From a Far Land

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From a Far Land Page 23

by G David Walker

  “But why? Where’s my dad now?” A spark of hope leapt up inside him.

  Reyga shrugged the spark away. “No one has seen him.”

  “So who killed Chon? Whoever did that has to know where my dad is.”

  The High One shook his head. “We cannot be certain,” he said, “but whoever did possesses a great deal of power. We do have our suspicions, however.”

  Bothan. His ancestor’s words came back to him. “I’m sure I could handle any one of them alone.” But was it him, or was it someone else here working for him? Or was there even anyone else at all? What about Regor? How much of what Bothan had told him was true, if any?

  He looked around the room as the thoughts swirled in his head. Where’s my dad? Why would someone want to make it look like he’d been killed? His gaze passed over the shelves and decorations without seeing them.

  “Jason?” Reyga asked.

  “Hmm?” he said. “Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about what you’d said.” If his dad hadn’t been killed, then that meant he had to be somewhere. “It’s a lot to take in,” he added. It was almost too much. He needed to change the subject.

  “Is Lenai okay?” He remembered the night Bothan grabbed him, and the sound of Lenai’s shout just before a blast of power blinded him.

  Reyga glanced at the High One, who nodded.

  “The night you were abducted we found Lenai unconscious,” Reyga said. “Nothing we attempted would revive her. Loremaster Seryn’s pupils healed all of her physical injuries, but she still did not awaken.

  “Under Seryn’s supervision, her most experienced student, Elira, conducted a deeper probe of Lenai. During her examination, she apparently triggered a reserve of power that had somehow been placed within Lenai. Elira was struck by dimsai from Lenai’s body.”

  “What happened to her?”

  “Elira did not survive the attack,” Reyga said.

  Bothan again. How many more? “I’m sorry. What about Lenai?”

  “Seryn and her students were able to treat her. She has recovered from the ordeal.”

  “Does she know about Elira?”


  “How’d she take it?”

  “Not well, I am afraid. She has not left her quarters for over a sixday.” Reyga hesitated, and then went on. “You should know also that she blames herself for your abduction.”

  “What? That’s crazy,” Jason said. “Why would it be her fault?”

  The High One spoke up. “Lenai feels she failed in her duty to protect you, and has thus failed the Circle. She believes this has dishonored her.”

  “But what else could she have done?”

  “Precisely what we have tried to tell her,” Reyga said. “She still believes she failed.”

  He thought for a moment. “Do you think I could talk with her?”

  Tal shook his head. “She refuses to see anyone save the healer assigned to her.”

  “Actually, High One,” Reyga said, “she might see Jason.”

  Tal’s expression invited Reyga to continue.

  “As a Shanthi, Lenai will feel compelled to ask Jason’s forgiveness for her failure to safeguard him, just as she asked Loremaster Seryn’s forgiveness for the death of Elira. Her sense of honor will demand it of her. In truth, Jason may be the only person Lenai would see.”

  The High One nodded as Reyga finished. “Perhaps. I leave it to your discretion then, Loremaster Reyga. When we are finished here, if you wish to show Jason to Lenai’s quarters, I have no objection.” He turned to Jason. “Now, young man, since we cannot answer all of the questions surrounding the events in the training yard, let us focus on those questions that we can answer.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, to start, after the incident in the training yard, you said your ancestor was right. Can we assume that he was your initial abductor, and the person to whom you returned?”

  He thought about denying it, but he knew what he’d said. Besides, what difference does it make now? He nodded.

  “So, you were not entirely truthful with us when you first returned to Lore’s Haven. In fact, it would not be inaccurate to say that you lied to the Circle. Is that correct?”

  He took a deep breath and let it out noisily. “Yes, I lied,” he said. “I didn’t know who I could trust. To tell you the truth, I still don’t.”

  “You feel Bodann is preferable to us?”

