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Jayden Page 11

by Catherine Lievens

  “But there are so many of you here.”

  “I don’t buy gifts for everyone, just for my brother and his mate, Keenan, Jayden, Ani, Oliver, Nysys—”

  “That’s a lot of people!”

  Darin shrugged. “Not really. Seriously, don’t worry about it and open them.”

  The only things that were heard in the room in the next few minutes were the sound of paper being torn and delighted exclamations. Heath carefully opened his gifts, smiling in thanks at Darin for the T-shirt. Keenan’s gift was a lumpy electric-blue hat, and Heath didn’t hesitate to put it on. It was a tight fit with his curls, but it fit, and the beam Keenan sent his way when he noticed made Heath smile.

  Dominic got up from his couch and came closer. He held a fist out and let a key fall in Heath’s hand when he reached for it. Heath looked at it. It was a car key, and he looked at Dominic in question.

  “Your car key. I sent a few enforcers looking around for your car, and they found it parked in front of the library. I have no idea why you walked here, but anyway. It’s yours.”

  “Where... where did you find the keys? I left it open?”

  “No. One of my guys also found the spot where we think whatever happened to you happened. I didn’t want to bring it up today, of all days, so if you want to come see me tomorrow or in a few days, we’ll talk about it. We found shredded clothes there, and the keys and a wet cell phone were in the jeans pockets. We couldn’t save the cell phone, although Isaiah’s been working on getting at least part of the data back.”

  “That’s... thank you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. The car is parked with the others right outside the front door.”

  “Yeah, okay. Thanks.”

  The alpha nodded and made to leave, but he paused before walking away. “Nice hat, by the way.”

  Heath smiled and fingered his hat. “It was a gift from Keenan.”

  “I know. I got one too, although it’s yellow and brown rather than blue.”

  “That’s because those are Simba’s colors, and you’d better wear it,” Keenan yelled from where he was still unwrapping gifts.

  “Keenan,” Dominic answered, smiling and shaking his head.

  “I’m not joking!”

  Dominic got his hat out of his jeans’ pocket, looked around, shrugged, and put it on. The hat even had lion’s ears, and it was cute as hell if a little lumpy. There were a few cheers and Keenan abandoned his gifts long enough to kiss both Dominic’s and Heath’s cheek.

  Heath looked around, saw a few people smiling at him, and realized he didn’t need to remember. These people had welcomed him, just because. They didn’t have a reason, except maybe the fact that he was Jayden’s mate, yet they’d made him feel like he was home when he didn’t remember where his home was. It was a bit overwhelming, and Heath felt the need to be alone.

  Jayden seemed to read his mind and got up. He stacked their gifts under the chair he’d been sitting on and pulled Heath along, guiding him toward the kitchen. They stepped outside and Heath shivered at the sudden cold.

  It was snowing, and Heath closed his eyes and tilted his head up, enjoying the pinprick sensation of the flakes on his skin.

  “Shit-shit-shit, it’s cold!”

  Heath opened his eyes and looked at Jayden. His mate was pulling his underwear off, leaving him completely naked. “What are you doing?”

  “What’s it look like? I’m shifting. Come one, I wanna play.”

  Seconds later, Jayden was gone, a small white weasel stood on its hind legs in front of Heath. Heath laughed and crouched. “You’re a cutie.”

  Jayden squeaked and came closer, arching his back when Heath stroked a hand down the soft fur. He did something that sounded like a purr before jumping up and squeaking impatiently.

  “Okay, okay. Give me a sec.”

  Heath quickly stripped and shivered in the cold. He left his clothes in a lump next to Jayden’s and shifted. It felt damn good after a week of being in his human form. He’d been a bit apprehensive, because he’d spent two weeks as a bear without remembering he was actually human, but while he could feel his bear, he wasn’t losing contact with his human side.

  Jayden squeaked and Heath looked down. He leaned forward, extending his paw, and Jayden jumped and scampered up his arm until he reached Heath’s shoulder. Another squeak and Jayden rubbed his tiny weasel head against Heath’s bear one. Heath purred and ambled toward the trees. Jayden’s slight weight on his shoulder made him feel complete, more than any memory probably could.

