Break Me (Shattered)

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Break Me (Shattered) Page 4

by Jo-Anna Walker

  “Got your boys watching me, do you?” Sebastian’s body tensed as if he was bracing himself for a fight. Brett was smaller than him, but with Kane, Sebastian didn’t have a chance.

  I looked between the two men and felt the tension rolling off them. “Guys. Stop.”

  Brett folded his arms and glared. “Are you going to give me a reason to, asshole?”

  Sebastian tensed beside me.

  I turned my body to him and hooked my hands around his arm. “Sebastian?”

  His jaw clenched and unclenched, and he took a step toward Brett.

  “Hey.” I grabbed his jacket, stopping him.

  “Brett, why don’t you buy me a drink?” I jumped at the sound of Keisha’s voice, not seeing her move from her chair.

  “We don’t pay for drinks,” Brett bit out, standing toe-to-toe with Sebastian.

  “Just come have a drink with me, ass. Seriously.” Keisha pulled on his arm.

  Brett continued to stare down Sebastian. His glare flashed toward me and something showed in it. Jealousy? Warning? I didn’t know. But whatever it was made my stomach tighten.

  Ignoring him, I intertwined my hand in Sebastian’s, making him look down at me finally. “Dance with me.”

  He seemed to think this over, and a moment later his gaze darkened. He looked back at Brett, and a wicked glint flashed in his eyes. Releasing my hand, he pulled off his leather jacket, which revealed a tight black T-shirt that seemed molded to his hard torso.

  I tried not to stare as tattoos covered arms that were huge, like he worked out daily. I also couldn’t help but notice how the beautiful artwork went down to his fingers.

  He placed his jacket on a nearby table and turned to me.

  I looked away as my face heated at being caught staring at him.

  He walked up to me and grabbed my chin. The pad of his thumb ran over my bottom lip. “Don’t be embarrassed about staring at me.” He leaned down to my ear. “I fucking love it when your eyes are on my body.”

  He placed a kiss on my neck, grabbed my hand, and brushed his lips across my knuckles.

  My heart stuttered and I didn’t respond.

  He laughed and walked me to the dance floor, his arm going around my shoulders.

  My phone vibrated, and I fished it out of my clutch. I turned on the screen and quickly read Be careful. Need anything, Kane will be there. Brett. I rolled my eyes but also appreciated his overprotectiveness.

  Putting my phone away, I saw Kane standing against the wall by a set of double doors. He winked at me and I smiled back. I gave him a small little wave as we walked by.

  As we approached the dance floor, butterflies flew around in my belly. What possessed me to ask Sebastian to dance with me? I only ever danced in my living room, where no one was around to judge, and that’s it. But dancing with a gorgeous man who obviously knew how to use his body was probably not a smart idea on my part.

  We walked through the sweating, gyrating bodies and found a clear spot on the dance floor.

  Sebastian moved behind me, and pulled me against his body. He placed his hands on my hips and moved me to the loud music that came out of the speakers.

  The base of the music pumped through my blood as we danced to the fast beat.

  I became so entranced at the feel of him touching me again that I could only focus on the feel of his hands on my hips, so I no longer danced.

  Hot, wet kisses started on my shoulder and moved to my neck, sending shivers straight to my core. Pleasure coursed through me as a warm tongue licked the soft spot just under my ear. I leaned my head to the side to give him easier access to my skin.

  I placed my hands on top of his and began moving my hips to the beat again. Luckily we were surrounded by people who were dancing the same as we were. I wasn’t sure if it was the beer or just Sebastian himself, but I lost all willpower when it came to him. My body desired him, and for some odd reason, it didn’t scare me or concern me. No man had ever made me feel the way Sebastian did.

  A sense of bravery washed over me, and I started grinding against his pelvis. I smiled as his hands tightened on my hips.

  My heart beat fast against my chest, and I turned my head just as he lifted his. My lips parted in anticipation.

  He turned me around and I placed my hands on his chest as we continued to move to the beat of the music. His hands moved from my hips to my ass and pulled me tighter against him.

