Teach Me

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Teach Me Page 2

by Alla Kar

  Dean Spencer nodded and handed me a grade book. “This was the grades from Dr. Evert. You can copy them down and give this back to me whenever you get finished. They are mostly participation grades, and one bonus question before each class. Call me if you have any questions. Have a good day, Mr. Downs.”

  I nodded and walked over to my desk. Nerves were racing underneath my skin. This was my first time teaching, I’d only graduated the year before. At twenty-six I was glad to have a job, the economy sucked. I unpacked my book, grade book and started to copy down the grades.

  When I got to the last one, I heard laughter fill the hallway. I glanced up and noticed it was time for class. I shut the grade book, stood and leaned against the front of the desk, legs crossed at the ankles.

  A few minutes later the room started filling up. Everyone stopped and checked the room number before walking in. I smiled to myself, then wrote you’re in the right room on the board. A few of the girls giggled to themselves, and most of the guys talked and I picked up on a few football players in the room.

  When it turned eleven ten, I started toward the door but stopped dead in my tracks. “Sarah,” I mumbled, staring straight at her. Her mouth dropped opened, and she stared right at me. Her low cut shirt hung snuggly to her chest, and her jeans tight to her slender waist. Fuck. I quickly thought of dead puppies, rotten food and chair legs. I am not getting hard in class.

  Her lips parted and she said, “Liam.” My dick jumped in my jeans. Damn it.


  “Liam,” I mumbled again, not realizing I’d said it twice. My mouth was ajar, eyes wide and my books loosely in my grip. He was staring straight at me, a confused look on his face. I knew it was because he thought I was a teacher, and I didn’t get a chance to tell him different. I try to take my eyes off of his broad shoulders, his button down shirt stretched to fit them perfectly. My stomach tightens as his tongue darts out to wet his lips.

  Liam clearing his throat brings me back to reality. “Hi, you can take your seat, Sarah,” he said, eyeing the classroom. I glance over at everyone, and all eyes are on me. Damn it.

  “Of course….” I trailed off, making a quick dash toward my usual seat.

  Tyler, one of Matt’s baseball friends, leaned toward me. “What the hell was that about, Sarah?”

  I pulled out my book and bit my lip. “I met him yesterday at Java City, I didn’t realize he was a teacher.”

  Tyler nodded, and turned his hat around backwards, causing his cowlick to stand straight up. “Yeah, dude doesn’t look like a teacher.”

  Hell no, he doesn’t.

  “Okay, people,” Liam said. “My name is Mr. Downs, or Downs. I prefer you not to call me Liam, it’s kind of unprofessional.”

  “Sarah called you Liam,” someone said from the corner of the room. Blood rushed to my ears. I couldn’t look up, I continued to look at my notes.

  “I live close to Sarah, so I met her before this.” Liam turned his back to us and wrote Mr. Downs on the board. His ass looked so right in those jeans. Damn it, Sarah. Stop it.

  “So, as you know Mr. Evert is no longer here. He is leaving to go to a different school.” He flipped through some pages, biting on his lip. “Looks like he had a test planned for y’all today.” He shook his head. “We’re going to postpone it. It’s the first week of school,” he said, glancing over at me. I quickly looked back down at my papers.

  “So, why don’t we have introductions today? Hmm? Let’s stand up tell me your name, where you’re from and what your major is. My goal is to get to know you all.”

  He pointed toward a girl on the first row.

  “Looks like we’re gonna have it better this semester,” Tyler said, leaning closer to me. “Mr. Evert seemed like a drag,” he whispered, pulling his phone out from under his desk.

  “Yeah, easier,” I said, keeping my eyes on my desk. Taking a chance, I looked up. Liam was staring at me, and nodding at what the person was saying. Heat burst underneath my skin.

  “So, I heard Cole hit it and quit it with Jamie.” Tyler shook his head. “He is such an ass. I warned her,” he said.

  “I did too,” I mumbled, watching Liam stroke his jaw with his thick fingers. I wondered what it would be like to be touched places by him. He was too beautiful, too masculine. Isn’t it a crime to be that good-looking? He let that laugh slip, sending my stomach on a roller coaster ride.

