
Home > Humorous > Liaisons > Page 15
Liaisons Page 15

by Various

  Coughing and sputtering, with his penis still buried inside her, they covered their faces and waited until the dust settled. Dan shifted slightly to one side and a thin shaft of light sliced through the dusty blackness. ‘Jesus. What happened?’ The wild beam of his torch shot past her ear into the void behind her head. Her heart raced as she scrambled from under him and found her own torch.

  ‘Holy shit, Doc! You’re not going to believe this!’

  She couldn’t tell from the sound of his voice if he were scared or excited but, as her torch flared and joined his own, she understood immediately and was soon scrambling over the remains of the wall, wearing only a heavy coating of dust and a torch. ‘We could have never foreseen this,’ she gasped. ‘It’s like nothing we’ve ever found.’

  Beyond the collapse was another chamber, the walls of which were covered with carvings and paintings, spirals and dancing figures, which writhed and swayed in the torchlight. In the dry, cool space, the colours looked as though the ancient painters had simply walked away from their work for a quick cup of tea.

  ‘What are they doing? Are they hunters?’

  She directed the beam of her torch at the wall next to Dan’s. ‘Look, there are deer and wild boar. All kinds of animals. Wait a minute.’ She moved closer and squinted at the wall. ‘The animals … they’re all …’

  ‘They’re all fucking, and the people too.’

  As they moved the beams of their torches along the painted wall and ceiling, the artwork became more stylised. There were orgiastic groupings of figures with exaggerated genitalia in every sexual position imaginable and in some that Allegra was pretty sure were humanly impossible. She couldn’t keep from wondering if all of this prehistoric porn was doing to Dan what it was doing to her. Still, her arousal was tempered by her curiosity as she bent closer to the wall. ‘What are they doing here?’ She pointed to a small circle of people, one looking possibly priestly and offering a bowl to a couple with overly developed genitals.

  ‘Some kind of ceremony.’ Dan squinted at the group on which Allegra had shone her torch.

  ‘This is brilliant. We can learn so much from these paintings. It’s the next best thing to a written record. How could we have got so lucky? Hand me your camera.’

  He scrambled over the rubble and returned with the camera. ‘It really does seem to be some sort of ancient fertility ritual.’

  ‘Who’d have thought?’

  They hurriedly slipped back into their clothes and for the next few hours, they took photos: photos of animals in full rut; photos of couples in every sexual position imaginable; photos of groups joined in orgiastic pleasure. Allegra thought it was a testimony to both of them as professionals that they managed to get the photos without dropping to the floor and joining in the orgy again. But the effort to stay focused when the paintings were so arousing, and the company even more so, finally took its toll.

  ‘Come on, Doc, we’ve got to get out of here. I need some air.’ Dan practically shoved her back out of the entrance of the cave, falling on top of her a couple of times, and each time lingering for a good grope. Outside in the light of the now-full moon, he took her by the elbow and guided her hurriedly back towards the Jeep. He spun gravel taking off, then swung wildly into a deserted farm track half a mile up the road and stopped. He was out of the seat belt before he had the handbrake set and, before she could ask what was going on, he pulled her to him with such force that she felt joints crack. Then it was time for some serious mouth to mouth.

  He guided her hand to his lap. ‘I need to fuck, and you do too, but I want you up here in the moonlight, under the stars where I can see you. That place has some kind of powerful spell on it. I’m convinced. So who are we to fight it?’ He held her hand tight and shifted his hips so she could feel the hard evidence behind his theory.

  ‘I’m sure it must be dangerous to fight magic,’ she said. He stopped any further conversation with a tonsil-deep kiss.

  Her shirt was the first article of clothing to go – not too difficult with several buttons missing from their first encounter. He slid it off her shoulders and sat back long enough to admire her breasts beneath the lace of her bra. He suckled her through the cups until the lace was wet and cool against her straining nipples. Then he deftly unfastened the hooks and released her aching breasts to his kneading fingers. They both watched in amazement as he brought her nipples to new heights beneath the rough stroking of his thumbs. By the time he lowered his mouth to suckle again, her knickers were wet through to her jeans, and she was already riding the edge of orgasm. Until this afternoon, it had been far too long since she’d come with an actual person, and the thought that it was about to happen three times in the last twelve hours was almost enough to make her cry out with excitement.

