Greyson's revenge aotr-2

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Greyson's revenge aotr-2 Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  The Life Fleet suddenly saw eight more of the huge white ships appear in their mist. Hulent looked at his display and knew they were all going to die. All of the captured Searchers realized there was nothing they could do to protect themselves.”

  Scotty looked at Jilico and Rehoben and said, “Please put the headbands on and lay back on the chairs. I need to download some information.”

  “And if we don’t.”

  Scotty shrugged, “I guess we’ll just work with your successor. I’ll not show you any more courtesy than you’ve shown to the worlds you conquered. Virze.”

  Virze raised the gun and Jilico scrambled putting the headband on. Rehoben already had his on his head wondering what this man wanted them to know.”

  Scotty raised his com and said, “I do not intend to harm any of you. However, I want to share some information with you. I am sending each of you two downloads. You will watch the first and when you have finished I will answer any questions you might have. Then I will send you the second. That’s the one I need your help with. All of you drop your screens and prepare to receive the first download.”

  Grace said, “They’re down.”

  “Send it, Grace.”

  Hulent looked at his communications officer and he nodded. He reached forward and put on the headband to the computer.

  Rehoben closed his eyes and saw a young boy hiding from his teacher.

  “Grace, how long will this take.”

  “About four hours. The history is being sent at high speed so most of the ships will finish in three hours; the pilots and crews in four.”

  Scotty leaned back in his chair and hummed as he waited. Virze kept an eye on her board for any ships that tried to escape.

  “Alex, I think that board is close to doing the trick.”

  Alex watched the trial transfer of energy and was amazed at what the Zord had done. They had designed a circuit board that teleported information to different parts of the Coronado Cell faster than any electrical current could move through wires. The Power Cell took the energy hitting it and transferred it to a central location which focused it and released it. The energy coming from the center of the cell was three times higher than the beam hitting it. “This is extraordinary. Do you think this will work with the intensity of the anticipated beam?”

  Vring said, “We don’t know. However, these Power Cells do not have any resistence to energy. It just allows it to flow. I know its original function was to absorb and collect power but it is a perfect conductor.”

  “I notice that you have a hole in the Power Cell where that energy is being collected and released. Why did you do that?”

  “The Power Cell can collect as much energy as it can hold and then it starts reflecting anything above that level to the collector and firing it back at the source. We thought it would be a good idea to use the primary beam to then fire the collected energy to supplement the reflected energy. It will fire a ten thousandth of a second after the reflected beam.”

  Alex thought a moment, “So the reflected beam should, theoretically, penetrate the screen allowing our strongest beam to go through the break.”

  “That’s what we think. We won’t know until we trial it.”

  “How are we going to do that?”

  Kreej pulled up a picture on Alex’s display and said, “We have nine of these old ships in the Empire’s inventory. Their hulls are covered with Power Cells. We should be able to modify them to this technology, don’t you think.”

  Alex looked at the old Ultraship from the Stars Realm’s ancient history. He smiled to himself and said, “Yes, I think it will do nicely.”

  “I notice that this ship once had a crew of more than a thousand, however, this technology will be automated. It probably won’t need more than twenty or thirty sailors to man it once the modifications are done.”

  “Actually, it should only take two sailors; one for flying and the other to man the weapon.”

  “You’re right, Vring.”

  “Of course this class of ship will only be used to attack the small craft that are used by the invader.”

  “Why is that?”

  “We need a much larger ship to collect the full beam to get the most from them. I’m sure the beams being fired by the mother ship will be at least two thousand feet wide at impact. We don’t want to waste any of it.”

  Alex thought about the two Zord that would want to be hit by a two thousand foot wide beam and knew that these creatures were natural engineers. He was reluctant to admit it but they were probably more advanced than the Algeans at developing technology. However, they wouldn’t know if this would work until they placed a ship in front of one of those monstrous ships. Still, this looked like the only avenue to defend the universe. I hope it’s enough.

  Searchers started asking questions and Scotty pushed his com, “I would like to wait until your pilots and crewmembers have finished the download. I also have someone here to help answer your questions that should have some credibility with you.”

  “Who would that be?”

  “Why, King Jilico and his advisor Rehoben. We picked them up on the way here. It just wouldn’t be a party without them.”

  “Do you really have the King?”

  “Yes, I do. I’m not going to answer your questions without an opposing point of view. It wouldn’t be right.” The thousand Searchers talked among themselves as they waited. Something wasn’t right.

  Finally, Jilico and Rehoben opened their eyes and Scotty said, “I hope you enjoyed the show. Now it’s time to answer some questions.”

  Jilico looked at Scotty and said, “I’ve already seen this download. There’s a copy of it in my data center.”

  Rehoben looked at Jilico, “I’ve never seen it, Your Majesty.”

  “It’s under state security. None one has access but me and my family.”

  Scotty said, “Why is that?” Jilico just stared at him. “Are you concerned that your subject’s view of your rule might change if they viewed it?”

  “They’ll see what I want them to see.”

