Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1

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Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1 Page 9

by Foshia, Jenny

  "Oh thank God that was just a dream! You are still ok, both of you."

  "Of course we are. You are the one we were worried about you big dope! You scared me, you were out of it for almost an hour! We were ready to call someone but Max insisted we give you a bit more time." Brielle told him as she wiped her eyes.

  "Boy do I have a story to tell you, we need to prepare. There are some terrible things that are in the works and we need to protect ourselves."

  Chapter 21: Max (Late morning)

  Max sat quietly fuming as Cole relayed to him and Brielle the vision he had seen during his time out. That was not going to happen. Those bastards were not going to lay a hand on Brielle, they have already caused her enough torment to last a dozen lifetimes, they were not going to be given a chance to add to it. What he would like to know is why? Why would anyone want to do that kind of damage to Brielle? She doesn't deserve that kind of pain. She has done nothing but care for people her whole life and this is how she is to be repaid? Well, whoever is thinking that is going to get a wakeup call because he sure as hell was going to have something to say and do about that!

  "Cole, you said this Gaylord spirit said that we can stop it. Did he mention how?" Max asked him.

  "No, other than telling me to prepare and protect there was not much else. He said we should arm ourselves and do everything we can to protect ourselves and prevent them from following through with their sick plans."

  "Ok, so then we need to make a plan. One thing is for sure though, Brielle, you cannot go back to work with your parents yet, ok?"

  "I understand. I hate to let them down but I am too scare to leave this room right now, there is no way that I am going to go back to work and leave myself vulnerable. I am not going to do anything that would cause you two to have to risk yourselves for me." Brielle answered with a shaky breath. Max could tell she was scared and he reached for her hand and held it tight before turning his attention on Cole. "What do you say we install security at that house we were going to take her to see? Replace the windows with bulletproof, shatter proof glass and we can replace all the locks on the doors and we can also install cameras and detectors as well as a couple of armed security men. I don't want to take any chances on someone getting through."

  At Cole's nod Max stood to make a call to his buddy, Wes, who owned a security firm. Wes picked up almost right away, "Hey Max, buddy! Long time no talk. How've you been?"

  "I've been pretty good, Wes. How about you?" He asked.

  "Oh, pretty good. I can't complain. What's up? Nothing wrong, I hope?"

  "Well, kind of, yes. Look, I need your help. A girl that Cole and I mated with is in danger and we need you and Jax to take a look at a house we are purchasing and see how we can secure it. I was thinking new shatter proof, bullet proof glass for windows, cameras and alarm. The whole works. Do you think you can do that like yesterday?"

  Sure man, anything you need. I can meet you at the place later today if that works. But when were you planning on telling any of us that you have finally mated? Geez man, the last I saw you, you were a workaholic who didn't have time for a date let alone mating. When did this happen?"

  Max glanced at Brielle, who was being comforted by Cole at the moment, and smiled. God, they were lucky. "That was me, before Brielle early last week. Seeing her brought everything into perspective and right now nothing matters except for her. She is everything in the world to us and she is in danger. Thanks for helping us out. I will let Cole and Brielle know you'll meet us there later, I'll text you the address. I have another call to make. See you later. I can't wait until you meet her."

  "Later man. I'm looking forward to it."

  After hanging up with Wes, Max called the realtor to let her know they wanted to sign the deal with the house and made arrangements for her to meet them there later that afternoon with the papers. He closed his phone and walked back over to where Cole and Brielle were on the bed.

  "I called Wes. He is going to meet us at the house later to give us some ideas of what we can do as far as security goes. I have the realtor meeting us there before Wes so we can sign the papers with her. Are you ok with that plan Brielle?"

  "Yes, I am definitely ok with that plan. I am just a little scared to leave here but as long as I know you two will be with me then I am sure I will be ok. When were we supposed to meet them?"