  * * * *

  Jayden squeaked and scrambled from one of Heath’s shoulders to the other. Their romp in the woods had been too short, but they had to go to Heath’s parents, even if it was the last thing Jayden wanted at the moment.

  Not that he didn’t like his in-laws, but the last few weeks had been frantic to say the least, and the only thing he wanted was to cuddle in his bed with Heath.

  Heath burst from between the trees in front of the porch and Jayden hid in his mate’s fur when he saw Teddy was waiting for them and talking with Keenan and Nysys, of all people. They barely gave Heath and Jayden a glance, even though Heath was in his bear form. Their conversation seemed to be lively, and Nysys was gesturing wildly as he talked.

  Heath stopped at the porch steps and Jayden jumped from him onto the porch railing. He scampered to his clothes, which were now neatly folded and waiting for him on one of the benches. He shifted and quickly dressed, shivering in the cold, then grabbed Heath’s clothes and brought them closer.

  Heath shuffled up the stairs, finally getting the guys’ attention, and Jayden handed him his clothes as soon as he became human again. He could tell something was wrong just from the expression on Heath’s face.

  “What is it?”

  Heath shook his head and pushed his legs in his jeans. “There was a spot, in the forest...”

  Jayden thought back at where they’d just been and remembered Heath tensing at one point. He’d dismissed it because there’d been nothing weird in the place they’d been at, but now...


  “I think I remembered something. It’s... it wasn’t the first time, but I thought it was a dream, but then I had the same image in my mind when we passed that spot.”

  “It looked like any spot in the forest to me.” Even if Heath did remember something, how could he tell it had happened there?

  “No, it’s not. It’s close to the road that leads to the mansion, and didn’t you see that broken tree?”

  “It’s been there for months.”

  Heath huffed in annoyance and put his blue hat on. “I don’t care about how long it’s been there, Jay, just that I actually remember it.”

  “Oh! What do you remember? Do you know what happened to you? How you got hurt? Do you remember everything?”

  Keenan put a hand on Jayden’s arm, making him jump. He hadn’t seen Keenan get up from the bench he’d been sitting on. “I think you’re confusing him. Let him breathe.”

  Jayden looked back at Heath, and yeah, he could see he wasn’t really helping with his questions. Heath looked lost in a way that he hadn’t looked since he’d shifted that night and Jayden had brought him to the mansion. “Sorry.”

  Heath waved and frowned. “S’ okay. I just... I wish I could remember more, but...”

  Keenan clapped his hands together, effectively getting everyone’s attention. “Why don’t we go to the kitchen? It’s warmer than standing outside.” He didn’t wait for anyone’s answer and led the way inside.

  Jayden looked at Heath and Heath shrugged, then followed Keenan. Teddy fell in step with Jayden and Jayden looked at the way his brother was worrying his lower lip. “Come on, say it.”

  Teddy turned wide eyes to Jayden. “What?”

  “I know you want to say something, or ask something.”

  “I just... is he fine?”

  Jayden sighed. “I don’t know. I think so, bu
t I don’t know what he remembered. If it was whatever happened to him, it’s probably traumatic.”

  “Can I do something to help?”

  Jayden’s felt a sudden wave of affection for his brother and gave him a one-arm hug. “I don’t think so. I don’t think anyone but Heath can do anything, but why don’t you go upstairs and dress? We’ll leave soon, I think.” He pointedly looked at Teddy’s too big pajamas and Teddy grinned. He squeezed Jayden back and hurried to the entrance, leaving Jayden in the kitchen with the others.

  He went closer to Heath, who was now sitting at the counter, his elbows on the marble surface and his face hidden in his hands. Jayden stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, hoping it’d help, even if only a bit. He noticed Nysys and Keenan whispering, then Nysys walked out.

