Fight Like A Girl

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Fight Like A Girl Page 9

by A. D. Herrick

  With my lips, I told her everything written in my heart, all of my hidden secrets and desires. I bared my soul to her the only way I knew how.

  Her lips parted in a moan, inviting me in. Her fingers threaded through my hair, threatening to pull me apart, shattering me from the inside out. She was the closest thing to heaven on earth.

  She was an angel.

  A Goddess.


  In that moment I was a monster, the devil eager to steal her soul. There would be no redemption for me. I didn’t care.

  I deepened the kiss, exploring every crevice of her mouth with my tongue. Licking every inch of her mouth that I could reach. I devoured her, like a wolf hungry for its next meal. She met my kiss with vigor. Her kiss just as desperate. She took as much as she gave, opening herself to me in ways I never knew imaginable. The world ceased to exist in this passion-filled moment. Her tongue swept across mine, tangling in a seductive dance.

  She had me.

  She had stolen my soul in that moment.

  Shifting her weight, she straddled my lap. Her lips never left mine as she wrapped her legs around me. Our mouths fused in collaboration, our chest pressed so tightly together you couldn’t see daylight.

  Her hot core pressed against me in all the right ways, ripping a growl from low within my chest. Dropping my hands to her ass, I pulled her against me roughly, rocking her over my iron hard shaft.

  Her lips fell from mine as her head dropped back, the sweetest mew came from her parted lips as her nails bit into my shoulders, latching on for dear life.

  I tightened my grip on her ass, sinking my clutches into the round, firm globes. Laying wet open-mouthed kisses along the smooth column of her neck, she rode my jean clad cock through her clothes, dry humping like two teenagers.

  “Chaos,” My name on her lips was Nirvana. I had never heard anything sweeter.

  “That’s it, baby, Take it. Take it all from me.” I coaxed guiding her body back and forth.

  She continued to rock against me, soft moans spilling from her lips. I ate them up like the delicacy they were. I had never been more turned on in my life. My cock was so hard I swore I could cut diamonds with it.

  I knew she was getting close. Her breathing became erratic, small gasps of air coming from her lips, her breasts rising and falling rapidly, a light sheen of sweat illuminating her rosy flesh.

  She was a goddess come to life. I felt like a king with the knowledge that I was her first. I did this to her. I gave her this pleasure. Only me.

  “Chaz,” My name fell from her swollen pink lips like a mantra, making me feel ten foot tall. My cock throbbed against her hot center.

  “That’s it, baby. Give it to me.” I coaxed, digging my claws into her waist as I helped her reach her peak.

  As if on command, G’s body began to shudder. Her nails bit into my flesh, marking me as she found her releases. Her face pinched in ecstasy as she came all over my jean clad cock.

  I wrapped my lips around her neck, sucking in the delicate flesh between my teeth. G’s grip on my hair tightened as she rode out her release, her moans echoing off the empty walls.

  I couldn’t wait for the chance to bury my cock deep within her slick folds, but that time wasn’t now. Right now was about G and allowing her the release her body so desperately needed.

  Selfishly I marked her, claiming her as my own. I didn’t release her until her body slumped forward, her forehead resting against my shoulder. I watched in absolute bliss as her chest rose and fell. Her small firm breast brushed against me as she caught her breath.

  I admired the deep purple mark, rimmed in red, brandished on her neck. It wasn’t permanent but it would last. It would remind her of me every time she looked in the mirror. I wanted her to remember the way it felt to be in my arms, the way her lips felt pressed against mine, and the way my cock throbbed to life beneath her touch.

  “I love you, Chaz.” Her words came out in a whisper of a breath, striking like lightning, all the way to the very depths of my soul.

  It was everything I wanted to hear.

  Everything I feared.

  She was everything.

  My everything.

  “I love you, too, Baby.” It was true. I had never loved anyone more than I loved her, and I never would.