  No, stop. I can’t believe I’m checking my teacher out like this. I have a boyfriend and he is my professor. I swallowed a large lump in my throat and pulled my shirt away from my body. I was sweating like I’d been running a marathon.

  “Sarah,” Tyler said, waving his hand in front of my face. He was leaning over his desk rail, staring at me, wide brown eyes worried. “Are you okay? I asked you a question.”

  “Oh, sorry. I was daydreaming.” Understatement. “What did you ask?”

  He frowned but asked, “Do you think Jamie would go out with me?”

  Of course I do. I nodded. “Yeah, of course she would.” Tyler seemed like an okay guy. He was always polite, held the door open for people and made descent grades. Tyler wasn’t bad looking either, he had a strong jaw, pretty brown eyes and we built steady.

  “Great, I can’t wait. I think I’ll--,”

  “You talking over there,” Liam said, rather loudly. He had his finger pointed right at Tyler. “Your turn.”

  Tyler furrowed his brow but started talking. Liam wasn’t paying any attention to him, I watched as he watched me. Tyler kept talking, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

  “Great, thanks. Now, what about you Sarah?” Liam asked. How did he even hear what Tyler was saying? I couldn’t take my eyes off of his lips.

  “Sarah?” he asked again, dipping his head lower, to hide a smile.

  “Oh!” I said, swallowing the embarrassment from the class snickering beneath their breath. “Um. My name is Sarah. I grew up in Hermitage, about forty miles from here. My major is creative writing, and that’s about it.”

  “How old are you?” Liam asked, cocking an eyebrow. Everyone is staring at us.

  “Twenty two,” I mumbled, gnawing at my lip.

  “How old are you?” some girl yelled from the back.

  Liam smiled, and my breath caught in my throat. Damn. “Twenty six,” he said, rolling up his sleeves. The tattoos I’d seen from the night before show on his forearm.

  “Nice tats, where’d you get ‘em?” some guy asked.

  “Louisiana. Now, since we know each other pretty well know. Class is dismissed. We’ll pick up Friday. Plan on having your test next week.”

  The entire class got up and started scurrying out of the door. I took my time picking up my books, looking at my desk and the floor.

  I exited my row and feel Liam’s arm on my elbow before I can get out of the door. “Can you wait a second?” I nodded at the ground and waited for everyone to leave. Liam walked over and shut the door. “Well, this is awkward,” he said.

  I glanced up. “I didn’t know you were a teacher. You don’t look like one,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t…I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell you that I’m a student. I just look older.”

  Liam bit his lip and exhaled a huge sigh. “Well, I guess I didn’t come out and tell you either. It’s not a big deal or anything, I was just shocked to see you walk in. I think it probably raised some questions from the other students.”

  I know it did. Half of the girls were staring at me the entire time. I waved my hand at him, giving him a shaky smile. “Nah, I’m sure it’ll be fine. I told Tyler I saw you at Java City and didn’t realize you were a student.”

  “Is Tyler the kid that was sitting next to you?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, he is one of Matt’s friends. I have a few classes with him, he is an English major, too.”

  Liam clicked his tongue and finally smiled. “Well, I guess that’s all I need to know. I guess I’ll see you Friday?”

sp; Grabbing my books, I squeeze them to my chest. “Okay, Liam…Mr. Downs,” I said, before dashing out of the classroom.

  What. The. Fuck. I shook my head all the way down the stairs and into the writing center. Could this get any worse? I’d been checking out my teacher’s ass and I didn’t even know it. How could a teacher be this freaking hot? It’s not logical? They’re supposed to have spenders, loafers and comb overs. Not low rise jeans, boots and a fucking sexy smile.

  I dropped my bag at the computer desk and sat in the rolling chair. I pulled up my homework for math and started on it. I worked as a tutor in the writing center, but when no one was there we’d do our homework or talk. I didn’t feel like talking, I might have screamed if I opened my mouth.

  This semester is going to be torture.

