Web Of Deceit: Britain's Real Foreign Policy

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Web Of Deceit: Britain's Real Foreign Policy Page 54

by Mark Curtis

  organising, 207

  roots of, 233–7

  Goldenberg, Suzanne, 125

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 155–6

  Gore-Booth, David, 300

  Gozney, Richard, 197

  Greece, 187

  Green, Marshall, 390, 391, 396

  Grenada, 109

  Griffiths, James, 352–3

  Grivas, General, 95


  Afghanistan and, 49, 52, 55, 56–7, 58, 382

  Chechnya and, 164

  debt relief and, 231

  Diego Garcia, 429

  Iraq and, 19, 24, 25, 26, 34

  Israel and, 126

  Kosovo and, 134, 138, 140, 151, 152, 156

  Pakistan, 189

  UK’s ‘benevolence’ and, 380

  Guatemala, 102, 103, 107, 118, 238, 346

  Guehenno, Jean, 383

  Gulf states, 204, 253–69, 270, 371

  Gulf War see Persian Gulf War

  Gusmao, Xanana, 407

  Guthrie, General Sir Charles, 141

  Guyana see British Guiana

  Haaretz, 128

  Hahibie, President B. J., 408

  Hailsham, Lord, 291

  Hain, Peter, 2, 189, 249, 259, 402, 428

  Haiti, 93, 220

  Halliday, Denis, 29, 30, 31–2

  Halliday, Fred, 62

  Hammarskjold, Dag, 95–6

  Hammond, Philip, 151

  Hannay, Sir David, 358

  Haq, Abdul, 59, 63

  Harman-Joyce, Sir Robert, 184

  Hashemi, Jamshid, 187

  Hatchett, Ronald, 144

  Hawk aircraft, 2–4, 184, 188, 190, 191, 192, 195–6, 197, 202, 262, 405, 406, 409

  Healey, Denis, 275, 388, 416

  Heath, Edward, 106, 107, 279, 339

  Heckler & Koch, 43, 195

  Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, 62

  Help the Aged, 223

  Henderson, Ian, 267–9

  Herman, Edward, 383

  Herold, Marc, 49

  Hewitt, Patricia:

  global economy and, 2, 91, 115, 130, 178, 211

  September 11 and, 223–4

  Higson, Mark, ix, x

  HIV/AIDS, 221

  Home, Lord, 275

  Honduras, 108

  Hoon, Geoffrey:

  Afghanistan and, 66

  arms exports and, 188

  Chechnya and, 163

  Indonesia and, 197

  Iraq and, 9, 27

  Israel and, 135

  nuclear weapons and, xiv-xv, 87, 371

  Turkey and, 45

  House of Commons:

  Defence Committee, 21, 22, 28, 45, 50–1, 83

  Foreign Affairs Committee, 43, 44, 137–8, 139, 143, 147–8, 164, 190, 191, 196

  Howard, John, 89

  Howe, Geoffrey, 36, 109, 299

  Hoxha, Enver, 95

  HSBC, 218

  Huey helicopters, 128

  Human Rights Watch:

  Afghanistan and, 47, 51, 52, 53–4

  Bahrain and, 264, 267

  Chechnya and, 159, 161, 164, 169, 170, 171

  East Timor, 408, 412

  Iraq and, 37

  Israel and, 121

  Kosovo and, 143, 145, 147, 149

  Russia and, 161, 162, 166–8

  Saudi Arabia and, 258, 259

  Turkey and, 40, 42

  war against terrorism and, 88, 89–90

  Hurd, Douglas, 361

  IMF (International Monetary Fund):

  Indonesia and, 401

  Russia and, 162

  trade liberalisation, 221

  Independent, 37, 131, 134, 158, 174, 195, 269

  Independent on Sunday, 150, 365


  arms imports, 188–9, 202

  free trade and, 220

  UK rule in, 245

  US and, 89, 389, 390


  Aceh, 159, 193, 197, 407, 413

  arms imports, 193–8, 204, 362, 395–7, 406

  business and, 397–8

  Communist Party (PKI), 389, 390, 391, 394, 399

  coup, xiii

  human rights abuses in, 388

  killings in, 4, 387, 390

  nationalism in, 399

  poverty, 400

  resources, 397

  UK and, 4, 193–8, 287, 381, 387–401, 406, 413:

  training armed forces, 196, 407

  US and, 89, 392, 395, 397, 401, 410

  see also East Timor

  Ingham, Bernard, 297

  Ingushetia, 167

  Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe, 170

  International Court of Justice, 87–8, 93, 142–3

  International Criminal Court, 372, 384

  International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 144, 145

  International Financial Services London, 226

  International Institute for Security Studies, 190

  International Labour Organisation, 332

  International Military Services, 35


  arms imports, 311

  Communist Party (Tudeh), 311, 312

  coup overthrowing government, 303–15

  Islamic revolution in, 303

  oil, 304–5, 306, 313

  Al Qaida and, 78

  repression, 303

  as rogue state, 303

  SAVAK, 314

  Shah, 94, 280, 303–4, 309, 310, 313, 313–15

  torture, 303, 313, 314

  UK and, 94, 236, 282, 304–5, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313–15