  Like a tube of toothpaste, once the words were out I couldn’t take them back, not that I wanted to. I only wished I had waited to say it. I knew what I had to say next was going to be even harder for her to take.

  Cradling her face in my hands, I lifted her eyes up to meet mine. “I have something to tell you and I know you’re not going to like it.” G’s eyes darted away sending a searing pain through my heart.

  “Just say whatever it is you have to say.” She huffed out in annoyance, her arms folding angrily across her chest.

  I bit back the smile threatening to split my face at her antics. “Listen here, Ginger Renee Hart, I love you more than life itself, but you know I can’t let this rest. There were boot prints on your bedroom door, for fuck's sake.” I roared releasing her face to tug at the hair on the side of my head in frustration.

  Her tiny fist pounded against my chest, gripping the cotton fabric of my shirt. “Leave it, Chaz.”

  I couldn’t.


  The line had been crossed. There was no taking it back. Whoever murdered Marco and the Grim Howlers MC would have taken G, too.

  I couldn’t leave it.

  I ignored her pleas and protest. “Bullet over at Devil’s Passing has a lead. I’m meeting up with him shortly to go over all the details.” I explained trying to calm down for her sake and mine.

  Her watery bright blue eyes met mine. A look of defeat crested her face, marring her perfect features. It only lasted a moment before a look I was all too familiar with too over. It was the look of dogged determination.

  “Take me with you then. You know I’ll only be safe if I’m by your side.” She begged, tugging at my heart with desperation.

  As badly as I wanted to give in, I knew I couldn’t. “Baby, you know I can’t do that. I need you here, where I know you’re safe.” I tried to reason, gently stroking the back of my hand across her cheek.

  “You know I’m only safe if I’m with you.” She reared back struggling to get to her feet. Her anger made her limbs falter, leaving her stranded in my lap.

  Wrapping my arm around her waist, I lifted us from the floor. I luxuriated in the feel of her tight little body sliding down the front of mine. As hard as she tried to fight it, I didn’t miss the heated look in her eyes or the way her breath caught in her throat. She felt the bulge in my jeans. I knew she was as affected as I was.

  “G, I need you to trust me on this one. I need you here. I won’t be gone long.” I pled with her to understand ignoring the ache in my loins.

  Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear I caressed the pad of my thumb across her cheekbone. My fragile, delicate angel.

  “I just got you. I don’t want to lose you.” Her admission struck like a knife to the heart.

  “Baby, you have me. There’s no way in hell you’ll ever be rid of me now.” It was the truth.

  Pulling her body flush against mine I sealed my promise with a scorching kiss that left us both weak in the knees. It felt so good to hold her in my arms, almost too good.

  “Wait for me here.” I pressed my lips against hers one final time, beseeching her to understand.

  Her small hands pressed against the sides of my face, her callused fingers tracing the curve of my jaw. “Carlos Alejandro Lopez, you better come home to me.” Her lips pressed to mine in a kiss so full of need I felt it deep within the confines of my soul.

  I smiled against her lips, chuckling lightly. I wrapped her in my arms, pouring everything I had into her. “Baby, there’s nowhere I’d rather be.”

  It took every bit of strength I had in me to walk away. I knew if I didn’t leave now there’s no way I ever would. This woman owned me, heart and soul.r />
  I couldn’t rest until I knew the man who beat at her door was dead. Not only that, I needed to know why he was after her. Why he wanted my girl.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It was painful to watch him go. I felt weak and desperate. I had just bared my soul to the only man I would ever love and he told me he loved me back, only to walk right out the door.

  I knew I was being childish and petty. I didn’t care. I didn’t want Chaos running off into the night to slay my dragons. I wanted him here with me. I needed him by my side. I wanted him to finish what we had started in the hallway. But most of all, I couldn’t afford to lose anyone else I cared about, especially him.

  I was feeling fragile and vulnerable. I knew he would be safe out there without me. But would I be without him? Was I truly safe?

