Overtime for Love

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Overtime for Love Page 11

by Synithia Williams

  Her arms and legs tightened around him. His strong arms jerked her closer and he slid deeper and harder with each thrust. Angela’s mouth fell open in silent cries. The pleasure was so intense she couldn’t even vocalize how good he felt inside her. She gripped the back of his head and met his thrusts with eager pulses of her own. The door vibrated behind her, and the sounds of her harsh breaths met with Isaiah’s own grunts of pleasure. He bit his lower lip and squeezed her tight.

  The quivers of her orgasm started. She wasn’t ready. She wanted this to last longer, to hold him longer. But he probably sensed how close she was, and increased his pace. Angela’s body shattered into a thousand threads of ecstasy. She buried her face in his neck, then bit down on his shoulder to stop herself from crying out for the world to hear. She felt the hard pulses of his own release. He pushed her harder against the door and slapped one hand against the solid wood.

  They broke apart slowly. He looked at her as if he wanted her again, and an aftershock of need went through her. She looked away quickly and pulled down her skirt. If she kept his gaze she’d be back against the door. His cell phone chimed. Isaiah pulled up his pants, but didn’t fasten them. He took out the phone, frowned and turned his back.

  Curious, Angela moved beside him to see. A text from Bridget. He pressed the button on the side and quickly darkened the screen.


  “Why is she texting you?” Angela heard the accusation in her voice, but didn’t care.

  “She wants to talk.”

  “Are you two really over?” Or was Angela just a fun stopover during his break from Bridget. Tendrils of doubt crept across her brain like a weed. He’d come here tonight and said he was free, but he just happened to have a condom ready in his back pocket? Isaiah said he wasn’t a player, but the guys who came to Sweethearts with condoms in their pockets came because they expected more than a dance.

  “For me it is. She thinks this is just another temporary split.” He sounded tired, exasperated even.

  Angela didn’t buy it. For the second time, Isaiah made her feel like he’d been playing with her. “The bathroom is down the hall to the right.” He reached for her and she backed away. “I won’t be your side piece. This won’t happen again.” She slipped through the door and out into the hall. A couple of the dancers hurried away from the door. Their whispers and giggles followed as they went back to the main floor.

  “Damn!” she muttered. Not only had she been played for a fool, but she’d also been caught. Z had a strict rule of no sex with clients. Especially not in his club. Shit, damn and boy was she screwed.

  Her cheeks burned and she quickly rushed to the ladies’ room before Isaiah came out. She pulled the heart-shaped diffuser charm on her necklace to her nose to fill her nostrils with lavender, but all she smelled was Isaiah’s cologne. She groaned and splashed water on her face. Walking away from him was the right decision. She was in a ton of trouble after tonight. So how come all she wanted to do was find Isaiah and repeat their mistake?

  Chapter 14

  One week from the night at the club, and Angela was sure she’d have a mental breakdown. Thank heaven it was Friday. Between working late all week, walking on pins and needles waiting for Jerry to drop the bomb about seeing her at Sweethearts and playing the memory of having sex with Isaiah on repeat, she was more than ready for the weekend and a glass of wine. Maybe three.

  They weren’t training on Fridays so she was able to slip out of the office right before five. A few coworkers smiled and waved, but no one stopped her to talk, avoided her gaze, or whispered behind their hands. She was tempted to believe Jerry was going to let everything that happened the week before go, but she wasn’t that naive. He wouldn’t be that nasty to her only to drop everything. Which meant her pins-and-needles walk was going to last over the weekend.

  The back of her neck prickled when she got to her car. She looked over her shoulder and spotted Jerry and a few people from his section walking out of the office. They hadn’t been in the same training group so she hadn’t seen him much during the week. Now, he met her eye, throwing her a smug smile. Angela’s stomach constricted but she responded to the look with a glower. She should have said something to Tamara, but figured Jerry would have said something first. No more waiting the jerk out; she’d call Tamara over the weekend and give her a heads-up.