  “Oh, I neglected to tell you that everything said on this bridge will be broadcast to all the ships here.”

  Jilico’s gaze hardened and Scotty said, “I will now take any questions you might have and if your King disagrees with my answer he will be allowed a rebuttal.”

  “The history in my databanks says that the Humans attacked the Cainth home world and forced them into their control.”

  “Actually, the Cainth attacked the Human’s world first and sent an invasion fleet to destroy the Humans three times. After the Humans destroyed an Alliance Fleet they sent ships to destroy the Cainth Home world. They were able to find common ground and the Humans and Cainth became friends.”

  “Is that true, King Jilico.”

  Jilico looked at the speaker and said, “of course not. The Humans attacked them and forced them into bondage.”

  “King Jilico, if we are forced into bondage by this Human, will you accept them as your ruler?”

  “Never!! We will fight them and never give in.”

  “Then why did the Cainth, who we all know are a warrior race, become the Human’s closest ally?”

  Jilico sat there and finally said, “Obviously, they were not the warriors everyone puts them up to be.”

  “Have you ever seen one of them fight, Your Majesty?”

  Jilico stared at the speaker, “No.”

  “I have. They don’t give up, they don’t surrender, and they choose to die before dishonor.”

  “What about the Algeans, Your Majesty. They were the closest allies of the Stars Realm. How could they have done that if they were attacked and devastated by the Stars Realm? And why was their greatest hero a Cainth?”

  Jilico looked at Rehoben and he said, “I can’t answer that. I wonder myself.”

  “Your Majesty?”

  Scotty watched Jilico and saw he was not saying anything else. “Your King now refuses to answer any more questions.r />
  “Tell us stranger, why did the Realm leave?”

  “Because the Provincial Dukes wanted freedom to exercise their power; they wanted to attack the other Provinces and were not allowed to do so by the Realm. The Realm would not allow the members to attack each other. The Provinces decided to attack the Realm to gain their freedom. The Realm decided that to continue to force membership on those that did not desire it was a violation of their values. The Realm from its creation had only accepted those that asked to be a part of it. Now the Dukes wanted out and the Realm decided to let them go.”

  Silence ruled the channel. No one said anything. Scotty then said, “I don’t ask that you believe me. Quite frankly, I don’t care if you do. The reason I sent you that download is to make sure you understand that my Empire lives by the former Realm’s principles and we take them seriously. The main difference between us is that we will not allow any civilization that cannot defend their populations to be attacked. It doesn’t matter if they are a part of my Empire or not. We have also accepted the responsibility to protect this universe against any invader that tries to conquer it. That responsibility also includes King Border’s Kingdom.”

  Rehoben said, “What do you mean?”

  “Our universe is going to be invaded by ships that we cannot stand up to, and that includes my ship that just defeated your fleet.”

  Jilico snorted, “You’re lying.”

  “I am now sending you another download. Please look at it and I’ll discuss it with you afterwards. It will only take a few moments.”

  Rehoben put the headband on and lied back. Jilico watched him and then begrudgingly put his headband on. “Send it Grace.”

  After ten minutes Rehoben sat up. He stared at Scotty and his apprehension was clear. Jilico sat up and Scotty saw him look at Rehoben with concern on his face. “I’m going to assume that everyone has completed the down load. King Borders, do you have any comments?’

  “You’ve manufactured this to take my Kingdom.”

  “No, and I don’t want your kingdom. I am returning you to your castle momentarily and any ship here that now wishes to leave may do so safely.”

  Scotty turned to Virze, “None have left, Your Majesty.”

  Jilico looked at Scotty and said, “What proof do we have that this is true?”

  “I’ve seen where they’re hiding, Your Majesty.”

  “Who said that?”

  “I did. I went to help with a disabled ship and I did a casual scan of the outer system. I saw that clear place in the dust cloud and two other places where the clear places were starting to fill in with dust. I’m broadcasting it now.”

  Rehoben looked up at the display and saw the perfectly round hole in the dust cloud. He also saw two others off to the left that were starting to fill in. He looked at Jilico and saw him staring at the display. Ro asked, “Why are they at our solar system?”

  “They think that you are the strongest force in this universe. They are waiting for you to defeat all the other civilizations and then your planet will be their first target. Once you’re gone, there’ll be no one to stand up to their invasion because you will have conquered all the others.”

  A searcher said, “We are not the strongest, you are.”

  “Yes, but that is a recent development and we don’t go out and conquer other civilizations. We would be easily missed by a scout looking for the qualities needed. You’ve conquered hundreds of civilizations. They would find you rather easily.”

  Grace listened in on the Searcher’s private frequency and many of them were angry. She heard one of them say, “Well that’s over as far as I’m concerned. I can’t believe I’ve given an oath to the lying scum.”

  “Shhhhh, you might be heard.”

  “I don’t care. Are you blind?”

  Rehoben looked at the display showing the giant Ship and then turned to Scotty, “If you aren’t here to take our kingdom, why did you come?”

  “Why, to go to war with you.”

