Break Me (Shattered)

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Break Me (Shattered) Page 8

by Jo-Anna Walker

  My eyes widened. He wanted to go out to dinner with me? I couldn’t do that after spending the morning with Sebastian. That wouldn’t be right. “Brett, I don’t…”

  “Really?” Keisha looked at me, suspicion coating her features. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  She probably thought I was a slut who wanted Sebastian and her brother. I looked back at Brett. “Brett…”

  “Just as friends,” he reiterated.

  Grinding my teeth together, I put on a fake smile for Keisha. “Yes, apparently we’re going as friends.”

  He smirked.


  “Okay…well…good then, I guess. Just be careful, Tor.”

  I smiled up at Keisha in reassurance. When she left, I turned back to Brett. “Really? Dinner?”

  He chuckled. “I like you, and dinner was the first thing that popped into my head.”

  I sighed. What was with these men who thought they could get whatever they wanted whenever they wanted? “Brett…”

  “There’s nothing wrong with dinner. It’s not like you and Sebastian are serious.”

  Thank you for the reminder. I rolled my eyes. “Does Keisha know what’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You told me there are some things that I don’t know.”

  He scowled. “Of course she doesn’t fucking know.”

  “Well how do you expect to protect her if she doesn’t know what she needs to be protected from?”

  He huffed. “That’s the point. If she doesn’t know anything, I can protect her more.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, ’cause that always works. She’s gonna be pissed that you’ve been keeping stuff from her.”

  “Like you are that Sebastian’s keeping things from you?”

  My eyes widened. “How the fu—”

  “Well, isn’t this a happy couple?”

  I turned to the voice that made my skin crawl and saw Jose walking around the couch. He sat beside Brett, smiling.

  Oh, I so wanted to punch that slimy grin off his face. His pockmarks were more pronounced in the light of the coffee shop, and they made him seem scarier. Nervous butterflies flew through my belly. “What do you want, Jose?”

  “Why, Brett, I just came here for a coffee. No harm in that, right?” He smirked and leaned back on the couch, placing an ankle on his opposite knee.

  I chewed my bottom lip as I contemplated leaving, knowing that I should probably head home since that was what Sebastian had told me to do.

  “What’s wrong, Tori?” Jose winked at me. A dark bruise covered his jaw from when Sebastian hit him last night, and I smiled to myself.

  I cleared my throat, grabbing my stuff. “I should…” I looked up just as Sebastian sat down beside me. A moment of relief flooded through me, and I let out a deep breath.

  His body was tense, and he clenched his jaw.

  I turned to him, curling a leg under me. “Sebastian.”

  He lightly shook his head and took a deep breath. Placing a hand on my knee, he rubbed his thumb back and forth.

  I frowned, anxiety swirling around in my belly. “What’s…”

  “So I see you’ve made a new friend in my partner,” Jose pointed out, nodding his chin toward Sebastian.

  My gaze snapped to Jose. He was looking down at Sebastian’s hand on my knee. Jose glanced at Sebastian, anger flashing in his eyes, and then looked back at me.

  “Yeah, well, from what I understand, partner isn’t the correct term,” I bit out.

  Jose smirked and turned to Brett. “So, Brett, how’s the business?”

  I turned to Sebastian, placing my hand on his arm. “Sebastian,” I whispered.

  “Not now, little one.” His voice was deep and laced with concern.

  “Look at me,” I pleaded.

  His head slowly turned to face me.

  I gasped at the fury and rage dancing in his eyes.

  “Tori,” Jose said.

  I turned to him. “What?” I snapped.

  An evil glint flashed in Jose’s black eyes, and his lips turned up. Jaw clenching, his gaze bored into mine. “I think I like her, but you definitely got your hands full with this one, Sebastian.” He laughed and leaned back in his seat.

  Sebastian squeezed my knee. “Don’t I know it.”

  My gaze eyes flashed to his. “What the hell is going on, Sebastian?”

  “We’ll talk later,” he said quietly.

