Wild Harts: Rockstar Shifters Box Set

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Wild Harts: Rockstar Shifters Box Set Page 16

by Lily Cahill

  Jax raised an eyebrow. “Because you’ve been a jackass to her.”

  Chase shrugged. He just wanted this conversation to be over. Fated mates, destiny, it was all horse shit. You know what being fated meant? Misery. All choice taken away, some higher power deciding what it wanted from you, with no concern with what you wanted for yourself. Chase felt his lungs deflate with the idea of giving in to his base urgings to make Emily his mate. His own parents were fated, after all. And what did that get them? It’d been happy at the beginning. Chase had enough memories of good times before his father Errol assumed the clan title from his grandfather. But fate had forced his parents together, and in the end they were miserable. They were each other’s undoing. His father strayed down a path of unfaithfulness and violence, and his mother ran away from her own children rather than stay in a horrible marriage. Chase was determined not to fall victim to fate. Fate could take all its talk of destiny and shifter lore and locks and keys and shove it up its immortal ass.

  Sitting next to him, Jax sighed heavily and stood. “Fine, I’ll drop it. But try to play nice with her, okay? Emily’s really got some good ideas. And she’s right about what going wrong, the tabloids and gossip blogs and all that.”

  Chase fell back onto the bed and pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes. “Not this crap again,” he groaned. “I’m sorry, Mother, that I’m not in bed by nine with some warm milk and movies queued up on Netflix.”

  “Come on, Chase. It’s been worse, lately. We’re worried about you.”

  That set Chase’s hackles on end. He pushed himself up and stood, going face to face with Jax. They were the same height, but Chase had some bulk on him. Chase snarled. “So you and your new wifey have been gossiping about me in that perfect little love nest of yours?”

  Jax’s mouth went hard. “No, you jackass. Me and your other brothers. Even Bret knows when to reel it in, but it’s like you have something to prove to the world. And yes, Tiff is worried too. She loves you when you’re not shitfaced. She almost told Lacy not to come visit because she didn’t want to provoke you.”

  “I have nothing to prove, Jax. I am in complete control and doing exactly what I want. Understand? Just because you’ve become domesticated doesn’t mean you can tame me too. Go report back to our concerned family about that, okay?”

  Jax shook his head again—though his smile was long gone—and left Chase alone in his room.

  Except he wasn’t alone. His thoughts were a cacophony around him, banging against his head like he was sitting inside a timpani drum. And those thoughts had one beat, repeated over and over and over: Emily.



  Chase woke with the birds, the first time in months that he found himself up with the sun without alcohol or women involved. He’d crashed hard the afternoon before and slept a solid twelve hours, and now at six in the morning he was not only awake, but bright-eyed. Maybe he had been going a bit too hard lately … not that he’d ever admit that to his brothers.

  Foregoing shoes, Chase slipped out the back door while the rest of the house slept and shifted. It felt nice to roam the woods as a bear, not sprinting with pent-up energy or attacking logs with aggression. He loped after a deer for a few minutes, then snuffled through the thick undergrowth for a clutch of rabbits he could smell but not see. He ended up pulling free some mushrooms instead and munched on them as he ambled through the forest.

  Autumn was fast approaching, its scent was tangy on his tongue, a warm, smokey flavor that made him breathe deep. It almost reminded him of home, of Montana, a place his heart longed to settle. But the salt on the air never let him forget they were on the ocean. Chase knew it was time to head back to the city to record, but the bear in him was going to miss these Maine woods.

  He lost track of time, but the sun was warming the air when he shifted back and started picking his way down the steep hillside above the parking pad.

  Emily’s black sedan was parked in the shade of birch trees. And Emily was inside of it. Chase froze behind an outcropping of rock, a frown pulling his eyebrows together. The lingering senses of his bear had not yet disappeared, and with sharpened hearing he heard crying. His heart twisted.

  He clutched at the rock face, then leaned out to get a better look. His twisting heart split down the middle. Emily was sitting in her car, her shoulders heaving and her cheeks wet. She swiped angrily at the tears spilling over her lashes.

  Chase couldn’t hold himself back. Every cell in his body—bear and human—compelled him to go to her, comfort her.