  United States of America and, 304, 307, 310, 311, 312, 314

  Iran–Iraq War, 33, 187


  arms imports, ix, x, 34, 36–7, 187

  arms industry, 34

  assassinations abroad, 37

  Basra, 28

  biological weapons, 38

  bombings of, 7, 14, 25–8, 51, 93, 110

  chemical weapons used by, 33, 36, 37

  children, 29–30, 31, 33

  coup, 1958, 272

  human rights, irrelevance of, 28–38

  humanitarian supplies, 32

  international community and, 45–6

  Kurds, gassed, ix, 14

  Kurds, human right abuses, 14, 33, 44, 95

  Kurds, repression of, 27, 36

  Kuwait invasion, 29, 33, 34

  National Congress, 17

  ‘no fly zones’ (NFZs), 7, 14, 25, 26, 27, 28, 44

  nuclear imports, 34–5

  oil, 15, 16–18, 382

  oil for food programme, 17, 32

  poison gas used by, 33, 36

  propaganda against, 20–5

  Al Qaida and, 18–19

  sanctions against, 7, 11, 12–13, 15, 24, 29, 30–1, 363, 372

  Shias, 27, 28

  as threat, 14–15, 57

  UK and, 9–46 passim:

  human rights and, 45

  media and, 382

  military training, 37

  nuclear exports from, 34–5

  support for, 94

  UN and, 9, 18

  UN, security council resolution, 10

  US and, 38, 382, 417

  weapons inspections, 14, 35

  weapons of mass destruction, 14, 18–19, 20, 34, 38

  see also Iran–Iraq War


  Arab recognition of, 124

  arms exports, 130

  arms imports, 127, 188, 203

  ‘closures’, 125

  Gaza, 123

  Jerusalem, 122

  Mossad, 281, 314

  occupied territories, 122

  Palestinian Authority, 127, 257

  Palestinians assassinated, 126

  suicide bombings, 125, 126

  UK and, 120–33, 287–8

  UN and, 124, 125, 126

  US and, 111, 114, 117, 127, 132

  violence of, 287

  war crimes, 121

  West Bank, 122, 123, 125, 127

  ITV, 379

  Ivanov, Igor, 164

  Jackson, Robert, 338–9, 342, 344

  Jagan, Cheddi, 347, 348, 353, 354

  Jagan, Janet, 353

  Jaguar aircraft, 129, 188

  Jakarta Post, 197

  James, Dresden, x

  Japan, 241, 327, 401

  Jay, Douglas, 296

  Jiang Zemin, President, 200

  Johnson, President Lyndon, 389, 399

  Joint Malayan Interests, 335

  Jones, Elizabeth, 80

  Jordan, x, 34, 35, 280

  Kabila, Laurent, 365

  Kadane, Kathy, 395

  Kahihu, John Maina, 328

  Karzai, Hamid, 58

  Kashmir, 56, 188

  Kassim, General, 275

  Kazakhstan, 73, 80–1


  castration, 424–5

  concentration camps, 327–9

  decolonisation process, 330–3

  development hindered, 316–33

  elite, cultivation of, 330

  forced labour, 328–30

  human rights abuses, 316–17, 323–30, 367

  independence, 330

  Kenyan African Democratic Union (KADU), 330–1

  Kenyan African National Union (KANU), 330, 331

  Kenyan African Union (KAU), 319–20, 322

  Mau Mau, 316, 317, 318, 322, 323–4, 325

  nationalism, curbing, 321, 323

  poverty, 317, 318, 333, 367

  racism in, 318–19

  ‘resettlement’, 326

  state of emergency, 321–3

  Swynnerton Plan, 331

  torture, 316, 324–5, 326

  transnational corporations, 332

  UK and, 3, 282

  war, background, to 317–21

  White Highlands, 318, 319, 322, 331

  Kenyatta, Jomo, 322–3, 332

  Khalid, Prince, 253

  Khalifa, Hamad Al, 266

  Kiernan, V. K., 327

  Kissinger, Henry, 99, 100, 314, 405

  Kitson, Frank, 324

  Kivrikoglu, General, 42

  KMS, 62, 108

  Kolko, Gabriel, 396

  Kommersant, 175

  Korea, North, 225


  Albanians in, 21

  bombing of, 134, 137, 139, 140, 145, 146, 147, 148:

  effects of, 155

  international law and, 142–50

  motives for, 150–6

  precipitated disaster, 135, 137

  see also war

  cluster bombs, 54

  economy, 154

  ‘ethnic cleansing’, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141, 149, 155