  With one last glare at Jerry, she got into her car, started the engine and turned the air-conditioning on full blast. She rolled down the windows until the air-conditioning conquered the excessive heat inside her car.

  She had to pick up Cory by six o’clock today. The Gators had taken the kids to the beach for a barbecue. The staff had made it very clear that all kids needed to be picked up by six, no excuses since they weren’t at the center.

  She’d worked late all week and had informed Keri that either Vicki or Nate would pick up Cory. A cop-out to avoid Isaiah, but she needed breathing room. She and Cory, on the other hand, had come to a truce. He’d have a babysitter until he was fourteen at the end of the summer. But he wouldn’t need one tonight because Angela would be picking him up, and she knew there was a good chance she’d see Isaiah. Her hands gripped the steering wheel. Isaiah didn’t have her number so she hadn’t expected a call, or for him to send a message via Cory. That didn’t make it easier to move on from what happened, or keep her mind from asking pointless questions she certainly wasn’t going to ask Cory about. Was Isaiah back with Bridget? Had he thought of her? Did he really only come to the club that night to sleep with her? The questions were pointless because they changed nothing. If anything, they just left her feeling more confused.

  When she arrived at the beach barbecue, her heart jumped nervously. She may have told Isaiah they wouldn’t be repeating what happened, but that didn’t stop the tingle of anticipation over the possibility of seeing him again. Or prevent her mind from remembering his kiss, his fingers against her slick folds, the long length of him filling her, or the explosion of pleasure he’d given her.

  Angela groaned and turned off the engine. “Be strong, girl,” she mumbled and got out of the car.

  Friday was casual day in the office so she usually wore jeans. But today she’d opted for a sleeveless, sage, jersey-knit dress that hugged her body like a lover, paired with gold sandals. She took off the white blazer she’d worn to the office, ran her fingers through her hair and slipped on a coat of lip gloss before heading down to the beach. Looking good when she pretended to not want him wasn’t a terrible idea.

  She crossed the boardwalk and spotted the group from the camp. They’d popped up a tent and a group of kids and adults were playing volleyball nearby. She walked closer and spotted Cory among those playing, a huge smile on his face. He appeared to be having a blast. She scanned the rest of the players and her mouth went dry.

  Isaiah was in the game, too. Shirtless. The afternoon sun glistened on chest and abs, which were clearly sculpted by angels. Hair covered his chest and trailed down his body into the waistband of his swim trunks—a trail she desperately wanted to follow. She licked her lip, tried to swallow, but nothing happened. Sweat popped along her body and not from the warmth of the sun. Her nipples tightened and heat settled heavily between her thighs.

  Stay away. You’re supposed to stay away from him.

  Why did he have to look so damn fine?

  He looked up and caught her eye, then froze in the middle of the field. Her fingers itched to play over every inch of his bared flesh. The lure was so strong she took a step toward him before common sense prevailed. She played with the charm on her necklace, her hands needing to touch something. Isaiah’s gaze dipped to her hand above her cleavage. Despite the distance, she saw the heavy breath he took as his gaze sharpened. Bad move.

  The volleyball hit the side of his head. The spell was broken. The players on his team groaned, the players on the other team

  “That’s game,” Cory called. He was playing against Isaiah. “We won!”

  Angela shook her head and forced her greedy gaze away from Isaiah’s beautiful body. Why was she staying away from him again?

  You’re a pit stop on his way back to the girl he’s kept dangling for years. The one who’s only in town now because he asked her to come.

  Yes, that’s right. She wasn’t playing side chick.

  The teams got together to congratulate the winners. Cory saw her and waved. She walked over to Keri, chitchatted about the activities for the last few days of camp and signed out Cory.

  “Having Cory in the camp has been great,” Keri said. “Even if there were some touchy moments.”

