Web Of Deceit: Britain's Real Foreign Policy

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Web Of Deceit: Britain's Real Foreign Policy Page 49

by Mark Curtis

  25. Cited in Leonard Sanford and Forrest Schmidt, ‘Assassination attempts and other attacks on Yugoslav leaders’, www.iacenter.org

  26. Amnesty International, ‘Amnesty International’s initial comments on the review by the ICTFY of NATO’s Operation Allied Force’, 13 June 2000, http//web.amnesty.org; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Allies count the cost of unity’, Guardian, 13 March 2000

  27. Michael Mandel and others, ‘War crimes charges for the Hague tribunal against NATO leaders’, www.flamemag.dircon.co.uk

  28. See, for example, Edward Herman, ‘The Milosevic trial: The final service of the Tribunal as a political and propaganda arm of NATO’ and ‘Propaganda system No. 1’, www.zmag.org

  29. Kenneth Roth, letter to the Guardian, 12 January 2000

  30. ‘An appeal from various NGOs in Belgrade’, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, undated, www.zmag.org

  31. HRW, ‘Ticking time bombs’, June 1999, www.hrw.org

  32. HRW, ‘Civilian deaths in the NATO air campaign’, February 2000, www.hrw.org

  33. In Defence Committee, Fourteenth report, session 1999/2000, paras. 134, 148; Peter Capella, ‘NATO bombs “still killing” in Kosovo’, Guardian, 6 September 2000

  34. Chomsky, The new military humanism, p. 107; FAC, Fourth report, session 1999/2000, para. 63; FAIR, ‘What reporters knew about Kosovo talks – but didn’t tell’, 2 June 1999, www.zmag.org

  35. FAC, Fourth report, session 1999/2000, para. 66

  36. Chomsky, The new military humanism, pp. 108–9

  37. Ian Black, ‘Russia gives peace plan its backing’, Guardian, 15 April 1999

  38. Chomsky, The new military humanism, p. 111

  39. Ibid., pp. 114–15

  40. Cited in Edward Herman, ‘Propaganda system No. 1’, www.zmag.org; HRW, ‘Under orders’, 2001, www.hrw.org/reports/2001

  41. Philip Hammond, ‘Third way war: New Labour, the British media and Kosovo’, in Philip Hammond and Edward Herman (eds.), Degraded capability: The media and the Kosovo crisis, Pluto, London, 2000, pp. 127–8

  42. Polly Toynbee, ‘Winged victory’, Guardian, 4 June 1999; Polly Toynbee, ‘Left behind and left seething as a new way struggles to be born’, Guardian, 12 April 1999

  43. Jonathan Freedland, ‘No way to spin a war’, Guardian, 21 April 1999; John Lloyd, ‘“The liberation of Kosovo is as important, historically, as the fall of the Berlin Wall”’, New Statesman, 5 July 1999

  44. Hugo Young, ‘Mr Blair, beware. Easter may yet rise upon your apocalypse’, Guardian, 1 April 1999; Hugo Young, ‘When “progressives” go to war, it has dangers. One is optimism’, Guardian, 13 April 1999

  45. ‘NATO’s crimes’, Spectator, 11 March 2000

  46. Guardian editorial, 26 March 1999; ‘No need for revision’, Guardian, 20 March 2000

  47. Ambassador Vershbow on NATO enlargement, 1 June 2000, www.uspolicy.be/archive/Europeandefense

  48. Johannes Linn, World Bank, Address to the Joint EU presidency conference, 15 November 2000, http/inweb18.worldbank.org

  49. John Lloyd, ‘“The liberation of Kosovo is as important, historically, as the fall of the Berlin Wall”’, New Statesman, 5 July 1999; Keith Vaz, speech to the ‘South east Europe – Joining the European mainstream’ conference, London, 7 July 2000, www.fco.gov.uk

  50. John Pilger, ‘Censorship by omission’, in Hammond and Herman (eds.), p. 138; Chris Patten, ‘EU strategy in the Balkans’, 10 July 2001, http/europa.eu.int/comm; Ministry of Defence, ‘Kosovo: Lessons from the crisis’, undated, www.mod.uk/publications; Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, ‘Government policy towards the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the wider region following the fall of Milosevic’, Cm 5220, para. (00)

  51. Baroness Symons, ‘A new partner for investment in Yugoslavia’, London, 29 November 2001, www.fco.gov.uk. The actual text reads ‘contribute’, but this makes no sense and I am assuming that what is meant is ‘continue’

  52. Cited in John Pilger, ‘“Humanitarian intervention” is the latest brand name for imperialism’, New Statesman, 28 June 1999

  7 Chechnya: A chronicle of complicity

  1. Cited in FAC, First report, session 1999/2000, 25 January 2000, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900, para. 40

