Praise For Christmas

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by Vanessa Miller

  Praise for Christmas

  6th book in the

  Praise Him Anyhow Series


  Vanessa Miller

  Other Books by Vanessa Miller

  After the Rain

  How Sweet The Sound

  Heirs of Rebellion

  Feels Like Heaven

  Heaven on Earth

  The Best of All

  Better for Us

  Her Good Thing

  Long Time Coming

  A Promise of Forever Love

  A Love for Tomorrow

  Yesterday’s Promise




  Rain for Christmas (Novella)

  Through the Storm

  Rain Storm

  Latter Rain

  Abundant Rain

  Former Rain

  Anthologies (Editor)

  Keeping the Faith

  Have A Little Faith

  This Far by Faith

  Love. Hope. Faith.


  Love Isn’t Enough

  A Mighty Love

  The Blessed One (Blessed and Highly Favored series)

  The Wild One (Blessed and Highly Favored Series)

  The Preacher’s Choice (Blessed and Highly Favored Series)

  The Politician’s Wife (Blessed and Highly Favored Series)

  The Playboy’s Redemption (Blessed and Highly Favored Series)

  Tears Fall at Night (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Joy Comes in the Morning (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  A Forever Kind of Love (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Ramsey’s Praise (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Escape to Love (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Praise For Christmas (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  His Love Walk (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Could This Be Love (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Song of Praise (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Publisher’s Note:

  This short story is a work of fiction. References to real events, organizations, or places are used in a fictional context. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.

  Vanessa Miller

  Printed in the United States of America

  © 2013 by Vanessa Miller

  Praise Unlimited Enterprises

  Charlotte, NC

  No part of this ebook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical—including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system—without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Chapter 1

  Carmella Marshall-Thomas, leaned over to take a French vanilla cake out of the oven. The counter was now lined with three cakes for her step-daughter, Renee Thomas, soon to be Renee Morris, to sample.

  “Couldn’t I just have three different layers?” Renee asked with the fork in her hand. She had just sampled the chocolate fudge and the strawberry cake. “Those two are delicious and I know I’m going to love this French vanilla also.”

  Taking the oven mitts off her hands, Carmella flexed her fingers and then began rubbing her hands. “Well, you need to make a decision fast; your wedding is only three weeks away.”

  “Tell me about it. I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving was last week. Everything is moving so fast.” Renee was about to sample the French vanilla, but as she glanced up at Carmella, she put her fork down and asked, “Are you okay? Why do you keep rubbing your hands like that?”

  Carmella looked down at her hands. She hadn’t realized that she was rubbing her hands. She began flexing them as she answered, “I’m trying to get some circulation going in them. They’ve been numbing up on me from time to time and a baker needs her hands.”

  “I know that’s right. Those hands better not go numbing-up while you’re fixing my wedding cake.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure this wedding cake is absolute perfection. I just have to face the fact that I’m getting older.” She lifted the eyeglasses that were hanging around her neck. “I’ve even started using reading glasses.”

  “I didn’t know you were having problems with your vision.”

  “Every now and then things look a little blurry. But these reading glasses work wonders.”

  “Have you had your eyes checked recently?” Renee asked as she bit into the French vanilla cake.

  “I haven’t gone to the eye doctor, but I just had my annual physical.” Carmella waved away thoughts of one more appointment in the middle of all that she had to do in the next few weeks. “I’m fine. Can’t expect to have the same twenty-twenty vision in my fifties like I had in my thirties.”

  “Oh my goodness, Mama Carmella this French vanilla cake is the, as Tamar Braxton would say.”

  “So it sounds like you’ve made a decision.”

  “Well I think French vanilla is the winner, but I’m going to take a piece of each cake to Jay to see if he agrees with me.”

  “Smart girl. I love the fact that you are thinking about Jay during this process. Because if you remember nothing else I tell you, please remember this... a beautiful wedding means nothing if the marriage is a disaster.”

  “I’m taking my cues from you and Dad.”

  Carmella and Renee were in the kitchen/prep area for Hallelujah Cakes and Such. Carmella’s bakery had become a huge hit in the shopping center not far from her home. It was such a hit that Carmella and her husband, Ramsey were working on a business plan to expand the business to two or three other locations. God had been so good to her, that Carmella couldn’t possibly tell it all if she tried.

  “Let’s discuss the rehearsal dinner. What kind of food do you want me to serve?” The phone rang. Carmella started working on the frosting for Renee’s cake confident that Mary, her front of the store manager would answer the phone.

  “Thanksgiving dinner was so delicious, and I was thinking that since everyone is going to be doing their own thing for Christmas, why don’t we do it the rehearsal dinner like one of your Christmas dinners.”