  Chase strode down the slope, not trying to hide his presence. Just like he’d hoped, Emily spotted him. She grimaced and wiped more furiously at her eyes. He watched as her shoulders hitched in a giant sigh, then she pushed open the door and stood up. She looked anywhere but at Chase.

  “Sorry to come by unannounced,” she said, her voice too hearty with false bravado. “Thought I’d get some work done. They’re setting up for a wedding at the hotel, and it’d just be a distraction.”

  Chase nodded and led Emily up the stairs without a word, opening the door and going straight to the kitchen. He put the kettle on and pulled down two mugs, diffusers, and four different kinds of loose-leaf tea.

  Emily watched in silence, then frowned and picked up a piece of paper on the table. Her eyes glanced over it, then her frown deepened. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize the others were out this morning.”

  Chase leaned over Emily’s shoulder to read the note, though he realized he was lingering, letting his senses draw as much of Emily into his body as he could.

  Her hair smelled of saltwater and roses, and there were a barely-detectable smattering of freckles across her nose. He wanted to kiss each and every one.

  Chase stood back quite suddenly and cleared his throat. He hadn’t even considered that his brothers and Tiff were gone—to town for breakfast and some time at the beach before the weather turned, apparently. His thoughts had been consumed with Emily.

  “You didn’t go?” Emily said, scooping Earl Grey into a metal diffuser.

  “I was busy,” Chase grunted, focusing on his own tea.

  He let his gaze slink toward Emily and watched her peer toward the back bedrooms, eyebrows raised. “Should I … uh … go?”

  Chase smiled; he couldn’t stop himself. “I went for a run.”

  Emily leaned against the counter, her brown eyes warm and open. “I didn’t peg you for a runner.”

  “There are lots of things you probably don’t peg me for, darlin—” Chase stopped. “Emily,” he amended.

  That made Emily laugh, a burst of air and sunshine that Chase was sure could warm him for days. Despite himself, despite every oath he’d sworn to stay away from Emily, he inched closer.

  Emily looked up at him, her eyes innocent and somehow wanton at the same time. She licked her lips, her tongue sliding along the ridge of her full, bottom lip. Chase could barely hold himself back. Jesus. He wanted her.

  “Em,” he practically growled.

  The kettle screamed.

  They both jumped back, Emily with a guilty laugh. Chase shook his head to clear the lust that had clouded his mind and set to work brewing the teas. He handed Emily her mug, careful to keep his fingers from touching hers.

  Emily held the steaming mug up to her mouth and breathed deeply. Her tight shoulders relaxed, just a fraction. “Why are all men such assholes?”

  She’d whispered it, almost to herself, but then looked up at Chase with guilt etched all over her face.

  A smile curled at Chase’s mouth. “I’m not an asshole.”

  Emily laughed again. “Chase, you are the Grand Emperor of Assholes.”

  Chase nearly flinched. He was surprised at how much pain her words inflicted. He didn’t want her opinion of him to be so low.

  “Assholes don’t know how to make tea,” he said. “It’s a fact.”

  Emily rolled her eyes, her lovely smile stretched wide, but then it faltered. She
gazed up at Chase, and Chase didn’t try to mask the desire in his eyes. Fate be damned, in that moment, Chase wanted this.

  Emily’s chest fluttered with a ragged breath, and Chase’s longing flared hotter, more insistent. His cock stirred in his pants. With sure movements, Chase plucked the mug of tea out of Emily’s hands and set it on the counter.

  Still looking at her, his hands found hers. He brought her knuckles to his mouth and pressed his lips softly against her skin. Emily gasped, a tiny little oh of surprise that set Chase’s heart racing. He wanted to hear her gasp again. And again and again.

  He couldn’t stop this, didn’t want to. With all the passion that had been roiling beneath the surface, Chase grabbed Emily and hauled her lips to his.

  Chapter Seven


  EMILY GASPED, BUT IT WAS muffled by the press of Chase’s lips against hers. His mouth was hot and insistent, his kiss urgent with need. And Emily responded.

  Distantly, she knew she should stop this, pull away. But she couldn’t. Her heart had been so raw this morning after speaking to Asher.

