Saving Grace (Katie & Annalise Book 1)

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Saving Grace (Katie & Annalise Book 1) Page 1

by Pamela Fagan Hutchins

  Saving Grace

  Pamela Fagan Hutchins

  SkipJack Publishing


  Saving Grace Copyright © 2012 by Pamela Fagan Hutchins.



  Saving Grace (Katie & Annalise, #1)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-one

  Chapter Forty-two

  Chapter Forty-three

  Chapter Forty-four

  Chapter Forty-five

  Chapter Forty-six

  Chapter Forty-seven

  Chapter Forty-eight

  Chapter Forty-nine

  Excerpt from Leaving Annalise (Katie & Annalise Mystery Series #2)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Excerpt from Going for Kona (Michele Mystery Series #1)

  Chapter One

  Excerpt from Heaven to Betsy (Emily Mystery Series #1)

  Chapter One

  Excerpt from How to Screw Up Your Kids (Parenting Blended Families)

  Despite Our Best Efforts

  How did the Bradys do it?

  Excerpt from How to Screw Up Your Marriage (Successful Relationships)

  Bring me a bucket.

  There's nothing under the canoe, honey.

  Excerpt from Puppalicious and Beyond (Animal and Nonhuman Stories)

  I am not a whackjob.

  Froggy Went A' Courtin'

  Excerpt from Hot Flashes and Half Ironmans (Women's Health and Athletics)

  I don't ask much.

  Putting The Fun Into Dysfunctional

  Excerpt from The Clark Kent Chronicles (ADHD and Asperger's Parenting)

  "My mother is ruining my life."

  Where It All Began: Lacrosse Gloves Make Sense to Me

  Excerpt from What Kind of Loser Indie Publishes, and How Can I Be One, Too? (Writing, Publishing, Promotion)

  1 • EARN (NO) MONEY ALL BY YOURSELF {On the financial implications of traditional versus indie publishing}




  About the Author

  Books by the Author

  Other Books from SkipJack Publishing


  Saving Grace is a work of fiction. Period. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, things, or events is just a lucky coincidence.

  Saving Grace (Katie & Annalise, #1)

  Chapter One

  Last year sucked, and this one was already worse.

  Last year, when my parents died in an “accident” on their Caribbean vacation, I’d been working too hard to listen to my instincts, which were screaming “bullshit” so loud I almost went deaf in my third ear. I was preparing for the biggest case of my career, so I sort of had an excuse that worked for me as long as I showed up for happy hour, but the truth was, I was obsessed with the private investigator assigned to my case.

  Nick. Almost-divorced Nick. My new co-worker Nick who sometimes sent out vibes that he wanted to rip my Ann Taylor blouse off with his teeth, when he wasn’t busy ignoring me.

  But things had changed.

  I’d just gotten the verdict back in my mega-trial, the Burnside wrongful termination case. My firm rarely took plaintiff cases, so I’d taken a big risk with this one—and won Mr. Burnside three million dollars, of which the firm got a third. That was the total opposite of suck.

  After my coup at the Dallas courthouse, my paralegal Emily and I headed straight down I-20 to the hotel where our firm was on retreat in Shreveport, Louisiana. Shreveport is not on the top ten list for most company getaways, but our senior partner fancied himself a poker player, and loved Cajun food, jazz, and riverboat casinos. The retreat was a great excuse for Gino to indulge in a little Texas Hold ’Em between teambuilding and sensitivity sessions and still come off looking like a helluva guy, but it meant a three and a half hour drive each way. This wasn’t a problem for Emily and me. We bridged both the paralegal-to-attorney gap and the co-worker-to-friend gap with ease, largely because neither of us did Dallas-fancy very well. Or at all.

  Emily and I hustled inside for check-in at the Eldorado.

  “Do you want a map of the ghost tours?” the front desk clerk asked us, her polyglot Texan-Cajun-Southern accent making tours sound like “turs.”

  “Why, thank you kindly, but no thanks,” Emily drawled. In the ten years since she’d left, she still hadn’t shaken Amarillo from her voice or given up barrel-racing horses.

  I didn’t believe in hocus pocus, either, but I wasn’t a fan of casinos, which reeked of cigarette smoke and desperation. “Do y’all have karaoke or anything else but casinos onsite?”

  “Yes, ma’am, we have a rooftop bar with karaoke, pool tables, and that kind of thing.” The girl swiped at her bangs, then swung her head to put them back in the same place they’d been.

  “That sounds more like it,” I said to Emily.

  “Karaoke,” she said. “Again.” She rolled her eyes. “Only if we can do tradesies halfway. I want to play blackjack.”

  After we deposited our bags in our rooms and freshened up, talking to each other on our cell phones the whole time we were apart, we joined our group. All of our co-workers broke into applause as we entered the conference room. News of our victory had preceded us. We curtsied, and I used both arms to do a Vanna White toward Emily. She returned the favor.

  “Where’s Nick?” I called out. “Come on up here.”

  Nick had left the courtroom when the jury went out to deliberate, so he’d beaten us here. He stood up from a table on the far side of the room, but didn’t join us in front. I gave him a long distance Vanna White anyway.