  While his mouth worked her breasts, he teased and stroked her pussy through her jeans until she could stand it no more and yanked them down over her hips. He didn’t wait around for further invitation. He pushed her sideways in the seat until she was slumped against the door. When he had her arranged the way he wanted her, he opened her legs to the summer night air and negotiated the gearstick until his hands cupped and kneaded her arse. His amazing thumbs massaged the outer edges of her cunt, and the blend of their rough skin and her moisture made the friction along her lips maddening. As she arched her back and lifted her bum upwards to create more friction, he went down, tongue first. Snaking about the slick valley of her pussy, dipping in deep, then circling her distended clit with a tongue that was surely prehensile, he made her come hard; he made her cry out and buck in the seat until the whole Jeep rocked.

  He pulled back enough to breathe and wiped his wet face on his shirt-tail before ripping it off over his head. He dragged his jeans down and wrestled his straining erection free. ‘Stand up,’ he commanded.

  She did what he asked.

  ‘In the seat,’ he gasped. ‘Stand up in the seat. That’s it. Now turn around and grab the roll bar – tight.’

  She held on as he fingered her slippery opening and tweaked her clit with his thumb. She shoved back against his hand, pussy raised for his inspection like a thoroughbred in heat. He pressed the head of his penis between her cunt lips, teasing her open, before inching his thickness into her, stretching her. Gently at first, though she could feel his need to thrust like electricity humming along high-tension wire. And when he was sure that she could comfortably accommodate his cock, he began to pound against her, holding first her hips, then moving up to cup and knead her tits, which bounced enthusiastically each time he thrust.

  ‘I can’t take much more of this.’ His breath came hot against the back of her neck. ‘My balls are about to burst.’

  He hammered into her with all his strength until he was nothing more than muscle. His grip on her hips was near bruising, and she hung on to the roll bar for dear life as he pounded her, straining back against him, making sure his cock went as deep as possible with each thrust. And when he cried out and convulsed against her, she screamed out from her own intense pleasure as the explosion of her orgasm impacted all the way up to her head.

  With some effort, they managed to make it back to the cottage where Allegra’s crew was staying. They arrived, already anticipating round three. As they quick-stepped each other past the lounge between gropes and kisses, they startled Gemma and Mac from the sofa in front of the television doing a little groping of their own. Allegra couldn’t help feeling a superior satisfaction that at least for tonight she wouldn’t have to rely on voyeurism for her kicks.

  ‘Happy Solstice,’ Gemma called after them as they headed up the stairs already undoing buttons and zippers.

  Allegra’s crew arrived the next morning to a big surprise. There were a few uncomfortable moments while she tried to explain just exactly how she ‘stumbled on to’ this amazing discovery, but she was the archaeologist in charge.

  Dan’s article won him several journalism awards, and the discovery secured grant money for Allegra and her team. Dan flew off the
next day to do a story on a Mayan temple in Guatemala, but before he left, he gave her a large manila envelope and a brown paper bag. The envelope contained copies of the photos he had taken of their little experiment, starring her pussy and the sun god. The bag contained a courgette, which curiously resembled Dan’s cock. Taped to it was a note:

  Congratulations, Doc,

  I can’t remember the last time I’ve had so much fun on assignment. As a token of my appreciation, lunch is on me.

  Dan Martin

  ‘Archeogasms’ is K D Grace’s first short story for Black Lace.

  Wednesdays and Tuesdays

  Sommer Marsden

  THE WAITING ROOM is packed. Mobbed. Insane. Between the coughing and bored-looking patients, they sit. Well-groomed, healthy, glowing reps. Pharmaceutical representatives armed with suits and laptops, samples and magnets. They have pens and smiles that say, Try our latest and greatest. Have a mug, have a key chain. Try my stuff, buy my stuff, would you like some samples, doctor?

  I glance around the room, expectant eyes on me. Patients who look half dead, half angry. And then the expectant handsome young man in the charcoal pinstriped suit. His dark hair is slicked back off his baby face with honest-to-God product and his shoulders are broad. I don’t know his name, so I point to him and give him the ‘Come on back’ motion. An audible groan goes up in the room. I am the belle of the ball. I am the one who cracks the whip. I have seen six patients. It’s time for a break. And I’m not really that far behind, which is a fucking miracle.