  "As soon as we get you some food I will call our realtor. I'll text Wes when we are on our way there. I would like to have them begin working on the house as soon as possible. The sooner we can get the security issues taken care of, the sooner we will be able to move in and keep you safe. You are my only concern right now Brielle. If anything happened to you that would be the end of me I swear it." Max could feel the lump in his throat at just the thought of something happening to her. In just the short time they have known her she had come to mean everything to him. He no longer existed without her. He wrapped his hands around her sweet, soft face and kissed her firmly on the lips.

  "Ok, up with you now. It is time to get you some food and then we can be on our way to the house!" He took her hand in his and helped her stand. "You go relax in a nice bath and Cole and I will make lunch for the three of us. Will you be ok? Do you need help with anything?"

  "No, I will be ok. You two go and get lunch ready and I will be out soon." Brielle stood on her tip toes and gave him and Cole a sweet kiss and then walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. When he heard the water running he left the room and headed to the kitchen.

  "Ok man, you said the realtor will have the paperwork ready with her so we can sign and close the deal today?" Cole asked him and he grabbed some meats and condiments out of the fridge.

  "Yeah, as soon as we sign we are set. I will call the bank and have them wire the money for the realtor. Then we can go over the house, n detail, with Wes when he gets there. I do not want to waste any time. I hope he can get started tomorrow and be finished within a few days. If we can get her moved in by the weekend that would be great."

  "I couldn't agree with you more. Hey, hand me the bread. I will make us some sandwiches and you can set the table and get us some drinks."

  "You got it. Did that spirit guide have any idea when this shot would happen?"

  "No, all I can remember him saying was that it would begin before the end of the year if we didn't put a stop to it. I wish there was some way we could set some kind of a trap to catch these guys before they can even get close to their plans coming through with Brielle."

  "You know, that may not be a bad idea. After we get set up in the house we should get some of our buddies together and come up with a trap." Max replied as he placed the plates and cups on the table. Cole handed him the tray with sandwiches and he placed it in the center of the table so they could each reach it.

  "Now we just wait for Brielle." Max said to Cole.

  Chapter 22: Brielle

  Brielle inhaled the soothing aroma of her lavender scented bath salts. The bubble bath felt so good for her achy muscles and the salts were calming to her mind. She kept going over in her mind everything that Cole told them. Some sick men were after her, it seems like, for breeding purposes, and couldn't care less if they killed her in the process. If those guys got a hold of her she knew that Cole and Max would come for her and that would put them in grave danger and that is the last thing that she wanted. She would rather die than for something to happen to either one of those men. She finished her bath and drained the water. After wrapping her towel around her body she cleaned the steam from her mirror and took a good look at herself. Her face was still a bit puffy and the bruises were beginning to fade away but still had a little yellow tint to them. Over all she felt pretty good with how she was healing. She decided to surprise her guys and make herself up a little bit. She used her hair dryer to dry her hair, curling the ends a little around her shoulders. She put a little concealer on the bruises and patted her face with a little pressed powder. Adding a little mascara, pink lip gloss and light blus
h she checked her reflection. Not perfect, but it will do she thought to herself. She walked into her bedroom and the guys had laid out a pair of jeans and a light blue sweater. She quickly dressed and walked out to the kitchen. She stood there waiting for the guys to notice her. She laughed when Max caught sight of her as he was taking a drink from the glass in his hand. He spit out his juice and set his glass down and began walking toward her. Cole turned his head and swore. "Shit, Brielle! What are you trying to do, kill us with a heart attack?" Cole asked, making a slow perusal from her head to her toes and back up again.

  "Y-you don't like it?" She asked, on the verge of tears. She just wanted to feel better.

  "Sweetheart, I love it. God you are so damn beautiful. I am not sure I want you to leave this home looking like that. Max and I may have to kill some people."

  She smiled, pleased that her effort actually had the effect she was hoping for. "Are you ok, Max?" She asked him since he just stood before her staring, not saying a word.