  2. Chris Bird, ‘Recak [sic] report finds Serbs guilty’, Guardian, 18 March 1999; FAC, Seventh report, session 1998/99, 20 July 1999, para. 2 www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199899

  3. Cited in Edward Herman, ‘The Milosevic trial: The final service of the tribunal as a political and propaganda arm of NATO’; David Edwards, ‘How to fool the whole world’, 10 May 2002, www.zmag.org

  4. John Aglionby, ‘Massacre that made Liquica a ghost town’, Guardian, 9 April 1999

  5. HRW, ‘Indonesia: Justice for East Timor still elusive’, 21 February 2002, www.hrw.org

  6. HRW, ‘Indonesia: Accountability for human rights violations in Aceh’, March 2002

  7. HRW, ‘Burying the evidence: The botched investigation into a mass grave in Chechnya’, May 2001

  8. Chechnya Weekly, 6 September 2001, cited from Anna Politkovskaya, A Dirty War, Harvill Press, London, p. 158

  9. Anatol Lieven, Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian power, Yale University Press, London, 1999, p. 3

  10. HRW, World Report 2001, ‘The Russian Federation’

  11 Maggie O’Kane, ‘Russians in Grozny bloodbath’, Guardian, 16 December 1999

  12. Martin Kettle, ‘Pressure mounts on Russia to pull back from rebel city’, Guardian, 5 November 1999

  13. HRW letter to Tony Blair, ‘Russia’s president-elect Vladimir Putin’s forthcoming visit to the UK’, 12 April 2000

  14. MoD, ‘Strategic Defence Review’, paper no 1, ‘Defence diplomacy’, para. b, undated www.mod.uk

  15. House of Commons, Hansard, 17 January 2000, Col. 327; Hansard, 17 January, Col. 284

  16. FCO Memorandum, ‘The FCO’s role in promoting British interests in and relations with Russia’, 27 January 2000, in FAC, Third report, session 1999/00, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900

  17. Robin Cook, speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 28 January 2000, www.fco.gov.uk

  18. FAC, Third report, session 1999/00, para. 20

  19. Patrick Cockburn, ‘Cook tells Putin of his “concerns” about Chechnya’, Independent, 24 February 2000; John Sweeney, ‘Revealed: Russia’s worst war crime in Chechnya’, Observer, 5 March 2000

  20. Amelia Gentleman, ‘80 civilians feared dead in Chechen massacre’, Guardian, 23 February 2000

  21. Keith Vaz, Speech on Caspian Sea region, 9 March 2000, www.fco.gov.uk

  22. John Sweeney, ‘Revealed: Russia’s worst war crime in Chechnya’, the Observer, 5 March 2000

  23. Ian Traynor and Michael White, ‘Blair courts outrage with Putin visit’, Guardian, 11 March 2000

  24. Giles Whitehall, ‘Pragmatic Blair welcomes Putin on to the world stage’, The Times, 10 March 2000

  25. ‘Blair accused of endorsing brutal Putin at summit’, Observer, 12 March 2000

  26. ‘Blair to give Putin lesson in reform’, The Times, 13 March 2000

  27. House of Commons, Hansard, 21 March 2000, Cols. 478–9

  28. Colin Brown, ‘Putin to make UK his first official visit’, Independent, 11 April 2000

  29. HRW letter to Tony Blair, 12 April 2000

  30. Prime Minister’s internet broadcast, 13 April 2000, www.pm.gov.uk

  31. HRW, ‘Principal concerns of Human Rights Watch for the 58th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights’, undated

  32. HRW, ‘The “dirty war” in Chechnya’, March 2001

  33. Chechnya Weekly, 27 March 2001

  34. Ian Black, ‘Russian resolution’, Guardian, 5 October 2001; Ian Black, ‘Russia hints at rethink on NATO’, Guardian, 4 October 2001; Ian Traynor, ‘NATO pledge to reward Putin’, Guardian, 24 November 2001; Ian Traynor, ‘NATO ready to form an alliance with Russia’, Guardian, 23 November 2001

/>   35. Chechnya Weekly, 13 November 2001

  36. Joint press conference, 5 October 2001, www.pm.gov.uk; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Blair sees security role for Russia’, Guardian, 17 November 2001

  37. Joint press conference, 22 December 2001, www.pm.gov.uk

  38. HRW, World report 2002, ‘Russian Federation’

  39. HRW, ‘Opportunism in the face of tragedy: Repression in the name of anti-terrorism’, 2002; Chechnya Weekly, 29 January 2002

