Wolf Protector_A Wild Security Book

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Wolf Protector_A Wild Security Book Page 2

by Ruby Forrest

  Then the man turned and Mary-Ann felt her heart catch. Alister. Alister had saved her from her attacker. His eyes burnt in the evening light and he grabbed her wrist, harshly, but not hard enough to hurt her, “Run!” His voice was clear and commanding and, Mary-Ann found that she couldn’t resist. He pulled gently on her arm and she started to move, the spell broken. They ran through the streets, before bolting up the stairs towards her apartment. Mary-Ann constantly had the feeling of being pulled along by a force of nature.

  She couldn’t resist him and she had the constant feeling of being unable to keep up with him. But he matched her pace, and Mary-Ann had the dazed feeling that he was holding back. Everything passed in a blur, a shuddering haze that whirred past her and left her stunned.

  One moment, everything had been okay. Now, she was running for her life with the security guard, holding on tight, for dear life, after an attack that had almost left her dead. It was hard to process. She didn’t know why this was happening, why she was dragged into this mess, why she was attacked and why Alister had been there to rescue her. She felt sick and shaky and giddy as she stumbled to her apartment.

  Alister thrusted her forward, against the door, spinning around and scanning for anyone who might be coming closer. Mary-Ann just stood there, stunned for a moment, until he barked, his voice a low growl, “Open the door!”

  His word spurred her into action and she felt her hands moving, fumbling and struggling for her keys, before jamming them in the lock and pushing the door open. Alister pushed her inside, hands strong and sure, before he slammed the door behind the both of them. Mary-Ann heard the lock click.

  They were safe.

  Chapter 4

  Finally in her apartment, Mary-Ann sank against the wall, her bag sliding off her shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to steady her breathing. Her hand automatically went to the pendant against her throat. She swallowed, squeezing her eyes shut tighter.

  A few moments passed in silence. Mary-Ann didn’t know how long they stayed there in silence, before Alister finally broke it.

  “He’s gone.”

  Mary-Ann took a deep breath, shuddering and swallowing, before she opened her eyes, “What was that about?”

  Mary-Ann focused her gaze on Alister. He was leaning against the wall beside the door. His posture was tense, and there was dust on his clothes. Still, other than that, he looked unharmed, considering the fight that he was just in. He met her eyes and she was aware of the copper heat that radiated off him, burning hot and unbearably intense. She swallowed.

  He shrugged, an easy move of his shoulders, “You okay?”

  Mary-Ann shrugged as well, rubbing her face and brushing back her hair, “I don’t know. I’m not hurt, but…”

  “Good.” Alister pushed himself up, “You should get some sleep.”

  “What?” Mary-Ann was stunned. She barely knew this man, and yet he seemed so comfortable, even after what happened.

  The confusion and panic that had started in Mary-Ann’s chest started to twist to anger. She was endlessly thankful for Alister, but at the same time, she wanted answers! What had happened? Why had it happened and how had he been there at the exact right moment.

  “Wait, why were you even out this way?”

  Alister didn’t look phased. If he was worried about being caught out, then he certainly wasn’t showing it. He glanced over towards her, “I was going this way.”

  “Really? Then why weren’t you on the bus?”

  Something in Alister’s eyes flashed, “Why do you care?” He shifted and Mary-Ann was suddenly aware, all over again, of the balance in his posture, the tight control and the burning danger just beneath the surface.

  “Why were you here?” Mary-Ann tried to make her voice bolder, and she leaned towards him, trying to avoid the urge to back up. She knew he had just saved her life, but she couldn’t stop her hands from shaking. It was probably the shock, but she still felt on edge, alert and stressed out.

  Alister moved towards her. It only took him a few steps to almost completely close the gap between them. Mary-Ann felt her heart breath faster, her breath catching. She could smell his sweat and musk, feel his heat. He was close. Closer than he had ever been before, and Mary-Ann still felt heady from the rush.

  Something inside her was shifting and it frightened her. She took a step back, “Answer me!” Her voice came out, stronger in the anger. Anger at the situation, uncertainty. She knew Alister had been close, almost like he was following the bus, following her. Paranoia gripped her.

