Fight Like A Girl

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Fight Like A Girl Page 2

by A. D. Herrick

  With his hands on my shoulders, he guided me through the moves. We danced around the bag, working as a single unit. It was easy to get lost in the rhythm. The fiery pain melted away with each thrust forward as my muscles warmed up to the new stretch.

  “You're doing great.” He encouraged pushing me to go harder, my strikes coming out faster. The clanking of metal grew with each punch. We twirled round and around until the movement became flawless.

  “That’s it. Allow yourself to feel the movement. Your body needs to move as one single movement.” He encouraged.

  “You're killing it kid. You'll be moving to the eighty-pound bag soon enough.” With a reassuring squeeze to my shoulders, he released me with a smooth pet to the top of my head as though I were a child. “Keep it up, G.” He shouted over his shoulder as he walked away.

  I gave a short nod of my head in thanks never taking my eyes off my opponent, continuing to work the bag over. I pushed through the remaining burn, my body slowly beginning to accept the new stance without his hands to guide me.

  I hammered away at the bag. With each strike and clang of metal, my pride swelled. Shank was right. I could definitely see an upgraded bag in my future.

  “Keep your chin down, G, loosen up.” Chaos’s voice was deep and sharp, tinged with anger and annoyance. My relaxed body went back on alert in acknowledgment of his presence. I had been so focused on my movements I didn’t hear him come up.

  I fought against the smirk tugging at my lips at his change in demeanor. Chaos hated when I worked with Shank. The two were good enough friends but like oil and water when it came to working with me in the gym. Shank enjoyed pushing Chaos’s buttons. I think he trained with me more to piss Chaos off than to actually help me learn to defend myself.

  “Come on G.” The threat in his voice sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Relax into it.” Loosen up? Relax? If only he knew how impossible it was to be relaxed around him.

  My body craved exactly that. I wanted to loosen myself up as I wrapped my body around the man. Arms and legs wrapped tightly around him like an octopus. He made me want to scream.

  The things this man did to my body. Blowing out a short breath of frustration I heeded his advice as I bobbed around the bag. I willed my body to respond. Unwilling to allow him to see the effect he had on me.

  Sweat rained down my body, plastering my long dark hair on my face and neck, running down in rivulet along the small of my back. He stood behind me, watching. His gaze never wavering. All the sexual frustration I felt toward him I put into the bag, as though willing it away.

  My muscles seared with heat, growing tight and heavy with exertion. I had been at it for over an hour and it was starting to show. My movements had slowed, my strikes becoming messy.

  “Don’t give up on me. G. You have some more left in you. Keep going. No more arm punches. Get it together.” Shaking out the lethargy in my arms I pulled my core in tight, following Chaos’s command, throwing my full weight behind each punch. I drew in strength I didn’t know I had, forcing my body to comply.

  We continued.

  I threw punch after punch while Chaos shouted out words of encouragement behind me, rallying me on while at the same time correcting my framework and stance.

  Round and round I bobbed and weaved around my imaginary opponent, slamming my fist into the invisible face in front of me.

  “Last round.” My body lit with the call. I was running on fumes but too stubborn to quit.

  I felt weak, my body lethargic as I wrung out the last of my energy on the bag. I swung until there was nothing left. With my last hit, I fell shamelessly against the swinging bag. It took my weight with ease, cradling me like a long lost lover.

  In a way it was.

  The bag had been the only love in this life, the only one I was capable of admitting out loud.

  “Come on, G. On your feet. Look alive.”

  Chaos’s large callused paws landed on my shoulder. With the grace and skill of a feline, he pulled me back on my feet thrusting an open bottle of ice cold water into my aching hands.

  “Drink.” He commanded.

  I could only nod; too exhausted from the brutal workout I had given myself to do much more. My lungs burned like fire with every inhale.

  “Drink it all. You need to rehydrate.” I did. Tipping the bottle back I let the ice cold nirvana run down my throat as rivulets of sweat poured from my body.

  Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Chaos swallowed hard. His eyes trained on the smooth column of my neck. My lips kicked up at the edge causing a dribble of water to spill out.

