Bound by the Ice Dragon

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Bound by the Ice Dragon Page 20

by Alyx X

  He pressed his other thumb to my clit, and I arched my back as a jolt of pleasure shot through me. He grinned and moved inside me again as he rolled my clit under his thumb, and I moaned.

  “I’m supposed to be fucking you.” I murmured, barely able to speak around my pleasure.

  “We’re fucking each other.” He had said it so matter of factly, like it was an everyday occurrence for a human to be fucking the Hydronian King.

  I pressed myself down again and again, taking my pleasure as he strained up toward me and I pressed kisses to his face. For several heated minutes there was nothing but his skin, hands, and mouth across my body. There was nothing but his powerful cock inside of me, ringing every last ounce of pleasure from me.

  I had waited so long for this. Realistically, it hadn’t even been more than a week since we had fucked each other, but the whirlwind of everything that happened after the visit to his parents’ had made that week stretch out for what felt like years. Earlier, Izon had said he loved me. I knew that I felt the same. How could I not love this godlike man? With all of his commanding power, the love he showed for his children, and the obvious: he was stupid fucking hot.

  Returning to the present, I luxuriated in the feel of him inside of me, of being able to look into his beautiful ruby eyes and see the affection he felt for me in them. That, and the sensations of his hands and mouth all over me was sending rolling waves of joy through me. I nearly laughed at the unexpected emotion.

  Izon continued his ministrations on my breasts. Squeezing them, pulling and twisting the nipples, and when I bent backward in near ecstasy, placing his mouth over them to lick and nip. Too soon, my muscles began to tighten and I tried to delay it, to fight it off, but it became too much, and my orgasm roared over me as my pussy quivered around his cock, the walls pulsing with a beat that echoed through my whole body. This was an orgasm for the record books. It rolled over me in wave after wave of pleasure and heat. My hands gripped him, dragging across his skin, drawing a gasp followed by a moan from this beautiful king.

  Finally, Izon’s face tightened and he growled low, the sound of his dragon moving through his chest. Coming down from the high of my own orgasm, I watched his face bunch up in ecstasy. If I’d had a dragon, it would have purred in my chest at the pleasure of wringing that reaction out of him. After it was over, he pressed his face to my neck and sucked a large inhale as his tongue flicked over my skin.

  He gurgled, then laughed. “Oh shit, sorry. I don’t know what that noise was.”

  I shifted my weight, enjoying the feel of his cock still hard inside of me. “Hopefully it was the sound of a man eager for a repeat performance when we get home.”

  He nuzzled my neck. “Absolutely. Now make yourself decent, the driver’s returning.”

  A giggle caught in my throat I lifted myself from his body and slid my skirt down, bumping my head on the low car ceiling. Internally laughing like a teenager hiding a boy in her closet.

  “Panties?” I held out my hand.”

  “Nuh-uh.” He shook his head. “These are mine.”

  The driver got into the car and set the food on the passenger seat next to him. His nostrils flared briefly, but he didn’t look at us. Izon covered his smirk with a hand as he looked out of the window. The other laid gently on my thigh, the thumb tracing small circles there.

  The car started slowly away, and I reached over to wrap my hand around Izon’s cock, half in need, half in promise. He turned to look at me, smirking. “Wait, little Queen.” He mouthed.

  By the time we arrived back at the house, he was swollen and hungry again. His lips grazed my collarbone.

  “Take the food to the kitchen,” he growled at the driver. “Leave us.”

  The driver nodded stiffly and got out of the car without even glancing in his mirror.

  Izon turned to me. “I could take you again right here,” he said. “But I want you in my bed. Naked in my bed.”

  I shivered in anticipation and threw the car door open. Everything suddenly felt better now. The dilemma about my position was resolved, Mom was coming, and Izon loved me. I climbed out of the car but Izon was already by my side as I straightened.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist. “I want you to be my Queen, Tessa,” he murmured. “What do you say?”

