More Than a Dream

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More Than a Dream Page 15

by Lauraine Snelling

  I know that, and on days like today you are the only one I can cling to. She stared off to the west, where gray clouds that threatened more rain blocked the stars arching above them. No rain, please, Lord. So many of the grass fields are cut and drying for hay. Before we prayed for rain and rejoiced when it came. Now we pray for you to withhold it. She dipped the edge of her apron into the water and wiped her face. So cool, so welcome, and poor Mrs. Mendohlson would never feel it again. Closing her eyes, Ingeborg repeated some of her verses. ‘‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’’ ‘‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.’’ Lord, being with you has to be so much better than being here.

  ‘‘He’s come out now.’’ Anji touched her arm.

  Ingeborg sniffed back another freshet of tears and blew her nose. ‘‘If you want to go on home, I can manage here.’’

  ‘‘No, I’ll stay to help. That’s what Ma would want me to do.’’

  ‘‘I . . . I have to do the chores,’’ Abe said, joining them outdoors. He braced himself against the soddy wall as if his legs could no longer hold him up.

  ‘‘Ja, that will be good.’’

  ‘‘I’ll let Pastor Solberg know.’’ Ingeborg put a hand on his shoulder.

  ‘‘Thank you.’’ He took a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped his face. ‘‘It’s all my fault.’’

  ‘‘What is all your fault?’’ Dreading the answer, the women waited.

  ‘‘I asked her to help me with the beam for the new granary. I had it all braced, all she . . . she had to do was hold it in place, you know? So simple. Then something happened, and it slipped and fell and knocked her over. She screamed, and I . . . I helped her into the house. She was all doubled over in pain.’’ Tears streamed down his face. ‘‘It was all my fault.’’ He closed his eyes and shook his head, as if holding it up would never again be possible. ‘‘So you see, if I had gone for Swen or Knute to help me, Mira would still be here. She’d be making supper and laughing with Ossie and Julia, and I would come in with a full bucket of milk, and she would say, ‘Supper is ready.’ ’’ He stopped and stared out across the land, shaking his head slowly, as if even that were too heavy.

  ‘‘I will go get one of my brothers to help.’’ Anji looked from the man to Ingeborg, who was also shaking her head.

  ‘‘Taking care of his animals is a good thing right now.’’ She patted Abe’s hand again. ‘‘You go and bring in the cows.’’ She spoke as if he were a small boy needing instructions. He nodded and plodded across the yard, stumbling and nearly falling to his knees before righting himself and finally leaning against the barn wall.

  ‘‘I know how he feels.’’ Anji’s eyes swam with tears that glittered in the sun now slanting through the clouds. ‘‘It’s too heavy. The burden is just too heavy.’’

  ‘‘I know. I know.’’ Ingeborg turned and paused in the doorway, forcing herself to go in and begin the final gift she could give this family.

  When Anji and Ingeborg had bathed the body and dressed her again in her best dress, they set the sheets and things to soak in cold water and laid out bread and sliced meat for a simple supper. Then closing the door, they set Ingeborg’s basket in the buggy, and Anji climbed in while Ingeborg bridled the horse.

  ‘‘The funeral will be tomorrow?’’

  ‘‘Most likely.’’

  ‘‘I could have Gus go tell Pastor Solberg. That way you could go on home.’’

  ‘‘Mange takk, that would help so much. I spent all afternoon helping the Nordstrums. She is not doing well, so one of her little ones is at our house.’’

  ‘‘Is something wrong with Robbie?’’

  ‘‘Ja.’’ Ingeborg explained what had happened.

  ‘‘Losing Ma was the worst thing that has happened to me, but when one of your babies nearly dies, and then this . . .’’ Anji wiped her eyes again.

  ‘‘Ja, that is worse.’’ I have done both, and I know. I have comforted others, closed dying eyes, and sometimes the pit yawns before me, but . . . She sighed and looked to Anji. ‘‘This life is hard, but the next one will make up for it.’’

  ‘‘Are you sure?’’

  ‘‘Ja, of that I am sure, and I know to the very bottom of my heart that our Father will not let us go. He is always right here.’’ She laid a hand on her chest. ‘‘That is the one thing, perhaps the only thing, that I know for absolutely certain sure never changes.’’