  Chapter Three


  How could I be so stupid? Picking up my books, I walked out of my final class for the day and toward my Hummer. She was clearly a student. Her boyfriend played baseball, she lived in apartments right beside the college. Maybe I had wanted her to be available and my age so bad that I imagined her looking older.

  I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair. Way to fuck up everything, Liam. Way. To. Go.

  “Excuse me,” someone said.

  I turned and saw a woman standing behind me. Her hands were wrapped around the handle to a briefcase, and she was smiling ear to ear. Her reddish hair was combed back into a ponytail on the nape of her neck.

  “Hi,” I said, clearly not in the mood to chat but I gave her a fake smile anyway. “Did you need something?” Can’t you see I’m day dreaming about my student’s ass? God, I sound like a perve.

  “My name is Shay, I teach Literature here. You’re new, right? Liam Downs?”

  Word travels fast. “That’s me. Nice to meet you Shay.”

  She nodded. “I just wanted to introduce myself. Maybe some time when you’re free I can show you around campus.” She looked nervous, fidgeting with her briefcase, giving me a simple smile. She is probably your age. I fight the urge to close my eyes.

  “Yeah, maybe I’ll take you up on that. I’ll see ya around,” I said before walking to my car. Shay was walking away when I glanced back up.

  I rode the two minute drive to my house in silence. I listened to the passing cars, the football team run by and the birds. I took my time climbing up the stairs and faced room 203A for a second too long before turning toward my door. The door slammed opened and a short girl with brown hair stood eating a popsicle in front of me. It slipped from her grip and hit the floor.

  “Damn it,” she mumbled bending over to get it.

  “What are you doing out here?” I heard from inside Sarah’s apartment. She came to the doorway and stopped to look at me. “Oh hey, Liam—I mean Mr. Downs.”

  I bit my tongue. If she calls me Mr. Downs one more freaking time. “Hi, Sarah. Nice to see you again.”

  “I’m Jamie,” the brown haired girl said. I glanced in her direction, irritated that she interrupted us.

  “Hi, Jamie.”

  She grinned and Sarah grabbed her arm. “You were just leaving, weren’t you Jamie?”

  She shook her head back and forth, her hair swinging with every move. “Actually, I forgot something inside. Let’s go get it. Nice to see you, Mr. Downs.” She pulled on Sarah’s arm and I caught a glimpse of Sarah’s green eyes before the door was shut in my face.

  Her eyes were so large, full and bright. She had called me Mr. Downs. I rolled my eyes and hit the briefcase on the side of my leg. Damn it.

  I collapsed onto the bed my bed once I got inside and took my shirt and shoes off. This semester was going to be too hard.


  “Please tell me that’s not your new Survey to Civ teacher? It’s the same guy Cody was saying was hot?” Jamie asked, her tongue practically dropping out of her mouth.

  I sighed and walked over to the futon. “It is my new teacher. I meet him last night when I took Zeus to the bathroom. I tripped over his dog.”

  “Is that a sexual innuendo?” Jamie wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Yes, I tripped over his penis. Shut up,” I said, throwing a pillow at her face. She blocked it and smiled brightly.

  “What a fucking hottie. You have to know he is sexy. How on earth are you going to learn with his hotness radiating in the room?”

  “I’ll manage,” I said, which was a small lie. He was almost too hot. I rolled my eyes at myself. How pathetic can one person be? “Anyway, I have some homework to do. You were just leaving…remember?”

  She rolled her eyes and staggered to the door. “Oh, Tyler text me and asked if I wanted to go to the movies.” She pressed her teeth into her lip to keep from smiling.

  “Oh yeah,” I picked at my jeans, “what’d you’d say?”

  “Yes,” she said. “We’re going this weekend. See ya later.”

  I laughed, as I picked up Zeus’ toys from around the house. I swear it was like I had a damned kid. I tossed my book bag on my bed and winced at the soda stain on my comforter. Matt. He’d gotten mad about Liam and threw his glass on my bed. Two minutes later he was apologizing and kissing me. He had one hell of a temper.

  Knock. Knock. Damn, Matt’s home early. I walked to the door. Matt was leaned against the door frame, hands wrapped around the top. “Hey, baby,” he said, kissing my cheek. He smelled like sweat, dirt and boys.