  Angela frowned. “Touchy moments? Has he given you any problems?”

  Keri’s grin turned sly. “Not Cory. I’m hoping you and Isaiah can make it one more week.”

  Angela’s face heated. “Nothing happened.” At the camp anyway. “I didn’t approach him or ask for anything.” She didn’t want Keri to think she’d used this opportunity to get anything from the players.

  “I know. He told me the same thing. But you two could cause fires when you see each other. Let’s just say, I hope you can continue to hold out a little longer. I really don’t want to have to dismiss Cory. But... I also can’t really get angry when I see a relationship blossom. What can I say? I’m a bit of a romantic.” Keri winked. “Good luck. He’s a good one.”

  Before Angela could correct her and say nothing would happen between her and Isaiah, another parent walked up to sign out their kid. Keeping her gaze away from Isaiah’s naked chest, Angela searched the crowd and found Cory gathering his things from a pile at the other end of the tent. She walked over to him.

  “Well, how was the beach barbecue?” she asked.

  Cory’s grin split his face. “Awesome. Did you see we beat Isaiah’s team in volleyball?”

  “I did. Great job.” The back of her neck prickled. This time she was filled with a jolt of excitement, as opposed to trepidation. She didn’t have to turn to know the man who watched her. “Ready to go?” She hoped Cory didn’t pick up on the note of desperation in her voice. She had to get out of here.

  “Yeah, just a second. I wrote something for Denise.” He gave her a sheepish smile. “I didn’t want to give it to her at the start of the day and give the guys a chance to see. Let me take it to her now.”

  “Okay, but hurry.”

  Cory nodded, then ran across the sand to a group of kids standing by the volleyball net. He said a few words to Denise and the two of them separated from the group. Please let him hurry up so we can leave before I jump Isaiah.

  “Hello, Angel.”

  Too late. Isaiah’s voice warmed her like the sun’s rays. She slowly turned to face him. Up close, half-naked Isaiah was worse than far away. She’d touched that chest. Felt the softness of his skin over the hardness of muscle. She dragged her eyes up from his abs and chest to the seductive heat in his eyes.

  “Good game.” It was a dumb statement, but she didn’t know what else to say.

  “You look beautiful.” His voice held a note she was afraid to believe was wonder.

  “Don’t. I thought I was clear—”

  He took a step forward. The smell of sweat, cologne and his underlying scent made her body tremble. “I didn’t lie. Bridget and I are done.”

  “You also haven’t called me.” Damn, did she have to sound so hurt? She didn’t want him to see she was hurting.

  “I don’t have your number and asking Cory or Keri was out of the question. I’d hoped to catch you this week.”

  “I had to work late.”

  “I would have watched Cory.”

  Her eyes snapped to his. “I don’t need you to watch him. I had it covered. We don’t need to get attached to you.”

  “I’m already attached to you, Angela,” he said softly, hesitantly. If the statement had been bold or demanding she would have been able to defend herself. When he sounded just as confused and swept away as she felt, she had no defense. Only yearning.

  “Isaiah, I...” She didn’t know how to respond. She was attached to him, too, but to tell him that gave him too much power over her heart. She wasn’t ready to give him that.

  His lips lifted in a smile. “It’s funny. I couldn’t forget you after we met that first time. This camp was a coincidence that brought us back together. I don’t want to forget about you. I don’t want to pretend to be happy with the arrangement Bridget and I had.” He took her hand in his. “I don’t want any obstacles to stop us from being together.”

  As much as she wanted to give in and say yes, pessimism bubbled up. “I don’t want to be your rebound, or an intermission in your relationship with her. Don’t come for me if you don’t really want to be with me.”

  The smile on his face turned her legs to seawater. “I’m coming for you, not to play with you, but to leave absolutely no doubt in your mind that I want you to be mine.”

  She couldn’t stop her own smile from coming.

