Tool Driver

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by Jessika Klide

  Tool Driver

  Title Page








  Tool Driver

  A Stepbrother Romance

  TD Book 1:



  Jessika Klide


  Copyright © 2016 Jessika Klide

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, events and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, named features, artists and bands are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used for reference and without permission. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.


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  "Dammit!" I tell myself in the elevator on the way down. "I’m going to have to fucking fly to make it in time for the party now."

  My instructor wanted me to stay through the weekend. "Rachael, it will be 'beneficial' to your career." His leering eyes traveling up from my ass.

  I knew what he meant and what he wanted. If I did his homework, I would def win the top award over Betty Big Boobs and that award will guarantee me the promotion.

  But last night when TD and I talked, I told him. "I know the cocktail party is tomorrow night, but I really should stay here and fuck my instructor instead. I need that award to get the promotion."

  CLICK. TD hung up on me before I could finish.

  I wouldn’t really back out. I know it’s important to him. He’s been negotiating our invitation for weeks now to the monthly CockTail party with an elite group of local Swingers and he finally got the date. I only wanted him to know I was sacrificing for him. Instead, my comment sent him spiraling into full on bastard mode and he is doing the one thing I can’t take. He is giving me the silent treatment. He cut me off from all communication. He knows that I will drive myself mad. Especially because I’m out of town!

  I told the kitchen and dead phone. ".... Fuck you!"

  But the truth is the thought of him being that angry makes my heart hurt. All night I tossed in bed and this morning, I told my reflection in the mirror. "Fucking bastard! He knows I will do whatever he wants."

  So after class today I followed my instructor to his office and closed the door, then locked it. His smile was proof I was right. I strutted around his desk, and proceeded to unzip his pants. "I have another obligation this weekend, but here’s a little something for you. Consider it extra credit until next week when I’ll really do your homework."

  I pushed him down on top of his desk, sat in his chair and proceeded to suck his cock. But I got in too big a hurry. Knowing the travel time after class was cutting it close, I sucked too hard. He couldn’t cum. Running out of time, I ended up hiking my skirt, dropping my panties and bending over his desk to give him what he really wanted. My ass.

  I push my hair out of my face and grin as I exit the building.

  The man did a fine job jack hammering my big beautiful butt. I could feel the swell of my flesh moving in rhythm with his pounding. He was doing it right. And the swat on the cheek. That was a nice touch. The pow echoed in his office. I can still feel the heat of his hand. At least I know next week, he’s got what it takes to get me off.

  As I hurry to my car, the cool air hits the wetness in my panties. Umm. He pumped me full of cum. "Damn. I could have enjoyed that. I better get an all night fucking for this. This party better live up to the billing."

  I check my phone again. Nothing.


  The text I sent TD this morning saying **Fuck you! I’m coming. I’ll be there.** was delivered, but not read.


  I fly south, but have to slam on the breaks, and stop at the first light. The woman in the car next to me cuts her eyes and looks over to see who is driving like a bat out of hell in a bright yellow Charger.

  "What are you looking at?" My nerves explode! Road rage is a problem I have. My shrink says to talk it out so I tell her. "I pissed TD off. Royally. And now he won't talk to me." I plummet the steering wheel and her eyes widen. "DAMN HIM!" I shout as I turn my angry eyes on her. She has a look of shock on her face. I scream at her. "I hate him so bad!" Her stupid look makes me even more angry. "Fucking hell!"

  The light turns green and I punch it, streaking away from her. "GRRRRR!" A car pulls out in front of me and I have to slow to keep from ramming it, then I shoot the gap. Weaving in and out of traffic, hurrying to get out of town. At the ramp to the bypass, I’m forced to stop once more. I inch my way on to it.

  Looking at the old lady in the car next to me, I tell her. "He’s a damn bastard! Making me feel this way! Making me feel guilty for wanting this promotion. For Christ fucking sake! What’s wrong with him?"