  I looked at him over my shoulder. Like I didn’t already have an answer. “Should I think about it for a couple of days?” I teased.

  “Only if those couple of days are spent in my bed,” he growled. In response, I wriggled from his hold, slipped my shoes off, and dashed into the house ahead of him, paying no attention to his shout of surprise.

  I offered a quick wave to Dyan, lurking in the shadows, as I scrambled up the staircase and paused at the top. I glanced toward my room then at the double doors to Izon’s suite. There was no way he had already moved all of my things back into his wing, right? But my hesitation cost me.

  Izon caught me from behind, wrapping those large hands around my waist and partially lifting me off the ground like I was going to escape. “You’re coming with me.” Then he swung me into his arms and carried me into his room. “You’re wearing too many clothes.” He kissed his way down my neck, punctuating his words. “I believe my wish was to have you in my bed, naked.”

  I giggled again, “What are you going to do about it, then?”

  He unfastened my dress and slid it first from one shoulder then the other. His movements were slow and deliberate, his hands eyes following the smooth fabric as it slipped over my skin. Then, he leaned forward to place a light-as-feathers kiss to my mouth. His lips both soothed me and filled me with sudden passion. I quickly turned the gentle kiss into an open-mouthed beg for more. He responded willingly, taking my tongue into his mouth and yanking me into him. After a moment, he broke away.

  “Stay still.”

  I froze at his command, and he continued slowly removing my clothes, torturing me.

  “It’s like the best gift I could ever receive.” His words were almost a hum. “Perfectly wrapped.”

  My dress pooled on the floor at my feet, and he banished my bra like it hadn’t ever existed. My nipples hardened and I lifted my hand to trace a finger over one.

  “Ah, ah.” His disapproving tone was low. “Mine.”

  Heat flooded to my pussy as he cupped my breasts in his hands, strumming his thumbs gently over both nipples. He lowered his head to my neck and his voice grew thicker. “You have no idea how much I have wanted to claim you.”

  His warm breath fanned my desire and I clamped my thighs together, not wanting it to be too obvious how much his voice alone had me dripping.

  His fingers traced the outer curve of my breast, my waist, and my hip, then slid across the front of my thigh. I held my breath and relaxed my legs, welcoming him to press his touch between them. He drew me closer to him, and his hard cock jutted against me.

  I rocked forward, trying to tempt him inside, and he chuckled.


  “You’re too slow,” I complained.

  “I’m enjoying it,” he corrected. “We don’t have anyone coming to interrupt us this time.”

  My cheeks heated at how wanton I’d been, and how the driver must have smelled the sex in the air all the way home. Again I was secretly pleased at our obvious failure at secrecy.

  “Just touch me.” I rocked against Izon’s hand again, and he murmured his approval.

  My clit, still sensitive from before, pulsed as he nudged against it, and I gasped.

  “I want to taste you,” he decided. Then he sank to his knees in front of me and pressed my legs wider apart, one hand still firmly on my waist for support. The tip of his tongue lapped against my clit, swirling around it, and I sighed. My breath came in soft pants as his ministrations relaxed me and turned me on. I gripped fistfuls of his hair, looking at it sprouting out from beneath my knuckles, and I struggled to refrain from pushing his head harder against me.

  He drew away, sudden impatience written ac
ross his face. “Bed or floor?”

  I shrugged. It made little difference. The carpet was soft and deep. “You're down there already, I pointed out as I dropped to his level and pressed my lips against his, allowing him to suck my tongue into his mouth. I wound my arms around his neck, and held him close, allowing him to devour me with his passion.

  As we kissed, I unfastened his pants and stroked my hand over his cock. He shifted like he was trying to remove himself from my reach, but I curled my fingers around it, holding him loosely.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I want to taste you again.”

  “And what if what I want is different?” I slid my hand up his shaft in a smooth stroke, and he shuddered. Power once again flowed through me that this king trembled at my touch, and I did it again.