  Glancing around the gym I took note of all the men and women working out. It was the same men and women I worked out with on a daily basis. Nothing but a sea of familiar faces surrounded me. I should feel safe. But I didn’t. Chaos was the only one able to invoke those feelings within me and now he was gone.

  I knew that no matter what I said to him, I couldn’t make him stay. I wanted to feel bad for the man who had been beating on my door. I wanted to have sympathy for his damned soul. I couldn’t find any solicitude for me to summon the energy.

  It was his fault Chaos had left. It was his fault I was trapped in the gym a withering mess. The small damaged part of me hoped he burned in hell for what he did while the bigger part of my heart told me I was wrong for wishing harm on the man.

  Chaos had placed a call to an associate to clean up the mess at my house. The bodies of my brother and the men who had died alongside him had been carried away. Ensuring the police wouldn’t be snooping around. All of the carpets were to be replaced and the house scrubbed of any evidence.

  There would be no funeral. No burial. That’s not how things went down around here. There would be no gathering of men to say their goodbyes or minister to give Marco or the others their final rights. There would be no gravesite to visit or marker to commemorate his life. Marco was gone in every sense of the word.

  Chaos had assured me that by the end of the week the house would be as good as new. Though he didn’t say it, I knew by the look on his face that though the house was being refinished, I would never be stepping a foot within its walls. I couldn’t find it within me to care. That house was no longer a home. I’m not quite sure it ever was.

  Chaos was my home now. There was no denying it any longer. I didn’t even try.

  Before he left, Chaos had supervised several men while they brought all of my belonging to the gym. Chaos instructed them to place all of my remaining art supplies into my gym studio while all of my personal belongings went into his apartment. The apartment we were now sharing. Gone was the small studio apartment that stood across from his. It was no longer my home away from home. As much as it warmed my heart to share a space with him, the feeling was bittersweet. I couldn’t truly enjoy it until he made it back. Though he didn’t go far my heart still ached for him. He couldn’t come home fast enough.

  I took out my angry aggression and sexual frustrations on the bag in front of me, beating down all my fears and concerns. I refused to be weak in front of the others. I refused to allow emotions to control me. I let myself get lost in the pounding rhythm pouring from the speakers and the sound of my fist pounding into the sand-filled bag.

  The sound of someone clapping broke through me, snapping me out of my adrenalin hazed thoughts.

  My punches slowed as I allowed my muscles to cool down, tapering off the endorphin-filled rush.

  “Well done Miss. Hart.” I turned to find a small group of men crowded together in the darkness at the entrance of the gym.

  “Can I help you?” I called out through labored breaths. Leaning on the bag I sucked in painful gasps of air. I had gone much harder than I expected. The shortened cooldown left my muscled screaming in pain and my lungs desperate for air. I really needed to find a less painful outlet for my emotions.

  “I do believe you can.” The man in the middle replied stepping forward into the light.

  He was of average heights and build. His hair was dark, cropped close to his head, matching the hair on his face. There was nothing particularly noticeable about him that stuck out other than the tattered black leather cut he wore.

  Of all the MC’s I knew, I never heard of one of them running around in a cut that held so much visible damage. MC’s took pride in their cut. Their cuts were always made of the finest leather, clean and well cared for. They took pride in representing their club. Unlike the man before me who looked like he couldn’t muster up enough pride to put on a clean set of clothes let alone the cut on his back. He had no pride in his personal appearance or the cut on his back and the crew he represented.

  The man continued forward, the men beside him close on his heels. My eye bounced from one to the other, all of them similarly dressed. If I had to describe it I would call it zombie chic.

  While their faces were clean cut or closely trimmed facial hair, their clothing looked like something that had been rescued from a dumpster, their cuts hanging in rags from their back as though they had just pulled them from a blender.

  My stomach rolled with unease at the sight of them. There was something wrong with them. Something off. I knew immediately, nothing good would come from their presence at the gym.

  Glancing around the building I noticed a few regulars standing around, their eyes trained on the group of intruders at front of the building. The entrance of the small crew had drawn attention. I took small comfort knowing I wasn’t alone.