  She looks over at me and I imagine her asking. "Who dear?"

  As we inch forward, I stare straight ahead and tell her. "Thomas David, TD for short. He’s spoiled, self centered, and a self serving bastard. The world revolves around him first, and everyone else after that. He’s always working his angle."

  The traffic breaks and I make it onto the four lane. "Well, I worked a little of my own angle. Ha! And next week, I’ll work it all and get it all!" The thought of my instructor sliding his dick into my big butt cheeks makes me grin. I turn to take the short cut out of the City and I begin to relax. "He liked it! He liked it a lot. That smack on the ass spoke volumes. He’ll give me what I want because I’ll give him what he wants."

  Ten minutes into the drive, I’m stopped at another red light, and trapped between two cars as a funeral procession goes through. My mood sours when I check the time.

  I imagine TD’s words. "Rachael, you can’t cancel! I can’t wait another month! I can’t wait! I can’t wait. I. I. I."

  "Fucking Tool Driver! He can’t wait!" I bitch to the air.

  The light turns green and I punch it. Truth is he can’t wait. For as long as I’ve known him, he tries to drill every girl within 5 feet of him. I shake my head watching the memory replay in my mind of the first time he seduced a friend from high school right under my nose. His charm was turned up high that damn day! "TD stands for Touch Down, Baby. It’s pointless to resist. I always score."

  "I couldn’t say a word either. Being his stepsister and all. Getting jealous wasn’t an option." I tell the dog in the car next to me, staring at me with drool dripping off his tongue. "And it’s true! He does! He always drives his tool home! Deep. Hard. Drilling! Fuck yeah!" I rub my pussy while I wait. "That’s why I call him Tool Driver. It’s a fucking fantastic tool and he knows how to use it!"

  The funeral procession passes and when the light turns green and I gun it to the next red light.

  A badass biker pulls up next to me. "He’s a womanizing, playboy! A real jerk! A true prick! He always takes what he wants and wants what others have. Probably just like you!" I glare at him sitting on his bike like he’s a MC stud. "I could ride you wh
ile you drive that Harley home!" The badass ignores me.

  The light turns green and I stomp it, racing the tattooed badass biker to the next light. "I’m not a pussy. I’m a headstrong woman who is a little goth, a little biker bitch, with a whole lot of BBW attitude!" The Harley flies through the yellow light, but I have to stop again.

  I sigh at the tween girl in the car sitting next to her dad. "I’m his bitch and I love him. I have since the first day I laid eyes on him." She smiles at me. "You’re about the same age I was." Their car turns off with the green arrow and my foot taps the gas waiting impatiently.

  The memory of my eyes on TD that first time flitters across my mind and my fingers find my clit. His white blonde hair and blue eyes. There is no one else like him. The light turns green and I hit the gas.

  At the next red light, a self righteous woman pulls up and looks down her nose at me. "Tool Driver is the name I tagged him with years ago!" I wink at her. "To say that we have an unusual relationship is an understatement. We are anything but normal." She smiles. "He’s my stepbrother. On the surface, we appear to be normal, but under the surface...." I fuck my wet fingers and her look of shock makes me laugh.

  The light turns green and I peel away from the City, heading for my lover. As I drive into the country, my mind returns to that first time I saw Thomas David.


  "Who’s the new guy?" I ask Caleb, pointing to my chest, indicating the boy standing behind me.

  "I don’t know. He’s cute though." Caleb leaned his head around me to get a better view. "He’s going into Mr. Johnson’s room. Come on. Let’s go check him out."

  We walked quickly up to the door and Caleb opened it. Mr. Johnson looked up as we entered the room. "Good morning, Rachael, Caleb. Take a seat. I’ll be with you shortly."

