The Young Visiters or, Mr. Salteena's Plan

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The Young Visiters or, Mr. Salteena's Plan Page 5

by Daisy Ashford

  You will indeed be a charming spectacle my darling gasped Bernard asthey left the shop. Then they drove to the tailor where Bernardordered an elligant black suit with coat tails lined with crimsonsatin and a pale lavender tie and an opera hat of the same hue and heintended to wear violets in his buttonholes also his best white spatsdiamond studs and a few extras of costly air. They both ordered a lotof new clothes besides and Bernard gave Ethel a very huge tara made ofrubies and diamonds also two rich bracelets and Ethel gave him a brannew trunk of shiny green leather. The earl of Clincham sent a charminggift of some hem stitched sheets edged with real lace and a photo ofhimself in a striking attitude. [Pg 97] Mr Salteena sent Ethel a biblewith a few pious words of advice and regret and he sent Bernard a veryhandy little camp stool. Ethels parents were too poor to come so far buther Mother sent her a gold watch which did not go but had been some yearsin the family and her father provided a cheque for L2 and promised tosend her a darling little baby calf when ready. Then they ordered themost splendid refreshments they had tea and coffie and sparkling winesto drink also a lovly wedding cake of great height with a sugar angelat the top holding a sword made of almond paste. They had countlesscakes besides also ices jelly merangs jam tarts with plenty of jam oneach some cold tongue some ham with salid and a pig's head done up ina wondrous manner. Ethel could hardly contain herself as she gazed atthe sumpshious repast and Bernard gave her a glass of rich wine whilehe imbibed some whiskey before going to bed. Ethel got speedilly intoher [Pg 98] bed for the last time at the dear old Gaierty and shed a fewsalt tears thinking of her past life but she quickly cheerd up and beganto plan about how many children she would have. I hope I shall have agood lot she thourght to herself and so saying fell into repose.

  [Pg 99]CHAPTER 11


  The Abbey was indeed thronged next day when Ethel and Bernard canteredup in a very fine carrage drawn by two prancing steeds who foamed agood deal. In the porch stood several clean altar boys who conductedthe lucky pair up the aile while the organ pealed a merry blast Themighty edifice was packed and seated in the front row was the Earl ofClincham looking very brisk as he was going to give Ethel away at thecorrect moment. Beside him sat Mr Salteena all in black and lookingbitterly sad and he ground his teeth as Ethel came marching up. Therewere some merry hymns and as soon as Ethel and Bernard were one theclergyman began a sermon about Adam and Eve and the serpent and [Pg 100]Mr Salteena cried into his large handkerchief and the earl kept onnudging him as his sniffs were rarther loud. Then the wedding marchpealed fourth and doun the church stepped Ethel and Bernard as husbandand wife. Into the cab they got and speedelly dashed off to theGaierty. The wedding refreshments were indeed a treat to all and evenMr Salteena cheered up when he beheld the wedding cake and sparklingwines. Then the earl got up and made a very fine speech about marragevows and bliss and he quoted several good bits from the bible whichgot a lot of applause. Bernard replied in good round terms. I thankyour lordship for those kind remarks he said in clear tones I expectwe shall be as happy as a lark and I hope you will all be ditto someday. Here Here muttered a stray lady in the crowd and down sat Bernardwhile Ethel went up to change her wedding garment for a choice pinkvelvit dress with a golden gurdle and a very chick tocque. Bernard[Pg 101] also put on a new suit of blue stripe and some silk socks andclean under clothing. Hurah hurah shouted the guests as the pairreappeard in the aforesaid get ups. Then everybody got a bag of rice andsprinkled on the pair and Mr Salteena sadly threw a white tennis shoeat them wiping his eyes the while. Off drove the happy pair and theguests finished up the food. The happy pair went to Egypt for thereHonymoon as they thought it would be a nice warm spot and they hadnever seen the wondrous land. Ethel was a bit sick on the boat butBernard braved the storm in manly style. However Ethel had recoveredby the time they got to Egypt and here we will leave them for a merrysix weeks of bliss while we return to England.

  [Pg 102]CHAPTER 12


  Mr Salteena by the aid of the earl and the kindness of the Prince ofWales managed to get the job his soul craved and any day might be seenin Hyde park or Pickadilly galloping madly after the Royal Carrage ina smart suit of green velvit with knickerbockers compleat. At first hewas rarther terrified as he was not used to riding and he found hishorse bumped him a good deal and he had to cling on desperatly to itsflowing main. At other times the horse would stop dead and Mr Salteenawould use his spurs and bad languige with no avail. But he soon gotmore used to his fresh and sultry steed and His Royal Highness seemedsatisfide.

  The Earl continued his merry life at the [Pg 103] Compartments tillfinally he fell in love with one of the noble ladies who haunted them.She was not so pretty as Ethel as she had rarther a bulgy figure andbrown eyes but she had lovely raven tresses a pointed nose and a roselike complexion of a dainty hue. She had very nice feet and plenty ofmoney. Her name was called Lady Helena Herring and her age was 25 andshe mated well with the earl.

  Mr Salteena grew very lonely after the earl was marrid and he couldnot bear a single life any more so failing Ethel he marrid one of themaids in waiting at Buckingham palace by name Bessie Topp a plesantgirl of 18 with a round red face and rarther stary eyes.

  So now that all our friends are marrid I will add a few words abouttheir familys. Ethel and Bernard returned from their Honymoon with ason and hair a nice fat baby called Ignatius Bernard. They soon [Pg 104]had six more children four boys and three girls and some of them weretwins which was very exciting.

  The Earl only got two rarther sickly girls called Helen and Mariebecause the last one looked slightly french.

  Mr Salteena had a large family of 10 five of each but he grew verymorose as the years rolled by and his little cottage was very noisyand his wife was a bit annoying at times especially when he took todreaming of Ethel and wishing he could have marrid her. Still he was apius man in his way and found relief in prayer.

  Bernard Clark was the happiest of our friends as he loved Ethel to thebitter end and so did she him and they had a nice house too.

  The Earl soon got tired of his sickly daughters and his wife had asavage temper so he thourght he would divorce her and try again but hegave up the idear after [Pg 105] several attempts and decided to offerit up as a Mortification.

  So now my readers we will say farewell to the characters in this book.

  The End

  by Daisy Ashford


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