  I smoothed my hands down the soft cotton of his shirt to his waist. His breath hitched as I ran a hand under the soft fabric, fingers grazing over his tight stomach. Hooking my fingers in the waistband of his jeans, I ran them along the soft skin just under his belly button.

  He looked at me through hooded eyes and moved one hand to the small of my back, my skin igniting at the touch. I could feel him through my thin tank top and I wanted more. I craved it.

  Running my hand to his back, I stuck it in his back jean pocket and pulled him against me.

  Sebastian smirked and kept his hand on my back, moving the other one to pinch my chin. He held it firmly in place while the pad of his thumb grazed over my bottom lip.

  My mouth parted as my breathing quickened.

  He leaned down, licked my bottom lip, and gently bit it, sending bolts of electricity to my groin. Liquid pooled in my panties, and I grabbed his waistband with both hands, pulling him against me.

  He grinned and covered my mouth with his, shoving his tongue between my lips. I moaned as he devoured me, taking full control. Owning me.

  It felt so good to be kissing him again. It felt familiar. His warm, soft lips pressed roughly against mine, spread tingles over my skin.

  He ran his hand up my spine to the back of my neck, sending shivers along with it. Sebastian released my mouth and trailed soft kisses on the corner of my lips, along my jaw and to my ear.

  His hot breath on my skin made my eyes flutter closed as I leaned into him. “Sebastian.” I breathed his name, not knowing if he could hear me over the loud music. I opened my eyes as he lifted his head.

  He looked down at me, his eyes full of hunger as he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. Leaning down to my ear, his hot breath scorched my skin. "I want to fuck you."

  My stomach flip-flopped. Did I hear him right? Oh God.

  Opening my mouth, my teeth lightly grazed his thumb as it ran over my lips. I smiled as his nostrils flared.

  A moment later he looked up and frowned. The hunger in his gaze turned to anger and then rage. He looked back down at me and placed a firm kiss on my lips. Grabbing my hand from his waist, he tugged me from the dancing crowd.

  Confusion coursed through me as I followed him.

  He pushed through the crowd of dancing bodies as he pulled me along.


  He turned back to me.

  “What’s wrong?” Concern for him ran through me as I walked quickly to keep up with him.

  His mouth was set in a grim line, and his body was tense. Something was seriously off with him. No longer being the playful Sebastian I had come to know, he took on a harder edge that made nervous butterflies soar through my belly.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  He didn’t respond as we walked past Brett and Keisha.

  They looked at me, concern etched in their features, but I just shrugged and ran to keep up with Sebastian.

  We headed to the exit and stopped before a man leaning against the wall. Sebastian still had my hand in a tight grip and kept me close against him.

  Worry and anxiety burned through me, but I didn’t say anything else or ask Sebastian any more questions.

  I ran my other hand up and down his arm, and he looked down at me, eyes softening.

  “Well, well, well. Now what do we have here?”

  Sebastian’s head snapped up.

  The man who had been leaning against the wall came toward us. His black eyes were partially hidden behind shaggy black hair, making him look scarier. He was tall and lean and pretty much dressed the
same as Sebastian.

  I moved closer to Sebastian as the guy stopped in front of us.

  His black eyes bored into mine and roamed over my body. “So is this what you’ve been doing all this time?”

  Sebastian’s hand tightened against mine, and I squeezed it in reassurance.

  This guy radiated pure evil. He looked down at me, no emotion showing on his face.

  My heart started pounding.

  He looked around as if he was searching for something. He seemed on edge and twitchy, and it made me very uncomfortable. His gaze darted back to mine and as it travelled up and down my body, it made my skin crawl.

  He was smaller than Sebastian but gave off the same dominating air. Tattoos peaked out from under the collar of his T-shirt as well, much like Sebastian’s.

  “Like what you see, cochina?” His deep, slightly accented voice set my nerves on edge.

  “What are you doing here, Jose?” Sebastian asked, his voice laced with venom.

  “I could ask you the same thing, but I guess it’s pretty fucking obvious now isn’t it?” Jose bit out.