  He lifted his hand and smoothed her hair off her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her neck, then her jaw and finally kissing her lips in a heated kiss that sent shocks right to her toes. "Brielle, you will always be beautiful no matter what you wear, or don't wear, but you take my breath away right now. God I feel like I have died and gone to heaven knowing you belong to us." He said as he pulled her in for a fierce hug. She giggled and pulled away. "Good, because I finally feel more like myself. How about we eat so we can make our way to the house. I am anxious to see where we will make our life together." She walked over to the table and sat down, lifting a sandwich off the tray and taking a bite. "This is great! Who made it?" she asked, taking another large bite.

  "I did" Cole replied with a laugh as he and Max took their seats at the table across from her.

  "So, Brielle, how about the three of us go out to dinner tonight after we are finished at the house? We would like the chance to spoil you." Max asked her as he finished off a sandwich and reached for a second.

  "That sounds great, but nothing fancy. I still don't feel 100% yet but I would love to actually go on a date with you guys." she answered with a smile.

  "How about a burger joint? I know a great one not far from the house. I have been there a few times and the atmosphere is really relaxed. You would be comfortable there." Cole asked.

  "We could do that. I love a good burger and fries. Do they have milkshakes? I absolutely love milkshakes!" Brielle asked excitedly.

  "Sweetheart, if they don't have them on the menu I will make sure they make one for you." Cole replied with a wink which made her giggle again.

  "Well, I'm ready to go whenever you guys are!" She walked her plate and glass to the sink.

  "I'm ready too. Let me call the realtor and let her know we are ready to head out." Max stood, put his plate and glass in the sink and walked toward the living room as he made the call.

  "Let me go wash up and I am ready to head out." Cole said. He put his things in the sink and kissed Brielle on the cheek before heading to her bathroom.

  Brielle rinsed the plates, tray and glasses out and put them in her dishwasher. She wiped down her counters and the table before going into the living room where Max just finished his call. He saw her walk into the room and walked over to her and asked if she was ready. She nodded her head. "Yes, I am. But Cole is cleaning up a bit before we leave."

  "That sounds like a good idea. I am going to do that myself before we leave. Walk with me to the bedroom?" He reached for her and they walked into the bedroom. Cole was just leaving the bathroom, towel drying his hair. He looked at Max, "All yours!" he said and motioned to the bathroom.

  "Max kissed Brielle's cheek, "Be right back and then we can leave." She nodded and watched him walk to the bathroom, then she turned to see Cole getting dressed beside the bed. Can anyone be any luckier than I am at this moment? She thought.

  Chapter 23: Cole

  Cole finished getting dressed and glanced at Brielle. She was staring at him. "Everything ok?" He asked. She had a glazed over look on her face and she was standing so still. She didn't answer him so he walked over to her and asked again. "Brielle, sweetheart. Are you ok?" She still didn't answer, didn't acknowledge him in any way. She just kept staring into space. He shook her but she still stared. He saw tears gather in her eyes and he pulled her to him and hugged her, rubbing her back. "Shh, sweetheart, It's ok, I am here. Can you tell me what's wrong?" She looked at him but didn't see him. She seemed to be looking through him and then she screamed. He gathered her to him and walked her over to her bed just as Max burst out of the bathroom.

  "What's wrong? What happened to Brielle?" He asked as he ran over to the other side of the bed and sat beside Brielle, trying to calm her down as Cole rubbed her back. At that moment Brielle blinked to clear away the tears and reached for them. Both he and Max leaned over and hugged her.

  "You guys are ok. Thank God you guys are ok." She sobbed into their shoulders.

  "Of course we are. Sweetheart, can you tell me what happened? You were out of it for a while and then you screamed." Cole asked her.

