Lister was quiet for some time as the thoughts rushed through his mind. Merrill did not interrupt him. He was looking at Lister though and knew from the expression he wore, his gears were turning.
“Where can I get some?” Lister asked with more edge than he had intended. This world was quite dangerous as Lister had already seen. He would have a very capable guide as he was sure Vita would insist upon helping. The thought of traipsing around this world on some crazy quest filled him with no small amount of dread.
“I would give you some if I had any left but I am all out at the moment. There are caves not too far from here where I harvest mine. I would take you to them and get you some but I have a tight deadline on the paver. Even now I should working but here it sits.”
“I can go. Just tell me where to find the cave.” Lister was not the adventurous type but the undeniable possibilities of these amazing stones was something he could not pass up. The things he could do with them would be world changing. A thousand things could go wrong but Lister did not have the time nor the inclination to list them all to himself for the lure of the Singing Stones was a siren call to him. Perhaps it was how they had gotten their name? Maybe here instead of maidens in the seas they were stones set to entice sailors or, more apt, crazy scientist to their deaths upon the rocks.
“Oh no, such a thing would not be right of me. You are my guest and I could not just send you into harms way.”
“What do you mean harms way?” Lister’s heart dropped.
“There are some dangerous critters down there. They would poison you and drink your juices before you even knew what was happening.” Merrill’s description was nothing if not effective.
“I will take him.” Vita had appeared and was standing behind Merrill. Lister had not heard nor seen her. From what he had seen earlier he knew she may have been standing behind them for hours and neither of them would be the wiser.
“Oh no you don’t. The last time you went to the caves you almost ended up as dinner for the bugs.” Merrill tried to dismiss the whole notion.
“I will be more careful this time. I promise.”
“That’s exactly, to the letter, what you said last time.” Merrill’s face was pale at the thought of whatever these creatures were. Lister was now becoming a tad more skeptical about the idea but the call of the stones would not be denied.
“I will take care of her.” Lister offered up. His voice cracked, betraying his feelings but he would not let his fear stand in the way of this amazing scientific leap.
“Ha!” Merrill’s retort was a burst of sound with no mirth in it. “You take care of her. I can barely take care of her and she depends on me.”
A long silence reigned in which Merrill was chewing on his lip and shaking his head. He was looking at Vita and she was staring back at him. She had assumed the same stance and expression she had used on Lister when they had met Tamra on the path. He muttered a few things to himself neither of them could quite catch. The argument he was having with himself was a big one.
“Even if I say no you will go anyway won’t you?” Merrill looked at Vita who was staring at him, arms crossed nodding her head. “Girl you are going to be the death of me.” a moment of tension passed between the two. Vita looked ashamed and again Lister felt something pass between them which he was not privy to. Merrill’s face flushed at the hidden, unspoken thoughts which passed between them.
“Go ahead.” Merrill had given up. Vita squealed in her girlish way and ran to hug her Pappy. He looked at Lister coldly. The look held the threat of retribution should his adopted grand daughter be harmed.
“You said you would take care of her. You’d better.” it was a heavy statement in no uncertain terms and Lister could feel the weight of it.
“I will.” Lister replied though he had a notion it was going to be Vita who would be caring for him.
“Then you two had better get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for you.” Merrill turned back to the paving machine, considering the matter closed. Lister swallowed thickly as Vita took his arm and began pulling him away. Lister kept his eyes on Merrill as he was being dragged off wondering just what he had gotten himself into.
“I will show you to the guest room.” Vita was excited and Lister was sure she would not sleep from it. He would not sleep either but for another reason entirely.
Chapter Nine
Lister and Vita wasted no time in setting out. She brought her long dagger and a bundle of food she had packed hurriedly in the morning. When they stepped outside Lister was sad to see the rising sun taking the beauty of the night sky from the heavens. The new light of day did show the surrounding countryside. It was very rocky and covered with a thin carpet of moss which grew plentifully and he could see the fields the villagers tended to. They did not grow crops of the kind Lister was used to but instead they were plants of the same variety he had seen in the woods. The plants were what he had eaten the night before and again when he woke.
Much to Lister’s dismay Merrill did not come to see them off and it was no wonder. He worried about his grand daughter and had strong misgivings about their journey. Though Vita was not his blood, he had iterated time and again she was his life and to be without her would never do. Lister did not want to hurt the old inventor but his need to possess even one Singing Stone was too much to resist and he apparently would put them both in peril for the chance. The only danger he had ever really faced in his life was of a type which required safety goggles in a lab. This was something very foreign to him and he felt a twinge of excitement at the prospect and more than a little dread.
The vehicle they took was squat and powerful looking. Like the cart from the previous night it had two seats and both were in the front, the engine compartment in the the back. The tires were meaty looking and appeared to be quite able to handle any terrain. When Lister wedged himself into the passengers seat he was quite certain whatever they might run into this cart would be able to handle.