  Chaos’s eyes followed the bead of moisture down my neck and chest. His eyes growing wider and wider as it dropped further down between the spandex pressed mounds of my breasts.

  As hard as he tried to hide it, I knew there was something there. I knew that beyond Chaos’s cool exterior a flame flickered brightly. I saw it in his eyes. The heat from his gaze nearly scorching.

  Like a cat batting away a ball of yarn, Chaos ripped the empty bottle from my hands. His eyes jerked up, narrowing into slits. He studied my face.

  I felt like a bug under a microscope as his eyes bore into me, a mixture of lust and confusion danced across his pupils. It felt as though he could see straight through me, all the way down to the depths of my soul. I felt exposed. Naked beneath his penetrating gaze. The thought was unnerving.

  What did he see?

  I danced around in place, shuffling my feet, under his thick-lashed scrutiny. “You finished staring?” I grunted between panted breaths. It wasn’t the extreme workout that left my breathing shallow. It was his eyes on me. The passion and intensity I felt radiating off him in waves.

  I didn’t miss the way his eyes darted down to my chest then back up to my face. It was like watching a game of pong as his eyes volleyed back and forth.

  He ignored my question, flashing me a bright white smile, reminding me of a shark circling its prey. His eyes finally settling on my face.

  “You went at it hard. Wanna offload some of that weight on your shoulders?” His words came out like a friendly request only I knew they were anything but. Heat simmered beneath his harsh exterior but curiosity won out.

  Like a switch flipping, the time for silent flirtation was over. There would be no escaping it. I’d have to tell him.

  Letting out a long shaky breath I tipped my head back toward his office, a silent gesture of submission. It was best to get this out of the way now. I knew if I didn’t he would have me in the ring, wearing me down until I had no choice but to spill my guts about maelstrom going on in my mind.

  Chaos guided me back to his office. With an outstretched hand, he directed me to sit in the smooth black leather chair across from his desk. The material was cool against my fevered skin peppering my flesh with goosebumps.

  The air was on full blast blowing the stray hairs that had escaped my ponytail back away from my face. I inhaled deeply as his rich rugged scent filled my nostrils.

  It permeated the very air around us, wrapping around me like a second skin. He smelled deep and rich, a heady mixture of musk, cinnamon, and spice, dark and dry, yet sweet and warm all at the same time. He smelled the way I imagined heaven smelled.

  He may be six years my senior, but it didn’t stop the way my heart threatened to combust in my chest at his nearness, or the way my body responded under the scrutiny of his searing gaze on my flesh.

  Chaos jumped straight to the point pulling me from my reverie. He wasted no time beating around the bush much to my dissatisfaction.

  “So what brings you in here kid?” He asked sinking into the black leather chair across from me. I cringed at the sound of him calling me ‘kid’.

  What I didn’t miss was the way his thick hard muscles coiled beneath the thin scraps of his painted on tank top. His bronze skin was a stark contrast to the bright white of the material. The flashes of ink that peeked out called for my attention, begging for further examination.
br />   Chaos’s shifted in his seat almost uncomfortably, drawing my eyes up to his. I didn’t miss the flash of heat behind his hazel gaze, the golden flecks of amber blazing bright with heat. I averted my eyes, afraid of being caught staring, afraid of what he would see on my face.

  “What? Can’t a girl drop by her favorite gym to work out without being hassled?” Kicking back in my seat putting my full body on display. With my hands folded behind my head, I crossed my ankles out in front of me giving off an air of nonchalance, hiding the thread of need pulsing in my veins.

  Chaos’s brows tipped up, amusement tugging at his rich full lips.

  “G, you know your fine ass is welcome in this gym any day of the week. Don’t play games with me. I saw you out there. You were going at it pretty hard. Now tell Big Daddy what has you in a fuss.” Chaos’s lips kicked up in a smirk. He sank back into his seat.

  “Really? Big Daddy? Please tell me that shit doesn't work.” I dropped my head, shaking it in mock shame. Wrapping my elbows around the side of my face I hid the face splitting, mile-wide smile I was rocking.

