Phoenix Rising

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Phoenix Rising Page 7

by Anne, Melody

  “No. The information just came in over the radio. They said the men were detained, but we need to get people over there.”

  “I think we need to shift an operation there, ensuring we keep control of it,” Drake said, immediately going into soldier mode.

  “Phoenix said there were plenty of supplies: food, medical, and sleeping facilities,” Evelyn told them.

  “Let’s alert the group and see who’d like to move,” Drake told her.

  They walked outside and within a couple hours they had a unit of two hundred men and women willing to secure the base. Their forces continued to grow; they now had pilots who were going to be on base. They could now do air recons.

  When the team left, Elise stood beside Drake and looked up at him, hope shining in her eyes.

  “This war is going to end, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “Yes. I think it just might,” he told her. For the first time he felt as if he were speaking the truth.

  “I didn’t think I could feel more happiness than I do already, but right now, this hope makes me know that everything will be okay.”

  “We still have a ways to go, but yes, my love, we’re going to make it,” Drake assured her. “And I’m going to make you my wife and grow old with you.”

  And he would keep that promise.

  Chapter Twenty


  Earth was definitely not a place Falcon had imagined himself wandering through in the near or far-off future. He hadn’t thought he’d be stumbling over the rough terrain, dodging branches and batting leaves out of his face, annoyed by the tiny spider creatures and webs that seemed permanently glued to his hair.

  No. He’d never imagined his comfortable throne in the underworld would have been overthrown and replaced by the chaotic uncertainty of the world created long, long ago.

  Yet despite Falcon’s thoughts, and his present dislike toward the situation, here he was, surrounded by wilderness in unknown terrain. He was weak but slowly healing, and uncertain of where he was going and how he was going to improve his situation.

  There didn’t seem to be a way to improve this mess he was stuck in, but the thought of this being his life now was unbearable. He couldn’t go from all-powerful to nothing, a nobody who would be forgotten. He’d already lost too much.

  Falcon sighed and continued to push forward. He couldn’t stop in the middle of this wilderness. In his weakened condition it wasn’t safe. Falcon was unsure of his abilities to sufficiently protect himself if the need arrived.

  Johnathan was strong, if he was only one thing. Falcon would give him that. The fight had taken a toll. Falcon had expended most of the powers within himself; Johnathan had slipped past his defenses several times, especially with Jessica playing sneakily by his side. The two of them had left Falcon more injured than he’d been in centuries. The last time Falcon had felt like this was during the war between Vyco and Josiah in the heavens.

  Falcon had battled another magical being and had been gravely injured. He’d barely had the energy to limp to his home and his mate. She’d been horrified at his condition. He could still clearly picture the look of dread that had replaced her perfect smile.

  “Evelyn,” Falcon shouted, followed by a succession of wheezing. He felt as though his lungs were failing. Falcon closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and moved another step forward.

  “Yes, love?” Evelyn answered.

  Her feet padded across the ground and carried her to the front door to greet him.

  Falcon felt some of the tension leave his body as he noticed the smile stretching her lips wide. Her smile always brightened his day. She was so pure and genuine. When she smiled it carried from her mouth all the way to her eyes.

  The smile only lasted a second, as soon she realized the situation. Evelyn pulled up a hand to cover her gasp, and her eyebrows drew together as worry clouded her features.

  “What happened?” She hurried down the steps. Pausing in front of Falcon, her hands flicked up to touch him, but she pulled back. She scooted closer and wrapped one of his arms over her shoulder so she could help him into the house.

  “It’s just a casualty of war. No big deal,” Falcon responded as they moved slowly inside their home. Evelyn frowned, but didn’t respond. She continued to move steadily toward the bedroom, and once there, helped Falcon lie down.

  That moment would forever be imprinted in Falcon’s mind, because less than two weeks later Evelyn had disappeared. No word, no warning, she was just gone.

  Falcon frowned. It had been so long since he’d felt real emotion. It had been centuries since he’d dwelt on the past the way he’d been doing over the past couple of days, and it was taxing him.

  It hurt to think about what he had once held and then lost. It hurt to think of the love that was missing and the life that was ruined.

  Maybe he should seek out Johnathan and allow him to finish what he’d started. Now that he was feeling again, he wasn’t sure he wanted to survive.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Soft footsteps faded into the night after the dark woman exited the building. Ali remained crumbled on the floor, the heavy weight of the soldier lying on her. She sniffled, trying not to break into gasping sobs.

  She didn’t want to be loud in case more soldiers were near and could hear. She couldn’t handle another encounter. She didn’t think she’d be lucky enough to live through another one.

  Ali took a deep breath and slowly allowed herself to stretch out, uncurling her body. She was in pain, but she took a deep breath and slowly started to inch out from beneath the soldier who had held her captive.

  It wasn’t easy because she was in pain, and he was quite a bit heavier than she was, but after several minutes of squirming she was finally free from her confines, from beneath his heavy body.

  Bringing herself slowly to her feet, Ali glanced around. She felt tears well in her eyes. The two men were motionless. They weren’t breathing. It was a stark reminder of her mother’s body, lying there so motionless, completely dead. Images of that day kept flashing before her eyes.

