From a Far Land

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From a Far Land Page 28

by G David Walker

  Nyala! he shouted inside his head. He didn’t know if she could hear his thoughts, but he had to try. Nyala! Can you hear me? No answer.

  “So it would seem,” the High One answered. “From what Jason has told me, Nyala stands between him and the Shadow Lord. Apparently Regor has decided to use others to commit his crimes.”

  Not getting an answer from Nyala, he tried a different tack. Crin! Are you listening? Although he still didn’t get an answer, somehow he knew Crin heard him. Crin, you have to tell Nyala what Regor is doing. He relayed what Seryn had discovered, hoping the bird would be able to pass along the message.

  “What are we to do?” T’kel was saying. “We cannot stand against one such as he.”

  “But if Jason is important enough to attract the attention of the Altered, we cannot simply give him up either,” Reyga said.

  “Are you saying we should defy Regor?” Kalen asked.

  “You don’t have to,” Jason said. Crin was relaying Nyala’s response. “Regor is bluffing. He can’t actually touch anyone without making the other Altered angry.”

  “Jason,” the High One said, “do you know something you have not told us?”

  “Yes and no,” Jason answered. “I didn’t know about the bluff until just now, but there are some things that I haven’t mentioned.”

  The High One frowned at him. “I thought we agreed there would be truth between us.”

  “I know,” he said, “and I’m sorry. But I was ordered not to tell you anything by someone who…well…they outrank you.”

  “An Altered,” Reyga said. “Nyala?”

  “Yeah. I’m still not sure if I’m supposed to say anything or not, but I think you need to know.” He could feel Crin’s disapproval. I’m tired of hiding, he thought to the bird. They have to know. He sensed the mental equivalent of a sigh, but Crin didn’t protest.

  “Jason,” Reyga said, “will revealing this place you in any danger? I can only speak for myself, but if that is the case, I trust you without it.”

  “As do I,” Seryn added.

  Seryn’s agreement startled him. Reyga’s he had expected, but Seryn’s profession of faith made him wonder what she’d seen when she examined him. While he appreciated their confidence, he hoped it wasn’t misplaced. He still didn’t know how to use his power.

  “I appreciate that, Reyga, Loremaster Seryn,” he said, “but I’m tired of secrets. I want you to know what’s going on.”

  Knocking on Doors

  Tal sat in his chambers, staring blindly at the candle on the table. He had not gone down for Firstmeal this morning. The conversation with Jason Bennett the night before filled his mind, pushing thoughts of food aside.

  Jason had told them about his dreams. He also said there were still some things that he could not yet reveal. It boggled Tal’s mind that so much had taken place in the time Jason had been in the sphere with her. The power of the Altered was even more impressive than he could have imagined.

  With Regor aiding Bodann, and with the forces Bodann had somehow managed to assemble, their only hope was deception and misinformation. Unless they could pare down Bodann’s army, he could not see any way for them to prevail. But even faced with almost certain defeat, he would fight until his last breath. He knew that every man and woman in Lore’s Haven felt the same way.

  He looked up at a knock on the door, and tried to blink away the afterimage of the flame dancing in his vision. He gestured and the door swung open.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Gatlor stalked into the room, a scowl darkening his face.

  “Captain Gatlor, is there a problem?”

  “Arynn has been destroyed.”

  His heart sank. Although he was afraid he knew what the answer would be, he had to ask. “Were there any survivors?” He braced himself for the answer he knew was coming.

  “There was one. The village elder.”

  A survivor? This was unexpected. “Where is he? Is he able to speak?”

  Gatlor nodded. “He is unharmed. He waits in the corridor.”

  “Unharmed?” He wondered at that. “Bring him in.”

  Gatlor stepped to the door and motioned. A white-haired man limped into the room, aided by one of the Warders. Once the man was seated, the Warder bowed and left.

  “High One,” Gatlor said, “this is Thoris, Arynn’s village elder.”

  As Thoris struggled to stand, Tal came around the table and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Please,” he said, “remain seated. You have been through a terrible ordeal.”