  Jayden pressed his cheek against Heath’s back and was relieved when Heath moved and put his hands over Jayden’s. “Do you want to talk about it?”


  Dominic entered the kitchen, Nysys trailing behind him. “What is it?”

  “Heath thinks he remembers something,” Jayden answered.

  “It’s not much, but I had this dream a few days ago, and now that I saw the spot where it happened, I realize it wasn’t a dream as much as a memory.”

  Dominic sat in front of Heath, on the other side of the counter, and patiently waited for him to regroup his thoughts.

  “I was walking along the road to get here, although I don’t remember why I wasn’t in my car. I heard someone talking. It wasn’t yelling, but it was loud enough that I could hear it, and the guy sounded angry. I peeked through the trees and there were two men talking. I made some noise and they saw me, but I can’t... their faces. I don’t know. I don’t know who they are. I can’t remember, I can’t...”

  Jayden pressed his chest harder against Heath’s back and smoothed his hand down Heath’s stomach. “It’s okay. You don’t have to remember.”

  “I left. I didn’t think they’d try to hurt me, just that I had stumbled on a lovers spat or something, but then there was someone behind me, and I ran, and there were trees. I remember I fell, and it hurt.”

  “Do you think those two men could be pride members?” Dominic asked, his voice low.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t recognize anyone, but I don’t know if I’ve met all the pride members yet. And even if I have... I don’t know if I’d recognize them. The memory is very blurry, and it’s almost like I remember the emotions better than the actual facts.”

  Dominic looked thoughtful for a moment. “Okay. I don’t think we can do anything, really.”

  Heath shook his head. “I’m sorry I can’t help more.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s Christmas Day. Have fun, eat, relax. We can think about all this tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow.”

  Teddy came in just then. He stopped at the door and shuffled his feet while looking at Dominic. He obviously still wasn’t sure how to behave around the alpha, but Dominic just ruffled his hair as he left the room, making Teddy smile before he fixed his hair again.

  Jayden released Heath and checked the time and swore. “We’re going to be late.”

  Heath groaned and pressed his forehead against the marble counter. “This is the last thing I want to do right now.”

  Jayden patted his shoulder. “I could call them and tell them we’re not coming, but... I think you should give it a try. They’re all waiting for you, and it’ll distract you, at least for today.” He leaned closer, enough that only Heath could hear the next thing he said. “And I need to ask Will about you topping, remember?”

  Heath laughed and straightened. He reached for Jayden and pulled him into his arms. He kissed Jayden’s nose, then his lips, until Teddy exclaimed, “Eww, guys, can you do that in your bedroom? And can we go? I’m hungry.”

  Jayden laughed. “You just had breakfast!”

  “What can I say? I’m a growing boy.”

  “He’s going to eat us out of house and home,” Heath pointed out.

  “Maybe we should leave him here when we move.”

  “Hey! Don’t say stuff like that,” Teddy complained.

  Jayden sauntered to his brother and pulled him close, messing with his hair as he did so. “Aww, don’t worry, Teddy. I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

  “That might make him having a girlfriend or a boyfriend awkward,” Heath pointed out.

  Jayden winked at Teddy. They’d successfully distracted Heath, and he was smiling again. Teddy beamed back, and Jayden pushed him toward the door. “Come on, let’s go. We can’t have the kid hungry!”

  * * * *

  Heath groaned and collapsed on their bed. He pressed his hands on his stomach and winced. “God, I ate so much.”

  Jayden tsked in disapproval. “I noticed. It looked like we don’t feed you here.”

  “Everything was so tasty. My mother sure can cook, huh?”

  Jayden finished unbuttoning his shirt and left it on the back of the chair in their room. He turned to look at Heath, his smile soft and his eyes shining with emotion. “Yeah, she can.”

  Heath rose on his elbows and cocked his head. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just, well, it was nice seeing you with your family like that. You’ve been so lost ever since we found each other, and I knew you needed more than I could give you to start healing. Now you do.”

  Heath patted the bed next to his hip. “Come here.”

