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In-textphotographs and illustrations:
5 Henri Breuil, from Capitan, L., Breuil, H. and Peyrony, D. (1910). La caverne de Font-de-Gaume aux Eyries (Dordognej. Peintures et gravures murales des cavernes paleolithiques, Imprimerie Veuve A. Chene, Monaco
50 National Museum and Research Centre of Altamira
58 Henri Breuil, 400 Centuries of Cave Art, Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation Prehistoriques, Montignac, Dordogne
91 private collection. Used with permission from Brigitte and Gilles Delluc, Lascaux Retrouve, Pilote 24
94 Nancy McMillen 101 Andre Glory. Used with permission from Brigitte and Gilles Delluc, Lascaux Retrouve, Pilote 24
114 Andre Glory. Used with permission from Brigitte and Gilles Delluc, Lascaux Retrouve, Pilote 24 123 Photo taken from Raphael's L'Art parietal paleolithique, translation under the direction of P. Brault. Editions Le couteau dans la plaie/Kronos (1986)
128 Diagram by G. Tosello after a tracing by H. Breuil. Taken from Raphael's L'Art parietal paleolithique, translation under the direction of P. Brault. Editions Le couteau dans la plaie/ Kronos (1986)
130 Henri Breuil, from Capitan, L., Breuil, H. and Peyrony, D. (1910). La caverne de Font-de-Gaume aux Eyries (Dordogne). Peintures et gravures murales des cavernes paleolithiques, Imprimerie Veuve A. Chene, Monaco
150 Brigitte and Gilles Delluc
166,188 Gregory Curtis
168,171,176,180,183 Used with permission of Robert Begouen from Begouen, Henri and Breuil, Henri, Les Cavernes du Volp, Trois Freres, Tue d'Audoubert a Montesquieu-Avantes, Arts et Metiers Graphiques, Paris
Color insert:
1 two bisons: From La Caverne d'Altamira a Santillane pres Santander (Espagne) Emile Cartailhac and Henri Breuil, Monaco, 1906
2 (bottom) bear skull: Jean Clones
2, 3 (large panel at top): Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication, Direction regionale des affaires culturelles de Rhone-Alpes, Service regional de l'archeologie
3 (bottom) woman and man-bison: Yanik Le Guillou—Ministere de la Culture
4 (top) horse panel; (bottom) overlap painting: Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication, Direction regionale des affaires culturelles de Rhone-Alpes, Service regional de l'archeologie
5 (top and bottom) Falling Cow, Black Cow: Bridgeman Art Library
6 (bottom) crossed bison: Bridgeman Art Library
6,7 (spread at top): Sisse Brimberg, National Geographic Society Images
7 (bottom) Great Bull: Bridgeman Art Library
8 (top, middle, and bottom) killed men and hands: Jean Clottes
Copyright ©2006 by Gregory Curtis
Anchor Books and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.
Curtis, Gregory B.
by Gregory Curtis.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Cave paintings—France. 2. Cave paintings—Spain. I. Title.
N5310.5.F7C87 2006
759.01’20944—dc22 2006040888
eISBN: 978-0-307-48270-9
The Cave Painters Page 26