  “Were you following me?” She knew that she sounded insane, but suddenly, it was the only thing that made sense.

  “Why would I follow you?” Alister’s voice was low. It was calm, but there was a barely restrained heat in there that was making Mary-Ann tremble. She shook her head, “I saw you. I saw you beside the bus.”

  “And that means that I was following you?” He didn’t move, didn’t argue, didn’t do anything but stay calm and it was driving Mary-Ann insane. Her nerves were humming and she didn’t know who she could trust.

  “Would you have preferred it if I hadn’t stepped in?” The danger was leaking into his voice again, and he narrowed his eyes. She could see the tension of his muscles beneath his shirt, tightening and tense, his tattoo moving across his skin ever so slightly, “Should I have left you for dead?”

  Mary-Ann swallowed, some of the anger draining out of her, “No, no….”

  “Then why the questioning?”

  “I’m grateful…I really am…” Mary-Ann felt her voice crack and she firmed her resolve, “I am so grateful, but I’m confused. I don’t know what’s going on.”

  Alister stepped back a little and looked her over. Mary-Ann felt like he was seeing her naked, even though she was fully clothed, “Confused.”

  Mary-Ann nodded, “Confused. I don’t know why I was attacked. I don’t know what’s going on at all.” Mary-Ann swallowed, “He wasn’t going for my bag, but he just kept telling me to give something to him. What did he want?”

  Alister stared at her for a long moment, “You should sleep.” Alister glanced at the door, “He could be back. I’ll stay.”

  Mary-Ann felt apprehension at how he was inviting himself in, “I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m not leaving.” His eyes burned into hers and Mary-Ann knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he meant it. It sent discomfort swirling through her stomach, burning up like acid all over again.

  “Alister, I don’t know you…” Mary-Ann swallowed deeply.

  Alister shrugged, “Take your chanced with me, keeping watch, of with the man who attacked you.”

  Mary-Ann didn’t want either. She felt tension building and she didn’t know where she stood with Alister, with anyone, “Why would you stay?”

  Alister shrugged again, “You might get hurt.”

  “But why do you even care?” Nothing was making sense and Mary-Ann felt the humming tension ready to burst, to shatter the air in the room into a million pieces. She reached for her bag, slowly sliding her hand inside of it, reaching for her phone.

  If she could just grab her phone, find it, then she would be set. She would be able to call the police, call her father, call somebody, and maybe make some sense about all of this. Alister would see she was okay, everything would be okay…she would be okay. Her hand closed around her phone and she felt a surge of relief.

  She ripped it out of her bag and Alister’s eyes fell on her again. He didn’t make a move, and Mary-Ann felt frozen in the gaze of a predator. He’d be mad, Mary-Ann was sure about it. But he wasn’t. Instead, he turned his eyes back to the door.

  “Don’t bother. You phone doesn’t have the charge.” Alister spoke as if this was common knowledge, but Mary-Ann hadn’t told anyone, hadn’t shown him her phone, hadn’t made any mention of it. She leaned against the wall, anger rising up inside her. She’d been right all along. She shouldn’t have been trusting him.
br />   “How do you know that?” Mary-Ann felt her blood run cold against the flush that was burning her cheeks. She stepped forward and suddenly, Alister did too. He was right on top of her, almost touching her skin. He slammed his arm into the wall beside her, never touching her, just sending a jolt through her. She could feel his breath and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his.

  “Because…” His voice was soft now, low, “I’m here to keep you safe.”

  And for some reason that she just could not explain, Mary-Ann felt the overwhelming urge to believe him. He meant it. He wasn’t here to hurt her. He wasn’t here to harm her. Mary-Ann wasn’t sure how she had gone from being convinced that he was going to hurt her, to feeling safe, but she wasn’t about to just let it slide.

  “Why?” She whispered, voice soft and barely a whisper. She swallowed, feeling her world spin, feeling the burning heat that passed between them and threatened to leave her giddy and shaky and breathless.