  It saddened Carmella to think about Christmas this year. Since Dontae and Jewel had been with them for Thanksgiving, they were going to be with Jewel’s family for Christmas. The same was true for Ramsey and Maxine. Renee would be on her honeymoon. Ronnie was acting like he was the President of the United States, with so many responsibilities that he didn’t spend Thanksgiving with his family, nor was he planning to come home for Christmas. Rashawn was still on the mission field, but Carmella was still holding out hope that he would be able to come home this year. “You’re right about that. Seems like it will only be Joy, Lance and Raven coming to the house for Christmas dinner this year.”

  “So why not do it up at the rehearsal dinner?”

  “Yeah, why not. We’ll do a turkey, dressing, candied yams... the works.”

  “And don’t forget about the cheese rolls you make.”

  Mary poked her head in the kitchen. “The phone’s for you, Carmella.”

  Carmella handed the mixer to Renee and pointed at the bowl she’d started her cream cheese frosting in. “Getting to mixing, girl.”

  Renee grabbed the mixer and went to work on the frosting. Tamela Mann’s I Can Only Imagine song came on the radio and Renee hummed while she worked.

  Carmella put the phone to her ear and said, “This is Carmella Thomas, may I help you?”

  “Hi, Mrs. Thomas, this is Sabrina, how are you doing?”

  The only Sabrina Carmella knew was the nurse at her doctor’s office. She had been going to the same doctor for the past ten years. Carmella had never missed an annual exam, but she had also never received a call a
fter one of those exams either. They always just mailed the results to her, so now she wondered what this call was all about. “Hey Sabrina, I’m doing good. What’s going on?”

  “I’m just calling because Dr. Mika would like to see you so she can go over your test results.”

  “Why don’t you just mail them to me? We have so much going on now, that I don’t want to fit another thing in my schedule.”

  “The thing is,” Sabrina began, “Dr. Mika really wants to sit down and talk to you about some of the results.”

  Carmella’s heart felt as if it dropped to her feet. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. God Will Make A Way, by Shirley Caesar started playing as Carmella closed her eyes and silently prayed, Lord Jesus, I sure need you right now. See me through whatever this is.


  “Wake up, Dontae, it’s time,” Jewel said as she shoved her husband.

  Dontae Marshall sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes and then turned to Jewel. “Time for what?”

  “The baby, silly. I’ve been having contractions all night.”

  Shaking his head, Dontae told her, “It’s not time. You’re not due until next week.”

  “Tell your son or daughter that. Because these contractions are kicking my butt.” As she said that another contraction started. Jewel started breathing hard. She grabbed hold of Dontae’s hand and squeezed the life out of it.

  Dontae pulled his hand away from her and jumped out of bed. “Oh my God, this is really happening.” He started aimlessly roaming around the room, mumbling to himself.

  “Um, baby, I’m going to need you to stick with the plan. This is no time for you to freak out, okay?”

  What was she talking about? As far as Dontae was concerned, this was the perfect time to freak out. His wife was having their first child and he had no clue how to be a father. Would he be a good one like Ramsey had been to his five kids, or would he lose his mind after a few years and go AWOL like his father had done when he left his mother years ago?

  “Awww!” Jewel yelled as she gripped her stomach.

  Dontae grabbed his stomach and doubled over as if he had just been gut punched by a three-hundred pound linebacker.

  Rolling her eyes heavenward, Jewel picked up the phone and dialed her sister, Maxine. Jewel’s other sister, Dawn was out of town and even though Maxine had her hands full with Brielle, she said she would help when the time came. It was five in the morning, but Maxine had promised to answer at any time of the night or day.

  “Is it time?” a groggy Maxine asked as she answered the phone.

  “Yes, and my husband is over here acting as if he’s the one that has gone into labor.”

  “I’m sorry, Jewel,” Dontae said, still holding his stomach. “But an awful pain just went through me. Just give me a minute and I’ll get it together.”

  Jewel shook her head as Maxine said, “Didn’t I tell you he was going to act like this? He’s such a drama king.”

  Jewel laughed. “I need you, Maxie. Can you meet us at the hospital?”

  “Are you sure you don’t need me to come over there and drive you to the hospital? If Dontae is flipping out, he might not be able to drive the car.”

  “Unless he wants to deliver this baby in our bedroom, he’d better get it together and get me to the hospital.”

  “I got this. I got this.” Dontae rushed over to the bed and helped Jewel up. “Do you need me to help you put on some clothes?”

  “I’m wearing this gown, just give me my coat.”

  Dontae wanted to protest Jewel leaving the house in her nightgown, but the look on her face told him that this was not the right time to mess with her. So he simply said, “Yes, dear.” As they headed out of the house, Dontae realized that this was the day that he would finally become a man in every sense of the word... was he ready for that?

  Chapter 2

  Lance Bryant hung up the phone and waited for his wife to get out of the shower. He paced back and forth in front of the bathroom door, hoping that she would hurry so he wouldn’t have to rush into the bathroom and tell her his news. He would look too eager if he did that... needed to play it cool.

  He heard the shower water turn off, clenched his hands in anticipation, then went into their walk-in closet, pretending as if he was really looking for something in there, grabbed a pair of brown socks and then headed back into the bedroom as he heard the bathroom door open. He sat down on the bed and began putting on his socks as Joy rummaged through the dresser drawer. “I’ve got good news for you,” Lance said.