  We walked to the back of the room and sat. The new guy didn’t look up from his cell phone. He was busy texting someone obviously important. Caleb and I ogled him unhindered. His white blonde hair was short back then. I smile. His ears showed. I should dig out some old pictures of TD and tease him about his military haircut. Ken, my father, thought he was a good guy, trustworthy with his daughter, based entirely on that haircut, and his deceptive charm. Stupid man! When Mr. Johnson finished filling out his form, he handed it to the new boy and the guy left without so much as a glance around.

  Caleb whispered to me. "He’s not gay ... yet." He laughed silently at me.

  "How can you tell?" I whispered back.

  "I can. Trust me." He winked at me. "Let’s flip a coin to see who wins at first dibs."

  "No." I laughed.

  "Why?" Caleb frowned at me.


  "Because nothing! He’s fresh meat. Fair game." He tossed a coin up, called tails with a knowing wink, caught it, then flipped it over to land on his forearm and pulled his hand away to reveal the face of the coin. "You win, girlfriend! You’ve got to give him head before I can give him tail."

  I smirked. Caleb was always the one who pushed the boundaries and made me his willing accomplice. Being the daughter of the man who headed up security for an A-List celebrity, had its advantages and its disadvantages. Advantage: I was invited to all the cool parties. Disadvantage: That invitation came with snitch expectations. Although I never did, no one trusted me, but it didn’t matter. I wasn’t the only one hiding in plain sight and whatever info got reported, I was the one they blamed. Forced to go, no one even remotely acknowledged I was human, much less let me in on any action. Why he thought it was good for his little girl, I still don’t know, but he did, so I went.

  That’s how I met Caleb. His mother was Head of the Staff over the premises of an underage pop star. She made him attend with her when his sitter didn’t show one night. He was supposed to stay in the kitchen, but he snuck out and found me in a corner being invisible. Since then, we have been besties and that was three years ago.

  "Come on. I need a smoke." I tell Caleb.

  We stood up to leave and Mr. Johnson asked. "Did you need to speak with me?"

  "No." I respond and he puts his head back down.

  Outside we turn the corner and head down the alley between the buildings. I dig in my backpack for my pack of smokes and Caleb digs in his pants pocket for a light. At the end we hook a hard right and hug the back wall. Caleb holds the flame while I puff the stick to get it started. We share it in silence, then I ask. "So how do you give a guy head so good he never forgets your name?"

  "Atta girl." Caleb answered and proceeded to tell me the finer details of a blowjob that would blow all other blowjobs out of the park.

  The next few weeks Caleb and I managed to shadow the new blonde boy watching his patterns, collecting data on his movements, and generally stalking him, getting ready to make our move. Our plan was simple. Caleb would keep a look out while I gave him head. The when and where were unimportant. Since being invisible was our specialty, we didn’t worry about that part. The perfect opportunity would present itself. People often found themselves alone with us, and never even knew it. The new blonde boy would be no different. The important thing was the why and the how. It would be a mind blowing experience of epic proportions guaranteed to make a lasting impression. I could hear him saying my name. "Rachael."


  "Ray." My father called to me from down stairs in the Living Room. "I’m home. Come down. Martha and I have news for you."

  "In a minute. Let me get dressed." I lied. "Be patient. Be prepared. Be bold." I repeated to my iPad as I applied Vaseline to my lips and rubbed them together.

  Caleb grinned at me as I peeled the banana and stared at it, then opened my mouth and inserted it down my throat.

  "Hold it. Hold it." Caleb encouraged me. "Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. You’re doing good, Rachael! A little longer...."

  My eyes started to water and then I gagged, squishing the banana. "Damn." I giggled as I chewed it up and swallowed. "How long that time?"

  "Long enough." Caleb approved. "You’re ready. If you can hold his cock that deep and that long in your mouth without gagging, he will absofuckinglutely remember your name." He grinned at me.

  "Good. I’m ready to suck his cock down deep and see those dreamy blue eyes staring into mine while I do."