  Sebastian took a step closer to him, but I firmly held his hand, pulling him back.

  Jose’s eyebrow rose. “Ah, I see you have your slut calling the shots now. You must be fucking pussy whipped.”

  I glared at Jose, instantly hating him already. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  He sneered. “Sebastian, you’ve changed, my man. You never would have let a whore come between us.”

  “Fuck you, Jose. She’s not a whore.” Sebastian released my hand and pushed me behind him, taking another step towards Jose.

  “Yup, definitely pussy whipped.”

  Sebastian swung at Jose and hit him in the jaw, snapping his head to the side.

  Jose turned back to him and laughed. “That’s all you got? Man, you’ve been out of the game for too long.”

  He continued laughing as Sebastian geared up to hit him again.

  I grabbed his arm. “Sebastian, he isn’t worth it.”

  “Yeah, Sebastian, listen to your slut.”

  Anger burned in my belly at being called a slut one too many times. Before I knew what I was doing, I dove at Jose.

  Arms encircled my waist before I could hit him, but the shock on his face was satisfying enough…for the moment.

  The look of surprise instantly switched to fury behind Jose’s black eyes. “Get control of your girl, before I do it for you, asshole.”

  Sebastian growled behind me and I tried pushing his hands off me. My body shook with anger. I wanted a piece of Jose. I want to punch that slimy grin off his face. No one called me a slut and got away with it. I didn’t care who they were.

  Jose tossed a cell phone at Sebastian. “I’ll be calling you, and you better fucking answer it too. You don’t want me to come after you if you don’t.” Jose turned and stormed down the hall leading to the exit.

  I turned to Sebastian, releasing myself from his grip. “What the hell was that about, and who the fuck is that guy? And what’s with the phone?”

  Sebastian placed his hand on the back of my neck. “Breath, baby. He’s a douche bag. No one important.” He frowned, shoving the phone in his pocket. “He’ll call me when he needs something.”

  Confusion coursed through me as I wondered what the history was between Jose and him. “Why didn’t you let me hit him?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Because he wouldn’t think twice before hitting you back,” he said through clenched teeth, seething with anger.

  My stomach rolled at that thought. “Oh.”

  “Everything all right here?”

  I turned and saw Kane, Brett, and Keisha standing around us.

  Sebastian ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, everything is fine. I dealt with it.”

  He grabbed the back of my neck and kissed my forehead. My body relaxed at that simple touch. I was safe. Jose was no longer there, so I didn’t have to worry about him any longer.

  “Did you actually dive at that guy, Tori?” Keisha asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

  I looked at Sebastian and then back at her. “Yeah, I did.”

  Her eyes widened, and she pulled me in for a hug. “Wow, you go girl. You’re kind of crazy, but I love it.”

  “Keisha,” Brett admonished.

  “What? I gotta give props to my girl.” She rolled her eyes and hugged me again.

  I smiled lightly. It would have been better if I had gotten a couple of shots in at least.

  “I think you should leave.” Brett crossed his arms under his chest and scowled at Sebastian.

  “Brett.” Keisha smacked him on the arm. “That guy isn’t here anymore. It’s no longer a problem.”

  Ignoring his sister, he continued to glare at Sebastian. “Leave. Now.”

  “Listen, Jose showing up here tonight was not my fault. He’s not supposed to be back in town,” Sebastian told him.

  “Doesn’t matter. He’s not allowed here and you know that, so I think you should leave before we forcibly remove you.”

  “We meaning Kane? Maybe you should do it yourself, Brett? Be a man for once in your life, and show me how you really feel about me.” Sebastian took a step toward him.

  Oh…this is not going to be good.

  “All right guys, that’s enough.” Kane clapped a hand on Brett’s shoulder and handed Sebastian his jacket. “Sebastian, leave.”

  “You can’t fucking make me leave,” Sebastian argued, taking the coat from him.

  Brett took a step toward him so that they were almost standing toe-to-toe. “Wanna bet?”