  He moved back around the table and sat down, studying the old man. Thoris’ weathered hands trembled as they rested in his lap, and deep wrinkles carved his face. The haunted look in his eyes told Tal much about what had happened at Arynn. He regretted having to make Thoris relive what he had endured, but they needed anything that might give them any hope of victory.

  “I am truly sorry to have to ask this,” Tal said, “but I need to know what happened.”

  Thoris closed his eyes and nodded. “I know, High One, and I will tell you. If I may have but a moment.”

  “Of course. When you are ready.”

  Thoris sat for a moment with his eyes closed, and then took a deep breath as he opened them. His voice shook as he spoke.

  “A man came into our village. He said he was looking for the village elder. When I introduced myself, he sent a blast of dimsai into sky and grabbed my arm.” He looked at Tal, the pain clear in his eyes. “He made me watch as all manner of foul creatures killed the people of my village. When everyone was dead except me, they burned everything to the ground.” A tear traced its way down his furrowed cheek. “It is not right that I should live while everyone I knew was killed.”

  “I am sorry,” Tal said. “I know this is difficult. I only have a few questions.” Thoris took a shaky breath and nodded. Tal went on. “What did the man look like?” he asked. He was sure he knew who it was, but it was best to be certain.

  Thoris wiped his face. “He was a big man, with dark red hair,” he answered. “His eyes were as green and hard as emeralds.”

  Tal nodded to himself. That was almost certainly Bodann. “Did he say why you were spared?”

  “I am to deliver a message,” Thoris said. “The man said to tell you, High One, that your deceptions will no longer work. He said that unless the Haven army meets his army at Landscar one sixday from today, they will destroy village after village until there are none left.”


  The murmur of subdued conversations hung in the air like dusty cobwebs as Reyga entered the chambers. He looked around at the others in the room. In addition to the Circle, Captain Gatlor and Jason were also present. An old man Reyga did not recognize was there as well, staring at the floor in front of his chair. Reyga saw Lenai enter the room and move to take a seat beside Gatlor and Jason. Reyga smiled as he saw the smile she gave Jason. Yet another debt he owed the young man, but one he was most happy to accept.

  He looked over to one side at another young man who would soon be named the Obsidian Loremaster. Borin fidgeted as he stared at the chair that, up until a few days ago, had been filled by his predecessor, Loremaster Chon. Reyga walked over to him.

  “Greetings, Borin. Welcome to the Circle chamber.”

  Borin jumped a little at Reyga’s voice. “Oh, Loremaster Reyga,” he said, bowing hastily. “Thank you. It is somewhat overwhelming. While I knew I would be here one day, I did not expect that day to come so quickly.”

  “None of us did,” Reyga said. “You join the Circle during trying times and under most difficult circumstances. It cannot be easy for you.”

  Borin lowered his voice. “Loremaster Reyga, what if the Circle elects not to confirm me? To choose someone else for this position?”

  Reyga shook his head. “Highly unlikely,” he answered. “The Loremasters select their own successors. Unless there are very compelling reasons, the Circle abides by those decisions. It is only our present situation that has p
revented us from confirming you already.”

  Borin let out a shaky breath. “I am not certain I am ready for this.”

  “I am afraid you have little choice.” Reyga put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Just remember what you have learned from Loremaster Chon and you will do well.”

  “Thank you, Loremaster Reyga. I will do that.”

  The High One stepped up to the podium. With a last squeeze of Borin’s shoulder, Reyga moved to his chair.

  “Greetings, Loremasters,” the High One began. “I will dispense with the formalities and come straight to the point of this meeting. It would appear that Bodann has discovered our ruse. Arynn has been destroyed.”

  Reyga closed his eyes. More innocent lives lost. He could hear the other Loremasters murmuring as they absorbed the news. He opened his eyes as the High One continued.

  The High One indicated the old man. “This is Thoris. He was the elder of Arynn, and is the only survivor. Bodann spared him so that he could deliver a message to us.” He gripped the sides of the podium. “Unless we meet Bodann’s army at Landscar a sixday from today, he will continue his attacks on our villages until they have all been destroyed.”