  “Sebastian.” I was sick of his secrets. I didn’t really having any right to demand he talk to me, but he did spend all morning in my bed, so I felt an explanation of some kind was in order.

  His head snapped around, eyes furious. “I said fucking drop it.”

  Anger burned in my belly, and I pushed his hand off my knee. Crossing my legs, I folded my arms across my chest.

  Jose laughed. “Ah, I think someone is getting suspicious.”

  I glared at him and turned away, ignoring the looks of I told you so that Brett was giving me.

  Sebastian placed his hand back on my knee, and I pushed it off again.

  He grabbed my hand and laced his fingers in mine.

  I tried prying my hand out of his, but he squeezed it, pulling me towards him. “Stop it.”

  I glared at him. “Let go of me.”

  He growled. “No.”

  “I said, let go of me.” Pushing away from him, I attempted to rise from the couch.

  “And I fucking said no. Now stop making a scene.”

  I huffed and ignored the looks from customers at the tables around us, not caring in the slightest if they saw what an asshole Sebastian was being at the moment. “What the hell happened, Sebastian?”

  “Patience, little one,” he said quietly.

  “You don’t know me at all, do you?”

  His gaze flicked to mine. “What do you mean?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Patience is something I do not fucking have.”

  “Oh, I know baby, trust me, but you need to start trying.” He turned back to Jose, tightly holding my hand.

  “Asshole,” I mumbled.

  A light chuckle came from Sebastian.

  Sighing, I crossed my legs under me and placed our joined hands in my lap. If I wasn’t allowed to leave, I was at least going to get comfortable.

  I promised I would be patient, or try to anyway, but the change in his mood since this morning really pissed me off. Something had happened since he left my apartment a couple of hours ago, and I knew it had to do with Jose.

  “So, Sebastian. You mind if I take your girl out for dinner?”

  My gaze snapped to Brett’s as Sebastian tensed beside me.

  “Why would you take Tori out to dinner?” Sebastian bit out.

  I watched as Jose’s eyes flicked between the two of them. “Oh, this is gonna get fucking good.”

  “Well, Tori did agree to go out to dinner with me,” Brett said like it was no big deal.

  Sebastian’s hand tightened around mine, making me wince.

  “I didn’t really have a choice in the matter.” I glared at Brett.

  “You always have a fucking choice.” Sebastian said with a growl.

  I sighed. "No, I didn't," I argued. Could this day get any worse?

  Sebastian lowered his lips to my ear. “He just better remember that you’re mine.”

  My heart skipped a beat at his words. “What does that mean?” I whispered.

  He grabbed my chin, his hot breath on my ear. “I don’t share, and I definitely don’t play nice with pretty boys.” He licked my ear.

  Shivers ran up my spine. “I don’t want him.”

  He looked down into my eyes, his gaze heating. “Good.”

  “Don’t worry, Sebastian. I won’t touch her. She made it quite clear that we’re just going as friends,” Brett stated.

  Sebastian lifted his head and glared at Brett.

  Brett and Jose smiled at each other and then turned back to me.

  Something told me that the
y got along better than they let on, and I had a feeling that they were setting Sebastian up, but then something occurred to me. “Brett, I thought you didn’t like Jose.”

  Brett tensed and shifted in his seat but didn’t respond.

  “Sebastian?” I said quietly.


  “I thought they didn’t get along.” I was confused. I had no idea what was going on. Brett warned me to stay away from Jose and Sebastian, but Brett was the one that was confusing me the most.

  “I’m not sure, baby,” he said, running his thumb over the back of my hand.

  “What’s the big fucking deal whether we go on a date or not anyway?” Brett asked.

  “It’s not a date, Brett,” I corrected.

  “You better not touch her, or I’ll break every bone in your body and make you wish you were fucking dead. You’ll beg me to kill you,” Sebastian warned.

  I gasped at his words, looking between him and Brett.

  Amusement coated Brett’s features as if he was trying to piss Sebastian off. “If I touch her, you won’t know about it, asshole.”