  ‘‘Thank you. I hope I can be as sure of that one day.’’

  ‘‘You can. Your ma was. She told me how she was looking forward to heaven those last months. She had her eyes set on that one prize, and to know that, one must read and believe God’s Word. All her life, Agnes did just that, and no better saint do I know of. You do as your mother did, child, and you will grow that same faith.’’

  ‘‘I will. I will.’’

  Ingeborg stopped the buggy in front of the Baard house. ‘‘How are things here?’’

  ‘‘Swen and Dorothy are near done with their house, so when they move, this one will seem mighty big. She’s starting to wear looser dresses. It will be good to have a baby in the family again. Knute says that after our wedding, Mr. Moen and I can live here too, but I’m not sure what we will do after we return from Norway. Ma always wanted to go to Norway and see her relatives, and now I will be doing that.’’

  ‘‘That will be good.’’ Ingeborg ignored the barb that dug in her heart. A silence stretched.

  ‘‘Do . . . do you think they will like me?’’

  Ingeborg returned from her own thoughts. ‘‘Who?’’

  ‘‘Mr. Moen’s little girls. They are living with their grandparents now.’’

  ‘‘Oh, Anji, my dear, of course they will like you. Once they get to know you and see how happy you are making their father, they will love you.’’

  ‘‘I pray that is so.’’

  Ingeborg could hear the deep breath and slow exhale. ‘‘I too will pray that is so.’’

  ‘‘Mange takk.’’ Anji stepped from the buggy. ‘‘I . . . I am so glad you got there before she . . . she died. I’ll go send Gus on his way.’’

  Halfway home Ingeborg felt all her spirit drain right out of her, as if someone had pulled a plug. Holding the reins took more than she could do, so she gave them a turn around the whip stock. She rubbed her burning eyes and slumped against the padded seat. The next thing she knew, Haakan was lifting her from the buggy.

  ‘‘I can walk.’’

  ‘‘You sure?’’

  ‘‘Ja, put me down, but don’t let go of me.’’ When her feet touched the ground, she leaned against his strong body. She turned and slid her hands around his waist.

  ‘‘You’ve had a hard day.’’

  ‘‘Ja.’’ Anything more took too much effort.

  ‘‘I see we have a guest.’’

  ‘‘Ja, thank God for Astrid.’’ Together they mounted the steps to the enclosed porch.

  ‘‘She is having fun playing Ma.’’

  ‘‘Good.’’ A yawn nearly popped her jaw.

  ‘‘So you can just eat something and crawl into bed.’’

  ‘‘I think I must not be as young as I used to be.’’ Ingeborg yawned again.

  ‘‘Mrs. Mendohlson died?’’

  ‘‘Ja. With the baby never born.’’

  When she closed her eyes, all she could see was blood everywhere.

  The next afternoon they added another grave to the cemetery. Just as those burials in the spring when they were finally able to bury those who had died during the winter, this one reminded those living how life could change so swiftly. Mr. Mendohlson stood beside the pine box that Swen Baard had made the night before, his children clinging to his sides. Neither said a word as Pastor Solberg read the service. When he picked up a handful of dirt and drizzled the sign of the cross on the box, a choking sound broke the silence.

  ‘‘Ashes to
ashes, dust to dust. Blessed be the name of the Lord.’’ As Pastor Solberg lifted his voice in prayer and then asked all of them to say the Lord’s prayer with him, a little boy’s cry, ‘‘Ma-a-a, I want Ma,’’ brought tears to those gathered around. Mr. Mendohlson picked up his son, shook hands with those who greeted him and, after thanking the pastor, strode out across the prairie with Julia hanging on by a fistful of his trousers.

  ‘‘There is coffee and desserts waiting us at the church.’’ Pastor Solberg glanced out at the retreating figure and shook his head. ‘‘God be with you.’’

  ‘‘Amen,’’ responded those gathered.

  Ingeborg had an idea he’d been speaking to the grieving husband more than the others.

  ‘‘Hear you got a new bull,’’ Haakan said to Swen as he smiled his thanks to Ingeborg for bringing him a cup of coffee.