  The applause died down and some of my partners motioned for me to sit with them at a table near the entrance. I joined them and we all got to work writing a mission statement for the firm for the next fifteen minutes. Emily and I had arrived just in time for the first day’s sessions to end.

  When we broke, the group stampeded from the hotel to the docked barge that housed the casino. In Louisiana, gambling is only legal “on the water” or on tribal land. On impulse, I walked to the elevator instead of the casino. Just before the doors closed, a hand jammed between them and they bounced apart, and I found myself headed up to the hotel rooms with none other than Nick Kovacs.

  “So, Helen, you’re not a gambler either,” he said as the elevator doors closed.

  My stomach
flipped. Cheesy, yes, but when he was in a good mood, Nick called me Helen—as in Helen of Troy.

  I had promised to meet Emily for early blackjack before late karaoke, but he didn’t need to know that. “I have the luck of the Irish,” I said. “Gambling is dangerous for me.”

  He responded with dead silence. Each of us looked up, down, sideways, and anywhere but at each other, which was hard, since the elevator was mirrored above a gold handrail and wood paneling. There was a wee bit of tension in the air.

  “I heard there’s a pool table at the hotel bar, though, and I’d be up for that,” I offered, throwing myself headlong into the void and holding my breath on the way down.

  Dead silence again. Long, dead silence. The ground was going to hurt when I hit it.

  Without making eye contact, Nick said, “OK, I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

  Did he really say he’d meet me there? Just the two of us? Out together? Oh my God, Katie, what have you done?

  The elevator doors dinged, and we headed in opposite directions to our rooms. It was too late to back out now.

  I moved in a daze. Hyperventilating. Pits sweating. Heart pounding. My outfit was all wrong, so I ditched the Ann Taylor for some jeans, a structured white blouse, and, yes, I admit it, a multi-colored Jessica Simpson handbag and her coordinating orange platform sandals. White works well against my long, wavy red hair, which I unclipped and finger-combed over my shoulders. Not very attorney-like, but that was the point. Besides, I didn’t even like being an attorney, so why would I want to look like one now?

  Normally I am Katie Clean, but I settled on a quick brush of my teeth, a French shower, and lipstick. I considered calling Emily to tell her I was no-showing, but I knew she would understand when I explained later. I race-walked to the elevators and cursed them as they stopped on every other floor before the Rooftop Grotto.

  Ding. Finally. I stopped to catch my breath. I counted to ten, took one last gulp for courage, and stepped under the dim lights above the stone-topped bar. I stood near a man whose masculinity I could feel pulsing from several feet away. Heat flamed in my cheeks. My engine raced. Just the man I’d come to see.

  Nick was of Hungarian descent, and he had his gypsy ancestors to thank for his all-over darkness—eyes, hair, and skin—and sharp cheekbones. He had a muscular ranginess that I loved, but he wasn’t traditionally handsome. His nose was large-ish and crooked from being broken too many times. He’d once told me that a surfboard to the mouth had given him his snaggled front tooth. But he was gorgeous in an undefined way, and I often saw from the quick glances of other women that I wasn’t the only one in the room who noticed.

  Now he noticed me. “Hi, Helen.”

  “Hi, Paris,” I replied.

  He snorted. “Oh, I am definitely not your Paris. Paris was a wimp.”

  “Hmmmmm. Menelaus, then?”

  “Um, beer.”

  “I’m pretty sure there was no one named Beer in the story of Helen of Troy,” I said, sniffing in a faux-superior way.

  Nick spoke to the bartender. “St. Pauli Girl.” He finally gave me the Nick grin, and the tension left over from our elevator ride disappeared. “Want one?”

  I needed to gulp more than air for courage. “Amstel Light.”

  Nick placed the order. The bartender handed Nick two beers beaded with moisture, then shook water from his hands. Nick handed mine to me and I wrapped a napkin around it, lining up the edges with the military precision I adored. Nick sang under his breath, his head bobbing side to side. Honky-tonk Woman.

  “I think I like you better in Shreveport than Dallas,” I said.

  “Thanks, I think. And I like seeing you happy. I guess it’s been a tough year for you, losing your parents and all. Here’s to that smile,” he said, holding his beer aloft toward me.

  The toast almost stopped my heart. He was spot-on about the tough part, but I did better when I kept the subject of my parents buried with them. I clinked his bottle but couldn’t look at him while I did it. “Thanks, Nick, very much.”

  “Want to play pool?” he asked.

  “Let’s do it.”

  I was giddy, the sophomore girl out with the senior quarterback. We both loved music, so we talked about genres, bands (his old band, Stingray, and “real” bands), my minor in music at Baylor, and LSD, AKA lead-singer disease. Over a bucket of beers, we swapped stories about high school, and he told me he’d once rescued an injured booby.

  “An injured booby?” I asked. “Implants or natural? Eight ball in corner pocket.” I sank it.

  He gathered the balls out of the pockets and positioned them in the rack while I ground my cue tip in blue chalk and blew off the excess. “You’re so land-locked. A booby is a bird, Katie.”