  “Hey, my game is tight and you know it.” He defended pulling a full belly laugh from my lips. Chaos had no game. None whatsoever. Him thinking so was hilarious.

  I dropped my hands to cover my tender stomach, the muscles screaming in protest at the movement. “Stop. I don’t want to hear about your mad game. It hurts.” I laughed despite the pain.

  “See,” He pointed at me in accusation, “that’s what you get for laughing at me.” He winked, kicking back in his seat with an arrogant smile on his handsome face.

  “Whatevs.” I rolled my eyes shooting him a flirty smile.

  “But seriously, G. What’s going on?” Our smiles faded, making room for more serious conversation. The time for flirty banter had passed. I straightened in my seat, giving him my full attention. My hands hung limply between my knees.

  “Nothing really. Same shit, different day.” A look of understanding crossed his face, his hands steeped in front of him, pressing me to continue.

  “Marco’s dealing with some new people.” I shrugged like it didn’t matter, playing off my discomfort.

  I didn’t miss the way the mention of my brother’s name brought his shoulders in tight, the thick corded muscles in his neck straining against his taut bronze skin.

  Chaos and my brother, Marco, went way back. The two of them used to be friends once upon a time, best friends. But now their relationship was rocky, to say the least. I had a sinking suspicion I was the one to blame but I could never really know for sure.

  Chaos knew Marco was into some shady shit and he didn’t like it. Hell, everyone knew about Marco. In the Folds nothing was secret. Whispers spread like wildfire leaving disaster in its wake.

  “Did they do anything to you? Anyone hurt you? Touch you?” A look of fierceness crossed his face. Chaos’s body lurched forward. His fingers gripped the hard edge of the desk before him in a white-knuckled embrace. I knew that all it would take was one word. One word and heads would roll - literally.

  I shook my head, my eyes meeting his. “Nothing happened,” His eyes bore into mine, disbelieving. “Promise.” After a lengthy stare down he finally relaxed back into his seat.

  Chaos got his nickname rightfully so. Just like the Greek god he was gorgeous yet unpredictable, known for causing absolute destruction in his wake. Destruction trailed behind him everywhere he went, be it the broken bodies of men or the broken hearts of women, it was all the same.

  There was a reason his gym was named Destruction. It was a reminder of who he was, a reminder of what he was capable of.

  The neutral territory wasn’t given freely. Chaos had earned it. I knew there was a story there, rumors in the streets. But I didn’t ask. I knew that if and when he wanted to share his past he would. Unlike him, I was a patient person. I would wait him out. Giving him the time he needs to come to me.

  “It’s nothing like what you think. I just get a bad vibe from them. You know? I’m just trying to stay out of their sights and keep my head low. I know something's going down. I just don’t know what and I don’t want to be caught in the middle of it.” I explained, hoping to put him at ease.

  Chaos gave a short nod in understanding, his body slowly uncoiling. “You always have a place here. You know that. Your room upstairs is always there. Just say the word.”

  “Thanks.” I offered him a small smile of appreciation.

  It wasn’t long ago I had needed that space. I needed the security provided by Destruction. Chaos had been there. He was the one to drag me from the pits of my own personal hell.

  I never asked him about that night. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. I only knew that his face was the first one I saw when I woke up and he had never once let me down, no matter how hard he protests that he had.

  “Mamá wants to see you for dinner. She said it's been too long.” The change in conversation was a reprieve but I knew what he was doing. He was offering me an out. A way to keep from going home. As he always did, he was sheltering me.

  “I can’t tonight. Tomorrow?” I offered up with a promise.

  “Tomorrow?” Chaos’s brows drew together as he stared me down. A lesser man would have folded under his steely gaze, but not me. Instead, I crossed my arms over my chest offering him a bored expression.

  It wasn’t that I didn't love Mamá or her cooking. I did. It was seriously the best I had ever had. I just needed some time and space away from him.

  Chaos was like a drug. He was addictive, intoxicating, and I could never get enough. That’s why I had to limit myself. I could only allow myself a small dose of his sweet perfection. Any more and I knew I would cave. I would fall apart and confess all of my deepest darkest sins.