  She looked at him with tears still in her eyes, he wiped them away as she answered him. "I saw you guys, trying to rescue me. I was in a large bed in a cold, dark room and you guys were looking for me. I saw them kill you guys. They did it right in front of me. They stabbed you both through the heart when you found me. Oh my God! This is all my fault. You guys are going to die because of me. I can't live if anything happened to you guys." She began crying again. Cole looked at Max, he looked down at Brielle with a startled look on his face before looking up at Cole.

  "Did you see that in your vision, Cole?"

  "No, when I had my vision it was only Brielle that I saw. I saw everything that happened to her, everything that would happen to her. We need to hurry up and get her into hiding somewhere. Do you think you could call Jax or Wes and see if they have a hide-away we can take her to after we finish at the house today? They have to know where she lives. We need to get her away to some place safe until we can get the house secured."

  "I am on it. You stay with her. I am going to call Jax. I know Wes is busy until he comes to meet with us but Jax should be free. I am sure they will know of a place we can take her."

  "Ok, you go do that and I will stay here with her. I am not leaving her alone ever again."

  "I agree. She will never be alone."

  Cole watched Max leave the bedroom and he looked down at Brielle. "Sweetheart, can you tell me anything else about what you saw? I know it is scary but if you can remember anything about what you saw then maybe it will help us find these animals before they have a chance to do anything to you."

  "Not much. The room was dark, cold and damp. The sheets I was on were rough. The building they were holding me in was not far from a place we were staying, but I am not sure where the three of us were staying at the time. It was high on a hill. There were a lot of men, shifters like us. I remember seeing a couple of women, but there were mostly men. They made calls to you and Max, threatening my life if you didn't find me but they never told you where to look. I tried my best to send you images, but when they took me I was blindfolded so I was not able to see much until we got to the room."

  "That's good sweetheart. At least we know that they do not plan on taking you far, if they get the chance to take you. I promise you that we are going to do everything in our power to keep them from laying a hand on you. We are going to try to take you to a safe haven away from here. Max is making a phone call right now. Just try to relax sweetheart, nothing has happened yet and if we have our way nothing will happen."

  "You're right, nothing has happened yet." She breathed a sigh of relief and leaned into him. He held her tight, heart pounding. They couldn't let anything happen to her. If one person laid a finger on her with the intention of harming her they were a dead mother. He would make sure of it. He stood up to finish dressing and then sat back down beside her.

  "Do you and Max know this place t
hat your friend is going to let us go stay? I mean, if you did then maybe we could have someone check out the surrounding area before we go to see if there are any abandoned buildings nearby that match what the two of us remember from our visions."

  "You know sweetheart, that is a great idea! As soon as Max gets back in we can ask him. That would be a smart idea. It would give us an idea of how close those guys are since you said it wasn't far from where we were staying at the time. We can check for buildings near the house we are buying today and we can send some guys up to check for buildings around the safe haven we are taking you to."

  He stood up and reached for her hand to have her follow him to the living room where Max was just finishing with his call.

  "So, do they have a place?" He asked Max.

  Max nodded his head. "Yes, they do. They said it is about two hours away from here but it should be pretty safe. It is a remote little cabin and a half an hour away from the nearest town so we will have to stock up on supplies on the way there because once we are there I do not want to leave for any reason until we know for sure that it is safe to take Brielle out."

  "Well, Brielle had a great idea. She thinks we should have someone check out the surrounding area near the place where we will be staying and look for any abandoned buildings that would match the descriptions she and I can come up with. I was thinking while we do that we should also have someone check out the places near the house we will be moving into."

  "That is a fantastic idea. When we meet with Wes later on we can ask him if he could send some guys out to the cabin tomorrow and check it out."

  Cole turned to Brielle. "Do you think we could pack your things tonight and move them into my place, or Max's? We can pack a suitcase to bring to the safe haven and then the rest can be moved in to one of our places and we can lock your house up. Once we get back in a couple of weeks we can go through my things as well as yours and Max's and decide what we want to move into the new house and what we can place in storage. Does that sound like a good idea sweetheart?"


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