  “Hey, you’re here early,” I said.

  He walked past me and went straight for the kitchen. “Yeah, we have a game tomorrow. Coach let us go home early. I’m starved. I think I’m gonna call for Chinese. Does that sound good?”

  Anything were I don’t have to cook. “Yeah,” I said, sliding down on the coach. Matt walked over and slid in beside me, his blue eyes wide and raking over me.

  He nuzzled his mouth into my neck and kissed along my collar bone. “You smell good, babe.” Too bad you don’t. He pulled me closer and I leaned against him, letting him wrap his arms around my waist. “I heard a few girls talking in class about a new teacher. He’s supposed to be cute or something.” He turned on the TV.

  Fuck. Should I tell him? Better me than someone else. “Yeah, actually it’s our next door neighbor. He is my new Survey of Civ teacher.”

  Matt stopped channel surfing and turned toward me. His jaw flexed and he tilted his head to the side. His black hair was a mess underneath his cap and his shirt stuck to his chest. “You mean the guy that was checking out your ass last night is your new teacher?”

  He was checking out my ass? My stomach warmed at the thought of him touching it with his large hands. No, Sarah. “I doubt he was really doing that, Matt. But, yeah, he is my teacher. That should make you feel better. He is my teacher, not some random college guy.”

  Matt groaned and clenched his fist. “Just because he is a teacher doesn’t mean he isn’t still a man. He was looking at your ass, and if I see him do it again I’ll beat the hell out of him,” Matt said, turning back toward the TV.

  I didn’t doubt that Matt would pick a fight, he done it all the time. But, I had nothing to worry about because Liam was my teacher, and I was the one acting like a love-struck puppy not him.

  Around thirty minutes later Matt went to get the Chinese. Somewhat relieved that he was gone, I walked out onto our balcony. Zeus followed me and curled up in his bed outside. I watched as the sunset over the woods across the road, and leaned against the railing. The wind blew in my face, and it smelled like rain. When I figured Matt would be on his way back home, I turned and something caught my eye. Running down the road and into our driveway was Liam and Layla. I ducked back into my chair, so he couldn’t see me well. He stopped in front of the building, stretching. I watched as his muscles tightened as he stretched above his head. His brown hair was a sweaty mess, but he pulled it off too well. I bit my lip as he bent over and touched his toes.

  This isn’t right. Standing up, I leaned over the railing to get a better look. Layl
a sat beside him, tongue out and wagging her tail.

  Bark. Bark. Oh no. Zeus jumped out of his bed and started barking down at Liam and Layla. Fuck. “Shut up, Zeus,” I mumbled, swatting at his behind.

  He continued to bark, loudly.

  Liam’s head popped up and he glared up at me. A smile rose from the corner of his lips and he jogged toward us. “Damn it. I hate you,” I mumbled to Zeus.

  “Hi, Sarah,” Liam said, craning his neck to get a good look at me. “You spying on me?” he asked.

  You have no idea. “Ha. No, just enjoying the sunset. Sorry to interrupt you, Zeus doesn’t have good manners.” I smiled. “Or does he mind,” I mumbled to myself.

  Liam waved me off. “No worries, I was just heading back in. It was such a great night for a run. You wouldn’t happen to know how to get to Lake Monticello, would you? I heard they have a great place to run. It’s opened and spacey.”

  I gulped and nodded. “Yeah, I do. It’s kind of hard to explain.”

  “Would you mind showing me some time?”

  My heart began to beat against my ribcage hard. Is this appropriate behavior? Am I supposed to give my teacher directions? After school? In his car with him? My palms were sweaty so I rubbed them against my legs. “Um, sure. Maybe tomorrow or something?” I asked. I knew Matt would be gone tomorrow for his game, and being alone with Liam was starting to consume me.

  “Yeah, that’d be great.” He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled. “I’ll come get you.” He laughed. “Next door. What time is good for you? Seven?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “You don’t have work or anything do you? I wouldn’t want to take you away from anything.”

  “I have a work study at the writing center. It’s during the day. Seven tomorrow will be fine.”


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