Greyson's revenge aotr-2

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Greyson's revenge aotr-2 Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  Julie said, “Oh my ancient ancestors. Convincing June is another issue but if she can be persuaded, we may have the youngest Searcher ever.”

  “She’s only young in years, Julie. That girl has Warrior written all over her. She will be a formidable adversary.”

  Scotty shrugged, “She is talented. Even the Zord find her interesting.”

  Vring said, “I don’t like arguing with her. I never win.”

  Julie smiled, “Perhaps this is something that we are being pushed to make happen. Let’s see what takes place.”

  Jingo smiled, “I hope Gilene is ready.”

  June and Grang stood in front of Ashley Talben as she yelled, “Absolutely not. There’s no way I’ll allow her to Partner with a Searcher.”

  June and Grang said nothing. They had made the request and knew what Ashley’s reaction would be.

  “June how could you come here and suggest I send her out to put herself in danger? Are you out of your mind? Glen, tell them.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not!?!”

  “Because I happen to agree with them.” Ashley looked at Glen and he saw her turn her anger toward him.

  Before she could say anything they heard, “So you want to protect me from becoming all that I could possibly become.”

  Ashley turned and saw Jenna standing next to June. “This doesn’t concern you.”

  “It has everything to do with me. You aren’t willing to make the difficult decisions and sacrifices that will ensure our Kingdom’s survival. Further, you are willing to stunt my development all because you don’t have the courage to make a hard decision. You’re being outrageously selfish.”

  Gilene listened in to the conversation from orbit and thought, “Oh boy. This is one little explosion waiting to go off.”

  Ashley stared at Jenna and shook her head. Jenna said, “I am bored to tears. I’ve exhausted all the material in our learning centers and I find nothing challenging in court life. I know more about the Military Database than any general officer in your armed forces. There is nothing here that even remotely interests me. Life has become one boring moment after another. Now I have a chance to partner with one of the most advanced ships ever created and you are afraid I’ll be harmed. What if those Invaders attack? Will I be safe here? Or would I be safer on the most powerful ship ever created? If you could help in the fight against that invasion, would you not go because you’re afraid of being harmed? Look at what Aunt June did to save us. Do you think I’m not just as brave? You’re being selfish and putting your emotions ahead of what’s best for our subjects. Why don’t you admit the truth?”

  Ashley sat down on her throne.

  “Once this conflict is over, do you think I won’t be a stronger and wiser person for having taken part. Even if I die, I would rather be fighting than wasting my time being bored here. Just think about all I can learn from this experience.”

  Ashley looked at Glen. He said, “She’s not growing, Ashley. She has nothing to wake up for and I can see her spirit that I love so much is slowly dying. She’s so much more than what we see. We could all die in the coming invasion and she’s right. She can make a difference. Just think about what she’ll become from being involved in the Empire’s fight. Millions of people would give up their life for the opportunity to partner with a Searcher. When it’s time for her to take your place, what do you think the experience would do for her development?”

  “But she’s so young.”

  “Ashley, she’s already more mature than all of your advisors. How many times have you taken her advice over theirs? You’re just keeping her at that level with no chance to grow. I don’t want to put her in harm’s way but where in this universe is there no risk. We are all in danger wherever we are.” Glen looked at Jenna and said, “Look at your daughter, Ashley. Her face is alive with excitement I haven’t seen for so long.”

  Ashley looked at Jenna and saw her almost glowing with anticipation. She also saw her stubbornness in the firm set of her mouth. “June, why did you come here?”

  “Because Jenna needs saving just as you did twelve years ago. I don’t want to see the light go out in her eyes.”

  Grang said, “Running from the future is worse than waiting on it.”

  June looked at Grang and smiled, “You really are more than I ever thought. I am so glad you were saved.”

  “Not near as happy as the Zord at saving you, June. You have become the communities’ heart.”

  Ashley saw June’s tears and knew. She stood and ran to Jenna and hugged her tightly, “I think just being around those that saved Maranda is worth any danger you may face. I’m so frightened by what could happen but I will consent.”

  Ashley saw Jenna’s smile split her face. “Mom, I love you so much.”

  Glen walked forward and put his arms around them.

  Grang said, “Gilene, are you satisfied with this selection?”

  The Talbens looked up as they heard over Grang’s communicator, “More than you can possibly know. The heart of this young woman amazes me. We will learn much from each other.”

  Jenna smiled and said, “I’ll be ready in an hour, Gilene. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my world exciting again.”

  Ashley squeezed Jenna and released her to run full speed from the throne room yelling at the top of her voice, “Look out universe, here I come.”

  Ashley looked at Glen and June, “It’s been so long since I’ve seen Jenna this happy.”

  Glen looked at June, “You are so much more than I remember. Thank you again for saving my daughter.”

  June walked forward and kissed Glen on the cheek. You’ve been a good father and husband; it is I that owe you.”

  Ashley hugged June and cried.

  On the next full moons on Bristone June knelt before the Zord. Bleath said, “We are still unable to gather the ten necessary for your sentence.”