  ‘You can come on back to my office,’ I say, my heels tip-tapping gently on the grey industrial carpet.

  ‘Thank you, Doctor. I promise I’ll be quick.’

  ‘God, I hope not,’ I mutter, picking up my pace.

  ‘Come again?’

  ‘What?’ I say, playing the game. If he heard me, then he had a clue of what was to come. If he didn’t, he can wait. I liked to toy with them. Wednesday is my favourite day of the week.

  ‘Sorry. I thought you said something. Anyway, my name is Branden. Today, I want to talk to you about nasal spray.’

  I pick up my speed, make a left, dart through the door to my office. Branden, all six foot three of him has to do a little race walking just to keep up with me. I am almost six foot, eye to eye with him in my heels. I cut my teeth, so to speak, on late nights at the hospital, in the ER, in Intensive Care. Walking fast is a side effect of the business. Show me a man or a woman who speed-walks through life, I’ll show you a doctor.

  ‘Shut the door, Branden,’ I say, and lean back against my desk. I stretch my long legs out in front of me and cross them at the ankle. This move pulls up my professional knee-length skirt enough and in the right way to expose the garters that hold up my hosiery. I know this for a fact, because I have practised and I am nothing if not a perfectionist.

  ‘Dr Martin?’ But there is that glow in his eyes. That sparkle that says, deep down under his boy-next-door blushing façade, he knows he is about to get fucked blue by yours truly. I have become a bit of an urban legend in my area. I play the game the right way. People talk, but it seems speculative and almost admiring.

  I like it. I like the talk, the confusion, and the boys. And, to be blunt, I really don’t care. I am a busy woman with a reputation. I walk the tightrope between rumour and fact and I like my pretty young men. A strange hard cock at least once a week, and bit of adrenaline followed by a good toe curling orgasm.

  ‘Take off your pants, Branden,’ I say, and tap the seat of my visitor’s chair with the pointy toe of my Jimmy Choo’s. ‘Go on, take them off like a good boy and have a seat. I think we need to examine a few things before I can let you continue.’

  His blush grows, turning his creamy white complexion a charming peach. He dips his head and laughs. A single lock of chocolate hair falls across his forehead. My heart stutter steps and my cunt grows even wetter. The adrenaline is zipping and buzzing under my skin. My God, he is beautiful.

  ‘Doctor, I …’ His cock is hard. I can see that from where I am perched. I didn’t graduate from medical school for nothing. I can spot a hard-on from a mile away. I laugh.

  ‘Listen, my waiting room is packed. My day is packed. If you can’t give me the sample I want – the sample I need – then I can pick another flower from the garden.’ I smile at him, but I’m dead fucking serious. I have twenty minutes and I need to get laid. Fast, hard, and by a pretty, pretty man.

  ‘Oh no, I …’ He drops his bag and he wrestles with his belt. And now he is grinning and blushing. His slacks slide down and he stands there, fisting his hand, unsure of what to do. I like their discomfort. Their excitement and fear and worry. It’s intoxicating.

  He’s standing there in his blue boxers and his cock has formed the most perfect tent. I take the tip of my shoe and I push at the waistband, I push down the boxers until his lovely rosy cock is showing. ‘Sit down, Branden,’ I say and he drops into the seat like his legs are boneless.

  The chairs are wide and generous. Dark chocolate brown with no arms. I always consider my more corpulent patients. My job is to make them less so but nothing is more embarrassing than not fitting in your doctor’s office chairs. ‘Oh, Doctor.’

  That’s it. Oh, Doctor. It sounds like a porno and that makes me laugh out loud. ‘Have you heard stories about me?’ He nods and smiles. His teeth are super white and his lips are so rosy red they almost look feminine. ‘What kind of stories?’

  ‘That you’re sexy. That you’re hot. That you’re an animal when it comes to –’ He catches himself and shuts his eyes. His cock bobs a bit like a tuning fork when I get near it with the toe of my shoe. I rub the magenta leather up his dick and he gasps like a young girl.