  “What if I want this beautiful cock somewhere else?” I murmured. “What if I want you pounding inside me until I can’t think any other thought but your name? What then?”

  His gaze met mine and he nodded without speaking as he undid the buttons at the front of his shirt, his movements rapid and sloppy, like his mind had other things it was concentrating on.

  “We have plenty of time for slow,” I pointed out. “I just really need to fuck you now.” He chuckled at my brazenness.

  Chest bare, he pushed his pants down and I pressed a quick kiss to his skin, then flicked my tongue across his nipple and grinned at his quick inhale.

  I settled onto my back and watched him as his gaze roamed down my body and back up, settling on my pussy. I trailed my fingers lazily down my slit, the gesture inviting him closer.

  “I’m ready for you,” I said quietly, my gaze firmly on his, and his pupils flared with desire as he began to breathe heavier.

  He took his cock in his hand and I narrowed my gaze. “Don’t you dare waste a single stroke.”

  He leaned over me and positioned himself at my pussy entrance. His eyes met mine, waiting for permission.

  “You don’t need to go slow,” I said. I ached for him, and I wanted him to split me open and fill me up.

  Needing no further cue, he thrust upward quick and sharp, and I gasped. Holy fuck, he was big. Then I sighed out in satisfaction as we moved together, Izon’s rhythm immediately becoming faster and more frantic.

  “You’re mine, Tessa,” he said.


  My word spurred him on, and he increased his pace until I could barely draw breath, each intake stuttering and rolling into the next. My nails dragged across his back with each pump, I’m sure there would be marks there when this was over.

  His cock continued to pulse over my G-spot until I thought I might pass out instead of come. Then his breathing changed, and a look of panic flashed across his face. “I can’t stop it!” He sucked in a breath as his orgasm washed over him. I watched as he found release, then he stilled over me, his whole body seeming to vibrate as his cock pulsed inside me.

  Warm cum splashed against the walls of my pussy and I moved again, chasing my own orgasm, using his still hard cock to find my own release. Without warning, I caught my breath and my pussy clenched tight around him, releasing and tightening again in rhythmic waves as I sucked in each inhale. This man had complete command of my body, and my body was completely willing to comply.

  Afterward, Izon dropped his head and pressed his lips against mine, the kiss surprisingly tender.

  “One day I’ll be able to control myself around you,” he murmured, “but I can’t promise when that will be. You’re like a drug to me.”

  I wriggled my hips. “How are you still hard?”

  He just nodded. “This new permanent state could cause something of an incident if it isn’t resolved to our…mutual satisfaction.” His voice broke on the last word as he nudged against my G-spot again and my pussy pulsed again.

  I inhaled sharply, and my voice shook. “Careful, still sensitive.”

  “Oh here?” Izon nudged forward, smiling as he teased me. I inhaled again.

  Then I laughed. “I need to be able to walk tomorrow if I’m going to look after the children.”

  He offered me a small shrug. “We’ll have Gabby do it.”

  I lifted an eyebrow. “Oh, and what reason would we give her for doing that?”

  Izon shook his head. “I don’t know. We could just tell her that her King broke you when he fucked you too hard?”

  My face heated and I covered my eyes. “Too hard or too many times? We should get the details right.”

  He continued to move gently inside me as he appeared to consider the different nuances of the reasons. “I think we should go with too well.”

  I laughed again. “Oh, yes. We don’t want anyone doubting your abilities, Your Majesty.”

  He chuckled. Somehow, I don’t think either of the royal couple has an issue with abilities.”

  My chest lightened. The Royal Couple. I was going to be a queen, and I was in the arms of a king—My King. I almost didn’t need anything else in the world.



  6 months later

  I woke early on the day of my wedding, suddenly restless with unfinished business. Tessa had slept in her old room, and it was lonely in my empty bed. I buried my face against her pillow for a moment, breathing in her familiar scent. Then I looked out at the beautiful day. I climbed out of my bed and headed to my window. It was the kind of day Lyra used to love. Not too hot, not too breezy. A perfect day for swimming.