  He’d forgotten their five-year anniversary. He’d had the nerve to ask what the “used” watch was for, then laughed off Emily’s hurt that he’d forgotten. She was away, Asher said, surely that meant he wasn’t expected to do anything. He’d make them a reservation when she got home. Drake had a place he recommended. He hadn’t even thanked her for arranging the Yankees tickets.

  Emily had wanted to scream. Instead, she hung up on him only to see a wedding party being set up on the hotel property. Five years. Five years she’d stayed true and loyal to Asher because every societal urge told her they were right for each other. Five years for what? A boyfriend who treated her like a chore or a pet he’d grown tired of, not someone he couldn’t live without.

  Thoughts of Asher faded under the determined assault from Chase’s lips. His tongue pushed between Emily’s lips, exploring her. His hands splayed across her back and curled into the fabric of her blouse when she parted her lips for him.

  He wanted her. Maybe he only wanted her body, but to feel wanted, desired, it turned her knees to jelly. Emily realized in that moment that she’d been desperately missing that.

  Everything else fell away—this house, the band, her job, her life—until Chase and his lips and his body were the only things she could remember. The only things that mattered.

  Kissing Chase again was like everything she’d been dreaming of and yet like nothing she had ever experienced before him. The passion of it fanned the flames of tension that had been licking between them, and Emily dove into that heat. Chase’s beard was rough against her skin, but not painful. His mouth was open and searching. His tongue flicked against her lip, and Emily moaned with the sensation of it. God, she wanted this. This, and more. She’d wanted it since the second she saw Chase, though she’d never admit it to him.

  Emily snaked her arms up, running her fingers over the hard muscles of Chase’s forearms, his biceps. She wrapped her hands around the back of his neck—the stubble on his shaved head prickling against her fingers—and tugged Chase closer. Closer, but still not close enough.

  Emily explored his mouth with abandon, sucking and nipping at his lower lip and arching into it. This wasn’t just a kiss with lips and tongue, her entire body felt alive with it, part of it. She felt slick with desire, aching for more.

  Chase growled against her mouth. “Goddamn, Emily.”

  Emily nearly purred and clutched Chase even closer. His rigid erection pressed into her belly, and she pushed up onto her toes to rub against the length of it. Chase groaned again, louder now.

  “I can’t stand this,” his voice rumbled, low and deep and full. Chase planted his large hands under Emily’s ass and hauled her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around him, hoped he felt how hot she was for him. How ready. God, she was nearly dizzy with it.

  She held on tight as Chase strode down the hall toward the bedrooms. Emily wrapped her arms around Chase’s broad shoulders, stretched her neck where he nuzzled against her skin. His mouth left a wake of fire, kissing and licking from her collarbone up to her ear.

  He kicked his door open, grunted as he maneuvered Emily to one arm so he could grab her blouse with the other. He yanked it up and over her breasts, and Emily wriggled her arms to tug it the rest of the way off. Her bra was pale pink satin, and she thanked the gods that she’d matched her panties today. Her back pressed up against the thick post of his four-poster bed, and Chase leaned back to get a look at her.

  Emily dipped her chin, embarrassed for a moment. Chase’s bedroom was flooded with light from the giant windows looking out to the woods. It was the sort of golden, perfect light that Emily loved … just maybe not when a man was staring at her near-naked body.

  “Hey,” Chase said, his voice soft. One finger hooked under Emily’s chin and pulled her face up. “You’re beautiful.”

  Emily blushed. She knew she was pretty, but compared to the women Chase was probably normally with, she felt … lacking. Curves where taut muscle should be, thick where others were thin. All the old insecurities came rushing back, that her hips were too wide, her breasts too small. Despite the years of running, she’d always remained heavier than others, with a swell to her tummy and cellulite dimpling her thighs.

  Chase squeezed those thighs now. He took his time looking up and down Emily’s body, from her legs spread wide to hook around his hips to her hardened nipples peaking the satin of her bra. He licked his lips. “I want to devour every last inch of you, Emily St. Clair.”

  Emily’s blush raged red.

  Chase growled his approval at seeing her come undone like this and wrapped his arms around her middle. He hauled her away from the post and practically tossed her onto the bed. He stripped quickly, shucking off his thin gray T-shirt and tugging off his black jeans. His cock strained against his black boxer-briefs, and Emily’s core flared hot at the memory of just how big he was.