  “Preferable? No. Whatever happened to my dad is his fault, and Elira’s death, and most likely Chon’s. He would have killed me too if Nyala hadn’t shown up. But you’ve both lied to me too, so I’m not so sure I want to be on your side either. Maybe me and whatever power it is I’m supposed to have should just sit this one out.”

  “I realize we withheld the knowledge of the dimsai from you,” the High One began, “but—”

  “I’m not talking about the dimsai. That I can almost understand. What I’m talking about is the prophecy. You forgot to mention certain parts that I might have had a couple of problems with.”

  “What did Bodann tell you?” Tal asked.

  “He told me that my destruction is your hope. He told me the prophecy says for your land to live, my land must die.” He crossed his arms. “If you plan to invade my world, you better just kill me now, ‘cause if I do have power, and if I can learn how to use it, I’ll do everything I can to stop you.”

  “Jason—” Reyga began.

  “Loremaster Reyga,” the High One said, holding up a hand to forestall Reyga’s comment. Tal sat back, resting his elbows on the arms of the chair and lacing his fingers together. “Very well,” he said, “it is time for total candor, since we see where caution has gotten us. Yes, we withheld certain information from you. While that is not actually lying, it is also not completely telling the truth.” He leaned forward. “So, first of all, the prophecy. In its entirety, the prophecy says

  “From a far land, Jaben shall come.

  The last to arrive, he will already be here.

  Powerful and powerless,

  Our hope and our doom are in his hands.

  His destruction is our hope.

  His denial is our doom.

  For our land to live, the far land must die.”

  “See?” Jason said. “’His destruction is our hope.’ ‘For our land to live, the far land must die.’ Seems pretty straightforward to me.”

  “On the surface, yes,” the High One said. A tight smile crossed his face briefly. “You might find it interesting to know that Loremaster Chon’s interpretation of the prophecy was much the same as yours.” Jason’s mouth clapped shut when he heard this.

  “Fortunately,” the High One went on, “we are not quite so hasty in our interpretation as Loremaster Chon was.”

  “So what do you think it means?”

  “We are still studying it,” the High One said. Then his gaze softened a bit. “Jason, I am telling you the truth when I say that no one here has any designs against you, and we are not planning on invading your world, even had we the ability to do so, which we do not. The prophecy is not so clear when you begin to truly study what it says.” His eyes hardened again. “But in the interest of complete truth, know this: If it turns out that your destruction is required for me to save my world, I will do whatever is necessary to achieve that end, even should it cost me my own life. I can do nothing less.”

  For a few uneasy moments, they stared at each other. Finally, Jason spoke. “Okay. I believe you. And believe it or not, I appreciate you being truthful with that last part too. So you should know that I don’t want to see anything happen to your world either. And to be totally honest, I have no idea how I’m going to make a difference, one way or the other. I just don’t see what I can do.”

  “That remains to be seen,” the High One said. “So, we are agreed then. No more half-truths or withheld information?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “No more withheld information, either way?” the High One asked, raising an eyebrow.

; “Either way,” he agreed. “I’ll tell you whatever I can.”

  The High One stood. “Very well,” he said. “I would like to continue our discussion, but at the moment I have matters to which I must attend. I will send for you later.”

  Jason nodded, and the three of them filed out of the room.


  Brin Jalasar sat by his window, staring with unseeing eyes at the scenery below. Cale is gone. The thought dropped endlessly into the empty chasm of his soul, leaving echoes of its passing as it fell. Cale is gone...gone… The strike against the enemy army had provided only a temporary respite from the pain. The satisfaction he drew from seeing the creatures blasted into the air quickly dried up and blew away like the dust on the arid wind the Topaz Loremaster had created.

  He drew a ragged breath as the realization hit him once more that he would never see his youngest son again. Then a tingle on the back of his neck told him he was not alone.

  “Behold the noble Ruby Loremaster, master of stone and earth,” a whispery, shifting voice said.