  “What’s up?” She pulled a mauve tank top out of the drawer and slid it over her head.

  “Dontae called. Jewel just had the baby.” He couldn’t keep the excitement out of his voice as he said, “It’s a girl!”

  “That’s great. I’ll send them a gift for the baby.” Joy’s voice didn’t hold the same enthusiasm as her husband’s. She slipped into her skirt and was about to put on her jacket when...

  “I thought we’d take the day off and drive down to Charlotte to see our baby niece.”

  “No,” was all Joy said before walking out of their bedroom and heading to the kitchen.

  Lance was on her heels. “What do you mean, ‘no’? Your brother just had his first child. Aren’t you excited about that?”

  “Of course I’m excited. But I have a full schedule. I just can’t drop everything and go on a play date with my baby brother and his family. You have a lot on your plate this week also. So, I really don’t see how your suggestion will benefit us.”

  “Why does everything have to benefit us? Why can’t we just do something, anything in life just because we want to do it?” Lance threw up his hands and stormed back into the bedroom to finish dressing and put some distance between him and his wonderful wife.

  Joy poured coffee into her mug, grabbed her keys and left the house as quickly as she could. Once she was a fair distance away from the house, Joy picked up her cell and called Dontae.

  He answered on the first ring. “Lance told you our good news?”

  “He sure did. I’m so happy for you and Jewel,” she said and truly meant it. She had downplayed her happiness in the house with Lance, but now she could act as giddy as she wanted. “I can’t believe that I have a niece. I’m not old enough to be anybody’s auntie.”

  “Oh, you’re old enough, all right. You’re three years older than I am.”

  “Don’t remind me. Time is getting away from me and I still have so much to accomplish. But enough about my age. What did you name the baby?”

  “We named her Carmella Elizabeth. So, she has both her grandmother’s names, but we will most likely call her Cammie.”

  Tears instantly sprang to Joy’s eyes. “I bet Mama was so happy when you told her about little Cammie.”

  “She started crying.”

  “I bet she did. I’m crying myself. Matter-of-fact, I need to pull this car over before I run into someone.” Once she pulled over, she said, “I wish I could be there but I can’t leave work right now.”

  “Don’t worry about it, sis. We will be in Raleigh in two weeks for Renee’s wedding.”

  “Can you do me a favor and text me a picture of her?”

  “Okay, I’ll do it now. So, check your phone in about a minute.”

  Joy couldn’t make herself pull her car back into traffic. She waited, counting down the seconds until the ding on her phone alerted her to the fact that she had a text. She opened the text, clicked on the picture and smiled even as the tears flowed again, while she lovingly gazed at the picture of her beautiful niece.


  Carmella and Ramsey sat in her doctor’s office, holding hands and waiting for her doctor to come into the room.

  “Your hands are shaking, Carmella. Stop that. Everything is going to be just fine. You wait and see,” Ramsey tried to reassure her.

  “I know. I guess I’m just nervous. I’ve never been called back to the doctor’s office after an annual checkup before.”

bsp; “Well, before we jump to any wrong conclusions, let’s just hear what the doctor has to say.”

  Ramsey was right, she was worrying herself for nothing, when what she needed to be doing was making plans to go see her namesake. She and Ramsey were already grandparents due to Ram Jr.’s little girl, Brielle. But Brielle was over a year old before they were introduced to her. This would be the first grandchild that they would actually get to see as an infant... and she was named after her. Carmella was a proud grandma indeed. Her son had weathered his storms and now had a family who would love him for a lifetime.

  The door opened and Dr. Mika walked in. She shook hands with Carmella and then Ramsey. “Nice to see you both.”

  “Pardon me for rushing the matter, Dr. Mika, but can you please tell me why I’ve been summoned back here?” Carmella wanted to get this over with, so she would know exactly what to put on her prayer list.

  “I know how you are, Carmella. You don’t want me to sugar coat things for you, so I’m going to lay it out. We did find a problem with your blood work.”

  Ramsey tightened his grip on Carmella’s hands as she asked, “What kind of problem?”

  “Your A1C is at 8.8.”

  “What’s an A1C?” Ramsey wanted to know.

  “Basically, I’m talking about your blood glucose levels. Normal levels are at about 5.6 or 5.7 at the highest. Levels at 6 to around 6.4 indicate pre-diabetes,” Dr. Mika said.

  “But my levels are higher than that. What does an 8.8 level indicate?” Carmella asked, knowing the answer before it was spoken into the atmosphere.

  “You have diabetes.”

  Carmella blinked twice, trying her best not to cry, because she had just heard the words she had dreaded for a lifetime. Her mother had diabetes and died at sixty-two because of complications from it. “I don’t understand. When I did my annual checkup last year, I wasn’t even pre-diabetic. How did I skip that step?”

  “I don’t know how it happened, but we have to correct this problem immediately.”


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