  ‘‘Ja, he’s a bit of a headstrong one. I’ve got to put a ring in his nose and beef up the corral where we keep him. The fool who owned him didn’t dehorn him when he was younger. Now it’s going to be a real mess.’’ Swen had the same tall, lanky build of his father and wore his manhood like an oft-washed shirt.

  ‘‘You want some help with that, let me know.’’

  ‘‘I will.’’

  Ingeborg finished with her tray. ‘‘I hear your house is about finished.’’

  ‘‘Ja, we poured sawdust in the outside walls like you did. Takes more time but certainly worth it. Onkel Olaf helped me with the insides.’’ He held his hands out flat. ‘‘Never knew I could fit a joint so good. He’s a good teacher.’’

  A house raising was held for them late last fall, so they’d spent the winter finishing the interior.

  As they left, Haakan called to Swen, ‘‘You let me know when you want to cut off that bull’s horns.’’

  ‘‘I will. I was hoping to wait until fall when the flies ain’t so bad.’’

  ‘‘Be careful around him, then.’’

  ‘‘I will.’’

  ‘‘Haakan, those boys are grown men now, you know.’’ Ingeborg nudged him with her elbow.

  ‘‘I know, but with their father gone, guess I just figure I better take his place.’’ He half turned to grin at her. ‘‘Giving advice, you know?’’


  Chicago, Illinois

  ‘‘You’re not going to be very happy.’’ The voice slowly made its way through the fog of sleep.

  Elizabeth stared at the old man through eyes that refused to focus.

  ‘‘Patrick?’’ As if it could be anyone else. Elizabeth knuckled her eyes and looked again to where Patrick’s face peeked around the half open door to her room.

  ‘‘I knocked, missy, but you didn’t hear me so I had to call you.’’

  ‘‘That’s fine. Where do they need me?’’

  ‘‘Surgery. It’s that Irish lass you’ve treated before.’’

  ‘‘Oh, please don’t tell me . . .’’ She waved him on. ‘‘I’ll be right there.’’ She drew a shirtwaist over her head and stepped into a skirt, grateful she’d taken to sleeping in her shift the nights she was on call. With her headscarf between her teeth, she slid her feet into her shoes and snagged an apron off the hook as she exited the room. By the time she reached the surgery, she was fully dressed and ready to scrub.

  ‘‘We’re going to have to take the baby,’’ Dr. Morganstein said as she joined Elizabeth at the sink. ‘‘That way maybe we can save one of them, if not both. Scrub quickly.’’

  ‘‘What happened?’’

  ‘‘He knocked her down the stairs.’’

  ‘‘In her condition? God above, what is the matter with that man?’’

  ‘‘Drink is no giver of wisdom.’’

  ‘‘Did he bring her in?’’

  ‘‘No, a neighbor did, but I have a feeling that ruckus I heard is him arriving in all his righteous indignation. You can be sure I’ve called the police.’’

  Elizabeth swallowed the rage that made her teeth clench. If she let it loose, she would be in no condition to assist.

  ‘‘They better lock him up, or I swear if she dies, I shall kill him with my bare hands.’’

  ‘‘A heavy skillet to the head when he’s drunk would do it.’’ Together they entered the surgery.

  ‘‘Or a shot of rattlesnake venom.’’

  ‘‘Feel better?’’


  ‘‘Then let’s see if we can help this young woman.’’ They took their places at opposite sides of the table.

  ‘‘Tell me.’’ Dr. Morganstein nodded to the nurse in charge.

  ‘‘She is comatose, not responding to pain, but her heart is strong. We can hear the baby’s heart also, but it grows more faint. I believe she has broken ribs, one leg fractured, and then of course the blow to the head that is causing the coma.’’


  ‘‘Slowing. If we don’t take the baby now, I’m afraid it will be too late.’’

  ‘‘All right. Scalpel.’’

  The surgery began with a swift cut from breastbone to pubic bone, followed by a deeper incision, with Elizabeth and one of the nurses sponging the blood away. When they reached the extended uterus, Dr. Morganstein looked across at Elizabeth. ‘‘Have you seen this before?’’

  Elizabeth shook her head, at the same time clamping the tissue to keep the field open.