  Brin turned, and then stood as he saw a mass of shifting shadows in the corner.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” he demanded.

  “Who I am is not important. What is important is this.”

  Every inch of his body suddenly felt as if it were on fire. He tried to cry out, but no sound would come. The intensity of the pain drove him to his knees. He reached for his own power, but not so much as a spark answered.

  “Do I have your attention?”

  He managed a nod, and then gasped as the burning agony disappeared as abruptly as it began.

  “Remember this.”

  He struggled to his feet, drenched in sweat from the brief ordeal. The breeze from the window, which before had been cool and pleasant, now felt like the icy winds of Landsleep. His muscles twitched and jumped with the memory of the pain.

  “What do you want with me?” he whispered between clenched teeth.

  “I have a small task for you, Ruby Loremaster. A task you may even enjoy.”

  “What kind of task?” His muscles slowly unclenched, the spasms easing.

  “I want you to kill Jason Bennett.”

  “What? Why?”

  “That is of no concern to you. Do not forget, Jason Bennett is to blame for what happened at Brayden Fenn. He is to blame for the death of your son.”

  “That has yet to be proven,” he grated. How dare this creature use the memory of Cale’s fate in such a way? Although he had been ready to condemn the Far Planer when he first learned of his son’s fate, he had been in too much shock to be rational. Later, he realized that even though the boy was the most logical suspect, his guilt must be proven first before justice could be carried out. “I will not murder anyone, not even Jason Bennett, simply because you order it. Why not deal with him yourself?”

  “Because I choose to have you do it.”

  “I will not.”

  “Do not be hasty, Loremaster. You have already lost one son. Do not forget that you have two others.”

  His two elder sons appeared before him. As he watched, the stone of the floor encased their feet, creeping up their legs. He heard their cries of pain. They cried out to him to save them. He was the Ruby Loremaster, keeper of stone lore! Surely he could rescue his own family from its grip? He called on his power, but nothing came. He was helpless to stop the horror he saw before him. No, no, no… He beat and clawed at the stone, but it moved higher. Their voices became hoarse whispers as the stone constricted their chests. Then they were unable to speak at all as the stone covered their mouths. All he saw now were accusing looks of betrayal from their eyes, and then those were gone also. Only columns of grey stone stood where his sons had been.

  “No!” he sank to his knees once more, sobs tearing at his chest. It felt as if his heart must surely burst. Not his family too! He looked up to see their encased bodies again, but they were gone.

  “This is the fate that awaits them, stone master, should you defy me.”

  He could not allow that to happen. Losing one son was bad enough. To lose all three would destroy him. Nevertheless, he was horrified to hear himself whisper, “When do you want it done?”

  “Your wisdom serves you well, Loremaster,” the shadow said, making his title sound like an insult. “Anytime within the next two days will suffice.”

  His gaze dropped to the floor, but he nodded.

  “One more thing, Loremaster. Do not tell anyone of our conversation. If you mention a single word…" He saw the columns of stone again. “…not even the combined power of the Circle will be enough to save them.”


  Jason followed Reyga through the halls of Lore’s Haven. They were quieter than ever, the people going about their business quickly, or clustering in small groups sharing subdued conversations.

  As when he’d gone to breakfast, after the polite greetings, the people watched as he and Reyga walked by. He saw some of them whispering to each other, their eyes never leaving the pair.

  “Here we are,” the Loremaster said at last. “These are Lenai’s quarters.” He turned to Jason. “I believe she will see you,” he said in a low voice. “I would ask this of you, please help her to see that she shares no blame in the recent events. I know she feels that she has failed in her service to you and to Lore’s Haven. From your earlier remarks, I believe you know this to be untrue?”

  Jason nodded.

  “Then help her to accept it as well,” Reyga said. “I would not see her continue to punish herself in this way.” He turned back to the door and knocked. “Lenai, it is Loremaster Reyga. May I speak with you?”

