Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1

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Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1 Page 6

by Foshia, Jenny

  "Sweetheart, I understand. But please know that Max and I would like to be the one you go to from now on. We are here for you and always will be for as long as you allow us to be. It is our pleasure to be able to be here with you and for you, ok? If there is anything at all you can think of that you need, a bath, brushing your hair or anything please let us do that for you." Cole said.

  Brielle looked to both guys and her heart fluttered. Somehow when she looked at these 2 guys she could see her future. She could see living with them, having children with them and being happy and content. She closed her eyes and gave herself a mental shake. Who does that? Who looks at a guy and pictures their future, their children? No, she wasn't crazy...she was slowly falling in love with these men. Something deep inside her told her that from this moment on she would always need these two men, they had a connection that ran deeper than the physical. This connection was in her soul and she wasn't going to let anything break it. She was going to hold on to it with everything she had.

  "I know, and more than anything I want you guys here too. I never want you guys to leave even though I know you'll have to eventually, I just love the time you are with me. Please don't think me stupid, but there is just something in me that is drawn to you guys, connecting to you both. Almost like I cannot exist without you, both of you. I know it sounds ridiculous and absurd, but it is true and how I feel." She told them.

  "Brielle, that is exactly how we feel too. I know there is so much we all need to learn about one another, but I want that more than anything else in this world. I want to be with you every moment of every day and I know without a doubt that Cole feels the same way."

  "So it isn't just me?" She asked, hopefully.

  "No!" They both answered together. Max continued "It is most definitely not just you Brielle. From the moment I met you, Cole as well, we finally felt whole. It was our hope that you would eventually come to care as deeply for us as we care for you."

  "I already do." She said shyly.

  "Really? You already care for us?" Cole asked in what seemed to be a shocked voice.

  "Yes, I care very deeply for you, both of you. Probably more than anyone else thinks I should considering the short amount of time we have known each other. But time seems irrelevant in my heart and soul right now because inside I feel as if I have known you for more than an eternity." She replied. Making sure to make eye contact with both of them so they could see in her eyes that she truly felt what she was telling them.

  "Brielle, sweetheart, what are we going to do with you?" Cole said, laughing. She offered him a huge smile before replying "Love me?" She questioned innocently, then they both answered with a "Already done".

  Their answer startled her. She looked quickly from Cole to Max, "You do?"

  "Yes Brielle, we do. We have, from the first moment." Cole responded. Brielle really looked at him, his eyes shining, and she could tell that he was telling her the truth. She looked over to Max, questioning him with her eyes and saw the same truth in his eyes. They both loved her. She closed her eyes as they began to fill with tears. Opening them again she saw the guys coming toward her. She reached out to them and they both enclosed her in their arms. "Brielle, please don't cry. I hate to see tears coming out of your beautiful green eyes." Max said as he wiped the tears with his thumbs. "I'm crying happy tears" she explained in a half laugh, half sniffle. "Just hearing you guys say that you love me, it makes me feel safe and cherished. I love you guys too." She fell into Max's shoulder as Cole massaged her back in gentle, soothing circle. When she lifted her head she looked into Max's eyes and then at his lips. She reached up and placed her lips against his in a sift kiss and then turned to Cole and gave him a gentle kiss. When she pulled away both guys looked at her in awe. Max lifted her up and walked her back to her room. He placed her carefully in the center of her bed and they each laid down beside her. She curled against Max and Cole wrapped his arm around her side. She sighed before giving in to the exhaustion that was pulling at her.

  Chapter 14: Cole (Later that morning)

  Cole lay next to Brielle, listening to her breath quietly in sleep. He just couldn't believe what she admitted to them. She loved them, both of them. This will easily go down as one of the best days of his life. The only day that could top this will be the day that the three of them, he, Max and Brielle, could commit to one another for life and truly begin a life together. As soon as that happened then he knew his life would finally be complete. He sat up on one elbow and looked down at Brielle. She was so beautiful and was so peaceful in her sleep. He reached out to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and when his fingers made contact with her skin his mind began to flash pictures before him. He pulled his hand back. What the hell?! What was that? He slowly reached out for her again, and again, the same thing. He was able to see street lights and buildings. He could see it was dark and somehow he was walking. He was being followed. He felt fear, real fear, as he began moving faster down the sidewalk. As he turned a corner he was grabbed. He saw a face, smelled terrible breath and heard a rough voice speaking threats. He heard a female scream and instinctually knew it was Brielle. He saw a slap and a sharp knife and then felt himself being thrown down onto the hard, cold cement. He fought the best he could but the man was too strong and overpowered him and the attack began. He knew this was where Brielle was knocked out but somehow he was able to maintain awareness as the man violated her body with his hands, mouth and knife. Then he heard the threat that she couldn't "They will find you. They know who you are and that is why I was sent. They are coming my sweet so be ready." Then the man lifted himself off of her unconscious body and as he buttoned his pants he took a quick look around before running away. He was only minutes ahead of Cole.