  A stunned silence filled the room. All of the Loremasters knew the size of Bodann’s army. Most had seen firsthand during the ambush at the edge of Faedor Woods. Reyga knew what their chances of success were against such a massive force.

  Gatlor stood. “High One, I will say what everyone in this room is thinking. We cannot win against the army that Bodann has amassed. Not without more forces of our own.”

  “Nevertheless, Captain, we must try,” the High One answered. “If we do not meet him, thousands of innocent lives will be lost, while we sit within the safety of Lore’s Haven. That is unacceptable.”

  “Then we need no longer keep up the pretense with the spies within our walls. I suggest we capture them and find out what they know.”

  “Agreed,” the High One said. “Lenai, can you tell us where they are now?”

  Lenai stood. “I will try, High One.” Reyga watched her eyes take on a faraway look as she sent her senses ranging for Bodann’s spies. After a moment, she shook her head. “I am sorry, High One, but they are no longer within Lore’s Haven. I do not sense them anywhere.”

  “Of course. Once Bodann knew we had discovered them, there would be no need for them to remain.”

  Delani stood. “Can we not ask for more aid from the Dokal or the Ferrin? Or perhaps the Yellowtooth, or the Shanthi?”

  The High One turned to Lenai. “Would your people be willing to aid us, do you think?”

  “High One, as you know, my people prefer to remain neutral in such matters, and they have little love for humans,” Lenai answered.

  Reyga stood as an idea popped into his head. “And yet we know there are Shanthi aiding Bodann.”

  Lenai turned to him. “That is true, Loremaster Reyga. However, it is almost certain that those aiding Bodann are rishna kel.” She spat the words as if trying to get a bad taste out of her mouth.

  He had expected her answer, and had an answer ready. “And as it is primarily the fault of the rishna kel that the Shanthi are a mistrusted people, would not that very fact help to sway at least some of them to aid us?”

  Lenai considered his words. Then she nodded slowly. “Perhaps,” she said. She looked at Jason. “If Jason were to accompany me, and I told them of what he did for me, that may help persuade them as well.”

  Jason looked surprised, but didn’t say anything. The High One looked at him. “Jason, would you be willing to go with Lenai to ask her people for aid?”

  Jason looked around at the Loremasters watching him. “Yeah, I guess. If you really think it would help.”

  “I would like to join them as well, High One, if it is allowed,” Reyga said.

  The High One looked at Lenai. “Would that be acceptable, Lenai?”

  “Loremaster Reyga is ch'tasa to me. I would welcome his company.”

  “Then it is decided,” the High One said. “You will leave at first light. We will also send an emissary to the Yellowtooth, in the hopes of enlisting their aid as well.”

  Jarril stood. “High One, while I hope otherwise, the Yellowtooth may decline simply because they know my people are aiding you. The Ferrin and the Yellowtooth, while never coming to open hostilities, have never been on amicable terms.”

  “I understand,” the High One said, “but we must make the attempt. We have a sixday to find as much aid as possible, or Teleria may fall under the control of Bodann and Regor.” He turned to the Loremasters. “Whether our requests for aid are granted or not, we must use our time to prepare. The next time we face Bodann, the fate of Teleria will hang in the balance.”


  Jason, Lenai, and Reyga stood in the middle of a small clearing in Ambrewood Forest. They had used a portal that morning to travel to the village of Brynden, where Reyga found horses for them.

  The man they got the horses from had trained at Lore’s Haven with the Amethyst Order. When Reyga told him where they were going, he told Reyga to simply let the horses go once they arrived. His link with the animals would guide them back safely.

  Their ride took them across the Shonta River. Once they crossed the narrow bridge, Lenai pulled her horse to a stop.

  “Welcome to the land of my people,” she said. “Loremaster Reyga, I must tell you that the Circle holds no sway among the Shanthi. There is no danger here, but you should know that we will be watched for the remainder of our journey. When we arrive, do not speak until I tell you. There will be some that will be displeased that I bring outsiders among them, and will not welcome the sound of your voices.”