  June said, “You will never have the ten here, will you?”

  Bleath looked at Vring and said, “We would never hurt our communities by allowing that to happen.”

  June looked up with tears falling, “But I deserve my sentence.”

  “June, what would happen to all the children you have helped grow up into wonderful adults if we took you from them? How many of them come to see you every day and visit with you in the forest? You are paying your sentence with your loving heart. We forgave you years ago. Now it’s time you forgave yourself and allowed your heart to be free.”

  “Just like Grang.”

  “You are our Grang. Should he be allowed to die?”

  June was startled by the question, “No! He’s too important.”

  “Just as you are, little one.”

  June nodded.

  “You no longer need to come on the full moons.”

  “You made that requirement up didn’t you?”

  “Of course and having ten Elders present was also a farce.”

  June laughed. “I should have known.”

  “You could only see it when your heart was ready to forgive yourself.”

  June felt as alive as Jenna. “Please take me home to Samuel.”

  June rushed through the door, jumped at Samuel, and grabbed Samuel around the neck, “I love you, Sam.”

  Samuel felt the difference in her and hugged her, “Welcome home to my heart, June. I’ll love you forever.”

  June put her head on his chest and sighed, “That’s not long enough, Sam.”

  “I know, but that’s all I have to work with.”

  June laughed out loud and kissed her husband.

  “Grang, we have someone who wants to see you.”

  “Who, Your Majesty?”

  “Are you at home?”


  “I’m sending them there.”

  Grang grunted. He went back to sharpening his swords and heard a knock. He got up and opened the door. His eyes grew wide and he stumbled back into the house.

  “So you’re th
e big, bad, Magrum everyone is afraid of?”

  Grang couldn’t speak. The six foot nine inch tall Magrum female stood in the doorway staring at him. “I’ve also heard you don’t ever have much to say; at least that appears to be true. You can close your mouth now.”

  Grang’s mouth was open and he was amazed at how beautiful she was. He couldn’t move or speak.

  “Are you going to invite me in?”

  Grang rushed over and brought a chair for her. She walked in and sat down. He continued to stare at her.

  “You’re wondering where they found me?”

  Grang nodded.

  “I live on one of Jilico’s former conquests. We have a small community on Burke and since Rehoben has freed us, all I’ve been hearing about is the huge Magrum Warrior that is always with the Emperor. They tell me you’re tough enough to handle me, and though I doubt it, I’ve decided to see for myself. I’ve heard about all you’ve done and a Zord showed me your history on El Prado.”

  Grang slowly sat down and she saw his immediate sadness.

  “You killed the Emperor’s Mother.”

  Grang nodded. “She was such a beautiful person and I ended her life. I’ve done so many evil things.”

  “It appears to me you’ve also ended your life as well.”

  Grang looked up sharply.

  “Grang, are you the same person you were when all that happened?”

  Grang shook his head.

  “Then you did end that old life. That Grang died years ago but you don’t know it yet. Now it’s time for you to live the new life you’ve been given. You should understand that there are no accidents in the universe and that before you could arrive at this place in time, you had to do those things. They made you what you’ve become. You’re here to make a difference and your accomplishments have made me proud to be a member of your species. You are much more than you think. Everyone has forgiven you…except for yourself.

  I came here to tell you that, after a lot of thought and soul searching, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I think my father is right; you are the only one that can possibly handle me. I’ve been told no one can and, unfortunately, they’re probably right. I am somewhat strong willed and opinionated. So, when you’re ready to give it a go, you’ll find me waiting on Burke with my family.” She stood and kissed Grang on the cheek, turned toward the door and said, “Please don’t make me wait too long. I really don’t have much patience.”

  Grang watched her walk away and heard, “Grang, it’s time to live.”

  Grang saw Madeline in his thoughts and felt his agony return. He saw Madeline smile, “It’s time to live again.”

  Grang ran out the door and ran up to the huge Magrum Female and looked down on her, “Why me? What do you see in me that you want!?!”

  She turned and smiled, “I have very high standards. I’ve been told that you’re the only one that could possibly handle someone like me. I want a Warrior for my mate and you are all I heard you were. The Zord confirmed it. However, I refuse to be here with you unless you can open your heart. Can you do that?”

  “What if I’m not what you think?”

  She stepped back and slowly looked him over from head to foot as she slowly walked around him, “Ohhhh, I think you’ll do.”

  Grang smiled, “What’s your name.”


  “I promise not to hurt you.”

  She smiled coyly, “I’d like to see you try.”

  Grang laughed for the first time in years, “Please stay. I do want to see if we can make a go of it.”

  Geena smiled, “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Grang swept her off her feet and carried her back to his home.

  Scotty and Julie peeked around the small house and Julie jumped into Scotty’s arms. “Oh Scotty, how did you make this happen?”

  The Planet Leader on Burke contacted me about a rather hard to handle Magrum Female and wondered if I had a place for her in our military. I contacted her father and he confirmed that she is a rather strong willed Daughter. I told her Father about Grang and asked him to mention to her that there was only one Magrum in this universe that could handle her and she had better hope she didn’t run in to him. He’d teach her a thing or two. She took it as a challenge and decided to find out all she could about Grang. Vring just happened to be around when she started her search.”