  I moved between them, pushing them apart. “Seriously, guys. Stop.”

  Sebastian looked down at me. “I should go. Don’t want any issues for pretty boy over here.”

  Disappointment fluttered through me. “I can come with you.”

  “No, stay here just in case Jose is still lurking around.” Sebastian cupped the back of my neck and pulled me toward him. My blood boiled at that, and Sebastian smiled. “You sure are feisty when you’re mad, little one. It's kinda hot."

  I rolled my eyes and laughed, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  He looked up, his eyes narrowing. “Do you mind?”

  I followed his gaze and saw Brett huff. He grabbed Keisha’s arm, and they walked back to the bar with Kane beside them, but not before giving Sebastian a death glare.

  Sebastian chuckled and pulled me against him, enveloping me in an embrace.

  “You like getting under Brett's skin don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do, very much so actually.”

  I laughed, and then questions started flashing through my mind. “What happened with you and him?”

  Sebastian ran his fingers through his hair, making my breath catch at the sight. “Bad business gone wrong. Long story. I don’t want to bore you with the details.”

  He grabbed my chin and tilted it up toward him. Placing a firm kiss on my lips, his dark eyes flashed with concern.

  I frowned. “Sebastian.”

  He cleared his throat and brushed his lips softly against mine. “I’ll call you, little one.”

  Releasing me, he walked out of the club. Cold chills ran up my spine, and I rubbed my arms. So many questions ran through my mind, but I couldn’t get Jose out of my head. The way he’d looked at me set my nerves on edge.

  As much as he infuriated me, he scared the hell out of me even more, and I had a feeling that tonight wouldn’t be the last I heard from him.

  Chapter 6

  I walked back to the bar and saw Keisha sitting by herself. “Where’s Brett?”

  She turned to me. “He’s in his office sulking.”

  I sat down beside her and sighed. “Well…didn’t I say that tonight would be interesting?”

  “Yeah, you did. Next time, how about you not say that.”

  I laughed. “Good idea.”

  We sat in silence for a moment. After my encounters with Sebastian, my attraction
towards him didn’t simmer. Every time I saw him, the desire for him grew and grew. He controlled my thoughts and my dreams.

  “Are you okay?”

  I looked at Keisha. Concern marked her features. “Yeah, I’m fine. But I think another drink is in order.”

  “Sounds good to me, girlfriend.”

  Instead of the drinks we had earlier, Keisha ordered us some shots. The bartender placed them in front of us.

  I picked up the small glass and turned to Keisha. “Here’s to a new beginning.”

  She raised her glass, clinking it against mine. “And to no more drama.”

  We both downed the clear liquid. It burned my throat as I swallowed, but it wasn’t too intense. A warm feeling coated my skin as the alcohol settled in my belly.

  “Want another one?” she asked.


  The bartender placed two more in front of us, and we clinked glasses again and downed the dark liquid. I wiped the corner of my lips and sucked the drops off of my finger.

  “I think I’m in love with Mr. Tequila.” Keisha giggled.

  I laughed. “I think I am too. Barkeep, another round of shots for me and my lovely lady friend here, please.”

  He smiled and poured us more shots.

  “No.” Keisha slammed her shot glass on the bar top. “You my dear friend, are in love with that fine-ass man Sebastian.”

  I coughed, the tequila in my belly threatening to rise to my throat. Clearly, she’d had too much to drink. “I think you are cut off, Keisha.”

  Her eyes widened, and she swayed a little on her stool. “Yeah, maybe I am.”

  We’d had the same number of shots, but they were obviously affecting Keisha a lot more than me, so I helped her off her stool, but all the alcohol seemed to rush to my head.

  Grabbing onto the bar top, I tried catching my balance.

  Keisha giggled. “I think you had too much to drink too.”

  I nodded, breathing through my mouth as my stomach churned.

  Keisha grabbed my hand, and we walked to Brett’s office leaning on each other for support. By the time we reached it, we were both in hysterics.

  The door opened, and Brett stood in the doorway frowning, looking between us. “Are you guys drunk?”


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