  Chase climbed onto the bed and straddled Emily, pinning her arms above her head with one hand.

  “You, darlin’, are wearing too many clothes.” Using one hand, he tugged her leggings down her thighs. Emily kicked them off. Chase’s eyes took in her legs, her pink panties that were surely soaked through. His smile was wicked. “Still too many,” he rumbled.

  He hooked one finger under the band of her panties and yanked them down. His eyes went wide at the sight of her cleanly shaved pussy.

  “I was not expecting that,” he said, his voice rich.

  Sensation rolled through Emily at the open need in Chase’s voice.

  Chase moved his knees between Emily’s thighs and spread her legs wide, his gaze locked on her pussy. Emily squirmed, her hands still pinned above her head. Chase flicked his eyes up to her, and Emily arched her back, writhing with a hot desire to be touched, kissed, licked, sucked. Fucked. She wanted to be fucked by this man. This encounter wasn’t about making love, it was about his cocked ramming inside of her until she came hard. Emily groaned and fluttered her eyes closed just thinking of it.

  Chase’s mouth was on her breast, tonguing her nipple through the fabric of her bra. Emily’s eyes flew open, and she watched him work his lips against her. She squeezed her core tight, reveling in the building sensation within her body. Chase dragged one finger from her inner thigh, up her slit, curling around her clit for one amazing moment. But he kept moving, his finger slid slowly up her hip, her stomach, until it reached her other breast. He grabbed hold of her bra and yanked the fabric down, freeing her breast.

  He shifted his head so his mouth was on her skin, lavishing attention on her nipple. He yanked down the other cup, his fingers pinching and rolling her nipple with one hand while his mouth sucked and nipped at the other. Waves of heat rolled through Emily, coming to a blazing crescendo so fast she was caught unawares. Emily gasped and moaned loudly, her whole body tensing wonderfully as Chase sucked her nipple. She came faster than she’d ever done in her life. Her knees fell open
fully, her arms still above her head went limp.

  Chase peered up at Emily with a devilish look on his face and gave her nipple one last pinch with his hand. Emily yelped with the pleasure of it and then sighed.

  “That,” she whispered. “That was—”

  “Just the beginning,” Chase growled. Then he grabbed hold of Emily’s bra and pulled it so hard it snapped open in the back and fluttered to the floor, ripped apart.

  Emily’s eyes popped wide and her body shuddered. Just the beginning. She couldn’t fathom how there could possibly be more. But then Chase’s fingers were back at her pussy, gently stroking at her slit. His thumb rubbed against her clit, and Emily moaned. Suddenly, she could very easily fathom how much more Chase could do to her. But she wanted to do the same for him.

  “Wait,” Emily said.

  Chase shook his head. “I’m no good at waiting.”

  His fingers plunged into her, flicking at a tender spot deep within. Emily’s eyelids drifted closed in utter ecstasy, but she forced them back open. She wriggled free of Chase’s hand pinning her arms and grabbed at his hips. He was still kneeling between her legs, his body an amazing combination of hard muscle and bright tattoos.

  “I’ve shown you mine. Now you show me yours,” Emily said, tugging at his underwear.

  “I want to make you come again first,” Chase said.

  Emily mewled. “Then do it with this,” she said, and wrapped her hand around his hard, hot cock. She dragged him closer, though he was still in his underwear.

  “Dammit, woman,” Chase growled. But he didn’t let up with his fingers inside of her. His thumb rubbed at her sensitive nub and his fingers worked, and soon Emily was bucking against his hand, aching for every new sensation.

  She kept her hand tight around Chase’s cock, stroking up the length of him through his underwear. Her breathing was growing ragged, her moans pitching high. She was going to come again. She was going to ….

  Chase pulled his fingers free, and Emily’s eyes flew open. Chase stood up on his knees, his shoulders heaving with breath, his steel gray eyes bright with desire. He yanked off his boxer-briefs and kicked them to the floor, and Emily gasped with the sight before her. He ripped open a drawer of his nightstand and tore a condom packet open with his teeth. She nearly came watching him roll the latex down over his straining cock.


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