  Alister didn’t say anything. His hands found her wrists and curled around them. The touch was gentle and when he pushed her hands against the wall, Mary-Ann found herself gasping. Something inside her shifted again and the heat that had been burning, curled deeper within her, moving lower within her body.

  He was so close. She was achingly aware of the strengths in his arms, the tight tension in his muscles, the way he shifted when he moved against her, the brush of his shirt against her skin. His eyes seemed to see right through her, burning like fire, shining like the sun, a deep, dusky copper. It was like staring into the eyes of a predator and Mary-Ann had never felt safer, or more like prey about to be devoured.

  “Alister…” Her voice was trembling and she was suddenly aware of a surging heat inside of her body. He was so close. Mary-Ann couldn’t remember the last time she had felt anyone’s body so close to hers. He pressed her against the wall and she could feel the restrained power in his arms.

  His lips were inches away from hers. She felt time stop, feeling it spin and tremble and move out of space. And then, suddenly, Mary-Ann realized that she wanted him. She wanted Alister more than she had ever wanted anyone before. She barely knew him, he was dangerous, and yet...

  When Alister pressed his lips against hers, Mary-Ann thought her heart was going to stop. Her fingers curled and she felt a shiver move through her body. His lips were hot against hers, and he was kissing her slowly, but with a force that she barely understood.

  His kiss was passionate, passionate and hot and he lingered against her skin in a way that made her crave more, made her want him more, deeper and harder. She was aware of the ache inside her, the way she was pressing back in return.

  When she kissed him back, he pressed back harder. Her lips parted and his tongue slid inside, caressing and touching her. She shuddered, arousal tingling along every inch of her skin. It was overwhelming, beautiful and deadly all at the same time.

  She melted into him and his hands let go of her wrists. She felt him tangle one hand in her hair, pulling gently on the strands and deepening the kiss. The other brushed along her body, touching her back, and making Mary-Ann shudder. His hand was big and warm and it slid along her lower back easily, touching her easily, cradling her and pulling her against his body.

  All that Mary-Ann could feel was the cool concrete of the wall at her back, and the fierce pressure of him against her body. Alister didn’t miss a beat, his hands caressing her skin, brushing back the hemline of her skirt. Mary-Ann pulled back from the kiss to gasp. He pushed her back firmly, his voice low and soft in her ear, “It’ll feel better if you relax.”

  Mary-Ann gasped, her body humming in time with the feel of him, his touch, his hands on her skin. She groaned, a soft, quiet sound that was pulled from the deepest parts of her. He felt amazing. His hands on her skin made her shudder, the feeling of him touching her body was more than she could handle.

  When he undid her zip, it was so seamless that Mary-Ann didn’t even realize he had done it, not until she felt his hands on her skin and the way the fabric started to peel away and slide from her body. Mary-Ann swallowed, and the life was breathed back into her, hard and fast. She reached up, grabbing his shirt and pulling him in against her.

  She heard him gasp and then her hands were on the zipper of his pants. She heard him laugh, a low, erotic sound, and his zipper gave away easily.

  “Take off that dress…” He breathed.

  Mary-Ann slid her hands along his chest, the fabric of his shirt in the way, “As soon as you take off that shirt.”

  He smirked and Mary-Ann frantically pulled at his buttons. The moment the last one was free, he was shrugging out of his shirt and pulling at Mary-Ann’s dress. Mary-Ann bit her lip as it slid to the floor in a heap. He smelt amazing and the feel of his chest beneath her hands was incredible. He was perfect. Tight, toned muscles and a gorgeous body, toned form years of work, stunning to look at, with defined muscles, a broad back and stunning features. He looked so good that Mary-Ann couldn’t resist.

  She pulled him in closer, moaning quietly as he slid his hands along her body, brushing her skin and ghosting her breasts through her bra, stroking the fabric and pinching lightly, eliciting a gasp from Mary-Ann. His hands slid around her back, brushing against the clasp of her bra. He unclipped it and it slid from Mary-Ann’s skin. She gasped as the cold air hit her skin, tightening and hardening, sharpening her arousal.