  Cole pulled his hand away and realized he was shaking and the was a tear rolling down his face. He looked at Max and noticed that Max had been watching him. He jerked his head toward the living room meaning for Max to follow him out. When they made it to the living room he swiftly turned to Max and said "They know who she is. We don't know who she is but there is a pack out there and they are after Brielle for some reason. The pack that is after her is behind her attack and that was just a start. When I touched her I was able to watch it as it happened, her attack. It was terrible Max, far worse than anything you could imagine, and that was only a warning!" Cole couldn't control the anger that was seething inside. Who could be after her and what could attacking her accomplish? Then it hit him, he needed to call her mom. Somehow her mom would be able to provide some kind of answers for him.

  "When you were seeing the attack, were to able to make out any features of the creep who attacked her or no? If you can somehow recall some kind of a scent or anything that would distinguish him from others then maybe we can make contact with some others and have them on standby for a search." Max questioned him.

  "I did not get a scent other than spirits. The animal was drunk off his ass! The bastard had a knife and made a promise to see her again. We need to protect her. We need to find a way to get her to agree with move in with at least one of us, or both. Hell! We could easily find a way to stay here with her in shifts. She cannot be alone Max."

  "With what you just told me I whole heartedly agree. She will not be left alone, even if we have to watch her secretly, she will always be within our sights. Let me make a quick phone call and alert everyone about what has happened."

  "Good idea. I will call her mom, I know she will have answers for us that will help us understand some things a little better."

  Cole walked into the kitchen and dialed Janice's number. She picked it up on the second ring. "Hello Cole. I had a feeling that I would be hearing from you soon. Let me call Dani and tell her that I will stay with Brielle tonight. There are a lot of things that I need to tell you guys, Brielle too. She has no idea who or what she is."

  "You mean you know why I am calling?" Cole asked.

  "Of course I know why you are calling. Listen Cole, I will explain everything to you wh
en I get there. See you in 20 minutes." And then she hung up. Cole looked at his phone wondering what just happened. He shoved the phone in his pocket and went into the living room to let Max know that Janice was on her way over.

  "Janice is on her way here. She knew why I was calling before I even told her. She said there is a lot of things that she needs to explain to us and that she has something that she needs to tell Brielle as well. I wonder what she has to tell us."

  "I called Adrian, he is closing the gym and will be heading out to the warehouse to send out the signal to alert everyone."

  "Ok, sounds good. I have a feeling that we will be in for a shock when Janice gets here. I am going to go check on Brielle and let her know that her mom is on the way over to talk with us." And with that he headed to the bedroom.

  Chapter 15: Max (That afternoon)

  Max paced the length of Brielle's living room, waiting for her mom to get there. What in the world could she have to explain to them? And how in the world did she already know why Cole was calling? And how in the hell was Cole able to connect with Brielle's subconscious memory? Not that he was going to complain, the information he was able to obtain was going to help them get a lead on who, or what, did this to Brielle. Cole said that the guy said that he was sent and that they were going to come after her. Who would be after Brielle and why? Hopefully Janice would be able to give them some answers when she got here because he was going crazy just thinking about everything Cole told him. It didn't make sense that someone would be after an innocent young woman like Brielle. From what he was able to find, she has not done wrong to anyone ever. She was as close to perfect as a person could be so for someone to randomly attack her or target her for such terror was inexcusable! He was deep in his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. He turned just in time to see Janice walk in. She smiled warmly at him and then asked "Where is Brielle? Is Cole with her?"

  "Yeah, he just went to check on her..." he began before he was interrupted by Brielle's soft voice.

  "I'm right here mom."

  He walked over to assist her to the couch. "What are you doing here mom? Is everything ok at the restaurant? Did you tell dad hi?"

  "Yes sweetheart, your dad sends his love and said he will come by when he closes later to see you. I am here because I got a call from Cole earlier and there are some things I need to explain to Max and Cole, as well as you. There is a lot about my past as well as your dad's and uncle's that you need to know. We tried to protect you from a lot of things. I was afraid for you and Dani and we have been successful until your attack. Brielle, sweetheart, there is something about us that you need to know and it will come as a surprise and I am sorry in advance for the shock." Janice looked nervously at him and Cole. They glanced at each other then he nodded at Janice as he and Cole each took a seat beside Brielle on the couch. He had a very bad feeling about this. He knew that he and Cole were going to play a very important role in how Brielle handled and recovered from whatever her mother had to tell her. He grabbed one of her hands and Cole held on to the other, all three of them looking anxiously at her mom.