  40. HRW, ‘Last seen …: Continued “disappearances” in Chechnya’, April 2002; Chechnya Weekly, 26 March 2002

  41. Ian Traynor, ‘Russia and NATO reach historic deal’, Guardian, 15 May 2002

  42. Chechnya Weekly, 30 April 2002

  43. Chechnya Weekly, 7 August 2002

  44. Interview with BBC World Service, 9 October 2002, www.pm.gov.uk

  45. HRW, Letter to Prime Minister Blair, 1 October 2002, www.hrw.org

  46. Krystyna Kurczab-Redlich, ‘Torture and rape stalk the streets of Chechnya’, the Observer, 27 October 2002

  47. Chechnya Weekly, 13 November 2001

  48. Chechnya Weekly, 24 July 2002

  49. Chechnya Weekly, 30 April 2002

  50. Chechnya Weekly, 9 April 2002

  51. Nafeez Ahmed, ‘The smashing of Chechnya’, 17 May 2001, Media monitors network

  52. Chechnya Weekly, 11 March 2002

  53. Chechnya Weekly, 1 July 2002

  54. Chechnya Weekly, 9 January 2001

  55. FAC, Third report, session 1999/00, para. 260

  56. Ben Bradshaw, House of Commons, Hansard, 30 April 2002, Col. 656

  57. Ewen MacAskill, ‘The west does what it can. Not much’, Guardian, 9 December 1999

  58. Memorandum by the Foreign Office, ‘The FCO’s role in promoting British interest …’

  59. FAC, Third report, session 1999/00, para. 109

  60. MoD, ‘Strategic Defence Review’, paper no 1, ‘Defence diplomacy’, para. b, undated www.mod.uk

  61. Robin Cook speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 28 January 2000, www.fco.gov.uk

  62. Patricia Hewitt, ‘Russian economic forum’, 18 April 2002, www.dti.gov.uk; Mike O’Brien, ‘Russian business today’, 28 October 2002, www.fco.gov.uk

  63. Boris Kagarlitsky, Russia under Yeltsin and Putin, Pluto, London, 2002, pp. 3–6

  8 Labour’s real policy on arms exports

  1. Cited in John Pilger, ‘Moral policy won’t stop British bullets’, the Observer, 20 July 1997

  2. CAAT, Submission to ECGD review, October 1999

  3. ‘Arms to Africa’, CAAT newsletter, December 2001

  4. House of Commons, Hansard, 6 November 1997, Cols. 1486–7

  5. House of Commons, Hansard, 8 July 1998, Col. 1091

  6. Nicholas Gilby, ‘Arms exports to Indonesia’, October 1999, www.caat.org.uk

  7. Richard Bingley, ‘Publicly funded, privately run’, CAAT newsletter, November 2001

  8. Paul Dunne, ‘The globalisation of arms production and trade: implications for the UK economy’, CAAT inaugural annual lecture, November 1999

  9. David Gow and David Fairhall, ‘Britain tries to harness military R&D’, Guardian, 6 March 1998

  10. Dorril, MI6, p. 721

  11. CAAT newsletter, November 2000; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Labour arms shares listed’, Guardian, 22 February 2000; Corporate Watch, BAE Systems: A corporate profile, June 2002, www.corporatewatch.org.uk

  12. Ian Black and Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Britain hints at arms sale limits’, Guardian, 24 May 1997

  13. Statement by Foreign Secretary, 28 July 1997, in Select Committees on Defence, Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade and Industry, Third, Second, Third, Fourth report, session 1999/2000, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900

  14. Neil Cooper, Memorandum to the House of Commons Defence Committee, August 1999, www.parliament.the-stationary-office.co.uk

  15. ‘EU arms code’, Financial Times, 17 February 1998

  16. Cooper, Memorandum to the Defence Committee; Ian Black and Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Britain bans use and sale of mines’, Guardian, 22 May 1997; George Parker, ‘Cook orders scrapping of landmines’, Financial Times, 22 May 1997

  17. ‘Making a killing’, CAAT newsletter, September 2001

  18. Richard Norton-Taylor and William Raynor, ‘Jailed “go-between” on UK-Iran arms deals is freed to keep MI6 secrets out of court’, Guardian, 6 February 1999

  19. ‘Making a killing’; John Pilger, ‘Salesmen of death’, 27 May 2002, www.medialens.org

  20. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘British plane sales to India raise fears of nuclear use’, Guardian, 23 April 2002

  21. ‘Arms trade shorts’, CAAT newsletter, January 2001; Pilger, ‘Salesmen’

  22. Richard Norton-Taylor and Ewen MacAskill, ‘£1bn arms push to India’, Guardian, 12 January 2002

  23. ‘Making a killing’

  24. Statement by Foreign Secretary, 28 July 1997, in Select Committees on Defence, Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade and Industry, Third, Second, Third, Fourth report, session 1999/2000

  25. Responses of the Secretaries of State for Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Industry, Session 1999–2000, December 2000, Cm. 4872, para. 8