  There was no answer at first. Jason thought she either wasn’t there, or she wasn’t going to acknowledge her visitor. Then he heard her voice.

  “Loremaster Reyga,” she said through the closed door, “please forgive me, but I still have not recovered fully from my ordeal. Perhaps another time?”

  Reyga turned to him. “This is the same answer I have received each time I have come,” he whispered. Then he turned back to the door. “Lenai, I have Jason Bennett with me.”

  This time, the silence from the other side of the door lasted so long Jason was sure that Lenai wasn’t going to answer at all. Just as Reyga raised his hand to knock again, the latch turned and the door opened slightly.

  “Loremaster Reyga,” she said, still concealed behind the door, “if you would, I would speak with Jason Bennett alone.”

  Reyga looked as if he’d expected her reply, but hoped for another. He gave Jason a meaningful look and walked back the way they’d come.

  Jason waited for some sign from inside the room. Seeing none, he cleared his throat. “Uh, Lenai?”

  “Please come in, Jason Bennett,” she said in a flat, dull voice.

  He pushed the door open and stepped into the room. It was a small room, sparsely decorated. A bed sat against the wall across from the door. Dark curtains covered the lone window. Sconces on the walls at either end of the room provided light, and a small table by the bed held a pitcher, a mug, and a small charcoal sketch of a man, woman, and three children. A wooden stool sat in the corner opposite the bed. He turned as Lenai closed the door behind him.

  Her appearance shocked him. It wasn’t so much that she looked different from before, as much as it was her demeanor. Where before she had been confident and sure of herself to the point of aloofness, she now seemed diminished somehow. When she had shown him around Lore’s Haven, she had always met his eyes almost defiantly. Now her gaze wandered across the floor, only occasionally jumping up to him, then just as quickly away. Her eyes were rimmed with red, and her skin had a distinct grayish pall to it.


  “Jason Bennett,” she said in a tone that reminded Jason of their first meeting, “I will be brief.”

  “I thought we agreed you’d call me Jason.”

  She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Just as I failed to safeguard you, I am afraid I
must also fail in this regard.”


  “Jason Bennett, I apologize for my inability to protect you. I failed you, and for that I ask your forgiveness.”

  “Lenai, there was nothing you could have done.” He was getting an idea of how frustrated Reyga must be.

  She gave a harsh shake of her head, still not looking at him. “Jason Bennett, I have given you my apology. Now I must ask you to leave me be.”

  “Help her to see that she shares no blame.” Reyga’s words echoed in his head. How could he do that if he couldn’t even talk to her? If she wouldn’t even listen to him? He searched his mind for a plan. What could he do?

  “No,” he said, as a sudden inspiration flashed through his thoughts. “I don’t accept your apology.”

  Her head snapped up, a spark of anger in her eyes. “No? Do you believe the apology of one who has failed, as I have, to be beneath you? Or is my disgrace not enough for you, that you feel you should shame me more?”

  Well, that got her attention. Now what? He didn’t know what to say next. He forged ahead, hoping the right words would come out.

  “No, nothing like that. Lenai, there’s nothing wrong with your apology. It’s just that it’s not needed. You don’t have anything to apologize for.”

  She stared at him for a moment, and then turned away. “I would not expect a Far Planer to understand.”

  “So explain it to me,” he shot back, putting as much sarcasm as he could into his voice. “From what I hear, no one could have stopped what happened. What could the mighty Lenai of the Shanthi have done that no one else could have?” He was trying to keep her just a little angry, anything to keep her talking.

  She clenched her fists, then relaxed them as her shoulders sagged. “I…I do not know,” she replied, shaking her head. “But—”

  “But nothing,” he interrupted. “Lenai, the person behind all this has more power than anyone on the Circle.” He didn’t know if she knew about Chon, but he decided to tell her anyway. Maybe it would snap her out of her self-condemnation. “He even killed Loremaster Chon.”


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