  Before I even had a chance to respond, Sebastian was on his feet, his face inches from Brett’s. “Yeah? You think so, do you? Remember who she chose first.”

  I watched him as he walked to the hall leading to the washrooms.

  Brett and Jose chuckled as I followed him.

  “Sebastian,” I called after him.

  He spun on me, forcing me to take a step back.

  Before I knew what was happening, he was on me, pushing me up against the wall. His mouth covered mine, forcing his tongue between my lips. His fingers dug into my shoulders as he deepened the kiss. Like he was marking me. Marking me as his. Owning me. Possessing me. Letting me know that I was his.

  Butterflies flew around in my stomach at this thought, but I grabbed onto his waist, pulling him against me.

  He groaned into my mouth and then released me, resting his forehead against mine, his chest heaving.

  I closed my eyes, panting. Running my hands inside his jacket, I wrapped my arms around him. “Sebastian. You need to talk to me.”

  He sighed, lightly grazing his fingers down my cheek. “Please be careful around those guys. I don’t fucking trust them.”

  “Brett said the same thing about you pretty much.”

  He looked down at me. “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course,” I responded with no hesitation.

  A small smile tugged at his lips. “Good, I’m glad.”

  I smiled up at him. “I will be careful though, I promise.”

  He placed a soft kiss on my lips. “I’m gonna drag Jose’s ass out of here. I’ll call you soon, little one.”

  I nodded and leaned against the wall, watching him head back to Jose and Brett. Keisha rounded the corner, looking behind her and then at me. “What the hell is going on?”

  I sighed. “I really wish I knew.”

  Chapter 11

  A week had passed since I’d heard from Sebastian. Every time my phone rang, butterflies flew around in my stomach and then filled with disappointment when it wasn’t him on the other end. Worry took up permanent residence in my heart, and my chest ached for him.

  I had started my new job, so I kept myself busy with learning the ins and outs of that. It was easy, mindless work but I enjoyed it.

  The weekend finally came, bringing along with it the pre-emptive night out with Brett. It made my stomach clench with uneasiness at the thought of going out to dinner with another man.

  As I was getting ready, my phone rang. I quickly ran to it and answered, hope rising that it was Sebastian. “Hello?”

  “Hello, little one.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing his voice as it washed over me eased some of the anxiety that had built up in my stomach. It felt odd being so attracted to a man when I hardly knew him, but he was a part of me. “Sebastian.”

  He lightly chuckled. “The one and only.”

  I giggled. “Where are you?”

  He sighed. “I’m around.”

  “Is everything okay?” My heart sped up in my chest at the thought that something was wrong.

  A moment passed before he responded. “Everything is fine, baby.”

  He was lying. “Sebastian…”

  “Listen, the next time you see me, if I’m not acting myself, just trust me. All right? Remember to trust me.”

  “Sebastian, you’re scaring me.”

  “I know.”

  He tried to make small talk with me. He remembered that I had started my new job the week before, and he seemed genuinely interested in my success. But I was distracted. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to happen or that he was in trouble. “Stop trying to change the subject.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Panic rose in my voice at his words.

  “I should go. I just wanted to hear your voice. I’ll see you soon, little one, I promise.”

  “Wait. Sebastian? Come over. I can cancel my plans.”

  "No. Go enjoy your dinner, and I'll call you later to see if you're home from your night out with Brett.” He said, growling his name.

  “Okay. I’ll see you later then?” I rolled my eyes at the desperation in my voice.

  “I don’t know, maybe.” His voice sounded sad.

  “Well, can I call you at least?”

  “You can only text me at the phone number I programmed into your phone, and then I’ll call you back when I can.”

  My heart thudded against my chest. “Okay.”

  “Little one…”

  “I’m just worried…” I sat down on the edge of my bed.

  “I know, baby.”

  I sighed as the line disconnected.


  An hour later, Brett picked me up. When I entered his car, his eyes were warm as he smiled at me. “How was your week?”