  She frowned and inched away. She made her way to the pantry and filled a small bag with as much food as she could carry before she made her way to the front door. After checking that no one was outside, Ali stepped out into the world.

  Ali decided the city wasn’t good; it wasn’t a safe place for her to stay. She had never left the city while with her mother, but she had no choice now. She needed to survive. She needed to get away from the soldiers, and it seemed like too many of them enjoyed their time in the abandoned buildings.

  What if the soldiers came and found their murdered companions? Would they know she was a part of the reason they were dead? They would come looking for her to seek revenge. She couldn’t handle that. She couldn’t risk the possibility.

  It was time to go far away.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  When times were good, they were great. I remember the languid happiness we all experienced as children. Johnathan had always been my rock. He had my back through thick and thin. When I was scared after a nightmare he’d never turn me away from his bed, but instead would hold up the blanket to allow me to snuggle in close, fighting off the nightmares that seemed to plague my sleep.

  He might have been annoyed at times when I followed him around, or when I tried to copy his every move, but when times were truly rough, he was always by my side and protecting me from the dangers of the world. It was scary to think that was gone forever, but a different reality seemed to have spawned.

  I’ve never seen him filled with so much hate and so much hurt. But at the same time, I have never seen him love someone the way he had loved Cassidy. He practically melted at the mention of her name, his face softened when he saw her, and he turned into a lapdog, which was all right because the same thing happened to her. It was amazing to see him so happy, and so in love. He never had that with
anyone before, and having that ripped away really changes a person.

  I still shudder to think of the time that Jayden left me. I was so alone and so scared. It was horrifying to even try to imagine living the rest of my life without him by my side, but I still had a glimmer of hope. I still had the hope, even if it had only been slight, that he would come back to me. There was no chance of that with Johnathan. Cassidy was gone forever, and I can’t imagine what he must be feeling. I don’t know if I could have handled it. I would have been a wreck.

  But I’m so scared this is the end for my beloved brother, that all I will see of him is this hateful person he’s become. It scares me, knowing that I might never see the living man who had grown up by my side, protecting me. I hope I can get through to him, and help him find peace and happiness, because I need him in my future. I don’t know if I can have a future without him.

  I will never give up.

  “Let’s go,” Sadie demanded, standing up and quickly folding her sleeping bag.

  Phoenix was a few feet away, lying down next to Jayden. Sadie wanted to give them some privacy. It hadn’t been a good day for her best friend.

  “Go where?” Brian asked, staring at his wife in confusion. He wanted to lie down and hold his wife. He needed to reaffirm that everything would be okay after what they’d experienced.

  “For a walk,” Sadie responded with a grin. She reached down and grabbed his hand, tugging on it so he would get up and follow. Her efforts were useless, as Brian was twice her size.

  “Why would we go on a walk now? We’ve been doing nothing but walking, and it’s late,” Brian grumbled.

  “You shouldn’t question alone time with me,” Sadie said with a wink, rubbing her hand up and down his arm. “Really, I think Phoenix needs some time to deal with everything that’s happened lately. We all need some alone time,” she said, lifting her brows.

  “Lead the way, Princess,” Brian said and jumped up and grabbed his bag. He was finally clueing in.

  Phoenix sighed, burrowing farther into her sleeping bag, seeking warmth. The ground was hard, but her bedding provided a bit of cushion. Even if she found physical comfort, though, she couldn’t escape the taunting thoughts her mind kept sending her way.

  For the past hour she’d been trying to sleep, but thoughts continued to plague her mind. Why had Johnathan shown up? Had he known she was there? Did he intend to harm her? Had he really changed that much?

  It had been mind-blowing to see her brother so cold. Knowing he was with Jessica was a lot less real than watching him fight with Jayden, and watching him try to thwart the rebels’ efforts to create a peaceful earth.

  The man she had witnessed this afternoon had been the furthest possible example of the loving brother she’d grown up idolizing. This man had been heartless and uncaring. Yet Phoenix knew her brother must still be inside, or why else would he not fight when she arrived? Why would he run off if he no longer cared?

  Rolling onto her side, Phoenix curled an arm beneath her head for better cushioning. She opened her eyes, annoyed that nothing was helping. She squinted, trying to make out anything in the dark. The trees seemed to block any light coming from the moonlit sky, frustrating Phoenix further.

  Maybe she wouldn’t feel so flustered if Jayden were with her, but he’d been on edge since the encounter with Johnathan. He was worried about the group’s safety, and because of that he was who-knew-where, keeping an eye on their area.

  “Jayden?” Phoenix whispered, hoping he’d feel her. She didn’t need him watching camp. She needed him holding her.

  “Yes, love.”

  She jumped, quickly rolling to her other side, making out his dark form against the backdrop of the forest. Phoenix despised being vulnerable, but she needed comfort only he could give.

  “Can you stay with me?” she asked, cringing at how weak and shaky her voice sounded.

  “Is something wrong?” Jayden asked, dropping to his knee and reaching for her.