“You ready?” Vita asked as she gracefully hopped into the drivers seat.
“I sure am.” He hoped his tone hid his nerves.
Vita pushed the throttle forward and they were off. The built in compass mounted onto the center console said they were traveling south. The fields just outside the the village were high with crops. Lister saw people tending to the meaty looking plants which sustained them. One of them waved as they zipped by. Lister recognized one of Tamra’s children, the little boy who had hidden behind his mothers skirt. Lister smiled and waved back as he turned in his seat.
His sleep the night before had been fitful and for the most part, nonexistent. Lister knew he was becoming sleep deprived but there was no way his mind would be switched off with so much going on. The bed he had been shown to was comfortable and he was glad for it. The solitude gave him time to absorb and process a bit of what had happened over the past twenty-four hours. Though he was tired, he had arisen, feeling no more rested than the night before.
The ATV carried them over jagged hills. He could see rocky outcropping which broke up the green but the trees which had been so prevalent were no longer present. The hills varied in size and shape and Lister became sure all of the ground underneath the moss was rock which might have struck him as odd if this whole trip had not been out of the ordinary.
After a time they passed close to a river and Lister could see some creatures drinking their fill. Like the people here they were short and stocky and built for the gravity of the planet. Vita did not get too close to them for they were not their concern though a few of them looked up as they passed and watched until they were gone.
Mountains rose in the distance as the ATV found some level ground and Vita increased their pace. The motor was whirring as they flew across the terrain at a speed Lister thought was not within the scope of such a small vehicle. The sound of the engine was high pitched though not at all unpleasant. In the times when Vita decreased and subsequently increased the speed it seemed like the stones at the
heart were really singing a song Lister could not understand.
The mountains grew out of the terrain and Lister could see they were unlike the ones back home. These seemed to be the outer edge of a huge crater caused by the impact of a comet or asteroid. They rose out of the ground as though thrust up in a fit of rage. Lister realized this was only to be expected and he set his preconceived notions aside as he had promised to. Why would this place even have plate tectonics?
The mountains loomed over them and he could see the cracks and crevasses along the surface. It did not look like it would be an easy climb or indeed possible. The rock was dark gray and though there were patches of the grassy moss on it the cover was sparse at best. Vita stopped the ATV in front of a crevasse which upon closer inspection was hiding a walkway which rose steeply up the face.
“Well let’s go. We have to walk from here.” she hopped out of the cart and snatched her pack from the back and began walking to the opening which split the steep walls.
“I sure wish we didn’t have to walk.” Lister grabbed his pack and followed.
“It is not too far but there is some pretty rough terrain ahead and it is steep. Are you sure you are going to be able to make it?”
“Don’t you worry,” Lister slid sideways through the particularly tight entry. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Once they had made the path Lister found the air to be stifling in it’s heat and humidity. He had not felt such an uncomfortable mix having grown up in the Northeast United States. He had thought summers back home were intense at times but this was ridiculous. His clothing stuck to him as he climbed and the sweat which poured from him soon darkened his garments.
Vita had not been over stating the difficulty of the trek. More than a few rock slides had happened and seemingly barred their progress but Vita, as nimble as a cat made her way up them. Once at the top she would let down a rope and help Lister top and conquer all of the obstacles in their way. More than once he had to go to all fours and climb like a gecko along the path which had become little more than a wall.
Finally a very appreciative Lister Crowe being led by Vita came to a small flat clearing. In the center was a burned out fire pit with stones set around it as makeshift seating. Lister was happy for the break and made for one of the stones without having to be told to do so. He was tired and the increased gravity was taking it’s toll on him.
“We are here. The cave mouth is just up ahead.” Vita poked her thumb over her shoulder.
Lister did not look where she was pointing but instead took a long slow drink from the canteen. He finished with a satisfied sigh and dropped his gaze to the fire pit. A wisp of smoke rose and held for a moment before dissipating.
“Vita? I don’t think we are alone.” Lister looked up at her and she looked quizzically back at him.
“No you are not.” a voice came from further up the path.
Vita whirled so fast Lister could barely make out the motion. Though he did not see it she had pulled her dagger and was ready for an attack. Lister had not seen the blade unsheathed before and was impressed with the sight of it. It glowed with an inner fire which, in the shadow of the mountain, gleamed bright with an orange hue matching her eyes.
“Whoa, hold on.” the man, inasmuch Vita could be called a woman, came from around an outcropping of stone. “I am not looking for a fight. As a matter of fact I need your help.”
He was a creature like Vita with horns and all but not like her. His face and body seemed more like Merrill’s people, stocky and stout. He had horns and his eyes seemed to have some of the inner fire which marked Vita’s difference from what Lister had always thought of as people. While Vita seemed young he had the age of man on him and a flesh tone more in line with humanity. He was a half breed, Lister had little doubt of his observation.