  I turned to him and sighed. “It was all right. How was yours?”

  “It was good. Something wrong, Tori?”

  I frowned. “No, now why would something be wrong?”

  He sighed. “I’m sorry for being an asshole the other day.”

  “Yeah, well, you kind of threw this date thing in Sebastian’s face,” I mumbled, not knowing what his issue was. He was nice the one moment and then he was off-putting. Did he really want to be friends or not?

  “I know, and I’m sorry for that. I wish I could explain…”

  “What?” I prodded when he didn’t finish his sentence.

  “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”



  I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. Maybe I should have just stayed home.

  “I know you didn’t want to go out to dinner with me, but try and enjoy yourself,” he grumbled.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to go out to dinner with you. I just wish you would have asked me instead of telling me. I didn’t appreciate you assuming I would go out with you.”

  “Then why did you agree?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know…to shut you up, I guess.”

  He laughed. “Well I appreciate your honesty at least.”

  I smiled, looking out the window, watching the city fly by us. About ten minutes later, we reached the restaurant. It was a cute little Italian Bistro, and my stomach rumbled at the thought of pasta. After we parked, Brett paused before he got out of the car. “Brett, I…”

  He moved quickly and placed his mouth on mine, hand cupping my neck. It was a light kiss; his lips were warm and soft and he kept his tongue to himself. His skin was clean shaven, so no scruff scratched at my cheeks, but he wasn’t the man I wanted.

  I placed my hands on his chest, pushing him.

  He released my mouth and ran a hand over his hair. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m such an asshole.”

  “No, you’re not an asshole. It’s fine. I’m not ma
d at you. Maybe it was a little untimely, but it’s okay. Shit happens.” I placed my hand on his arm.

  He turned to me, his usual twinkle reappearing back in his eyes. “I love your colorful language.”

  I laughed. “Let’s go have dinner.”

  “I am sorry, baby girl. I shouldn’t have kissed you, especially when you have a thing going on with Sebastian. That was a dick move on my part.”

  I sighed. “No, you shouldn’t have kissed me but whatever. It’s done. Just please don’t do it again.”

  He nodded. After getting out of the car, he walked around to my side and opened the door. “After you milady.”

  I giggled and stepped out of the vehicle.

  He held his arm out to me, and I grabbed it, walking with him to the entrance.

  My phone dinged and I reached into my clutch. As I checked it, I heard someone cough nearby.

  “Well, well, well, now what do we have here?”

  Brett stopped, forcing me to stop with him, and I looked up.

  My stomach dropped as I saw three very tough looking guys surround us. My heart sped up. “Brett,” I whispered.

  He placed his other hand on mine, tightening it. “Hello, gentlemen. Nice evening, isn’t it?”

  The three guys looked at each other and laughed. “Yeah, it is a nice evening.”

  Unease settled in my belly as I recognized the voice. A fourth guy stepped from behind a van. It was Jose. “Brett, we should leave. Like right now. We can have dinner at my place.” I took a step back.

  “Yeah, Brett, you should listen to Tori.” Jose sneered, taking a step towards us.

  “What the hell do you want, Jose?” I bit out.

  “Does Sebastian know you’re out with Brett?” He smirked.

  “Obviously. You were there when we were talking about it.”

  Jose glared at me but he didn’t respond. “I spent time with your sister today, Brett. She sure is a pretty thing.”

  Brett took a step forward at the mention of his sister. I held onto his arm firmly. There was no way he would be able to take on four guys, and I definitely wouldn’t be much help unless I gouged an eye out with my heel.

  “Brett, don’t.”

  “I’d listen to your girlfriend if I were you. Oh, wait, she isn’t your girlfriend. I forgot, you’re her second choice,” Jose mocked as he took a step toward us.

  I could feel the tension boiling off Brett as Jose got closer to us. We really needed to leave. I didn’t know what would happen, but I didn’t trust any of the guys in front of us.


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