckle of his index finger and pinched. Madeline screamed from the sudden pain, her hips bucking off the bed as high as her binds would allow.
"I asked you a question, Madeline," Fairfax repeated quietly as he applied more pressure to her clit.
"My maid…my maid shaves me," she replied, breathless with pain.
Fairfax liked that visual. "The next time she shaves you, I will be in the room."
"You heard me." Fairfax removed his fingers from her cunny and brought them up to her lips. He softly traced her full bottom lip with his thumb, leaving it glistening with the cream of her own arousal.
Madeline unwillingly met his fierce gaze. Everything left unspoken was there in his eyes. She could fight him all she wanted, but her body had betrayed her. Any protest would be tainted by the very taste and scent of her own wetness on her lips.
"I feel overdressed considering your current state of dishabille," he whispered. After giving her mouth another long look, Fairfax rose to undress. Madeline watched in both horror and fascination, knowing what was to come.
Pulling the loose linen shirt over his head exposed a wide, muscular chest with thick reddish brown hair - a man's chest, not the pale, thin chests of the men she'd bedded these last few years. Fairfax captured her gaze as his hands moved to the buttons on his trousers. Madeline found herself holding her breath as each button was slowly pulled through each loop. After what felt like an eternity, his cock sprang free.
Without conscious thought, Madeline licked her lips at the sight, the taste of her own essence heightening her experience. A lesser woman may have been alarmed. True to his hearty Scottish heritage, Fairfax was a robust man. His engorged shaft was at least nine inches long, and so thick she was certain she would not be able to wrap her hand around it. It was rooted in a thick patch of reddish brown hair that covered large, heavy balls. Madeline was quickly finding out everything about the man was intimidating.
As he approached her, Madeline instinctively opened her mouth. Fairfax chuckled. He grasped his shaft and traced her bottom lip with the bulbous head. Madeline breathed in the musky, masculine scent of him. She opened her mouth wider, preparing to take him in.
Fairfax pulled back. "Not so fast, Maddie my girl."
"This is what you want, isn't it?" she asked, seductively.
Fairfax had to close his eyes a moment to restrain himself. The touch of her warm breath on the sensitive head of his cock had almost unmanned him.
He crouched low so he could whisper in her ear. "When you take my cock into that pretty little mouth of yours - and believe me you will - it will be on my terms, not yours. You are smart enough to know whoever happens to be tied and bound does not determine who is really in control." He rose up to look down into her shuttered eyes. "Did you think as long as you were seducing me you were still in control, my dear?" Madeline did not have to answer; he saw the truth.
Once again, he picked up the riding crop. "I think it is time you learned true submission. Get ready for your punishment, Maddie my girl."
"Fairfax, don't do this," she threatened.
He placed a calming hand on her forehead. "Baby, whether you realize it or not, you need this. You may fight me now, but secretly you want someone who is strong enough to force you to relinquish control, to force you to feel instead of to think."
He raised the riding crop high and without warning, brought it down on her exposed cunny. Madeline screamed in pain, her soft, vulnerable cunny lips immediately flushed an angry red. Fairfax brought the crop down a second time.
"You bastard," she shrieked. "I hate you! I hate you!" Her poor cunny ached with stinging heat. Her thigh muscles burned from struggling against the tight bindings as she desperately tried to close her legs.
"You're a beast!" she sobbed. "A brute! A heathen!" Madeline seethed as she pulled against her binds. Although her cries and pleas were more pretense than truth, he was not punishing her quite as severely as he had threatened.
Each kiss of the riding crop was a sweet mixture of pleasure and pain. The space between her legs throbbed and pulsed making her keenly aware of the slightest sensation. The hot pulsating pain stimulating her clit in ways she never could have imagined possible.
; "I see we still have not learned our lesson," admonished Fairfax playfully. He grabbed her left ankle, securing it higher up the bedpost, doing the same for her right. Madeline's bottom was now lifted off the bed covers, her legs stretched impossibly wide.
Fairfax leaned between her legs and gently blew a breath from the top of her cunny lips, down the seam, stopping at her tightened rosebud. His breath felt cool on her punished skin. He blew again, concentrating on the area around her tiny, puckered bottom hole.
Madeline was so focused on her own pleasurable agony it took her a moment to realize the implications of his actions. The moment she did, she started to whimper and beg. Gone were the shrieks and defiant outbursts.
"Please, no. Please, I beg you. I can't bare it."
"Oh, ho! Now, we beg," Fairfax said with a grin. "Too late, my dear."
Too late, indeed. Her current position had opened her bottom cheeks just enough to give Fairfax access to her defenseless bottom hole. The first kiss of the riding crop on that hidden sensitive ring was pure anguish.
Madeline's body shook as she sobbed. "Oh god, stop. Stop."
"Who is in control now, Madeline?" Fairfax asked fiercely as he brought the riding crop down on her puckered hole.
"You are!" she cried. "You are."
Fairfax shoved two fingers into her swollen, wet cunt. Madeline howled from the mixture of pleasure and pain. "Who does this cunny belong to now?"
"You," she whimpered.
He thrust his fingers in deep, then hooking them at the tips, he slowly dragged them along her sensitive inner walls. Madeline groaned and pushed her hips against his hand.
"Not yet, my dear. You will get your reward when you finish your punishment. Now ask me to punish your arsehole some more."
"I can't. I can't," she whined.
"Ask me like a good girl," Fairfax coaxed as he thrust his fingers teasingly into her already tightening passage. "Ask me to punish your arsehole."