  “Just happened to be around?”

  Scotty smiled and looked up at the sky, “Ohhh, it was entirely an accident. Her father told her to ask the Zord about the Magrum on Bristone that could teach her a thing or two. She couldn’t resist. Vring showed her the ongoing duals between Grang and the Northern Cats and she was impressed. I think his pet Torg sealed the deal.”

  “She is a rather strong personality.”

  “And Grang isn’t?”

  She punched him in the ribs laughing, “We’ll see.”

  Scotty picked her up and tickled her, “I guess we will.”

  Julie laughed uncontrollably and said, “Stop, please stop.”

  “I will if you behave.”

  “I will, I will.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Seventeen year old Jenna Talben watched her display as the giant black ship moved toward another planet to conquer. “Gilene, are we going to intervene?”

  “Jenna, they have learned how to handle our attacks. It was easy at first but now they fire all their beams as soon as we hit their force field destroying the hornets. If we continue to penetrate them, they’ll reach a level that our full Zeta Beam would not penetrate.”

  Jenna thought a moment, “Gilene, do you have the information from the first probe that Alex used to spy on them.”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Show me the information in a download.” Jenna put on the head band and Gilene downloaded the information. “So the probe was able to get to the ship when it lowered its force field.”

  “It appears so.”

  “Why did they lower it?”

  “To receive a communication.”

  “Do you have the frequency of that communication?”

  “Just a moment.” Jenna waited and pulled up the structure of the huge ship on her display. “Yes, I do.”

  “Let’s try something new. Move up next to the force field and hit it with that frequency. If they drop their force field, hit them with your main beam just below the bottom of the main control room. That’s where their reactors are located”

  Gilene thought about it, “It might work. Are you ready?”

  “Just keep the teleport board hot.”

  “You don’t have to ask. Here we go.”

  Gilene moved up next to the force field in stealth mode and sent the frequency intermittently. She paused and sent it again. The force field came down and Gilene hit the giant black ship with her main beam. The giant ship exploded so fast that Gilene was barely able to teleport away from the blast before it struck them.

  “My, my but that was dramatic. I can also assume from the immediate explosion that they were unable to send a message out.”

  Gilene smiled, “You are a genius. Let’s tell the others.”

  “Tell them to only use it on ships that are alone and attacking a planet. We don’t want them to think we’ve used a more powerful beam.”

  “Good idea. We still need them to keep their attention on this universe.”

  “This event should get their attention.”

  Gilene teleported away. Ten black battleships appeared ten hours later when the destroyed ship failed to report its progress. A message went out to the Fleet Master and he directed his ship to the scene of the attack. As he viewed the destruction he began to feel something alien, fear.

  Three weeks later Varner and James were moving in on a giant black ship that was moving in toward a civilized planet. The giant ship was destroying the ships coming from the planet to defend it and was moving inexorably on the defenders. Varner moved slowly toward the ship. “I don’t believe they wil
l lower the force field until that fleet is eliminated.”

  “You’re probably right. I hate to see those ships destroyed but we don’t have much choice.”

  Suddenly five giant black ships appeared in the system. James looked at his display and said, “Why are they here? They don’t need that firepower to defeat that fleet.”

  Varner said, “I don’t like this.”

  All six ships suddenly opened fire on Varner with their main beams. James yelled, “Get us out of here! They can see us.”

  Varner sent a message warning the other Searchers that their Stealth mode no longer worked when he saw that the beams had knocked down the screen and overloaded the collection panels. The teleport system was bypassed to expel the additional energy flooding the system. James saw the needles on his board race across the dial and then Varner exploded into fragments that were disintegrated by the hellish beams.

  The Ship Master looked at the site of the explosion and regretted that nothing remained to examine. They were still no closer to finding out where these ships were coming from. Well now they could find them and destroy them. He smiled anticipating his next kill.

  Greyson and Timmy received the message that was suddenly cut off. Timmy was silent and Greyson said, “Varner is gone and they just killed Kelly as well. He’s not responding to my calls.”

  “I’m so sorry Greyson.”

  “They died like we all hope to go; fighting the good fight. I’m going to miss them greatly.”

  Timmy took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “They can see us in stealth mode, Greyson. That changes things.”

  “Yes, but I suspect it’s not as bad as you think.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “If you thought they couldn’t see you, would you teleport away if several of their ships showed up?”

  “No, probably not; I’d hang around to see what was going on.”

  “Which I’m sure Varner and Kelly did when they were killed; we can still teleport out before they can emerge into normal space.”

  “What are you thinking about doing?”

  “We have some Captor balls in our inventory and I want to try something.”

  Timmy looked at his panel, “We have three.”

  “Well, I can see where the Invader ships are going to emerge into normal space. What if I teleport those balls to the location of their arrival set to detonate in three seconds. If the balls are close to the center of their emergence, they should be inside their force fields.”


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