  I rolled his use of my real name back and forth in my brain, enjoying how it felt.

  “I was out surfing, and I found a booby that couldn’t fly. I carried it back home and took care of it until I could set it free.”

  “Oh, my gosh! How bad did it smell? Did it peck you? I’ll bet your Mom was thrilled!” I talked fast, in endless exclamation points. Embarrassing. I was a Valley Girl on acid, like Oh-My-Gawd. “It was in shock, so it was calm, but every day it got wilder. I was fourteen, and my mom was happy I wasn’t in my room holding some girl’s real booby, so she was fine with it. It smelled really bad after a few days, though.”

  I broke. Balls clacked and ricocheted in every direction, and a striped one tumbled into a side pocket. “Stripes,” I called. “So, your mom had caught you before holding a girl’s booby, huh?”

  “Um, I didn’t say that . . .” he said, and stuttered to a stop.

  I was more smitten than ever.

  “Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover” was playing in the background. I hadn’t heard that song in years. It got me thinking. For months, I had been fighting off the urge to slip my arms around Nick’s neck and bite the back of it, but I was aware that most people would consider that inappropriate at work. Pretty small-minded of them, if you asked me. I eyed the large balcony outside the bar and thought that if I could just maneuver Nick out there, maybe I could make it happen.

  My chances seemed good enough until one of our colleagues walked in. Tim was of counsel at the firm. “Of counsel” meant he was too old to be called an associate, but he wasn’t a rainmaker. Plus, he wore his pants pulled up an inch too high in the waist. The firm would never make him a partner. Nick and I locked eyes. Until now, we’d been two shortwave radios on the same channel, the signal crackling between us. But now the dial had turned to static and his eyes clouded over. He stiffened and moved subtly away from me.

  He hailed Tim up. “Hey, Tim, over here.”

  Tim waved to us and walked across the smoky bar. Everything moved in slow motion as he came closer, step by ponderous step. His feet echoed as they hit the floor, reverberating no . . . no . . . no . . . Or maybe I was saying it aloud. I couldn’t tell, but it made no difference.

  “Hey, Tim, this is great. Grab a beer; let’s play some pool.”

  Oh, please tell me Nick didn’t just invite Tim to hang out with us. He could have given him a short “hey how ya doing have a nice night I was just leaving” shpiel, or anything else for that matter, but no, he had asked Tim to join us.

  Tim and Nick looked at me for affirmation.

  I entertained a fleeting fantasy in which I executed a perfect side kick to Tim’s gut and he started rolling around on the floor with the dry heaves. What good were the thirteen years of karate my father had insisted on if I couldn’t use it at times like these? “Every woman should be able to defend herself, Katie,” Dad would say as he dropped me off at the dojo.

  Maybe this wasn’t technically a physical self-defense moment, but Tim’s arrival had dashed my hopes for the whole neck-bite thing, and all that could have come after it. Wasn’t that reason enough?

  I cast out the image. “Actually, Tim, why don’t you take over for me? I was in trial all week, and I’m exhausted. We have an e
arly start tomorrow. It’s the last day of our retreat, the grande finale for the Hailey & Hart team.” I handed my pool cue to Tim.

  Tim thought this was a fine idea. It was clear women scared him. If I had hoped for an argument from Nick, though, I didn’t get one. He reverted to his outside-of-work “Katie who?” act.

  All I got from him was “Goodnight,” with neither a Helen nor a Katie tacked on.

  I grabbed another Amstel Light from the bar for the plod back to my room.

  Chapter Two

  Fifteen minutes later, I’d liberated a bottle of wine from the mini-bar. I clutched my iPhone with an intent to text. Texting while intoxicated, never a good idea. I wish a cop had been there to cuff me—it would have saved me from what came next.

  To Nick: “You dumped me for Tim. I’m lonely.” I might as well have added, “Love, Your crazy stalker.”

  No response. I waited five minutes while I finished a glass of wine. I refilled my glass. I scrolled through Emily’s three hundred texts asking where I was and responded to her with “Nick!!! So sorry. Talk to you later.”

  I sent another to Nick. “R u there? R u still with Tim?”

  “Hey,” was his reply.

  Another text from Nick dinged seconds later. “We need to talk.”

  Good talk or bad talk, I wondered. Talk as a euphemism for not talking?

  I responded to Nick, “K. Where, when?”

  “Monday, office.”

  Gut punch. Rally, Katie, rally. Don’t let the moment slip away. There’s still a chance. “No fair. Now? Pick a place.”

  “Bad idea. Been drinking.”

  “I can handle it. Rm 632.”

  No answer. Think think think think think think think. He didn’t say no. He didn’t say yes. I could text back and ask for a clear answer, but it might be the wrong one. Assume it’s yes and get yourself together, girl.

  I inspected the spartan hotel room, the dismal tan comforter graying from too many times through industrial washers, the tan drapes discolored from the room’s “smoker” years, a framed mass-production print of a riverboat hanging on metallicized wallpaper. It didn’t show much promise for a romantic interlude. I cleaned up the best I could anyway, the room and me, and tried to steady myself for sober thought and behavior.


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