  ‘‘Then watch carefully. This is an operation that will no doubt become a standard procedure when the mother or the baby is in difficulty. I found one with the cord wrapped around its neck, and we were able to save the child. Normal delivery would have strangled it.’’ While she spoke, Dr. Morganstein nicked the sac, and amniotic fluid drenched the table, splashing down onto the floor. She opened the incision further and nodded to Elizabeth. ‘‘Take him out, being careful of the cord.’’

  Elizabeth slipped her fingers underneath the infant and did as she was told. Holding him carefully, she waited for him to cry, but instead he lay flaccid and unresponsive.

  ‘‘Blow in his face.’’ Dr. Morganstein clamped off the cord. ‘‘Tip him upside down and right side up again. Move him around.’’

  Again Elizabeth followed instructions, all the time screaming to God. Save him, Lord, give him life. He doesn’t deserve this. Please, breathe into him. Breathe life into him.

  ‘‘Swish him in that pan of water. We’ve got to get him breathing.’’

  While Elizabeth and one of the nurses worked frantically with the baby, Dr. Morganstein and the other nurse stitched the long incision back together.

  ‘‘Heartbeat is dropping.’’

  ‘‘Come on, Moira, you can get through this. Please stay with us.’’

  But in spite of all their efforts, the mother breathed her last, and her baby boy never took his first.

  ‘‘God, send the father to hell where he belongs.’’ Dr. Morganstein propped her arms up on the edge of the table and, with tears running down her cheeks, stared at the perfectly formed baby boy. ‘‘I’m so sorry, little one. We did the best we could, but it just wasn’t enough.’’

  Elizabeth wandered out into the scrub room and sank down on a chair.

  ‘‘If they had gotten her to us immediately, we might have been able to save at least the baby,’’ Dr. Morganstein said, joining her.

  Elizabeth looked up, her heart hammering. ‘‘How long. . . ?’’

  ‘‘We don’t know, but a neighbor found her crumpled at the foot of the stairway, and all the superficial wounds had already stopped bleeding. They thought she was in a faint, but when she didn’t respond, they brought her here, four women carrying her on a door.

  ‘‘I tried to tell her to leave him.’’

  ‘‘I know. So did I before you, and we both heard the same thing. ‘He’s a good man . . .’ ’’

  ‘‘ ‘. . . when he’s not drinking.’ Are the Irish really the worst when it comes to liquor?’’

  ‘‘I don’t know. I heard someone once say, ‘You can alw
ays tell an Irishman, but you can’t tell him much.’ I add, especially when he’s in his cups. But then, Patrick is Irish, and so is Mrs. O’Shaughnessy, head of the operating room. And finer people I don’t know. So you cannot class all by one or two.’’

  Having washed off all the signs of the operating room, they donned fresh aprons and made their way down to the dining room, where the coffee was hot and the cook fixed whatever they wanted in double-quick time. They were sitting at the table enjoying their coffee when Patrick came looking for them.

  ‘‘He’s back.’’

  ‘‘Fine, tell him to take a chair in the waiting room, and I’ll be right with him.’’

  ‘‘You want me to go with you?’’ Elizabeth asked.

  ‘‘No, you take a moment to enjoy your breakfast. We have an hour or so before we begin rounds. I want you to spend some time with the children today. They enjoy it so much when you come.’’

  Just then the door blew open, and Ian Flannery burst in with Patrick tucked underneath his arm. He flung the older man to the floor and advanced on Dr. Morganstein, who stood to receive him.

  ‘‘I was on my way to see you.’’ Althea nodded to Elizabeth to see to Patrick, who was picking himself up, looking none too steady on his pins.

  ‘‘Don’t move!’’ The man pointed a finger at Elizabeth.

  Dr. Morganstein stepped in front of Elizabeth. ‘‘It is I you want to talk with, not she.’’

  ‘‘Where’s my wife?’’

  ‘‘Where did you leave her?’’

  He paused. ‘‘None of your business. That’s what happens with you doctors. You think you know everyone’s business.’’ He paused again, his eyes roaming as if looking for something but not sure what. ‘‘I ask you for the last time. Where is me woman?’’

  ‘‘And I need not ask you where you left her, because I already know. You threw her down the stairs in a drunken rage and left her there!’’

  ‘‘No, no! I did no such thing.’’ But he stopped again, eyes searching to the right and then the left. ‘‘No, I couldn’ta done such a thing. I love me girl.’’


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