  She had to smile otherwise she’d jump on him, wrap her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, and scream for him to take her then and there. Which would force Keri to kick out Cory. “What about camp? Cory will get kicked out.”

  “There’s a week left and I’ll talk to Keri. I won’t let him get kicked out over this.”


  “No buts. We’re doing this.” He looked a little unsure. “You do want to do this, right?”

  More than anything. “I guess we should officially go on a date first.”

  His grin made her happiness shine brighter than the sun. “When?” he asked in a voice that said yesterday.


  Isaiah squeezed her hand. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  * * *

  Isaiah knocked on Angela’s door at exactly eight o’clock. He anxiously tugged on his bow tie. He’d rushed home, showered and changed in record time. Maybe he should have waited to take her out until next week, when camp officially ended, but he didn’t want to go another day now that he was truly free to be with Angela.

  He adjusted his bow tie one last time, then dropped his hands to his sides. He wanted their first date to be memorable so he’d called in a few favors to be sure. Her door opened and he sucked in a breath. Angela looked every bit the angel he’d called her. A fitted emerald green dress draped seductively over her full breasts and hips. Strappy silver heels added some height; they’d fit together even better than before because of those. A berry-colored gloss enhanced already kissable lips, and her thick hair was pulled to the side in a loose but sexy twist.

  “Damn,” he whispered, taking her in from head to toe.

  Her smile made him think he’d embarrassed her. She smoothed her hand over her hair and glanced away. “You look nice, too. I like the bow tie.”

  “Kinda my thing.” The guys teased him for the preppy look, but he didn’t care. His dad preferred bow ties and used to make him and his brother wear them. Isaiah liked the look and had continued to make them his signature style.

  “I know. That’s why I like it.”

  His chest puffed up. She could say she liked his socks and he’d be just as happy.

  Cory popped out from behind Angela and waved. “Hey, Isaiah.”

  Isaiah waved back. “Hey, Cory. I promise to get her home at a decent time.”

  Cory laughed. “Stay out late. That way I can stay out when I start going on dates.”

  Angela rolled her eyes. “You still won’t get to stay out late. I’m grown.” She waved Isaiah in. “I need to grab a few things. Can you wait a second?”

  “Sure.” He followed her in. Her apartment was small but nice. She’d decorated with neutral furniture, but
added some color with a few dark blue pillows and throws.

  A tall black guy sat on her couch with a laptop on his lap. He glanced up at Isaiah, pushed the laptop aside and stood.

  Angela pointed to him. “Nate, this is Isaiah. Isaiah, this is Nate, my neighbor and babysitter.”

  Cory groaned. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Angela waved her hand. “Fine, teen-sitter. I’ll be right back.” She went down a hall that Isaiah assumed led to her bedroom.

  He glanced back at Nate. Recognized him as the guy who’d picked up Cory a few days that week. Nate was shorter than Isaiah by a few inches, wore a Star Wars T-shirt, pants that were scraped up enough to be considered trendy and frantically chewed gum while grinning at Isaiah.

  “It’s so great to meet you.” Nate rushed forward and held out his hand. “I’m a huge fan. Cory and I have talked almost every day about the things you’re teaching them in camp. I think it’s awesome what you all do for the kids.”

  Isaiah shook Nate’s hand and relaxed a little. He’d wondered if the teen-sitter would try to flex and stake a claim on Angela. “The camp is one of the best parts of the year. Cory is a real talented kid.”

  Nate nodded. “Are you excited about the new season? You start practice pretty soon, right?”

  Isaiah and Nate talked about the Gators’ expectations for the upcoming season while they waited for Angela. Cory half contributed, but spent more time texting on his phone. Nate didn’t show a hint of jealousy or bad intentions while they talked, which was cool. Isaiah didn’t want to get into a fight for dominance with Nate, but he wouldn’t be fully comfortable until he was sure Nate wasn’t hanging in Angela’s “friend zone” with the hopes of landing her in bed.


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