  Silence descended on the channel like an impenetrable fog.

  Jilico felt his fear, “You’re going to war with us?”

  “Well, not really.”

  Rehoben saw Jilico’s relief. He shook his head and looked back at Scotty.

  “Then what?”

  “I want you to send ships out to attack intruders in your various systems and fend off attacks to your Province. The attacks will be imaginary but I need your Defense Command to issue orders and receive reports just like a real war was taking place. We will attack your ships outside the jump limit at Olympos but not fire a beam strong enough to damage your ships. We will then jump away and your ships will chase after us. It would help if you have some damaged ships we can destroy to make it look real.”

  “Why would we do that?”

  “Because as long as the invaders think there are still powerful civilizations fighting for control of this universe, they will delay the invasion. We’ve got to have time to try and develop a counter to their ships.”

  “How long do you think we can make them believe this charade?”

  “Decades if we keep bringing in new enemies that are also fighting each other.”

  Jilico said, “And if I don’t agree to participate in this?”

  “Then we’ll go to war for real and my ships will come in and periodically kill some of your ships. We’ll free all the worlds you’ve conquered and the reports coming in will be real.”

  Jilico sneered, “It’s easy for you. Your world isn’t their first target.”

  “I will move your planet to another location the moment that ship starts your way.”

  Once more there was silence until a lone Searcher asked, “Are you able to do that?”

  “Yes, I can.”

  The Searcher said, “I’m asking your ship that is also a Searcher. Can he do that?”

  “Yes he can and we have already moved more than three hundred planets.”

  Scotty said, “That was smart. Searchers don’t lie.”

  “I meant no disrespect, Your Majesty. I just had to make sure.”

  Jilico flinched when he heard one of his ships use the honorific to this stranger.

  Rehoben said, “I can make this happen, Your Majesty.”

  Jilico just stared at him.

  Scotty said, “You cannot ever say anything on an open channel that the invader would hear to let them know what we’re doing. I’ll give you a com code where one of your ships can leave your system and contact us to schedule the attacks on your planet. Just give us the time and the details and we’ll make it happen.”

  Jilico looked up at the giant ship on the display and said, “Then we will play this game.”

  Rehoben looked at Scotty and said, “I think your first attack should be tomorrow at midday. I will send twenty freighters out to the jump limit that have been scheduled for decommissioning. You may destroy them all. They will be escorted by fifteen ships that will chase you away. I will then send ships to search for you that will send scheduled transmissions back to reinforce the strength of our attacker. Does that meet your needs?”

  “Yes it does.”

  “Admiral Hulent, I need you to get the right people in our Command Communications Center that you can depend on to make this look real.”

  “I will be one of them. I’ll make sure we do our job.”

  Jilico said, “It looks like Daulun dodged a bullet.”

  “Daulun is dead. He’s been replaced by his brother. There will not be anymore forced shipments from his kingdom.”

  Jilico’s eyes narrowed but then he looked up at the display and shrugged.

  Scotty said, “Admiral, I’m leaving your fleet to your command and I thank you for your patience. King Borders, I will be taking you back to your Palace and leaving you there. Thank you for helping me to defend us against this coming menace.”

  Rehoben looked at the blonde haired warrior and knew that he was not one that would tolerate deception. Olympos’s continued existence depen
ded on not breaking their agreements. He just hoped Jilico understood.

  Scotty looked at Virze, “Take them home.”

  Jilico looked around and saw he was back in his personal office. He had been returned in less than three seconds. Rehoben was staring at the display on his desk and saw that no alarms had been tripped. Jilico saw it as well and sighed, “Ro, let’s go to war.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Niles took the Bristone out of the Defense Facility and looked at Toland, “I’m not sure I like this ship not using a force field. I feel almost naked.”

  Toland looked up at the ceiling and then back at his display, “Well, that’s what trials are all about. You didn’t have to volunteer for this.”

  “I know, but if we’re going to develop our ships from this model, I owe it to the Emperor to give it the best chance of success.”

  “Even if you die in the testing?”

  “Even if.”

  “Well, our target is four hundred thousand miles ahead of us.”

  “I thought we were its target.”

  “Same thing.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Toland adjusted his scanner, “Emperor Robbins is out there with Grace watching what happens. Let’s make it count.”

  “I just wish they weren’t using a Searcher fitted with the beams of a Zeta for our first effort.”

  “If we can’t withstand that beam, then all this technology is going to be wasted. It’s been ten years and we can’t just start all over again. You know we can’t waste time.”

  Well, let’s hope we survive this.” Niles took the controls and steered the ship on the correct heading and hit the teleport console. The Bristone appeared two hundred yards from the old Searcher and was immediately fired on by the unmanned ship. The huge white beam struck the Bristone and its entire hull turned bright white and then a beam erupted from its surface and struck the Searcher. The white ship vaporized into nothing but a cloud of gas.”

  “Exercise over.”

  Niles looked at the gas cloud and shook his head, “That’s it?”


  “Congratulations, Bristone. Your trial has been a success.”


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