  Jayden hesitated, then opened his pants and slithered out of them. He threw them on the chair too, and Heath took his time looking at his mate. Not that he hadn’t seen Jayden half-naked yet, but they’d been very careful not to stare until now, almost too careful. Heath knew it had been Jayden’s way to give him time to wrap his head around what had happened to him and to find himself again, and he appreciated it. But he was ready for more.

  Jayden climbed on the bed and sat on his knees by Heath’s side, dressed only in his briefs and a T-shirt. He looked expectant, and Heath knew exactly what Jayden was waiting and hoping for.

  “We don’t have to do it if you changed your mind,” he said, stroking a hand up Jayden’s thigh. Jayden was mostly hairless, and the only hair Heath had been able to find on him during his covert peeks at his mate was on Jayden’s legs, but even there, he didn’t have much. The little he had was so blond it was almost white, and it was almost impossible to see it.

  Heath felt it prickle his palm and smiled at Jayden’s vigorous shake of head. “No way. I was the one to propose Christmas, remember?”

  “You were also the one who looked like he’d changed his mind because he wasn’t sure whether I’d ever bottomed.”

  “Oh, I’m not afraid of that anymore.”

  Heathen frowned and suddenly remembered he’d noticed Jayden talking with Will just after lunch. Jayden had looked absolutely normal, but Will had been blushing and looking like he wanted to run away. “You didn’t!”

  Jayden widened his eyes innocently. “I didn’t what?”

  Heath sat up. “You asked Will about our sex life!”

  “Oh, that.”

  “So? Did you do it?”



  “Because I wanted to know.”

  Heath shook his head, not at all surprised. “Jay, I was joking when I suggested that to you. Didn’t you think Will might have taken it badly? It’s not like we broke up because he wanted to, or even because I wanted to, and you’ve basically asked him how to have sex with his ex.”

  “Oh. Oops?”

  Heath slumped on his back again and laughed. “Yeah, oops. And here I’d promised him we’d stay out of his way and try to be inconspicuous with our PDA.”

  “I didn’t know you’d promised that! And I swear, he didn’t look too hurt, just... uncomfortable.”

  Heath reached for Jayden and pulled him on top of him. Jayden yelped and put his hands on both sides o
f Heath’s face.

  “So, was the chat with Will illuminating? Did you decide who’s going to do what?”

  “Mmm, I think I want you to fuck me first.”

  Heath’s eyes widened. “You’re sure? You really wanted to fuck me, if I remember it right. Why did you change your mind? Wait, did Will tell you he never topped me, by any chance? Because if that’s the reason you don’t want to fuck me, then let me tell you, it’s crap. Even if I didn’t bottom with him, I’m sure I did with someone else, and even if I didn’t I do want to do it with you.”

  Jayden laughed. “It’s okay. Will told me you switched, right before running away as if being chased by the hounds of hell.”

  “Then... why? Why did you change your mind?”

  Jayden smiled softly. “I didn’t. I just figured I could have that any time you wanted, but I want you to have this special memory.”

  Heath’s mind melted. “Oh, Jay. It’ll be special even if you’re the one making love to me.”

  “I know, but I want to give you this, if it makes sense.”

  “Not really, but I’m not stupid. I’m not about to say no.”

  They stared at each other, both with goofy smiles on their face, until Jayden flopped down Heath’s body and opened his arms. “So, what do I do?”

  “First thing first—you need to take those clothes off.”

  “Only if you take yours off too.”

  “Having sex would be kind of hard if I didn’t.”

  Jayden took a thoughtful expression. “I don’t know. You could take only your cock out, I guess. That would certainly work, but I’d rather keep that one for later. I think I want to feel your skin right now.”

  They looked at each other for a few seconds, then both of them jumped up and clothes started flying. Heath had more to take off, so Jayden was already naked, on his back, and with a bottle of lube in hand when Heath was done.

  He handed Heath the lube as soon as Heath knee-walked between his open legs and let his knees fall to the side, exposing himself even more. Heath paused and took a few moments just to look at his mate.


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