  ‘An animal when it comes to fucking? Sex? Seduction? Blow jobs?’

  More nodding and he is keeping his eyes shut tight like I’m a dream and, if he opens his eyes, I will poof! disappear. I pull down my skirt and step out of it. Here I am in my blouse and garters and hosiery. Expensive shoes and my lab coat. No panties. I can smell my own moisture and it makes the want worse. Nothing smells better than arousal in my humble opinion. I drop to my knees but don’t slide – that will rip my stockings. I take him into my mouth and he makes a sound like he’s crying.

  Branden is a gorgeous specimen. His cock is long and thick. His hips buck up under me with an eagerness that shows more in the younger reps. The older they are, the more control they have. Today I’m in the mood for someone I can make frantic. Crazy. I suck him until he has forgotten himself and is pulling my hair, fucking my face. I take it until my pussy is so wet the insides of my thighs are drenched. ‘Stop,’ I say and, after one more desperate buck, he stills. His breath is ripping in and out of him and, when I sit up, his eyes are shiny. Glazed blue eyes that say, what now?

  I stand and say not a word. I step to him and his mouth falls on me like he’s dying of thirst and I can save him. His tongue is everywhere at once. No finesse, just a goal, make the good doctor come. And that is a lovely agenda. I spread my legs a bit further, teetering on my heels now. The pleasure is spreading fast, making me warm and loosening my tension. So very, very nice. His tongue is snake-quick and lovely on my clit and my hood. He parts me and suckles, covers my clit, sucks. Moving so very fast I can barely register one feeling before the next one comes. His fingers slide up my thighs with the rasp of calluses on silken hosiery. I spread my legs further, sink my hands into his hair, let my head fall back.

  This. This is what I need.

  I let him press and push against my G-spot until I am loose and warm from head to toe. And then I give him what he seeks. I give him my orgasm and I hold on for the ride. My fingernails are petal-pink against his dark-grey suit jacket. Branden looks up with a drugged expression that makes me feel suddenly and painfully attached to him.

  I climb onto his lap, impale myself on his hard cock that has not lost any of its urgency. I take him in, my cunt stretching for him; inch by inch I let him in. I have my eyes locked
with his. He appears both startled and feverish, until his eyes slide shut and his head falls back. This time, instead of ‘Oh, Doctor,’ it is, ‘Oh, God.’

  When I move it is slowly. When I breathe it is measured. When I lean in and drag the tip of my tongue along his neck to taste him, I do it inch by measured inch. He tastes like salt and sweet and some sort of spice I can’t quite finger. He smells like cotton and leather and pepper. I bury my nose at the base of his throat. I inhale deeply, lick, then I bite him right above his collar and he jumps under me with a soft pained sound. ‘Good, good boy.’ I bite him again and he jumps. When he jerks, his cock thrusts deeper into me, pushing against the sacred places I want it the most.

  The clock is not my friend and I can see that Branden is hanging onto his own body by sheer force of will. ‘Please,’ he says and just that word is enough to tighten my pussy and push me that tiny bit too far.

  ‘Come for me, Branden. I’m a busy woman. I have patients waiting. Don’t you think they’re wondering what we’re doing? I mean, people do talk. The other reps are out there wondering right now. Will it smell like sex in here when we’re done? Will it smell like sperm and cunt and coupling?’ I’m rambling in his ear so that he’ll tip. I want to break him and make him dance under me without thought or any shred of pride.

  ‘I don’t know. I don’t know.’ He looks a little panicked and he looks like, if he breathed just a bit too deeply, he’d empty into me. His hips are slamming up out of my visitor’s chair. It’s like being on top of an electrocution victim. ‘God, I don’t know.’

  I lean in and trap his ear between my teeth, I hover over him before plunging down again and he’s pushing up under me mindlessly. ‘It’s a pity we don’t have more time,’ I breathe in his ear and he squeaks. He squeaks! Like a child’s toy, he lets out a desperate high sound that makes me crazy. ‘If we had more time, Branden, then I’d let you fuck me up the ass. I really get off on that. And I do appreciate you. You’re new around here and very, very pretty. And I bet you’re really good at your job because you’re really good at this.’


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