  “Call her up and let her know I‘ll be by tomorrow for dinner.” I smiled, genuinely excited at the prospect of seeing Mamá Lopez.

  “I’ll let her know. I know she’ll be thrilled to see you. She misses you, ya know?” Chaos smiled at me warmly turning my insides to mush.

  “I know. I miss her too and I’m excited to see her as well. It’ll be nice to have a good home-cooked meal.”

  “Why don’t you go on up to your room and shower and change while I finish up here. The hot water will do your body some good and help relax your muscles. Plus, I can smell you from where I sit.” He winked teasingly.

  Offering him a double finger salute I rose from my chair. “You’re right. I can’t wait to let the hot water rain down my body while I lather up my naked flesh with my hands.” I moaned teasingly miming the motion over my clothes. I couldn’t help it. He was a drug and I had clearly passed my Chaos limit for the day. I was on the edge, riding that fine line.

  “G, don’t make me bend you over this desk.” His voice was hard, with a heavy dose of truth. He was only teasing. I think. Or was he?

  The thought of him following through with his threat had my heart pounding my heart rate speeding. I turned my face away, afraid he would see the blush that had begun to creep up my cheeks.

  “See ya tomorrow.” With a tentative wave, I exited the office and rushed to the back stairs leading to the upper apartments. I needed to get away before I did something both of us would regret.

  Thanks to Chaos’s demands, I always kept extra clothes and toiletries in the small studio apartment he set up for me over the gym, right across from his own. He always cautioned me about being prepared and he had never been wrong before.

  Sometimes it bothered me at how well he could predict my life, it was as though he could see into the future and foresee all the trials and tribulations coming my way. His pinpoint accuracy was almost scary.

  I was never more relieved to have a spare change of clothes available. I dreaded having to go back to my house, even for a moment. And with the influx of strange men coming in and out of the house, I didn’t feel safe showering at home. Just the thought of being naked with only the protection of a thin wooden door sent a surge of fear down my spine.
/>   Chapter Two


  Seeing G in the gym today wasn’t a new occurrence. She was here every day and had been since the first day I dragged her in, away from the leering men on the streets that had started to get too close.

  What I did find new were the dark circles around her eyes and the way her body curved in on itself. Her shoulders slumped so far forward she looked like a turtle peeking out of its shell. That was not the G I knew. The confident woman I had grown to admire had been wiped away, replaced by a hollow shell of her former self. I felt my insides clench at the thought of anyone hurting her.

  Unable to let it go I circled her. As I guided her through her workout my eyes explored every expanse of her body. Searching, looking for clues. Anything that would give me a glimpse of insight into what was troubling my girl. I didn't miss the fact that my eyes lingered far longer than necessary on the taut curve of her perfectly sculpted ass, or the gentle slope of her waist. I was drawn to her like the moon drawn to the Earth.

  She was trouble. There was no denying it. Like a blaze burning bright, I couldn't look away. I knew I was playing with fire. I knew from the very first day I’d laid eyes on her. But just like back then, I couldn't stay away. It would take the fires from hell raining down upon us to pull me from her, and even still, I didn't think that would stop me.

  I guided her through her workout, taking advantage of her distracted state to look her over from head to toe. Every time she turned to look at me I’d call out another command, keeping her on her toes. Hiding behind her like a coward as I looked her over with curious eyes.

  My eyes took their time soaking in her essence, raking across her body in both appreciation and concern. She had the body of a goddess, smooth taut alabaster skin with just a hint of sun, drawing out the faint freckles along her shoulders and chest. The muscles in her arms and legs were defined but not overly so. But her back, the way the muscles drew together, the thin line of sweat glistening between her drawn shoulder blades, that was my favorite spot.

  I could spend all day gazing at that perfect patch of skin. I imagined my name inked into the perfectly roped expanse of flesh. My brand permanently etched onto her body for all the world to see, an eternal claim to her soul. Running my hands across my face I quickly wiped the thought away. It was a fool's hope, a cluck of a dream. I needed my head out of the clouds and my feet planted firmly on the ground. This woman was a danger to me. She made me feel things, want things, things that would never be.


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