  “What can I help you with gentlemen?” Shank asked stepping forward from the shadows. All eyes reverted to him. I felt relief pour through me, making it easier to breathe, knowing Shank was near.

  Unlike the other gym patrons, Shank wasn’t attached to any of the MC fractions. Instead, he freelanced like Chaos, offering his services to the highest paying customers. There would be no alliances standing in the way if things went sideways. I knew without a doubt, of all the people in here Shank would have my back.

  The leader of the crew turned his attention to Shank. “I’m just here to talk to G.” He replied offering a predatory smile in Shank’s direction.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as several more regulars began to step forward. Destruction was a sanctuary, one in which everyone fought to protect. I knew that any one of the members here would lay down their lives to keep the building and its occupant out of harm.

  The small crew was slowly being surrounded. I let out a small sigh of relief, knowing the trash would soon take out itself.

  “Come on G, I have to get you out of here.” Reject whispered from behind me, careful not to startle me or draw attention to his presence.

  Reaching back I latched onto his outstretched hand. I put all my trust into the hands of the quiet member of the Reckless Dogs, allowing the small dark-skinned man to lead me to safety. Though we had only spoken a handful of times, I trusted this man. Not because he was offering to lead me to safety, but because Chaos trusted him. Reject was one of the men Chaos had asked to help move my things. I knew that if Chaos trusted him with moving my belongings then he trusted him with me.

  Reject walked us back, in slow, weary steps, careful not to draw any unwanted attention to our departure, leading me away from the brawl threatening to break out. I allowed him to lead me in blind faith as we crept toward the back of the gym, toward the back entrance.

  Once in the shadows, he pulled on my arm, tugging me after him as he dashed soundlessly down the dark narrow hallway, past the storage rooms were old gym equipment was held, with expert skill, leading out to the back door.

  The hallway leading to the back of the gym was pitch black making the twist and turned through the bowels of the building near impossible to navigate unless you know your way. Somehow Reject navigated through, never once wavering. />
  Shots rang out from behind us in the gym followed by loud angry screams sending my heart into overdrive. Reject didn’t blink. He continued pulling me behind him, only slowing marginally to glance behind us for any sign of trouble. Tossing a look over my shoulder I didn’t see anything. The pitch black hallway made it near impossible to make out anything beyond a few short feet.

  Reject skidded to a stop at the back door. The shots continued to go off at the front of the gym. I flinched with every round. Scenes from the bloody massacre of the morning flashed through my mind.

  “G, stay with me.” Reject gave my hand a firm squeeze pulling me back to the present. How he was able to remain calm was a mystery. Maybe it as a test they had to take to be a part of the MC. I didn’t know. I only knew that my heart was racking in my chest, leaving me gasping for air.

  “I’m here.” My voice wobbled with uncertainty.

  “We only have one go of this. No matter what you see, no matter what’s on the other side of this door, I need you to run. Do you hear me?” I nodded my head.


  “I got it,” I answered realizing he couldn’t see my head move in the darkness.

  “I’m going to throw open the door and we’re going to run. If anything happens I need you to run directly to Dogs territory, they’ll keep you safe until Chaos gets back. You got me?”

  “I got you,” I replied giving his hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

  Reject threw the door open. The loud clang of metal echoed against the still of the night. His hand fastened tightly around mine as he pulled me out into the darkened alley behind the gym.

  We ran without looking.

  Unsure of where to go I allowed Reject to lead me. The alley was empty. The streetlights cast ominous shadows over the edge of the building filling my stomach with dread. Though I had lived in the Folds my entire life I had never really paid attention to MC territories. I knew they were there but I also knew better than to get close enough to know any of the details. Information like that could make you a target and get you killed.

  The cool night air bit into my lungs as I propelled my feet forward faltering slightly over the uneven terrain. Sensing my need for balance, Reject released my hand allowing me the freedom to move faster.


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