The stranger was dressed all in black, light fitting clothing which hung off of him almost in a regal fashion. His black hair was long and pulled back in a loose pony tail, wild strands floating about his face and scalp.
“My name is Karak.” he said as he began approaching her. Vita did not drop her guard but took a step back.
“What are you doing here Karak?” Vita asked and Lister could sense the mistrust in her voice. He could not blame her.
“I assume the same thing you are. Harvesting Singing Stones.” Karak smiled. Lister had to admit it was a disarming smile full of white teeth promising friendship and kindness. Vita’s tension suggested she was not buying it.
“How would you know what we are doing here?”
“Well it is pretty obvious isn’t it.” Karak stopped his approach as Vita had not put her dagger away and it shone deadly in the shadows cast by the craggy walls of the crevasse. “Why else would anyone come up here?” rightfully sensing she was not going to answer Karak continued:
“I have two men trapped inside. We got separated and I need help in retrieving them. Could you help me?” the question was not just asked of Vita for Karak looked around her and pleaded with Lister as well. Vita softened a bit at this. If there was one thing which could sway her, Lister had seen, it was people in need and he cursed their luck.
“We could help but why should we?” she asked letting her hand slide slowly to her side the dagger not finding its sheath.
“I don’t have anything to offer by way of reward but you would have my most sincere gratitude.” the charming smile made it’s appearance again and Lister felt a twinge of distrust settle in his stomach. There was something in his smile which made Lister doubt his sincerity.
“Wait a moment.” Vita turned and started back toward the fire pit and Lister. Though she had turned from him Lister could sense she was still quite aware of Karak behind her. She was still coiled tight like a spring.
“What do you think?” Vita whispered to Lister when she got to his side. Lister thought for a moment as he looked past Vita and at Karak. He was looking back the way he had come as though looking for sign of his companions, a worried expression played across his features.
“I don’t know, I don’t trust him” Lister spoke quickly and glanced around her to observe the man.
“Well he said his friends are trapped.” Vita cast a glance over her shoulder. After a moment she looked back to Lister. “We should help. It is the right thing to do.”
“Why did I know you were going to say that?” Lister was not so sure helping this half demon was wise.
“What do you mean?”
“This is just like on the road. We had to help Tamra fix her cart.”
“Of course we had to help her.”
“Even though it might cause us more trouble than it might be worth?”
“Listen, if his people are in those caves then they may be in trouble. It is our duty to help.”
“As many people as we can. I can’t believe you could just walk away without a thought as to the safety of others. Are all your people this uncaring” Lister did not rise to the bait.
“I think he is not someone worth helping is all.” Lister glanced at him again.
“If what he says is true then he needs our help more than Tamra did.”
“If he is telling the truth…”
Lister kept his eyes on her trying to sway her with his gaze but he saw it was going to be of no use when she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Fine.” Lister surrendered immediately knowing what her stance meant. She was immovable.
“All right, we will help you.” Vita turned and began walking over to the man.
“Fabulous!” Karak exclaimed. “I cannot thank you enough.
Lister could not help but notice the easy manner in which Karak carried himself and spoke. Would a man worried about his companions be so easy going? Lister could not shake the feeling there
was more to this meeting than met the eye. Lister wanted to confront Vita and tell her this was a bad idea and they should proceed forward on their own but he knew it would do no good. He doubt
ed even Merrill could make a dent in the girls resolve.
Chapter Ten
The cavern was not what Lister had expected and never having even been in a cave it was no surprise. He had thought it was going to be cold and stuffy but to the contrary these caverns had a breeze which continually stirred the air and rather than the damp which was ever present outside it was dry and the air cool on his skin. No stalactites or stalagmites pricked the ceiling or the floor which was what Lister had pictured but but the walls and ceiling were smoother than a cave should be.
Vita had come to the same conclusion as Lister and they let their new found companion take the lead. She was far too trusting and Lister was well aware she had taken to this new fellow pretty easily as was her nature. Lister wondered if it may have something to do with the fact they were both of the same species though not exactly alike. Lister took solace in the fact if some creature were going to jump out and make a meal of them it would be Karak who would be the first to fall.
As they ventured further the dark became more complete. Vita’s blade provided more than enough light for them to navigate by but the walls seemed to be nonexistent rather than closing in and the feeling made Lister uneasy. If it had not been for the wind constantly stirring the air and making low wailing sounds as it meandered through the caverns he would have been more afraid than he was.
Lister had tried once to learn more about their traveling companion but Vita illuminated by the orange glow of her dagger had put a stop to his questioning with a glare which confused him. Why not learn more about this man they had decided to hitch their fates to. Lister was sure if he were a human like him and not a creature like her she would have quite a different take on their charge.
Lister Crowe Page 7