  Janice began "Brielle, I need to tell you this and I am glad that Cole and Max are here to support you because it is important to have that with the news I have for you. We are what they call shifters. You, me, dad, uncle Joe and Dani. We have wolf blood running through our veins and have the ability to shift. As Cole and Max can probably tell you, women shifters do not usually begin to experience the full effects of it until their 25th birthday, but the men are born with their abilities. Cole and Max are both shifters as well and I am sure they would have gotten around to telling you soon but since your attack occurred we have been living on borrowed time to keep you and Dani a secret. The thing is, your dad and your uncle were both what they call an Alpha. The problem was that they were both Alpha of opposing packs. I am the daughter of an Alpha. When I met your dad we knew right away that we were mates, but then I met your uncle and felt the same pull, energy or connection toward him as I did your dad. For a wolf shifter mating early like I did with your dad was rare, even more rare was the fact that I was the destined mate to two men, much like you are. The problem came in finding out that both of the men that I was mated to were an Alpha in their own right. That would mean that any child I had would have to become the heir to the pack, and any female child I had would also become a Celestial wolf, a breeder, and therefore extremely sought after. For us, you cannot turn into a shifter, you have to be born of a special female. Me being the only daughter of my parents, I was a breeder and would bore breeders as well if I had any girls. You and Dani are those children, you are both breeders, and for the wolf packs to carry on they need to have their males mate with a breeder. Your father, uncle Joe and myself, we knew you would be in danger if you were to be born a girl and we wanted to protect you from that danger the best we could so we ran. When we found out that I was breeding we left the pack. We allowed them to believe that we were all killed and your dad's brother, as well as uncle Joe's, took over the roles of Alpha for the packs. Now we have heard that things have changed since we went into hiding and that the packs are no longer at war with one another, but that does not free you from the danger of some of the older male wolves wanting to breed with you." She looked at Max and he just stared at her in utter disbelief. Brielle was not only a wolf shifter, but she was a breeder and the heir to a wolf pack? He must have been staring too long because Janice cleared her throat and continued with her tale. "Now I told you that Cole and Max were both shifters as well, but what you do not know is that they are from your dad's pack sweetheart. When you were born I sent out a spell that I prayed would guard you from the evils in this world. The spell specified that you would not be drawn to or feel anything for a man unless he were your true destined mate but when you found that mate you would know pure love. Your mate would be part of you from the first moment and you would share each other's memories, emotions and gifts. You have inherited my gift of being able to see glimpses of the future and you will also be able to share the gift of the one, or in your case the ones, you are mated to. I knew years ago that you would have two mates sweetheart, that is why I was able to accept the news when you told me about Cole and Max. I also knew that my spell worked and that I could trust them both with you. The problem we have now is protecting you from the others who, by now, know you and Dani exist and will be coming after you for breeding purposes." Janice finished her story and then sat back in her chair. Max looked at Brielle who was still and silent.

  "Brielle, honey, are you ok?" Max asked her. She was so calm that he was scared for her.

  She looked up at him and asked "You guys are part wolf?" Then she looked at her mom "I am part wolf? I am a breeder? I have a gift? I have destined mates? Why didn't you tell me this before?"

  "Brielle, your mom explained that they wanted to protect you. Years ago the packs were at war and it was a very dangerous time for anyone, more so for someone who would inherit the Alpha spot...or whose mate would inherit the Alpha spot. Your parents did the best thing they could for you. You have been safe this far in your life and I promise you that from here on our Cole and I will do everything in our power to keep you safe from the evil that will come our way." Max tried to assure Brielle that she was protected with him and Cole. He himself was in shock. He would never have thought that Brielle was one of them, but that would explain their instant connection. Whenever he was in the room with her there was a certain energy that he couldn't explain or put into words, but it was the best feeling. Almost like that energy was a shield of power that was indestructible. He was glad that he was here for her when she found out about her family. She had no idea just how special she was. He had to make sure she was ok.

  "Brielle, didn't answer me. Are you ok?" He asked her again.

  "I think so. This is a lot to take in. I am the daughter and granddaughter of the Alphas of a wolf pack and I am part wolf shifter who is a breeder and have the gift of seeing into the future and am destined to
be mated to two men, you guys." She looked at her mom "Did I get that all right?"

  "Yes sweetheart, you did. You are so very special and so extremely lucky to have Cole and Max as your mates. These men are amazing men, I know because I grew up with their moms. We were best friends when we were young, before we all found our mates, and I know these men are going to take great care of you and love you more than you will ever know." Janice stood up and walked over to the three of them and wrapped them all in a powerful hug.

  "I want you guys to know that you have the blessing of her father and me. Remember one thing though, before anything can happen and before you all have full use of all your powers, you need to mate and mark one another. The bond will be formed at that time and the protection spell will strengthen then. Max, of the three of you, you've got the greatest strength which will become more powerful in the mating ritual. Use that force wisely, ok?"

  "I promise you that I will." He ensured her. She nodded to him before standing up. "I will leave the three of you to talk things over, if you need me for anything please call me. There is a lot to discuss and I have faith that you and Cole will be able to comfort my Brielle." And with that Janice kissed her daughter on the forehead and left.

  Chapter 16: Brielle (Late evening)

  Brielle couldn't believe what she just heard from her mom. She knew deep within that what her mom told her was the truth but it was just hard to grasp her mind around everything that her mom told her. Her mom had never lied to her in her entire life so she knew she could trust her but it still felt odd knowing there was a whole part of her being that her parents kept hidden from her. She understood why they had done it but it didn't make it easier to find out that she had lived one life for 23 years and now she has a whole other life that she has to learn about. She peaked at Cole and Max, they both looked just as shocked as she felt.


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