  I checked the time; I had enough for a swim before the ceremony. A final goodbye to Lyra. I let myself out onto the deck and headed down the old steps into the gardens. Then I walked across the dew-covered lawn and down to the water’s edge.

  I stood, my toes in the water, and the rush of power began in my chest, spreading into my limbs, and flowing through my body. My shape elongated, lengthening into dragon form, and I basked in the sun, admiring the sparkles and dots of light my shimmering scales cast across the surface of the ocean. I glanced down, taking in my reflection like that of a long-lost friend, and my fangs showed briefly from beneath my lips as I almost smiled.

  I surged into the water, my body so streamlined that the fast movement barely made a ripple or a splash. I was stealthy and quick, flexible and ferocious. I submerged, twisting between blades of kelp and through lily stems as I chased currents into deeper water. The peace of the ocean muffled my hearing, and shafts of sunlight highlighted the tiny organisms in the water like hazy pinpricks of dust.

  Down here, I felt closest to Lyra. I flexed and tumbled as we used to flex and tumble together.

  I’m getting married today, Lyra. I told her. It’s Tessa. I almost lost her—through behavior you wouldn’t have approved of. My dragon huffed his amusement as we imagined Lyra’s temper at how I’d spoken to Tessa. Lyra wouldn’t have stood for it, either.

  I spun again, swishing my tail through the salt-water. It’s time to say our last goodbye. I’ll always love you, Lyra. But the love would be different. It would be an old, familiar memory of a shared, lost life and three children.

  Tessa was my future.

  I took one last swim out into deeper ocean, watching the fish as they swam around me, their bright colors catching the light as it filtered down into the depths. I luxuriated in the feeling, the memory of Lyra for another moment. Finally, when I well and truly felt at peace, I spun and swam back to the shore. To my home. to Tessa and my future.

  I paddled from the water, then shifted and walked across the lawn before climbing the steps and casting a last glance across the garden from the deck. The sun sparkled on the lapping waves. Yes, it really was Lyra’s favorite kind of day.

  My shower was one of the quickest I’d ever taken—I wanted to rush through the moments until I could be with Tessa forever. And I also wanted any spare time to spend on my appearance. Whenever I looked at Tessa, my breath lodged in my chest at her beauty, and I held out hope I could have the same effect on her. Each of my nerves prickled with heightened aware
ness and an unfamiliar anxiety as I opened the door to the car taking me to the ceremony and slipped inside.

  When I arrived at the outdoor theater we’d chosen for our public ceremony, flowers decorated every column and pillar, and crowds of people filled the old stone seating that encircled an altar in the grassy center. I looked up at the rows. So many people. Everyone on the island must have been in attendance, and I knew live vids were being made available for people all over the planet so they wouldn’t have to miss out.

  Pride puffed up my chest and my dragon whispered its contentment that so many would witness and recognize my union with Tessa. She was important to me, she was important to my children, she was important to my world, and she was important to my people.

  I stood at the altar, alone but for the Elder in his crimson ceremonial robes who was conducting the ceremony. I buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. What if Tessa didn’t come? The thought crept in, but I squashed it down. I didn’t need to worry. She’d never let me down.

  “Yoshen.” I spoke the elder’s name and bowed my head respectfully.

  “Your Majesty.” He bowed at the waist. “It is my honor that I am to conduct your ceremony today.” He paused. “But some of the detail… These words…” His brow creased like he couldn’t find the words. “I am unfamiliar with human ways,” he whispered.

  I chuckled. “As am I, Yoshen, as am I.” I understood his confusion. Some of the details Tessa had insisted on were human traditions and weren’t understood on Hydronia.

  But she’d insisted, and I understood why. Her culture had as much of a place in our marriage as mine did. I took one last look around at the crowd, spying both of my parents in the crowd. My mother was practically beaming with pride and joy, while my father looked as stoic as ever. I didn’t care, I was still King, and he could deal with my choices.


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