  Over the course of the weeks of silent stalking, my goal had changed. The blonde boy with the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen, had become the new objective, not just his blowjob.

  "Ray! Come down. Martha and I have some news to share." I could tell by his voice that he had been drinking again. Martha was his new girlfriend. They had been dating all summer and while she was nice enough, she seemed overly anxious to please him and not thrilled he had a fifteen year old daughter living full time with him.

  Once while being invisible I overheard her ask him. "Kendall, why doesn’t Rachael live with her mother?"

  He answered with the usual cold response. "Her mother’s dead or else she would."

  And then the disappointed "Oh." Knowing I was a permanent issue she would have to deal with. Followed by the truth. "I’m so sorry to hear that." Literally. Followed by the sympathy he knew he would get because he spoke blunt and cold about it. "Poor baby."

  "Rachael, Honey. Come down. There is someone you need to meet too." Martha’s sweet voice calls me too.

  "Coming!" I yelled back. "Fuck, Caleb. I have to go. Now Martha is calling me." I rolled my eyes at him.

  "Alright, Baby Girl. Chat later." He gave me a twinkling finger wave as he disappeared.

  I opened the door and trotted down the stairs. Tits jiggling everywhere in the skimpy white tank top. Brown nipples pressed against the soft, thin fabric as the hard tips showed their exact position and the exact condition of either the temperature of the air or my mood. I refused to wear a bra anymore. Ken wasn’t happy about it, but screw him. The damn things were too confining. "Tits are tender when they are growing." I told him last summer when mine finally sprang to life, growing into ripe melons. Our compromise was tube tops w
hich he thought I wore under my shirts at school, but I snatched them off the moment I left the house and let my twins roam wild and free. I bounced off the last stair, smirking as I rounded the corner thinking I was going to shock Ken with my lack of 'give a shit' to even the simplest tube top dress code rule today. I was feeling rebellious.

  I smile at the road remembering the next chain of events. "Ray, his Rebel," I crowned myself.

  When I rounded the corner and entered the living room, I crashed into my frustrated father as he headed to retrieve me physically from my haven. His glass of vodka slipped from his intoxicated fingers and sloshed down both my shirt and his pants. Instant wet t-shirt contest occurred and instant venomous spewing of angry words erupted from my lips. Martha sprang to her feet and immediately inserted herself between us as we circled each other. Years of pent-up anger and frustration radiated from both of us these days and confrontation was becoming an everyday thing now. He had not raised a hand to me yet, but I was pushing his buttons like never before and it was only a matter of time. Martha grabbed Ken and spun him away telling him that fifteen year old girls needed space. "Look at you, Honey Dumplings. You are all wet. Let’s go clean you up and change your clothes." She hooked his arm and led him up the stairs to the bedroom. I stared after them thinking. 'Go fuck yourselves!' Knowing that was exactly what was going to happen.

  Halfway there, she called over her shoulder. "Introduce yourself."

  That’s when I realized there was actually someone else there, sitting on the couch, watching everything silently. I turned to see him watching me. My breath caught in my throat and my heart skipped a beat, then stopped altogether. I watched as his sexy smile spread over his sexy face as he stood up. His vivid blue eyes were locked on my tits. They never wavered. They never glanced at my face. They were locked down tight on the view of my nipples blatantly exposed. Although the cold liquid made my nipples draw up and get hard, his eyes lusting for them made them shrink up so taut the rough edges grabbed the sheer wet fabric and plastered it to them. The hot blood surging in them now, made the cold pleasurable. I had my first taste of pre-orgasmic prepping of my pussy and it was magical. I looked down to see the view he was enjoying and I might as well be standing naked before him. The sight of my tits bared for him was a dream come true and I smiled at the irony of the way this happened. Not like I had planned, but I can definitely work with it. Rather than pulling the fabric off my skin and putting air there, I decided to leave it. The lust in his eyes would made his cock easy prey. Caleb would not be winning this bet.


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