  26. Ewen MacAskill, ‘Cabinet battle rages over sales of arms to Pakistan’, Guardian, 12 January 2000

  27. Ewen MacAskill, ‘Britain lifts ban on Pakistan arms sales’, Guardian, 6 July 2000

  28. ‘Making a killing’; ‘Arms to Africa’, CAAT newsletter, December 2001

  29. See Foreign Affairs Committee, Seventh report, Session 1999–2000, paras. 8–29, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900

  30. Amnesty International magazine, March/April 2000, www.amnesty.org.uk; FAC, Seventh report, Session 1999–2000, paras. 8–29, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900

  31. FAC, Seventh report, paras. 8–29, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900

  32. House of Commons, Hansard, 1 December 1998, Col. 160

  33. CAAT, ‘Basic methods, mass killing’, CAAT newsletter, May 2001

  34. CAAT, ‘Labour’s hypocrisy over small arms’, 13 February 2001

  35. CAAT memorandum to the FAC, January 1998, www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk

  36. Richard Lloyd Parry, ‘British water cannons used on marchers’, Independent, 23 May 1997

  37. Letter from Tapol to Derek Fatchett, 24 February 1999, www.tapol.gn.apc.org

  38. Nicholas Gilby, ‘Labour, arms and Indonesia: Has anything changed?’, July 2001, www.caat.org.uk

  39. ‘Still accepting Indonesian assurances’, CAAT newsletter, November 2000; House of Commons, Hansard, 13 May 1998, Col. 139

  40. Amnesty International, ‘Indonesia and East Timor: Arms and security transfers undermine human rights’, 3 June 1997, http//web.amnesty.org; Nicholas Gilby, ‘Arms exports to Indonesia’

  41. Amnesty International, ‘Making a killing’, undated, www.amnesty.org.uk

  42. Amnesty International memorandum to the Trade and Industry Committee, www.parliament.the-stationary-office.co.uk; Gilby, ‘Arms exports to Indonesia’; Richard Lloyd Parry, ‘Suharto’s brutal protégé casts a show of fear over UN peacekeepers’, Independent, 16 February 2000

  43. Gilby, ‘Arms exports to Indonesia’

  44. Gilby, ‘Labour, arms and Indonesia’

  45. Gilby, ‘Arms exports to Indonesia’

  46. Tapol, ‘Hawk aircraft terrorise Papua’, 2 October 2000, http//tapol.gn.apc.org

  47. HRW, World report 2002, ‘Indonesia’, www.hrw.org

  48. Letter from Tapol to Ben Bradshaw, 26 June 2001, http/tapol.gn.apc.org

  49. Gilby, ‘Labour, arms and Indonesia’; John Aglionby, ‘Indonesian army drives rich region into rebels’ arms’, Guardian, 11 March 2000

  50. ‘Indonesian use of British jets “against civilians” investigated’, Guardian, 3 July 2002

  51. House of Commons, Hansard, 20 January 1999, Col. 504
r />   52. Richard Lloyd Parry, ‘Britain urged to halt Indonesia arms trade’, Independent, 23 June 1997

  53. Robin Oakley, ‘China: arms trading under an embargo’, October 2000, www.caat.org.uk

  54. HRW, ‘Principal concerns of Human Rights Watch for the 58th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights’, 2002, www.hrw.org/unchr.58.htm; FAC, First report, session 1999/2000, para. 13, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900

  55. Oakley, ‘China’

  56. Trade Partners UK, www.tradepartners.gov.uk; Baroness Symons, ‘Developing a closer relationship between China and the UK’, 11 February 2002, www.fco.gov.uk

  57. Reuter, ‘Embargo-hit Pakistan buys British frigates’, Guardian, 28 July 1993

  58. Pilger, ‘Salesmen’; ‘Arms to Africa’

  59. CAAT, ‘New global US arms report released’, undated; CAAT Africa briefing, February 2002

  60. CAAT, ‘British government sponsors African arms fair’

  61. Derek Fatchett, House of Commons, Hansard, 1 June 1998, Cols. 151–2

  62. EU Code of Conduct on arms exports, in Select Committee on Defence, Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade and Industry, Third, Second, Third, Fourth report, session 1999/2000

  63. See Curtis, The great deception: Anglo-American power and world order, Pluto, London, 1998, pp. 57–60

  64. Memorandum by Tapol to the FAC, Third report, session 1993–94, 13 July 1994, p. 282

  65. Select Committee on Defence, Sixteenth special report, annex, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900

  66. House of Commons, Hansard, 7 May 2002, Col. 42, and 10 June 1998, Col. 610

  67. House of Commons, FAC, First report, session 1998/99, para. 46, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199899

  Part II Elites and the global economy

  9 Trading off international development

  1. Speech by the Prime Minister, Cape Town, 8 January 1999, www.dfid.gov.uk

  2. Speech by Gordon Brown, Speech to Federal Reserve Bank, New York, 16 November 2001, www.hmtreasury.gov.uk

  3. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Useless spies’, Guardian, 23 March 2000


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