  KLA, 136, 149

  Milosevic and, 96

  NATO and, 138, 139

  peace accord, 148–9

  Racak massacre, 158, 159

  Rambouillet talks, 147, 149, 154

  refugees, 136–7, 151

  Serbs flee, 149

  UK and, 134–79 passim

  UN and, 149

  unexploded shells, 146

  US and, 134

  war, 21, 96, 141;

  costs of, 155

  illegality, 156

  see also bombing of

  see also Yugoslavia

  Kostunica, President, 154

  Kovanda, Karel, 360

  Kuwait, 236, 244, 261, 271–6

  Kuwait Oil Company, 271

  Kyrgystan, 80

  Labour Party:

  arms exports, 184, 185, 186, 192, 193, 196, 202

  Diego Garcia and, 424

  East Timor and, 407–8

  economic ‘liberalisation’ and, 211, 213, 288

  global economy restructuring and, 1, 3, 229

  human rights abuses and, 1, 7

  international law, violator of, 1, 7

  Iraq and, 12–13

  Middle East human rights abuses and, 254

  military training, 206

  nuclear weapons and, 287

  repressive states and, 1, 3, 258

  state terrorism and, 3

  TNCs and, 217, 218–19

  Laden, Osama bin, 48, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 98, 434

  Lam Centre for Pluralism, 168

  landmines, 186

  Lang, Walter, 38

  Lapping, Brian, 339, 340

  Latin America: US interventions in, 346

  Laxton, Tim, x

  Lebanon: Beirut bombing, xiv, 94

  Lees, Sir David, 273, 278

  Lemann, Nicholas, 66

  Leon, Fenol, 220

  Leonard, Mark, 22–3

  Levy, Lord, 125


  bombing of, 103, 109

  UK and, 97–8

  US and, 95, 103

  Lieven, Anatol, 160

  Lloyd, John, 151, 363, 380

  Lloyd, Selwyn, 16

  Lloyd, Tony, 158, 191, 427–8

  Lockheed Martin, 85

  Logan, Sir Donald, 303

  Loquai, Heinz, 140

  Luce, Richard, 425

  Macdonald, Ian, 299

  Mackay, Lord, 210

  McKenzie, Bruce, 331

  McNair, Brian, 375

  MacShane, Denis, 83

  Madeley, John, 430

  Major, John, 12, 39, 296, 361, 363

  Makaev, Ali, 160

  Malaya, 234

  atrocities, 339

  bombing, 334, 338

  ‘Briggs Plan’, 340

  chemical agents used in, 334, 342

  Chinese in, 336, 337, 340

  cluster bomb forerunner used in, 334, 338

  ‘collective punishments’, 341–2

  Communist Party, 337, 338, 343–45

  concentration camps, 341

  ‘confrontation, the’, 392

  decapitations in, 339–40

  defoliants, 342–3

  detention, 342

  dollar earnings, 234

  Dyak headhunters, 340

  as economic asset, 234

  exploitation, 334–43, 344

  independence, 345

  insurgency, 335, 336

  killer squads, 96

  Malayan Chinese Association, 345

  ownership of, 335

  police, 336

  ‘resettlement’ programme, 334, 338, 340–1

  Rhodesian troops in, 339

  rubber, 335, 344, 345

  Singapore, 337, 393

  tin, 335, 344, 345

  trade unions, 336

  UK and, 106, 282:

  war, 334–45

  United Malay National Organisation, 345

  war in, pretext for, 343

  Malaysia, 184

  Malik, Adam, 400

  Manchester Guardian, 348

  Mandel, Professor Michael, 144

  Mandelson, Peter, 20

  Manuel, Trevor, 252

  Marr, Andrew, 289–90

  Martens, Robert, 395

  Martic, Milan, 145

  Maskhadov, President Aslan, 42, 172–3, 175, 176

  Massoud, Ahmed Shah, 63

  Matrix Churchill, 34, 35

  Maughan-Brown, David, 317

  Mauritius, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 424

  Mbeki, Thabo, 252


  Afghanistan and, 55–60, 74

  Africa and, 367

  arms exports and, 181, 182

  censorship by omission, xiii, 116–19, 356, 377:

  Indonesia, 377, 388

  Iraq and, 32–3

  Rwanda, 377

  Turkey and, 44

  Chechnya and, 159, 179

  control of, 376

  corporations and, 376

  Diego Garcia and, 415, 423

  distortions, 376–80

  East Timor and, 402, 408

  economic structure, 376

  elite and, 374–5

  ‘ethical’ foreign policy and, 363, 364, 365


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