  She sunk back against the wall and Alister’s lips found her neck. He sucked at her skin and she bit her lip, feeling the pleasure bursting through her body, making her shiver, tense and arch. It felt good. He felt incredibly good and when his lips found her breasts, Mary-Ann thought that she would never be able to take another breath.

  He found his mark easily, starting to suck, his other hand cradling her breast, brushing against the nipple with his thumb. It sent sparks jolting through Mary-Ann and she saw the fireworks behind her eyes.

  She needed him. She needed him and she would go insane if she didn’t get him right here and right now. Her voice was breathless and she gasped the words, “Alister, I want you.”

  Mary-Ann felt Alister shudder, the way he shifted against her, like there was something shifting within him. He tensed and she could feel his muscles bunching, feel the hidden strength just beneath his skin. He nodded, and suddenly, they were both without words. All the Mary-Ann could think about was the way his body felt against her, the way his breath caught when he brushed her panties with his fingers and tugged them down sharply.

  She felt the cool air hit the warmth between her legs, bringing all the arousal that was coursing through her, to light. She could feel it all. It was like her senses had been hyper activated, and all she could feel, smell and see was Alister.

  He slid a knee between her legs and pushed her back. She relaxed into his touch, gasping in pleasure and moving so that his fingers could brush her inner thigh. It was intoxicating, having him so close, so intimate. Her body was in overdrive and he was playing her like an instrument. She gasped as his fingers pushed against her, hot and urgent, insistent.

  She moaned and relaxed into him, her hips arching in pleasure, feeling the desperate hum of arousal thunder through her body. Her needs were getting more and more fierce and Mary-Ann didn’t know if she could hold back any longer.

  She moved, arching against him. She gasped as his arm came to rest forcefully beside her head and he braced himself against the wall. She shuddered at the strength, the barely restrained power in his arms, and melted into his embrace.

  His fingers found their mark, pressing inside her and sending jolts of pleasure through her, which fluttered and shone behind her eyes, leaving her breathless and shaky, longing and desperate for more.

  No man had ever made her feel this way. No man had ever known how to touch to elicit these feelings, no man had ever known how to turn her head and make her body hum with need and desire and pleasure. Oh, the pleasure. It flooded her system like a drug, intoxicating, erotic an
d so, so sweet.

  There was something wild about this man. Something wild and controlled all at once. Something commanding and something free. Mary-Ann didn’t know what it was but, at the moment, she just didn’t care. It felt amazing and right now, the only thing that mattered was this moment.

  When Alister withdrew his hand, Mary-Ann gasped, moaning quietly at the loss. Alister didn’t make her wait too long. He undid his belt and Mary-Ann bit her lip in anticipation. Alister didn’t give her time to breathe, before he was lifting her up into his powerful arms, pushing her back harder against the wall and holding her tight. Mary-Ann couldn’t touch the ground, but she had never felt safer.

  When Mary-Ann felt Alister press at her entrance, her head swam. He felt so big. Already, he was making her feel so good. Alister voice was husky and breathless in her ear, low and inviting, “You feel amazing.”

  Then he was thrusting into her, and Mary-Ann let her head drop back against the wall as the pleasure struck her in waves, She shuddered in pleasure, moving so that he could move inside her, fill her up deeply. The sensation was mind blowing.

  Alister groaned and dipped his head. She felt his skin against her skin, the toned definition of his muscles and the scent of his musk. Mary-Ann shut her eyes, feeling the pleasure welling up, unending and fierce.

  He kept the perfect rhythm, moving in time to the spikes of pleasure and the thundering of his heartbeat. Mary-Ann felt her heartbeat racing, the heat of their love burning on her skin. She moaned and grabbed him harder, letting her fingers sink into his skin. She held onto him tightly, shuddering against his body, twisting against him, feeling herself tighten, and feeling the intimacy that flashed between them like electricity.

  It was too much, too good. Then his mouth was against hers and he was kissing her, passionate and wild and she swore that she heard the rumble of a growl as he pushed deeper into her. Her mind felt like it was blank and on fire at the same time. Her breasts were pushing against him, brushing against the skin of his chest and setting them alight with pleasure.


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