  When they nodded, she turned back to the path and they continued on. As he swayed along the trail, Jason thought about using his special vision to see how many Shanthi were around, but then decided he wasn’t sure if he really wanted to know. When they reached the clearing, they dismounted and turned the horses back toward Brynden.

  Now they stood in the clearing, the horses gone, almost certainly surrounded by who knew how many invisible Shanthi. Although Lenai had assured them they would be safe, he couldn’t help but feel a nervous fluttering in the pit of his stomach.

  She took a couple of steps away from them and said something in her native tongue. Jason looked around, but didn’t see or hear any response. She spoke again, a little more forcefully. For several uncomfortable moments, there was still no reply. Then a disembodied voice answered her, speaking Shanthi. She said something else, and again the voice answered.

  Jason leaned toward Reyga and whispered, “Can you understand—”

  “Silence, human!” a voice ordered, right at Jason’s shoulder.

  Lenai spun around. “Bena sin rish!” she snapped. She turned back to the clearing. “Is this the honor of the Shanthi? These humans come willingly among you, unarmed and accompanied by one of your own, and this is the welcome you give?”

  Without warning, a man appeared in front of Lenai. He was several inches taller than her, lean and muscled. Occasional strands of grey streaked his ebony hair. He wore a simple headdress and an unmistakable aura of authority. As soon as he appeared, Lenai crossed her spread fingers in front of her face and bowed. When she straightened, he fixed her with a stern gaze.

  “They are outsiders, Lenai. Surely you did not expect us to welcome them as our own?” He looked at Reyga’s staff. “They may be unarmed, but this one is a Loremaster. He needs no weapon.”

  Lenai put herself between the man and Reyga. “Yes, he is a Loremaster. That in itself should be enough to convince you of his honor. However, if that will not suffice,” she raised her chin, “he is also ch'tasa.”

  The man glanced at Lenai, and then appeared to reappraise Reyga. “This is the one?”

  “Yes. This is Loremaster Reyga, the one I told you about.” She turned to Reyga. “Loremaster Reyga, this is Baruun, the leader of my people.”

  Reyga bowed. “It is a priv
ilege to meet you, Baruun. The honor of the Shanthi is well known among those who value truth.”

  Baruun inclined his head. “Well spoken, Loremaster Reyga. Be welcome among the Shanthi. What you did for Lenai is known to me, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to offer you my thanks after so many years.”

  “What of this one?” the voice by Jason demanded. A muscular man appeared, gripping a spear pointed at Jason’s stomach, which he instinctively sucked in. “He is not a Loremaster. What speaks to his honor?”

  “I do,” Lenai countered.

  “And what if you are deceived?” the man snapped.

  “Then Sho tu Ishta is a lie.”

  “Sho…” the spear tip wavered as the man looked uncertainly at Baruun.

  Jason heard whispering around the clearing, and here and there he caught brief glimpses of Shanthi as their concealment wavered. Lenai had apparently taken them by surprise with her statement.

  “Lenai,” Baruun said, “you shared Sho tu Ishta with an outsider?”

  She dropped her gaze. “Much has happened since last we spoke,” she said. She looked back up at him. “If I may be allowed to show you, I believe you will understand.”

  After a moment, he nodded. “Very well.” The man beside Jason took a stance a few steps away as Baruun raised his hands so that his palms faced Lenai. Then, as had happened with Lenai during the ritual, he stretched out his hands, elongating the fingers. Lenai spread her hands and placed them palm to palm against Baruun’s. Then the two of them bowed their heads, eyes closed.

  Jason didn’t know how long they sat there. No one moved. Not Lenai or Baruun, not Reyga, not the man with the spear. After what seemed an eternity, Lenai and Baruun opened their eyes and lowered their hands. Baruun wore an expression of confused wonder.

  “Ch’nai?” he said quietly.

  Lenai ducked her head, and then nodded, staring at her feet.

  “And this human? Bodann?”

  She looked back up at him, eyes burning. “He used me to hurt those I am sworn to protect.”


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