  “I just need you. I need you to hold me,” Phoenix said, biting her lip.

  “Phoenix, love, someone has to guard the camp,” he said.

  “Please, Jayden,” she whispered, feeling desperate. “I need you.”

  He waivered. His need to protect her and his need to comfort her was tearing him apart.

  “Please,” she repeated.

  “Of course,” Jayden said. There really was no other choice. She needed him.

  Jayden pulled Phoenix close, her head resting on his chest. He leaned back against the tree and instantly was soothed, having her close to his heart. He hadn’t realized how tense he’d been.

  “I can’t sleep,” Phoenix confessed. “The confrontation with my brother is continuously running through my head. Seeing him like that makes it much more real, and it scares me. It scares me that my big, goofy, loving brother could change so drastically, and be against me and our family.”

  “He still loves you, Phoenix,” Jayden responded. “Look at the way he backed down. He refused to harm you because no matter how much he denies it, you are still the most important person in the universe to him. He’s hurting and acting out, but underneath that pain is the real him. You’ll get him back. You might have to push him to do it.”

  “You really think that? Or are you just trying to make me feel better?”

  “I wouldn’t lie to you, love. I truly believe it. I wasn’t sure before. Losing your soul mate is unimaginable. But, Phoenix, his reaction to you is undeniable. The old Johnathan is still there. We just need to coax him out of hiding.”

  “How do we do that?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Jayden responded, feeling his heart lurch at the dejection on her face. He wished he could take away her pain. He wished he had the answers she desperately needed.

  Phoenix let out a sigh. She didn’t expect Jayden to have all the answers, but it would be a heck of a lot easier if he did. Really, she wished there were no problems to have answers for. She wished life could be easy like it had been before the war, where the biggest problem had been Johnathan getting annoyed with her for wanting to tag along with him.

  But if that were the case, Phoenix never would have met Jayden, and he was her world now; she couldn’t image a life without him by her side.

  Jayden held Phoenix, aware of the tension in her limbs. She was in his arms, but he felt as if she were a million miles away, and he hated that. How had he let it get to that point?

  “Is there more bothering you than just Johnathan?” Jayden finally asked.

  “Nothing,” Phoenix responded quickly. “I’m just stressed.”

  That answer had been much too quick, and much too forced. Jayden knew there was more she wasn’t telling him.

  “Please don’t lie to me,” Jayden pleaded. “Lie to anyone else, I don’t care, but don’t do that to me. I know the situation with Johnathan is bad, but I also know there’s something else. You’re pulling away from me.”

  She was silent for several moments and then sighed before speaking.

  “It’s just, with our life as it is, there’s no time for us. I feel like you’re my commander in this war. I don’t feel like you’re my boyfriend half the time, and a large part of it is we never have time to be alone, we never have time to just be a couple.”

  “Honey, you know I would never intentionally make you feel that way. You are my world, and I can’t imagine my life without you. I never want you to feel neglected or unloved, but we are in a time of war, and sometimes safety can be a huge concern, so that’s my main focus. We do have a part to play, and you are a main factor in it. I worry and try to protect you, because I wouldn’t survive if something happened to you.”

  Phoenix attempted a laugh. “I know. I’m just being silly.”

  He gripped her chin and made her look at him. “Don’t be like that. Don’t pull away. Tell me your true feelings. It doesn’t make you weak or petty. Everything you feel is valid,” Jayden assured her.
br />   “It’s just hard,” she said, feeling a pinprick of tears at the corners of her eyes. “I wish I could be selfish and run away with you, but I can’t. As things are, it feels like we’re going to be at war the rest of our lives. I want what all girls want: dating and romance, laughter and excitement, and marriage and babies, and then I think I’m so horrible to feel that way.”

  “Honey,” Jayden whispered. “You will have all of that and more. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I’m sorry I haven’t made it known lately as much as I have in the past. I’ve been so worried about safety I’ve pushed emotional security to the side, and I promise that isn’t a mistake I will make again. You deserve to feel loved, cared for, and cherished.”

  “I love you,” Phoenix said. She turned around and planted a soft kiss on his cheek in gratitude, bringing their mouths inches apart. It really had been too long since they’d had any time together. “And thank you for letting me ramble.”

  “I’m sorry it took so long for me to listen to you,” he said.

  The talking ended. Because now that her fears were alleviated, Phoenix realized they were alone. She wasn’t going to waste anymore time.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “I’m going to walk over there and pick some berries. I’m a bit overwhelmed, so it would be nice to have some time to myself for reflection,” Evelyn said to Elise with a shy grin, pointing to a small grove in the near distance.

  During Evelyn’s short stay since her rescue, she had slowly blossomed. Of course she was still shy and so jumpy, but she was starting to break away from her shell and feel safe once again.

  Elise had been heaven-sent during the process. Her friend was a helping hand, a listening ear when needed, and someone to sit with so Evelyn didn’t feel so alone in the world.

  The two had bonded quickly once the medics had cleared Evelyn from staying in bed all day, although being in bed had never stopped Elise from visiting and trying to provide anything she could to make her stay more bearable.


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